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Amber Justin PET test 4 閱讀+口說 10 月 17 日 星期一 · 下午 7 時 - 9

1. Exit 1. 出去,離去;退去
2. cruise 2. n. 乘船遊覽/vi. 乘船遊覽/巡航;航遊;巡邏;(坐船)旅行
3. lottery 3. 彩券,獎券,彩票;摸彩,抽籤[C];運氣,難算計的事[S]
4. deluxe 4. = luxurious= high-end 豪華的;高級的;奢華的
5. supper 5. 晚餐,晚飯[C][U];晚餐時間[U](Last supper 最後的晚餐)
6. separate(+from) 6. 分隔;分割;使分離;使分散[(+from/into/off/up)];區分,識別[]
7. suite 7. 套房
8. have access to 8. ph.可以獲得;進入
9. footwear 9. (總稱)鞋類
10. in an attempt to 10. 試圖…,企圖…
11. fax 11. 傳真機;傳真通信
12. dial 12. vi.撥號,打電話/(儀器等的)刻度盤,示數盤;表盤;鐘盤
13. satellite 13. 【天】衛星;人造衛星
14. device 14. n.[C]設備,儀器,裝置;手段;謀略;詭計
15. devise 15. vt.設計;發明;策劃;想出;
16. gadget 16. 小機件;(小巧的)器具;小玩意兒[C]
17. Whatever 17. pron.任何……的事物;凡是……的東西;不管什麼 adj.任何……的;凡是……
18. request 18. n.要求,請求[C][U][(+for)][+to-v][+that];請求的事
19. Each /Every+單數 N 19. 每一個
20. vehicle 20. 運載工具;車輛;飛行器;太空火箭;傳播媒介;工具,手段
21. oral 21. 口頭的,口述的;口的,口部的
22. presentation 22. 報告,演講,陳述
23. enjoy[+v-ing] 23. vt.欣賞;享受;喜愛
24. in your leisure time 24. 休閒時光
25. radiant 25. (面容,目光)洋溢著幸福的
His radiant face told us of his happiness. 從他容光煥發的臉上,我們看出他
26. take position 26. 搶位
27. kickoff 27. n.【足】開球
It started raining right after the kickoff of the soccer game. 足球賽一開球就
28. drum up business 28. 招攬生意 Let's try to drum up some more business.讓我們再努力招徠些生意
29. babysitter 29. 代人照看孩子者
Amber Justin PET test 4 閱讀+口說 10 月 17 日 星期一 · 下午 7 時 - 9

Tell us about your favorite tourist attraction 觀光景點 in Kaohsiung

immerse myself in 埋頭做…

She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish histor
I immerse myself in studying IELTS.
Which subject do you study at school?
English/reading/language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science/Health and physical education.

I need to be proficient 精通 in English because I study in bilingual 雙語 elementary school.

I need to be able to 能夠 speak English fluently 流暢地.
adaptable 能適應新環境的;適應性強的
overcome vt.戰勝;克服 culture shock 文化衝擊
adapt to 適應於
He always adapted easily to new circumstances. 他總是很容易使自己適應新的環境。

I can build the relationship (人們彼此的)關係,感情關係 with my family and friends.

Social connection: shopping can be a way to spend time with others
Everyone likes having new things every now and again.Shopping enables people to bring a new look.

make progress 取得進步

sharpen 加強;加劇
改善;提高 sharpen my computer skills.

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