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Want to boost your cybersecurity? Here are 10 steps to improve your defences now

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Want to boost your cybersecurity? Here are 10 steps

to improve your defences now RECENT POST S
Today’s interconnected world is more dependent on technology than ever before.
Despite the overall organization’s rosy perception of modern advances, cyber threats Want t o bo o st yo ur
and attacks through modern tech are a real danger. Since 2004, the president of the cybersecurit y? Here …
United States and Congress have declared October, the month of cybersecurity
awareness. It ensures all organizations across the world and the government make a
Ranso mware At t acks
collaborative effort to work together and combat cyber crimes. Skyro cket : Are Yo u…

Moreover, recently, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) cybersecurity council has issued a
warning against national digital infrastructure and assets about the rising number of Cybersecurit y
Awareness Mo nt h: …
organizational cyber-attacks.

This cautionary note by the UAE serves as a stark reminder that no organization is
immune to cyber threats, and it is imperative to take proactive steps to enhance your
organization’s cybersecurity posture. CAT EGORIES

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The UAE government underscores the severity and prevalence of these threats, urging all
nationwide organizations to take immediate measures to protect their digital assets and
businesses’ sensitive information.

The cybersecurity council has urged public and private sectors to activate their Emirates
emergency response systems, which further share their data with the authorities to limit
the prospect of cyber crimes.

Mohamed Al Kuwaiti, UAE cybersecurity chief, says in a news report that increasing
government collaboration with global entities, notably Interpol, will bring more expertise
to protect the country’s cyberspace.

Why is Cybersecurity Crucial for Your

Neglecting cybersecurity is a recipe for disaster that can have far-reaching
consequences affecting your business adversely. As the technology continues to evolve,
your organization must remain vigilant, adaptive, and proactive in its approach to

Cybersecurity is essential for any organization because it safeguards sensitive data,

ensures regulatory compliance, protects the organization’s reputation, prevents
financial losses, maintains business continuity, secures intellectual property, provides a
competitive edge, supports supply chain security, builds employee trust, and addresses
the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats. Neglecting cybersecurity can lead to
severe consequences for an organization’s finances, operations, and reputation. Here
are some compelling reasons why every organization, regardless of size or industry,
should prioritize cybersecurity:

Protection of Sensitive Data: Organizations handle vast amounts of sensitive data,

including customer information, financial records, and intellectual property. A security
breach can lead to data theft, financial losses, and severe damage to your business’s

Compliance and Legal Obligations: Organizations must follow stringent data protection
and privacy regulations to safeguard their sensitive information. Failure to comply with
these results in huge fines and legal consequences that can prove fatal for your

Business Continuity: Cyberattacks can disrupt operations, leading to downtime and

financial losses. A robust cybersecurity strategy ensures business continuity even in the
face of threats.

Reputation Management: A cybersecurity incident can erode trust and credibility with
customers and partners. It helps you get more ROI if your business’s reputation is not on
the line.

Competitive Advantage: If you can commit to cybersecurity, it gives a competitive

edge to your business. Clients and partners are more likely to trust organizations with
strong security measures.

Practical Steps/Guide Your Organization

Should Take to Improve Cybersecurity
Educate Your Team
The first line of defence against cyber threats is your employees. An employee’s rapid
response can often minimize the impact of a cyber breach and prevent further damage.
And, if you wish to make this first line, the strongest defence against cyber threats, you

Conduct regular cybersecurity awareness training programs

Educate them about the latest threats, phishing schemes, and best control practices
Encourage employees to report any suspicious activity immediately
Enforce strong password policies that require employees to use complex passwords
Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) wherever possible
Educate them not to click on unrecognized files and links

Keep Your Software Updated

To dial down the cyber breaches in your organization, regularly updating all software is
of utmost importance. You should upgrade your operating systems and software
applications, to ensure that they have the latest security patches to combat any
security breach in your organization. The attackers generally exploit vulnerabilities in
legacy software systems that lack the latest security techniques. Always use:

Intrusion detection systems
Intrusion prevention systems
Regular monitoring techniques
Robust network segmentation

Develop a Cyber Incident Response Plan

Huge cyber attacks can expose the personal information of your customers including
their names, birthdays, security numbers, driver’s license information, PINs, and other
sensitive data.

T-Mobile US Inc. has had similar data breaches since the year 2019 and lately, this
telecommunications company had its seventh breach in March 2023, where the
attackers had customers’ personal information enough for identity theft. According to
the news, this incident affected their 836 customers.

If you do not wish your organization to go through a similar situation, you should:

Create a detailed incident response plan

Ensure all employees know their roles in such scenarios
Regularly test the response plan through simulations
Periodically conduct security audits
Time-to-time vulnerability assessments
Address any issue promptly to minimize the attack surface
Encrypt sensitive data

Collaborate and Share Threat Intelligence

Effective government collaboration and threat intelligence sharing are crucial for
detecting, mitigating, and responding to cyber-attacks in a rapidly evolving digital
footprint of organizations globally. This aims to bolster cybersecurity in your organization
while protecting critical infrastructure and sensitive data.

Information Sharing
Public-private partnerships
Legislation and regulation
Incident response and coordination
Threat-intelligent platforms
Protecting critical infrastructure
Classification and security clearance
Policy and strategy development

Third-Party Vendor Assessment

Keeping track of the third-party vendors or partners who can access your data or
systems is crucial for your organization’s safety. As a responsible organization, getting
them on board with your organization’s security standards helps protect your
organization from potential security breaches, data leaks, and reputational damage.

This is how you can conduct a third-party vendor assessment for cybersecurity:

Identify your third-party vendors

Categorize your vendors based on the level of risks they pose
Develop a comprehensive questionnaire for vendors
Assess the response to this questionnaire and mark loopholes
Conduct in-depth security audits and assessments
Check their compliance with data protection and privacy regulations
Make them aware of your security policies
Check their security certifications
Implement continuous monitoring

Cyber Insurance
Cyber insurance can be a valuable component of your organization’s risk management
strategy in today’s digital age. It helps mitigate financial risks associated with cyber
threats and provides support in the event of a security breach or data breach in your
organization. However, it’s essential for your organization to carefully evaluate your
needs, select appropriate coverage, and maintain robust cybersecurity practices to
maximize the benefits of cyber insurance.

Ensure first-party coverage and third-party coverage

Data breach coverage
Cyber extortion/ransomware coverage
Business interruption coverage
Network security liability
Privacy liability
Regulatory and legal defence
Crisis management and public relations

Policies and coverages may vary significantly among insurance providers, so thorough
due diligence and policy review are crucial when selecting a cyber insurance policy.

Cybersecurity Compliance
Non-compliance with cybersecurity regulations and standards can result in legal
consequences and increased cybersecurity risks in your organization. Therefore, you
must prioritize and invest in cybersecurity compliance efforts to protect your business
data and systems while meeting legal and regulatory obligations. Adhering to specific
regulations, standards, and guidelines established by governments, industry bodies, or
internal policies is the key to protecting your organization against cyberattacks.

Compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Industry-specific standards and frameworks – National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework
Adhering to ISO/IEC 27001 for best security practices
Following the guidelines given by the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls.

Backup and Recovery

A well-designed and regularly tested backup and recovery plan is essential for your
organization. It helps minimize data loss and downtime in the event of a cybersecurity
breach. Backup and recovery are a crucial part of your overall cybersecurity strategy
and disaster recovery planning for your organizational sensitive information.

Identify critical data and systems

Implement a regular backup schedule
Optimise storage space and recovery times
Encrypt the backed-up data
Regularly test your backup and recovery process
Implement redundancy in your system
Establish retention policies
Keep multiple versions of the files
Limit access to backup systems
Integrate your backup and recovery plan
Document your entire backup and recovery procedure

Backup and recovery involves creating a comprehensive strategy for securely backing
up important data and systems, as well as establishing procedures for recovering from
cybersecurity incidents such as data breaches, ransomware attacks, natural disasters,
and hardware failures.

How VisionTech can help you with

Cybersecurity Consulting Services?
The necessary controls for security threats can be mitigated with only best-fit security
solutions. Major organizations in the UAE trust Visiontech for its cybersecurity consulting
services, the reason behind this is that we keep the organization one step ahead of
cyber-attacks. From design to implementation, from maintaining and renewing the EDR
licenses, we host the perfect security solutions that work best for your organization.
Explore the security solutions listed below that best suit your business requirements.

Endpoint Security
Network security
Cloud Security
Data security
Identity management
Data privacy
Governance, risk, and compliance

Final words
The UAE’s warning over cyberattacks is that organizations worldwide must remain vigilant
and proactive in safeguarding their digital assets and business’s sensitive information.
Cybersecurity is a continuous process that requires a multi-layered approach, involving
technology, education, and collaboration to protect your organization. However, the
aforementioned steps help your organization to significantly improve its cybersecurity
posture and reduce the risk of falling victim to cyber threats.

Remember, no organization is immune to cyberattacks, but with the right strategies and
a commitment to cybersecurity, you can greatly enhance your defences and protect
your organization’s data, reputation, and business continuity. Stay informed, stay
prepared, and stay secure in the digital age.

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