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Letter of Acceptance

Dear Applicant,

We are grateful to inform you that you have been selected to join the Best Diplomats
Thailand, to be held from 10th to 13th November, 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand.

Best Diplomats is a New York Based United Nations Simulation Organization which
serves as a platform for Young Leaders and Change makers to exchange ideas and
resolve the most challenging global issues.

We are pleased to accept and invite you, with detailed information as follows:

Name: Million Berhanu

Duration of stay: 10th to 13th November, 2023 (3 Nights)
Venue: Prince Palace Hotel
Destination: Bangkok, Thailand

You are requested to pay your delegate fee in order to become a confirmed delegate
of Best Diplomats Thailand on the following link:

• Each participant will be responsible for his/her visa fee and flight ticket to and
from Bangkok, Thailand
• Hotel check-in will be on 10th November 2023 and check-out on 13th November
• The committee will provide accommodation (including stay, meals, local
transportation and T-shirts) to the participants with Accommodation Packages
during the event
• Before departure, please ensure you are carrying the following mandatory items
on you:
o Valid Passport
o Valid Visa
o Air tickets

We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation and kind attention.

Looking forward to seeing you in Bangkok, Thailand


Pauline Ziegler
Office of the Secretariat
Best Diplomats
Detailed Itinerary
First Day
10 November, 2023

Time Activity Non- Accommodation

11:00 Meet & Greet at Suvarnabhumi  ✓
13:00 Airport Transfer  ✓
Transport from Suvarnabhumi Airport
to Prince Palace Hotel by Luxury Air-
Conditioned Private Bus
15:00 Hotel Check-In  ✓
Deluxe Twin Rooms (Twin Shared)
18:00 Opening Ceremony ✓ ✓
18:45 Grand Symposium ✓ ✓
1.United Nations Officials, Diplomats
& Counselor Generals will be invited
to give motivational Speeches
20:15 Diplomatic Dinner ✓ ✓
Dinner with United Nations Officials
and Serving Diplomats
21:15 Closing of Opening Ceremony ✓ ✓
21:20 Ice-Breaking Night ✓ ✓
Interaction with Conference Officials
& Rest of the Delegates at a musical
22:30 Closing of Day 1
Day 2
11th November, 2023

Time Activity Non- Accommodation

07:00 Breakfast  ✓
08:30 Registration ✓ ✓
09:00 First United Nations Simulation ✓ ✓
• Debate on Pre-Defined
Agenda in each Council
• Alliances with other Countries
• Bloc Formation
10:45 Coffee Break ✓ ✓
11:10 Second United Nations Simulation ✓ ✓
• Discussing Solutions to Crisis
at the Floor
• Lobbying at Un-Moderated
• Crafting Working Papers
13:00 Buffet Lunch at Hotel’s Restaurant ✓ ✓
14:00 Third United Nations Simulation ✓ ✓
• Working Paper Presentation
• Lobbying to gather support for
• Defending Working Papers
• Crafting of Draft Resolutions
16:00 Coffee Break ✓ ✓
16:30 Fourth United Nations Simulation ✓ ✓
• Draft Resolution Presentation
• Discussion on Draft Resolution
Presented by each bloc
• Proposing Amendments
• Roll Call Voting on Resolution
18:00 Closing of Day 2 ✓ ✓

Day 3
12 November, 2023

Time Activity Non- Accommodation

07:00 Breakfast  ✓
08:30 Registration ✓ ✓
09:00 Closing Ceremony ✓ ✓
09:30 Flag March and Oath Taking ✓ ✓
10:00 Cultural Performances ✓ ✓
11:00 Award Distribution ✓ ✓
11:45 Secretariat Recognition ✓ ✓
11:55 Highlights Video ✓ ✓
12:00 Closing Speech by Secretary ✓ ✓
12:15 Farewell Lunch ✓ ✓
13:00 Closing ✓ ✓
13:05 Preparation for Bangkok City Tour  ✓
Refreshing and getting dressed up in
Best Diplomats T-Shirts
13:30 Settling in Buses for Bangkok City  ✓
02:00 Departure for City Tour  ✓
20:00 Cruise Dinner
22:00 Transport Back to Hotel  ✓
Day 4
13th November, 2023

Time Activity Non- Accommodation

07:00 Breakfast  ✓
12:00 Check-Out & Transfer to  ✓
Suvarnabhumi Airport by
Luxury Air-Conditioned
Private Bus

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