Job Ranking

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Job Ranking is a job evaluation method in which jobs are ranked or arranged in order of their
value or merit to the organization based on parameters like skill and effort. The Job evaluation is
an important exercise in any organization today which determines the value/worth.

This method is one of the simplest to administer. Jobs are compared to each other based on the overall worth of the
job to the organization. The 'worth' of a job is usually based on judgements of skill, effort (physical and mental),
responsibility (supervisory and fiscal), and working conditions.

Advantages Disadvantages

 Simple.  Difficult to administer as the

 Very effective when there are number of jobs increases.
relatively few jobs to be evaluated  Rank judgements are subjective.
(less than 30).  Since there is no standard used for
comparison, new jobs would have
to be compared with the existing
jobs to determine its appropriate
rank. In essence, the ranking
process would have to be repeated
each time a new job is added to
the organization.

Rank Employees Observe your employees constantly and write down any notable incidents in their workdays --
good or bad. ... Collate your notes on each employee's performance and sit down with an evaluation sheet. ... Meet
with each employee after you have ranked their skills and potential to discuss your findings.

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