Lecture 01 EUH35300

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Lecture 01

Britain and the Atlantic Plantation Complex Introduction: England Before Empire a. Midevil kingship b. Not much trade or connection wit the rest of the world major powers are i. French population of about 16 million ii. Spanish iii. England is under developed Merchant group- elizabethian group they offer the crown a payment of concension , a monopoly used this to try to control the trade to kick out the hencisatic league 1550s 1550s- the hight of war against domination of religion England are feeling threaten by the catholic 1555-a muskabee company is created; another monopoly to try to dominate this trade 1600- East India Company all these are basically to sell English wool (realization tha) I.

A. The Underdevelopment of Elizabethan England

B. Jamestown: The Template for English Success

II. Mediterranean Origins of the Sugar Plantation A. Islands and Sugar Cultivation a. Comes from India and south Asia b. Sugar-islands are used more because they are surrounded by water and sugar needs a great amount of water i. Sugar is perservable c. Sugar, tobacco, and tea : stimulants B. Precedents for Forced Labor a. slave labor was being used to produce sugar slavery was prominent during the 1600s III. Origins of Plantation Agriculture in New World A. Portuguese Rediscovery of Brazil a. Brazils land was extremely fertile i. 1530s brazil plantation ii. 1600 100,000 African slaves in brazil; 30,00 European; 15,000 property holders, freed slaves iii. Portugal B. Plantation Economies as Dependent Economies B. Rise of English and French Competition a. 1520 and 1580 are finally strong enough to b. 1620s- English took Barbados, Jamaica

IV. Changing Nature of Forced Labor A. Indentured Servants 1. Sources of Indentured Labor 2. Corruption in the English Legal System B. Reasons for Decline of Indentured Servitude V. The Economics of an 18thc Sugar Plantation A. Profits from Plantation Agriculture B. The West Indian Interest VI. Conclusion: System on the Eve of the Seven Years War

Key Terms English wool trade- as the staple, the henciatoc league used raw wool in order to Jamestown 1607 () finally found a crop that they could sell:tobacco learned the model of agricultural in Jamestown economics of a plantation and sugar sugar plantations Azores and Canary Islands Brazils plantations indentured servants- were the laborers that were easly at hand the poor whites of England, Ireland and scotlands, criminals- substitute execution in place for indentured servants West Indian Interest rotten boroughs sugar tariff triangular trade

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