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Python for crypto trading

Plan: Beginner:

Duration: 4 weeks

Learn the basics of Python syntax, data types, operators, control
structures, functions, and modules.

- Variables and expressions
- Data types and conversions
- Operators and precedence - Input and output - Conditional statements
- Loops
- Lists and tuples
- Dictionaries and sets
- Functions and parameters
- Modules and packages
- Errors and exceptions
- Debugging and testing

- Python Tutorial for Beginners:
This is a YouTube playlist by Programming with Mosh that covers the
fundamentals of Python in 14 videos. Each video is about 10 minutes
long and explains the concepts with clear examples.
- Learn Python Programming Masterclass:
This is an online course on Udemy that teaches you how to program in
Python from scratch. It has over 40 hours of video lectures, quizzes,
exercises, and projects. It also covers object-oriented programming, file
handling, databases, and web development with Python.

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