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1.What is Research?

Research is a systematic and organized process of inquiry and

investigation that aims to discover new knowledge, answer questions, or
solve problems. It involves gathering information, analyzing data, and
drawing conclusions based on evidence. Research can take many forms,
including scientific experiments, surveys, literature reviews, and more. It is
a fundamental process in academia, industry, and various fields to advance
our understanding and make informed decisions.

2.What are the characteristics of research?

Research is a systematic process, it follows a structured and

systematic approach, involving clearly defined steps from problem
identification to data collection, analysis, and conclusion. Research relies on
empirical evidence, meaning it is based on observation, data, and facts
rather than opinions and conjecture. Research is logical and objective, it
aims to minimize bias and personal beliefs that could influence the research
process and results. Researchers collect data using various methods, which
can include surveys, experiments, observations, interviews, or analyzing
existing information. Ethical considerations in research, such us informed
consent and confidentiality, are followed to ensure the well-being and rights
of participants. Proper documentation and citation of sources are essential to
acknowledge the work or others and maintain academic integrity.

3.Is research important in your current job? Why or Why not?

Yes, research is important in teaching in several reasons. First,

research helps teacher to stay up-to-date the latest educational methods,
strategies, and technologies. This knowledge allows them to adapt their
teaching approaches to be more effective. Second, research provides
evidence of what teaching methods and strategies work best. This helps
teachers make informed decisions about their teaching methods and
curriculum choices. Also engaging in research allows teacher to
continuously improve their teaching skills and outcomes. They can assess
the effectiveness of their teaching and make adjustment s based on research
findings. Research can also provide insights into how to address the diverse
needs of students, including those with different learning style, abilities, and
background. And lastly teacher who engage in research are often more
invested in their professional development. They seek out opportunities to
learn and grow as educators. Overall, research plays a crucial role in
improving the quality of education and ensuring that the teachers are well-
equipped to meet the needs of their students.

Catherine Casaus
District II /Nekka Nogal

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