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Mass for Christmas Day Mass (Gregorian Chant Mass)

Week 2: Music and Chants in Mass

The Ordinary chants here were taken from Cycle IV of the Liber usualis, except for the Credo
which is taken from Cycle I

Items of the Manner of

Function in the Musical Item Text of Chant Type of chant
Mass Proper/Ordinary performance
Introit Proper To accompany the Psalm preceded by Puer natus ets nobis Used to be sung Psalm verses are
entrance procession of an antiphon and and Cantate Domino antiphonally, now syllabic, antiphons
the priests and those followed by one, mostly sung are sung neumatic
conducting the mass including the responsorially
Kyrie Originally sung in In mode 1, very Greek text: Kyrie Antiphonally

processions and in the distinct melody in
form of a litany steps and thirds
eleison and Christe
Gloria Begun by priest In mode 4, same States the Doctrine Direct Neumatic, syllabic
officiating at the Mass melodic idea recurs of the Trinity and
Ordinary rather than by the repeatedly asks for mercy
Gradual No ritual action was Mode 5 Viderunt omnes, Responsorial
taking place Psalm 87:3-4
Proper (Respond), verse (2)
Alleluia No ritual action was Mode 2 From the Hebrew Responsorial
taking place word ‘Hallelujah’, ABA’ form, the
Proper praise Yahweh respond is sung again
without the repeats, Responsorial
which is marked by ij
Credo Declaration of the No standard pattern From the Nicene Direct, usually sung
main tenets of the of repetition, feature Creed, a statement of together with the
Nicene Creed a few motives that faith that summarises congregation

Ordinary are repeated and

varied to fit the
the central doctrines
of the Catholic
Syllabic ,

multiple notes
changing church
accentuations of the sung for each
text syllable
Offertory Sung as the priest Mode 4 Tui sunt coeli, psalm Originally a long Melismatic,
prepare the bread and 88:11,13 responsorial psalm associated with
Proper wine for communion sung as congregation florid solo singing
made donations of
bread and wine
Sanctus No ritual action was Threefold repetitions Words from Isaiah Responsorial Neumatic
taking place of ‘Sanctus’ and 6:3 AA’A’’ form
Ordinary twofold Hosanna
invite musical
Agnus Dei The opening words Threefold Lamb of God, who Responsorial. A Neumatic and
‘Agnus Dei’ in each acclamation ‘Lamb take away the sins of litany, a repeated syllabic
period is sung by the of God who take the world, have prayer which
cantor, with the choir away the sins of the mercy on us (x2) participants respond
Ordinary completing the period. world’, follow by Lamb of God who to a leader.
two identical take away the sins of
responses ‘have the world, give us
mercy on us’ and a peace
Communion Originally sung during No repeated motives Text of this Direct Neumatic
the distribution of the in the music, variety Communion is the Originally a psalm
Proper bread and wine.
During the Middle
of melodic patterns same as that
beginning the
with antiphon, sung
Ages, the priest and Gradual.
officiants took Viderunt omnes, text
communion on behalf taken from Psalm
of the congregation 97:3
Ite, missa est The priest or deacon Usually sung to the Go, the mass is over Responsorial sung by Neum
dismisses the faithful melody of the first Thanks to God the choir
‘Kyrie eleison’

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