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ePay Core

Deployment Process

Date Version Author Notes

03-21-2023 1.0 Akhilesh Kumar First draft

1. Overview.............................................................................................................................................2
2. Deployment Process............................................................................................................................2
2.1 IIS.................................................................................................................................................2
2.1.1. Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle on Windows Server...................................................2
2.1.2. Create the IIS site.................................................................................................................2
2.1.3. Publish an ASP.NET Core app...............................................................................................4
2.1.4. Make Host Entry to browse from Browser...........................................................................4
1. Overview
This document will be describing the process of deploying the ePay core builds to IIS

2. IIS Deployment Process

2.1.1. Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle on Windows Server

The .NET Core Hosting bundle is an installer for the .NET Core Runtime and ASP.NET
Core Module. The bundle allows ASP.NET Core apps to run with IIS.

Download the installer using the following link:

Current .NET Core Hosting Bundle installer (direct download)

2.1.2. Create the IIS site.

Open IIS from Administrative tools of control Panel

1. If there is no IIS installed, then.

2. Open control panel
3. Click Program and features.
4. Turn Windows features on or off.
5. Tick Internet information services

On the IIS server, create a folder to contain the app's published folders and files. In the
following step, the folder's path is provided to IIS as the physical path to the app.

In IIS Manager, open the server's node in the Connections panel. Right-click the Sites folder.
Select Add Website from the contextual menu.
Provide a Site name and set the Physical path to the app's deployment folder that you created.
Provide the Binding configuration and create the website by selecting OK.
2.1.3. Publish an ASP.NET Core app.
Publish an app means to produce a compiled app that can be hosted by a
server. Deploy an app means to move the published app to a hosting system.

a. dotnet publish -c Release -o./publish -> Use this command to create a

complied code at path. /Publish. It will create a publish folder, if folder is not
present, containing the complied code.

In example below , Go to root path of your project

a) Cd C:\BitBucket\EPayCore\src\WebAR.Service.API
b) Run command “dotnet publish -c Release -o./publish”. like below

C:\BitBucket\EPayCore\src\WebAR.Service.API> dotnet publish -c Release -


c) It will create a publish folder containing compiled code at your project

root path.

b. Move published file into site file path -> Next step is to copy and paste the
complied code to the site physical path which we have created above.

2.1.4. Make Host Entry to browse from Browser.

I. Go to the path C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.
II. Open Notepad in Administrator mode”
III. Now Open “hosts” file from the path “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.”
IV. Now map Domain name to local IP address
V. Browse the site.

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