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The movie set fourth at Thessaly, where King Agamemnon, brother of King Menelaus conquered the
last unconquered land. The Grueling conflict between the Achaeans and the Trojans happened three
thousand two hundred years ago, the war arise when the young prince of Troy, Paris and the wife of
King Menelaus, Helen of Sparta decided to elope, from Sparta the young prince brought Helen to his
country, Troy. The battle commence at a beach, part of Troy. The legendary war ended inside of Troy,
when the Achaeans penetrated the gigantic walls of the city of Troy.

The movie focuses on a five main characters of the story, and there are; Paris serves as the
main protagonist in the film. The handsome young Prince of Troy is very cunning when it
comes to women, but greatly fell inlove with Helen of Sparta. Paris maybe brave when it comes
to love, but when the war comes in he comes crawling back to his brother. You can never
question why Paris fell with Helen, her beauty is very exquisite. Helen maybe an unfaithful wife
to King Menelaus, but that doesn't define her whole value as a person she blames herself just
like everyone else. King Menelaus, The King of Sparta is a war-loving man, he is less imposing,
less arrogant or in simple words less worse than his brother, Agamemnon. King Menelaus is a
skilled warrior, but not one of the mightiest. Hector is the Greatest warrior and hero of Troy
during the trojan war. The Prince of troy is exceptionally brave and courageous. He is also the
perfect brother to Paris, he has the kindest heart when it come to his only brother. Achilles is
the Greatest warrior ever born, son of King Peleus and the sea nymph/goddess Thetis. Achilles
is portrayed as a fearless and defiant. Achilles is defiant even of the gods, whom he believes are
unworthy of his admiration. He lives freely, regardless about what others think. He is at his
most liberated on the battlefield, racing ahead of the group, eager to face the enemy.

The brothers, Agamemnon and King Menelaus of Sparta desires to rule the land of Greece.
Hence, the peace with Troy is attained, but only for awhile. The secret relationship between
Paris, the prince of troy and Helen, the wife of King Menelaus has been revealed. This caused
King Menelaus to be enraged, and together with Agamemnon they are persistent on burning
Troy to the ground. The battle set fourth at a beach on Troy, Achilles leading his own warriors
in the battle they paved the way for the other Spartans warriors. Achilles is a menace to the
Trojans, weakening their defense. While the battle continues, Achilles keep his hands off the
battle, with Briseis on his side he also set the battle aside. That last long until Achille's cousin
Patroclus was killed in the battle by Hector, the Prince of Troy.
Because of this, Achilles challenged Hector into a duel. Hector got killed in this fight after, Achilles dragged
Hector's body in his chariot. During midnight, the King of Troy, King Priam sneaked into the Spartan's base
and pleaded Achilles to give back Hector's body, and he did. The Spartans agreed to give the trojan twelve
days to bury and grieve Hector. After 12 days the Trojans found the base of the Spartans empty, they believed
that a plague slaughtered all of their enemies, because Achilles disrespected the Sun God Apollo. They found a
gigantic wooden horse at the shore, and believed that it's offering towards the God of the Sea Poseidon, for a
safe travel for the Spartans that surrendered. But it was a trick, a disguise. Many great Spartan warriors were
hiding inside the the wooden horse, and when the horse was brought back into the city the Greeks made their
way into victory, as they burned the city of Troy to it's ground.

Sparta and Troy has just made a truce, preventing a war between the two countries. However, Paris' actions
altered the course of events by pursuing his secret relationship with King Menelaus of Sparta's wife Helen of
Sparta. The war started to arise when Paris and Helen decided to elope. King Menelaus was enraged because
of this, making him run to his brother to ask for help to burn Troy to the ground.

The combinations of love and Honor can be seen in the movie Troy. Paris' and Helen's story made all the
morals about love that you can get in the movie. Their strong relationship made it till the end of the lasting
war, they both fought for each other. Not wanting to lose one another Paris and Helen did all that they can do
to be together. Same with what Hector did, the love he gave for his brother, and for his country. Not setting a
single foot back, he fought for all of his all. Honor can be seen with Achilles, Patroclus, the spartan and trojan
warriors, and the the two powerful brothers, King Menelaus, and King Agamemnon. Achille's reason to fight is
for his honor, for his name not to be forgotten. As the same with all of the kings that ruled the Greek land.
The Spartan and Trojan warriors fought to prove their love and loyalty to their each country, and for their own

Patroclus' death, this accident is actually one of the significant events in the movie. His death caused the
Greatest warrior ever born return to battle, which greatly helped the Spartans to win the battle. I am glad that
these detail from the book have been included in the film. In the movie, it was shown that Paris and Helen has
been having a secret affair. And this added detail in the movie construct a better explanation of the following
events in the movie, unlike in the book this detail was not explained very clear. I am glad that this detail, which
are not in the book, have been added in the film. Though it is part of the origin of the story of the movie, I still
do not like how they show the treatment of men towards women. Like how King Menelaus just see Helen as
someone who should only give birth to children, and nothing else, I do not like these details that have been
added in the movie.

I like the book better because it gives better a explanation of the happenings in the story. The book has a
more complete structure of the story, it answers every question that the audience can/will ask. There are also a
lot more events mentioned in the book than in the movie that contributed a lot to the story to be of higher
quality or preferable by the audience. Furthermore, the book will give you a more thrilling feeling while
reading, and the feeling that you are fascinated by the knowledge that the story can give you. The events are
much more explained thoroughly, than in the movie.

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