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Objective: After performing this activity, you should be able to compute for your power output in walking or running
up a flight of stairs.

Materials needed:




1. Write the group members’ names in the first column of Table1.

2. Enter each member’s weight in column 2. To solve for the weight, multiply the mass (in kg) by acceleration
due to gravity (g=9.8 m/s2 ).
3. Measure the height of the flight of stairs that you will climb. Record it on the table.
4. Each member will walk or run up the flight of stairs. Use a stopwatch or any watch to get the time it takes for
each member to climb the stairs. Record the time in the 4th column.
5. Solve for the energy expended by each member. Record them in the 5th column of the table.
6. Compute for the power output of each member.
Table 1

Name Weight (N) Height of Time taken to Energy Power (J/s)

stairs (m) climb the stairs (s) expended (J)

Q1. Who among the group members had the highest power output?____________________________________

Q2. What is the highest power output? __________________________

Q3. Who among the group members had the lowest power output? ____________________________________

Q4. What is the lowest power output? ___________________________

Q5. What can you say about the work done by each member of the group? Did each member perform the same
amount of work in climbing the stairs?


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