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Faculty of Dentistry
Vocational Foreign Language-I

What to expect during a dental exam

There are two types of dental exams. There are comprehensive examinations and

First time patients usually receive comprehensive examinations. Expect your

dentist to examine your head and neck. Your dentist is likely to inspect the soft
tissues. This includes the tongue, lips and inside of the mouth. Your dentist also
evaluates your gums. The goal is to diagnose the presence of gum disease. He or
she will also look for signs of decay. This is also the time to check restorations.
Your dentist may examine your bite. This is to check for occlusion problems. X-rays
may be part of a comprehensive examination.

A checkup is less thorough. It involves an exam and a tooth cleaning and polishing.
Your dentist may take X-rays. Regular checkups maintain your oral health.

They allow your dentist to screen for diseases like cancer. Your dentist will discuss
any oral issues with you.

Examine: to look at something carefully and thoroughly because you want to find out more about it.

Inspect: to examine something carefully in order to find out more about it or to find out what is wrong with it.

Evaluate: to judge how good, useful, or successful something is.

Gum disease: a set of inflammatory conditions affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth.

Decay: to be slowly destroyed by a natural chemical process, or to make something do this.

Restoration: when you repair something such as an old building or a piece of furniture, so that it looks the same as
when it was first built or made.

Occlusion: The blockage or closing of a blood vessel or hollow organ

Screen: to do tests on a lot of people to find out whether they have a particular illness.

Cancer: a very serious disease in which cells in one part of the body start to grow in a way that is not normal

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