Mahatransco 2018 Question Paper - Mahasarkar

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Mahatransco assistant

engineer electrical
Question Paper 2018
Mahatransco 2018 Question Paper -
(1) If the time of operation of a relay for units TMS is 10sec, the time
of operation for 0.5 TMS will be:

(a) 20 Secs

(b) 5 Secs

(c) 10 Secs

(d) None of the above

(2) The Making current of a circuit breaker is specified in terms of ……

(a) rms value

(b) Peak value

(c) Average value

(d) None of these

(3) The sag of the conductor of a transmission line is 2.5, when the
span is 250m. Now if the height of supporting tower is increased by
25%, the sag will….
(a) Reduce by 25%

(b) Increase by 25%

(c) Reduce by 12.5%

(d) Remain unchanged

(4) The Corona loss on particular system at 50Hz is 1 kw/km per

phase. What is the corona loss a 60Hz in KW/km per phase?

(a) 0.83

(b) 1.0

(c) 1.2

(d) 1.1

(5) A three transmission line has its conductors at the corners of an

equilateral triangle with sides 3m. The diameter of each conductor is
1.63 cm. What is the inductance of the line per phase?

(a) 1.232 mH

(b) 1.184 mH

(c) 2.236 mH

(d) 1.093 mH

(6) If in a short transmission line, resistance and inductive reactance

are found to be equal and regulation appears to be zero, then the
load will….
(a) Have unity power factor

(b) Have zero power factor

(c) Be 0.707 lagging

(d) Be 0.707 leading

(7) The three phase line consists of three conductors each of

diameter 21 mm. The spacing is show in fig. Find the inductance per

(a) 82 * 10-4H/k

(b) 12.22 * 10-4H/km

(c) 5.6 * 10-4H/km

(d) None of these

(8) The propagation constant of a transmission line is given as

(a) J √LC

(b) J √LC

(c) J √L/C

(d) J √C/L

(9) A transmission line is distortion less if

(a) RG = LG

(b) RC = GL
(c) R = G

(d) R/C = G/L

(10) The surge impedance of a 400 kV, 100 km transmission line is

300 ohms. For a 200 km length the line surge impedance will be

(a) 300 ohms

(b) 600 ohms

(c) 150 ohms

(d) 400 ohms

(11) Internal pressure cable have the advantage(s) of….

(a) Elimination of external accessories

(b) Suitability for vertical run without any fear of drainage with
suitable designs

(c) Marked improvement in the pf of the cable dielectric with the

increased pressure

(d) All of the above

(12) As per electricity regulation in India the maximum permissible

voltage change at consumer premises should be

(a) ±5% of declared voltage

(b) ±6% of declared voltage

(c) ±10% of declared voltage

(d) ±12 of declared voltage

(13) Series Capacitive compensation in EHV transmission line is used t

(a) Reduce the line loading

(b) Improve the stability of the system

(c) Improve the protection of the line

(d) Reduce the voltage profile

(14) When a line to ground fault occurs, the current in faulted phase
is 100A. The Zero sequence current in this case will be

(a) 33.3A

(b) 66.6A

(c) 100A

(d) Zero

(15) Mho relay is usually employed for the protection of

(a) Short lines only

(b) Medium lines only

(c) Long lines only

(d) Bot medium and long lines

(16) The relation between traveling voltage wave and current wave is
given as

(a) ei = √L/C

(b) e/i = √L/C

(c) ei = √LC

(d) e/i = √LC

(17) For a load flow solution the quantities normally specified at a

voltage controlled bus are

(a) P and Q

(b) P and |V|

(c) Q and |V|

(d) P and |Q|

(18) Compare to gauss-seidel method, Newton- Raphson method


(a) Less number of iterations and more time per iterations

(b) Less number of iterations and less time per iterations

(c) More number of iterations and more time per iterations

(d) More number of iterations and less time per iterations

(19) In the solution of load flow equation, Newton – Raphson
method is superior to the gauss-seidel method because

(a) Time taken to perform one iteration in the NR method is less than
when compared to time taken in GS method.

(b) Number of iterations required in the NR method is more when

compared to that GS method

(c) Number of iterations required is not independent of the size of the

system in NR method

(d) Convergence characteristics of the NR method are not affected by

the selection of slack bus

(20) The surge impedance of 50 miles long underground cable is 50

ohms. For a 25 miles length it will be

(a) 25 ohms

(b) 50 ohms

(c) 100 ohms

(d) None of the above

(21) If X is the system reactance an R its resistance, the power

transferred is maximum when

(a) X = R

(b) X = √2R

(c) X = √3R
(d) X = 2R

(22) The corona loss on particular system at 50 Hz is 1 kW/phase/km.

The corona loss on the same system with supply frequency 25 Hz will

(a) 1 kW/phase/km

(b) 0.5 kW/phase/km

(c) 0.667 kW/phase/k

(d) None of the above

(23) The per unit impedance of an alternator corresponding to base

values 13.2 kV and 30 MVA is 0.2 p.u. The p.u value of the impedance
for base value 13.8 kV and 50 MVA in p.u will be

(a) 0.306 p.u.

(b) 0.33 p.u.

(c) 0.318 p.u.

(d) 0.328 p.u

(24) For the same rupturing capacity, the actual current to be

interrupted by an HRC fuse is

(a) Much less than any circuit Breaker

(b) Much more than any circuit breaker

(c) Equal to circuit Breaker

(d) None of the above is necessary

(25) A travelling wave 400/1/50 means crest value of

(a) 400V will rise time of 1/50s

(b) 400 kV with rise time of 1s & fall time 50s

(c) 400 kV with rise time of 1 μs & fall time 50 μs

(d) 400 MV with rise time of 1 μs & fall time 50 μs

(26) Vacuum circuit breaker (VCB) is preferred interruption of

(a) High voltage and high current

(b) High voltage and low current

(c) Low voltage and high current

(d) Low voltage and low current

(27) Which of the following statement is correct

(a) SF6 gas is non toxic

(b) SF6 gas is lighter than air

(c) SF6 gas is yellow in colour

(d) SF6 gas is inflammable and chemical unstable

(28) Steady state stability of power system is the ability of the power
system to

(a) Maintain voltage at the rated voltage level

(b) Maintain frequency exactly at 50 Hz

(c) Maintain a spinning reserve margin at all times

(d) Maintain synchronism between machines and on external tie lines

(29) 3 phase transmission line uses 1.24 cm diameter conductors and

these are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side 2m.
The inductance/phase/km is

(a) 2.3 mH

(b) 1.2 mH

(c) 2.5 mH

(d) 3.1 mH

(30) If D I the diameter of the conductor and t is radial thickness of

ice on it, then volume of ice per meter length of conductor is

(a) πt2 (D + t)

(b) π (D + t)2

(c) πt (D + t)

(d) π2 (D + t)

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