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Individual review

Student: Bárbara Morales

Teacher: Blas Bigatti

Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Written by Dr.Seuss
Oh, The Places You'll Go! (,)by Dr. Seuss(,) is a timeless masterpiece that will attract
both young and old readers. It is a book that carries a great potential for English lessons,
with an engaging narrative and rich language. Furthermore, Dr. Seuss('s) illustrations are
iconic, easy to recognize and a trademark of the author, who uses the same style in most of
his books.
The story begins when the main character starts (comment not considered)an adven-
ture in which (he)travels through different places, both exciting and challenging. This charac-
ter is often referred to as "you" throughout the book(,) which allows the reader to relate to
and project themselves onto him/her. Throughout that(reference) journey the protagonist ex-
plores new landscapes and faces different obstacles and, as the story progresses, he learns
to make his own decisions, take risks, and embrace the unknown. The book has a great
message behind its narrative: follow your dreams, set goals, and find the courage to over-
come obstacles on your journey through life.
Along the(this) story(,) Dr. Seuss uses alliteration, rhyme and repetition(,) which
make it great for primary students and provide them (with)an enjoyable reading experience.
Thanks to the repetitive patterns, the book allows learners to incorporate new vocabulary,

Waiting for the fish to bite

or waiting for wind to fly a kite
or waiting around for Friday night
or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake
or a pot to boil, or a Better Break
or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants
or a wig with curls, or Another Chance.
Everyone is just waiting.

The book can also be used for grammar activities, where students can identify differ-
ent verb tenses, adjectives and adverbs and use them later to describe different places.
The options are endless, and each teacher will be able to use the book in his or her own
way, exploiting its full educational potential.
In conclusion, `Oh, The Places You'll Go!` is a great resource for English classrooms.
Its engaging narrative and rich language will provide lots of opportunities for language acqui-
sition and, at the same time, will help readers on their personal growth.

This is the final assessment:

Content: organisation, coher- Correction of content and organisation. Overall
ence, clarity of ideas. (35%) clarity of ideas. Some content inconsistencies
not solved. Punctuation affecting the clarity of
several passages. (28%)

Language: correction of form Overall correction of language and style. Several

and register. Style. (35%) comments on language not solved. Recurrent is-
sues with punctuation. (20%)

Theory: correct conceptualisa- Correct conceptualisation of bibliography. Class

tion and use of bibliography and discussions on punctuation not considered.
theoretical frameworks worked (10%)
in class. (15%)

Process: improvement out of Gradual improvement after feedback. Some ini-

feedback and comments in tial inconsistencies not solved. Other issues still
class. (15%) pending for correction. (8%)

Final mark: 66,00%

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