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Career Management Center

Industry & Employer Research Worksheet

The research team can work together on the industry profile (page 1). The remainder of the worksheet
pages 2 and 3) should be researched by individuals and used to develop content for the presentation.

Industry: Bank

1. Why is this industry a good fit for your interests and values? Why is your education (undergraduate and
graduate) of benefit in this industry?

2. Please list 2-3 different job roles in this industry that would be a good fit for your background and skills.

Job Roles Salary Ranges Demand (low, medium, or high)

3. What are your strongest skills and how would they be used in this field?

4. List 10 key employers in this field.

Employer Locations Size


5. List any professional organizations or associations that are affiliate or common in this field.

Page 1
Industry & Employer Research Worksheet
In the section below, please provide details on your research into one of the employers in this field. Do NOT
cut and paste general information found on their website or other online sources. Provide your own
analysis and impressions when answering the questions. Please note all references (websites, interviews,
presentations, or books) that you used in your research.

Employer Name:
Website links – include home page, mission, organizational structure, key staff and employment sections:

1. Based on your research, please provide a one to two-sentence statement of the role this employer plays
in the general industry. What do they produce and who do they serve?

2. What makes this employer standout among its competitors? What is their general reputation in the
field? Do not rely on the marketing statements on their website. Please provide an external and/or
impartial source for assertion.

3. What are some recent accomplishments/challenges and future plans that may be an opportunity or
threat for this employer? (Please provide links to news articles, press releases or interview sources.)
How will this opportunity or threat potentially affect your ability to get hired or advance at this

4. How would you describe the culture of the employer? This may include the environment, work flow and

5. Please write a one-paragraph pitch on why this employer is a good fit for your interests and values.

Page 2
Industry & Employer Research Worksheet
Target Job Role:
Level of experience needed:
Degree or certification requirements:
Salary range & benefits:
Description of key skills, knowledge and characteristics need for this role (if online, only provide a
hyperlink or note posting number in CAREERlink):

1. Why is this specific job role a good fit for your current skills and abilities?

2. What do you know about the recruiting process for this position? Please provide note key deadlines,
steps in the process, usual hiring timelines, and post-hiring requirements?

3. What skills, knowledge and experiences do you need to gain over the next year to position yourself of
this role?

4. List 5 specific tasks you need to do in the next year to prepare for this process.

5. What skills will you develop in the first couple years in this position? What is the usual career path for
someone who starts in this role?

Page 3

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