Conflict Questions Q

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Conflict Management

Multiple Choice Questions

Delegate Name Date

1. “In situations of conflict, I believe that I and the other person should both give in a bit with our respective wants.”
This style of conflict management is best described by
a. accommodation
b. compromising
c. collaborative
d. competitive

2. Research indicates that more successful individuals use which of the five conflict handling styles
a. avoidance
b. competitive
c. accommodating
d. collaborating
e. compromising

3. When team members lack trust in each other they are more likely to
a. take on additional tasks
b. reduce autonomy
c. increase monitoring
d. all of the above

4. When a common enemy is introduced into a market, teams within an organization elevate their
a. problem solving
b. goal setting
c. productivity
d. none of the above

5. While most often, conflict alludes to frustration or disagreement between individuals, at times individuals are also faced
with internal conflict. Individual conflict may be aroused by
A) behavior
B) values
C) customs
D) standards
E) all of the above

6. The following types of intergroup conflict are said to have an effect on teams' performance
A) task-focused conflict
B) relationship-focused conflict
C) both of the above
D) neither of the above

7. Competition for scarce resources is widely accepted as a contributing factor to conflict in organizations. These scarce
resources are defined as
A) materials available
B) opportunities for promotion
C) recognition from management
D) all of the above

8. Which of the five conflict-handling modes implies an uncooperative approach, in which the groups attempt to achieve
their own goals at the expense of the order through argument, authority, threat or even physical force?
A) Avoidance
B) Competitive
C) accommodating
D) compromising
E) collaborating

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