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Leslie Gordillo


Throughout the previous video we watched, “Touch the sound” I've chosen
this prompt to talk about because I feel like there is a strong argumentative anyone
can fight for. the author is mentioning the journey with Evenyln Glennie who is
deaf. Evenlyn meets with Fred for the first time, their goal here is to record a CD
with nothing planned, as mentioned “there is only time and sound.” In the video
during the times of {Time 15:22}. They are using musical instruments to provide
and to see if there can be any noise heard, or to switch from hearing > senses.
She says hearing is a form of touch, which it is.The author itself is
explaining the details based on what different ways there may be to inform the
person whom may be deaf Evenyln mentioned once in the video {Time 18:00},
“Hearing is a form of touch, something hard to described, something that, sound
that comes to.. You can literally reach out to that sound and feel that sound.” , the
meaning for things that the author is trying to bring to the readers, or listeners that
are being able to hear is something that is needed in a lifetime. You can live
without hearing, but to be able to communicate you need a sign language or any
other way.
When Evenyln Gleenie moved to Scotland, she was in the classes and was
just slowly realizing that she was reacting slowly based on what was being said.
When she was only 8 years old, she said “you don't think you are becoming deaf
you don't think nothing like that, you just say somethings not right.”, as she was
adapting accordingly. If something were to happen like this to one another, we
wouldnt know what to do, we as humans would think like Evenyln. Eveyln would
play the piano, and she adored it but as time got older and as she got older she
realized she needed assistance with hearing aids.
The author's argumentative reasoning here is to make people feel
comfortable in the world. And help them find a way to use alternative ways to
move forward with being deaf. There are many different ways that you can be able
to hear differently with all these things people have nowadays, like for example
how evelyn is using music as a way to fix stuff. I've seen a deaf person figure their
ways of how to go about. It takes time to be able to figure out what works best for
you. Eveyln used many noise making things to be able to feel the sense of
“hearing”. A person may not be able to feel, but feeling the sense of it and feeling
that someone knows the language of deafness is a big step towards people
expressing their different opinions.
Society, if you look at it now, is hurtful, people make fun of anyone,
whether they maybe even know someone that is deaf. It's hard to go about with
yourself, deafness affects your life not in a bad way but in an educational way. It
may stop you from applying to jobs and receiving one back. And the reason being
is due to impaired communcations. When you get older it may affect you, the
person might not have it now but the person just from aging may get deaf. If you're
still working by then, it can affect the job you have now. As Evelyn went through
she experienced changes when she was 8 years old. She was able to figure out
something and take time to not take it out on herself. Ever since she was little she
enjoyed instrumental pieces, as I mentioned the piano.
I've read through an article that is called “MedicalNewsToday” , in this
article it is simplifying the thoughts and weakness of being deaf, whether it's from
one ear or both. There's many differences between deafness, and for all those
different resources are needed in order to provide a life. Mentioned in the article is
“ Unilateral and bilateral deafness' '
This one is based on when the person who is deaf, is having trouble hearing
if the person who is talking to them is on their affected side. “With little to no
background noise, a person with unilateral deafness has virtually the same
communicative abilities as a person with functional hearing in both ears.” This is
providing information based on saying that this person who has this disabilities can
hear as a normal person.
There are different symptoms that cause deafness. Some people were born
with it and others develop it throughout their aging. The author's background to
explaining this is showing how Evelyn lived being deaf, she used many ways to
figure out her life. Nowadays, people need to find ways to bring their hearing to
work. Or to even find a way to communicate with people. Her life changed as she
moved to Scotland like I previously informed.
There are many people who have the lack of hearing and they instantly
assume that maybe they are deaf, for the women in the video she had been seeing
things change in her life. Being deaf, there is nothing wrong. It is a talent or even a
thing you can be proud of. It doesn't mean that you're sick, it just means you won't
hear right or at all like being able to feel the same as others do when talking to one
another. Being deaf is not wrong at all, it is something that can't be fixed but it is
something that isn't related to many people. You have the opportunity to find other
ways to have people speak to you as in return that you can hear them.

As i'm pulling information from an article I have found this,
C%20he%20 traveled%20to,Laurent%20 Clerc%2C%20a%20 deaf%20teacher.
{From the text} “Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet (1787 - 1851) was a
Congregational minister, who helped his neighbor’s young deaf daughter,
Alice Cogswell. In 1815, he traveled to Europe to study methods of education
for the deaf.” His purpose was to be able to help the deaf people overcome their
fear of speaking of their situation or speaking in front of others and not being able
to hear them.
In conclusion, deafness is everywhere. With this video we have watched it is
showing us how Eveyln lived her life. And showed us her with other people
experiencing what she may have been going through. Towards the end of the video
she was using sticks to play on a piano, and she felt the sense in her body as her
toes kept moving with the sounds of the notes of the piano. They used many things
to be able to make different noises for their minds to get strengthened for their
deafness illness.

● Under files on canvas :{Touch The sound]

● Websites off google that relate to the video of “touch the sound”
● Thomas Hopkins experience based on study to help deafness of
● Symptoms and explain the difference between all of the differences
of deafness.

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