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Action against climate change

(The magic world of Harry Potter)

- Generating power: Generating electricity and heat by burning fossil fuels causes a
large chunk of global emissions. Most electricity is still generated by burning coal,
oil, or gas, which produces carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide – powerful
greenhouse gases that blanket the Earth and trap the sun’s heat.

For this problem, we can replace the use of oil and coal with the waste of fantastic

- Cutting down forests: Cutting down forests to create farms or pastures, or for
other reasons, causes emissions, since trees, when they are cut, release the
carbon they have been storing. Each year approximately 12 million hectares of
forest are destroyed. Since forests absorb carbon dioxide, destroying them also
limits nature’s ability to keep emissions out of the atmosphere.

As a solution to this problem, we can reuse and recycle with the help of the
Hogwarts elves and plant magical trees in their gardens that regenerate quickly
when cut down.

- Using transportation: Most cars, trucks, ships, and planes run on fossil fuels.
That makes transportation a major contributor of greenhouse gases, especially
carbon-dioxide emissions.

Replace the vehicles with the institute's magic brooms.

DIALOGUE: Harry Potter and Hermione Granger

Interviewer: Hello, good morning, how are we today? In today's podcast we have
two very special guests and they are celebrities such as Hermione Granger and
Harry Potter. Welcome Harry and Hermione to our place of trust, I hope you feel
comfortable throughout the interview.

Harry Potter: It is a pleasure for us to be here.

Hermione Granger: Thank you very much for the invitation, the place is very nice
and comfortable.

Interviewer: Well, what we were all waiting for, how do you see the situation with
climate change?

Hermione Granger: It is an issue that people are not yet very aware of and we
should give it the importance that the issue deserves.

Harry Potter: As my partner explains, it is a topic that is talked about a lot but little
is done.

Interviewer: Harry, what do you think about the excess of generation power?

Harry Potter: I think we should reduce electricity and heat generation because all
that energy causes a large part of global emissions. We must also use less coal, oil
and natural gas which produces powerful greenhouse gases that blanket the Earth.

Interviewer: I agree with you Harry, but it is a difficult problem to solve. And Harry,
what do you think we can do to solve it?

Harry Potter: It´s a very good question, well we could replace the use of oil and
coal with the waste of fantastic animals and in this way we will contaminate less the

Interviewer: You're right Harry we should all do that.

Interviewer: Well now let's ask Hermione, who is very quiet, what do you think
about the excessive deforestation that exists?
Hermione Granger: Deforestation is one of the big problems of pollution, there is a
great deal of felling of trees and they do not wait for them to grow again before
continuing to cut down, this causes many inconveniences for the air, land...

Interviewer: What solution would you propose for this problem hermione?

Hermione Granger: I think that a good idea to solve this problem would be to
recycle with the help of the Hogwarts elves and plant magical trees in their gardens
that regenerate quickly when cut down.

Interviewer: Oh yeah, that's a brilliant idea, I don't know why they haven't thought
of it before.

Interviewer: Well, here you have the interview of Harry and Hermione, two lovely
people with great ideas. I hope you have felt at home and it has been an honor to
be able to talk to you for a while.

Harry Potter: It is an honor to be able to belong to a chapter of your podcast.

Hermione Granger: Thank you for treating us like at home, it has been a very fun
time and you liked it

Interviewer:Well, that's it for today's chapter, we hope you like it as much as we do

recording it. See you next week in the next chapter with new guests.

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