Notes On Electrolysis

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● The term electrolysis is coined from two words :

● electro ( using electricity ) and lysis ( breakage / splitting )

It is defined as the process in which using D.C supply ( Direct Current ) , an ionic compound
is broken down / converted into the substances that make it.

● The ionic compound must be either in molten or aqueous state and not in solid
state, why?
● The compound to be electrolysed may be : 1. aqueous solution of
Acid , alkali or salt
2. ionic compound

● Electrolysis takes place in an electrolytic cell

● An electrolytic cell has three components : 1. Electrolyte

2. Cell / battery
3. Electrodes
Electrolyte : the compound to broken down

Cell / Battery : It provides the force ( e.m.f = electromotive force ) that makes electrons
to move in the circuit. Battery is a combination of 2 or more cells arranged
In series.
Positive terminal of a cell is shown with a long line while
Negative terminal with a short line

Electrodes : They are two in number ,which could be in form of rod of a strip , dipped in an
electrolyte , through which electricity enters and leaves the electrolyte.
The electrode connected to positive terminal of the cell is positive electrode
The electrode connected to the negative terminal is the negative electrode
They may be active or inert / inactive electrode
Active electrodes undergo chemical change and are made from
copper metal while inert electrode remain unchanged and are made
from carbon or graphite

● Electrolysis is a redox reaction , at one electrode , oxidation takes place while

at the other electrode , reduction takes place

● It is also the reversal of ions formation i.e ions that were formed by loss of
electron(s),now they will gain the lost electron(s) to become neutral atoms first
and then molecules ( incase of non-metals ) and those ions that were formed by
gain of electron(s) will now give out their gained electron(s) to become first
neutral atoms and then molecules.

● Positive ions [ cations ] are attracted to cathode [what charge should it have?] and
are converted to neutral atoms by gain of electrons [ reduction]
● Negative ions [ anions] are attracted to anode [what charge should it have?] and
are converted to neutral atoms and then molecules by loss of electrons [oxidation]
● Therefore, @ anode, oxidation while @ cathode reduction takes place

● In electrolysis, electrical energy is used to bring a chemical change / reaction

occurs ( redox reaction)

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