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Book Chapter Summary

Due: 5/26
Word: 500-700
Requirement: Quotation/Pass-fail grading

New Images of Woman and Social Roles

 New Woman
o Western feminist ideal
o Modern women – how does it differs from traditional image/ideals in Japan
 Movie: Naomi (Moga/flapper), another type of woman that merges the period.
 Middle class as described, consumer object (not agree) Heavy make-up and
drinking – Possible overlap with “jokyu”, modern café waitress, new type of
female worker.  Both associated with Ginza. Urban creature, enjoying fashion,
window shopping in Ginza.
 The “café”: transformation, in the taisho eras, there are café (myukos) only as
coffee shop. Café printemps  late 1920s, early 1930s, café start turning into
hostess bars  1930s in Osaka, 80,000 café and 10,000 women served in this
kind of bar. Cater to the salaryman.  By 1939, over 19,000 waitresses. They
drink with the customers, but no sex. Prostitution is illegal in pre-war Japan.
- Seen as social/national modern phenomenon
- OHARA institute for Social Research 1931: A new study of the everyday
life of the café waitress
 Women sitting with customers providing food and drinks and conversation 
unique for Asian. Post-war Japan, after the bubble economy, salaryman go out
together to these bars to drink whiskey and chat with women.
o Other argument: Jokyu and Moga are different.  Jokyu is more struggling for
survival since most of them came from countryside, need to support the family.

 Textile workers
o Female textile workers, 14% of the output in 1945.
o Young and unmarried women migrated from the countryside, similar phenomenon in
UK and US. Daughters of poor rural families. They were not forced and only
deceived since they didn’t know the terrible conditions of the factories. Between shift
they get some classes and education.  See as an opportunity and wanna sign up.
The salaries went to the parents and family, way of contribution to the family
o However, too exhausted to participate in class, the conditions are harsh as well. 6am-
6pm as one shift. Girls share bedding and tatami. Dirty conditions and get infected of
diseases. Only one large dirty bath. Meals were offered four times a day.
o From the interviews, the girls had high expectation but surprised by the real situation.
Could tell from their appearance since dirtiness, were called “pig.”19 centuries, more
than half of the factory workers are women.
o 1930s move to heavy industry and the workers shift from women to men.
o Since the poor condition and salary, some of them left the industry and entered sex
trade to make more money.

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