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Lesson 4- Transmitting Knowledge
Grade- 5
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to…..
➢ Explain the importance of Braille script for the visually impaired people.
➢ Examine the contribution of Indians to the number system.
➢ Justify the significance of printing press in the spread of knowledge.

Answer the following questions

1. Fill in the blanks:

a) The earliest known script was devised by the _____ in Mesopotamia.

Ans. Sumerians

b) The oldest script in India was found on the seals in the remains of the _____________
Civilization which has not yet been deciphered.
Ans. Indus Valley

c) The Egyptians made paper from a plant called _____________.

Ans. Papyrus

d) The earliest system of counting was based on ______ numbers.

Ans. 10

e) The ________________ traders carried the Indian system of numbers to other

Ans. Arab

2. Name the following:

a) Picture writing of the ancient Egyptians: __________________________

Ans: Hieroglyphic

Grade 5 & 6 Social Studies Dept. 2023-2024 GEMS OOD

b) The script on which the Hindi script is based: ______________________
Ans: Devanagari Script

c) The German who invented the printing press: ______________________

Ans: Johannes Gutenberg

d) The script for the blind people: __________________________________

Ans: Braille Script

3. Define the following:

a) Cuneiform - The wedge-shaped writing of Mesopotamia. This script was devised by

the Sumerians around 4,000 B.C.

b) Script- A system or style of writing.

3. Give reasons for the following:

a) The earliest system of counting was based on 10.
It has been assumed that the earliest system of counting was based on 10 numbers as
we have ten fingers. People in olden times must have felt the need to keep a record of
the things and objects they possessed. Hence, they began to use numbers for counting.

b) The Braille script is a boon to the visually impaired people.

Louis Braille developed a special script called the Braille Script, for the visually
impaired people. It enables them to read through touch. With the help of these books
the blind can read educational and recreational materials. They can even compete with
normal students and can even get higher or professional education.

4. My Challenge Questions: - (To be done in the Notebook-Choose any one from

Achievers, Explorers or Scholars)
Achievers: Based on the lesson, ‘Transmitting Knowledge’, create a web chart to list
different types of script.
Script Brahmi
Cuneiform Script

Different types of
script Braille
Script Script
Grade 5 & 6 Social Studies Dept. 2023-2024 GEMS OOD
Explorers: Look at the pictures given below and identify the type of script and
differentiate between picture (a) and (b).

(a) (b)

(a) Cuneiform (b) Hieroglyphic

• The wedge-shaped writing of • The formal writing system used
Mesopotamia. in Ancient Egypt.
• This script was devised by
the Sumerians. • It consists of pictorial symbols that
• They wrote on clay-tablet with the represent objects, sounds, or ideas.
help of a sharp –edged knife.

Scholars: The invention of printing press changed the world greatly. – Comment.

The invention of printing press changed the world greatly. A large number of books
could be printed in a very short time. It became cheaper to make books. It helped in the
spread of knowledge.

7. Cross-Curricular Link: (To be done in the notebook)

What is the most important contribution of ancient India in the field of numbers?

The system of counting from 1-10 was first developed in India. The idea of zero or
shunya was also first developed by the ancient Indian mathematicians. The Arab traders
carried the Indian system of numbers to other countries. The Europeans learning this
number system from the Arabs and started calling them the Arabic numerals.

Grade 5 & 6 Social Studies Dept. 2023-2024 GEMS OOD

8. Critical Thinking: - (To be done in the Notebook)
Why did the early humans express their thoughts through pictures?

9. Extension Task: (To be done in the notebook)

Curiosity is the mother of innovative inventions. Justify (Word Limit: 50-60)

Reflective Log: (To be done in the notebook)

My Reflection

I learnt ………………………….

I wish to learn…………………….

Grade 5 & 6 Social Studies Dept. 2023-2024 GEMS OOD

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