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Grace Land Off/Kano-Kaduna Express Way, Zaria

Subject: Basic Science Class: Basic 7 Time: 2hrs
Instructions: Answer all questions
Section A: Multiple choice questions
1) Living things and non-living things are also called_______
A. Matter B. Man C. Stone
2) _____ is the process of sorting things or arranging a number of things into group with similar characteristics
A. Classification B. counting C. Sorting
3) ______ are states of matter except A. Stone B. Solid C. Gas
4) There are ____ states of matter A. 3 B. 6 C. 2
5) Water as a liquid state of matter can be converted into solid state (ice) through _____ process A. Cooling B.
Heating C. Waxing
6) Plant and animal can be called _____A. Living matter B. Non -living matter C. liquid
7) _____ have definite shape and definite volume A. Solid B. liquid C. Gas
8) _____ have no definite shape and no definite volume A.Gas B. Solid C. Liquid
9) _____ is the process through which liquid state of matter can be converted into gaseous state A. Heating B.
cooling C. Solid
10) Solid, liquid and gas are states of ______ A. Matter B. Solid C. Liquid
11) ______ is activities of living things. A. Movement B. Do not feed C. Non of the above
12) All green plants are called______ A. Autotrophic B. Nutrition C. Herbivores
13) _____are animal that feed on another animal A. Carnivores B. Heterotrophs C. Autotrophs
14) _____ are animals that depend on plant for foods A. Hetetrophic B. Herbivores C. Plant
15) _____ is the removal of waste product A. excretion B. Oxygen C. Matter
16) ____ are animal that Feed on both plant and animal A. Omnivores B. Plant C. Scavenger
17) _____ is an example of Omnivores animal A. Man B. Lion C. Goat
18) _____ is an example of animal that feed on another animal only A. Lion B. Goat C. Man
19) ______ is a metabolic process which result in the release of energy from food A. Respiration B. Excretion C.
20) _____is the process of changing gaseous state into liquid state A. Cooling B. Heating C. Non of the above
21) _____is the degree to which a person keeps his or her body clean A. Personal cleanliness B. Living things C.
22) _____can be kept clean by washing and combing A. Hair B. Teeth C. Finger nails
23) The following are classes of food except A. Milk B. Fat and oil C. Protein
24) ______ is the energy given food. A. Carbohydrate B. Protein C. Water
25) ______is an example of carbohydrate A. Rice B. Beans C. Egg
Grace Land Off/Kano-Kaduna Express Way, Zaria
26) _____is an example of protein A. Meat B. Garri C. Vegetables
27) There are ______ classes of food A. 6 B. 2 C. 10
28) ______ is a body building food A. Protein B. Carbohydrate C. Water
29) The taken of the six classes of food in their right proportion for the body is called _______ A. Balance diet
B. Fat and oil C. Rice and beans
30) The following are examples of protein except A. Rice B. Fish C. Meat
31) ______ is defined as a substance which affects the action of our body. A. Drug B. Beans C. Rice
32) The following are examples of hard drugs except A. Rice B. Cocaine C. Alcohol
33) ______ is a drugs use for pain killer. A. Cocaine B. Tobacco C. Alcohol
34) ____ is the process of keeping places free from dirt which causes infections, diseases and germs (a) hygiene
(b) cleanliness (c) environmental sanitation (d) none of the above
35) Which of these is not a major function of food? (a) to provide energy (b) to sustain life (c) to make us fairer
(d) to make us grow
36) The following are classes of food except (a) protein (b) vitamins (c) fruits (d) carbohydrates
37) The diet that contain all the six classes of food in their right proportion is called (a) appetizer (b) balanced
diet (c) complete food (d) charismas food
38) Which of the following is an example of carbohydrate (a) rice (b) milk (c) beans (d) egg
39) The following are of drugs except (a) coconut (b) tobacco (c) alcohol (d) marijuana
40) Which of these is not importance of drug? (a) it saves life (b) it multiply suffering (c) it relieves pains (d) it
helps to fight against diseases
SECTION B (THEORY): Instruction: Attempt any Four questions in this section
1.a Define Matter
b. Explain the changes of the three (3) states of matter
2a. List the 3 states of matter
b. State the classification of matter
3aMention four pubertal change.
b. What is Puberty?
4a. Explain three (3) characteristics of living things
(b) What is sanitation?
5(a) What is food?
(b) Explain drug abuse
6a Explain balanced diet
b. List the six (6)classes of food and one(1) example to each

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