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the Greek word historia from which history is derived means

A.Inquring B. Argumentation C.Experimentation D. Observation

2. who has been referred to as the father of history

A.Theudydes. B. Socrates. C. Plato D.Herodotus

3. One important reasons for studying history is that it

A. predicts the future

B.Always tells interesting stories

C. Deal's with dead mater

D. Promotes international understanding

4. The study is an attempt to

A.learn about dates and names of past events and people

B.No all that we like about what happened in the past

C. Explain the believes,fears and hope of group of people

d.know how communities have be come what they are today

5. Sources of African history have been divided into two main groups; they are

A. Accurate and inaccurate

B. Past and present

C. current and non-current

d.documentary and non -documentary

6. Ethnobotanists have shown that

A. Yam cultivation have began in Egypt

B. maize was first cultivated in Meroe

C. white and yellow yams are indigenous to Africa

D. Agriculture in general originated in middle East

7. Which of the following was not a factor in the spread of stone Age man into the forest Zone of Africa
A. Discovery and use of fire

B. Reduction of rain in the Savannah region

C. Population explosion in the Savannah

D. Improvement in man,s technical knowledge

8. Charles Robert Darwin's book tittled the descent of man published in 1871 puts forward the view that

A. Man was first created by God in his own image

B. Fire was first discovered in Egypt

C. Man evolved from primitive montury like animal

D. Man descended from the sky

9. Archaeological evidence has prove that man originated from

A. Asia B. Europe C. Australia D. Africa

10. The immediate change-over from food gathering to food production by man was the

A. struggle over land and ownership

B. Emergence of village settlement

C. Institution of kingship

D. Improvement in the manufacture of tools

11. which of the following formed the basis civilization in the Asia world

A. Hunting and food gathering

B. Adoption of agriculture

C. institution of marriage system

D. Discovery of fire

12. Ancient Egyptian Christianity was mainly

A. Coptic B. Alexanderian C. Pharaonic D. Ethiopia

13. The Levant with which Egypt traded refers to

A. Lebanon and mesopotamia

B. Syria and Persia

C. mesopotamia and Palestine

D. Syria and Lebanon

14 . Egyptians regarded their pharaohs as

A. Benevolent doctors

B. Sun gods

C. Constitutional monarchs

D. Divine kings

15 . Negus Negusti means

A. Glory of the kings

B. King of lords

C. king of kings

D.lords of kings

16. when was Christianity introduced to Axum

A. 333AD B. 336AD C. 363AD D.633AD

17 . Frumentius visited Alexandria after 333AD in order to

A. Recruit a bishop for Axum

B. Settle a dispute between Egypt and Axum

C. Established trade relation

D. Recruit a king for Axum

19. The immigrants who intermarried with the local Kushite population to lay the foundation of the
Axumite civilization were from

A. Meroe B. Jebai C. Yemen D. Syria

20. The claim that Etsi were the original inhabitants of the present day Fanteland is known through

A. Ethnography

B. Ethnomusicology
C. Numismatics

D. Serology

21. The name Ghana means

A. War thief B.War guide C. war pope D .War chief

22 The Arabic source of Africa history Tarikas Sudan and kitab Gonja were written in

A.Timbuktu B. Gao C. Egypt D . Kano

23. The major source of the early history of Ghana is

A. Ethnobotany




24. One of following points is not the reasons or events that led to the choice of the name Ghana

A. The leaders wanted to prove that they had broken

B. there were traces of evidence of historical connection between the people of ancient Ghana empire
and the people of modern Ghana

C. they name was imposed by the Europeans

D.The ancient Ghana and modern Ghana were both rich in gold and vibrant in commercial activities

25. In Ghanaian society, herbalists acquired their knowledge from

A.Priest B. kings C. Elders D. gods

26. In the Ghanaian traditional society illnesses and deaths were believed to be caused by

A. Happeness B. Greed C. Pride D. Disobedience

27. Before the introduction of western medicinal practice in Ghana, highly contagious diseases were

A.In the palace of the chiefs

B. In the patient house

C. At the outskirts of towns

D. the herbalists shrine

28 . The mamprusi kingdom was founded by

A. Yamtori B. Tohugu C. Zirile D. Sitobu

29. The leader of the mole-Dagbani when they lived in pusiga was

A. Rawa B. Sitobu C. Yamtori D. Gbewa

30 which of the following people were the indigenous inhabitants of the northern zone of Ghana

A.mole-Dagbani and Gonja

B. Gonja vagala

C.sisala and mole-Dagbani

D.Vagala and sisala

31. Diseases like smallpox and leprosy were first treated by traditional herbalists at the outskirts of
villages because the

A.Witches prevented healing within

B.herbs were efficacious outside

C. Taboo specified treatment outside

D. Diseases were contagious

32. when Ewe migrated to settle in Ghana, the land was inhabited by the

A. Etsi B. Guan C. Akwamu D. Fetu

33. The ancestral home of mole-Dagbani was in

A. Mandeland

B. Lake Chad region

C. Upper Nile basin

D. Hausaland

34. The oldest known people or ethnic group to have inhabited in the region of modern Ghana are?

A. mole-Dagbani

B. Akans
C. Denkyira

D. Guans

35. who founded the Nanumba kingdom

A. Naa Gbewa B. Zirile C. mantambu D.Tohugu

36 During their migration from Benin, the Ga-Adanbe were led by

A. chiefs B. elders C. warriors D. priest

37 . which of the following was the duty performed by the tindana

A. Issuing annual daily orders to his people

B. leading his people during annual festivals

C. Collecting annual taxes on land

D.Confirming the appointment of chiefs

38. Among the the indigenous people of the Northern Zone of Ghana, the Tindana was the

A. law-maker of the land

B.reigning monarch

C. Owner of the land

D. Chief linguist

39. the original home of the Akan is

A. Adanse B. Assin C. Takyiman D. Akyem

40. Bongo senior high school which was first carved out of the Bongo local Authority primary school and
started as a community day secondary school was formerly established on

A. 15th June ,1791 B. 1st march, 1990 C. 1st January 1991 .D 1st January, 1990

Section B and C

Section B
1.a. mention any five of the earliest inhabitants of the Northern Zone of Ghana.

b. explain four functions of the Tindana in the Northern Zone of Ghana.

2.Explain five non-documentary source of the history of Ghana.

3.a. List three (3) medicinal plants used by the pre-colonial Ghanaians

b. How did traditional medicinal men treat illnesses and disease in pre-colonial Ghana

4. state and explain four factors that led to the migration of the major ethnic groups into Ghana.

section c

1. Highlight five ways in which the Nile was important economically to the pharaonic Egyptians.

2.a. state two tools that was used by the stone Age man in daily activities.

b.which area in Africa did archaeologists discover the fossils of the early Man.

C. outline any three ways the discovery of fire helped to improve the life of the early man

3. In not less than a page explain the importance of studying history.

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