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Bintang Aji N

Cindy Nabila

Dias Husen Wijaya

Diva Wulandari

Eko Prasetyo

Erlin Purnawinata

Fajar Maulana


We would like to express our gratitude to Allah SWT who has given us His mercy and grace,
and may our blessings and greetings be upon Rasulullah SAW, so that we can complete the
The purpose of preparing this paper is to fulfill one of the requirements for completing the first
assignment in semester I.

With the limited knowledge and knowledge that we have, we need the participation of other
parties in the process of completing this paper. Therefore, we express our deepest thanks to.

Jakarta, 03 Ocober 2023

Table of Contents
CHAPTER I....................................................................................................................................................4
1.1. Background..................................................................................................................................4
1.1.Formulation of the problem..............................................................................................................4
1.2.writing purpose.................................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II...................................................................................................................................................5
2.1. The influence of films on personal life..............................................................................................5
2.2. The impact of films on personal life………………………………………………………………………………………………5
2.3. The advantages and disadvantages of the influence of films on personal life..................................6
CHAPTER III..............................................................................................................................................7
3.1 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................7


Film is a mass media in the form of audio-visual and is very complex in nature.
On the other hand, films can also play a role as disseminators of new cultural values.
Making a film is not easy and not as short as the ones we watch, it requires a very long time and
process of thought and technical processes. The fact that films have an influence on society
makes films a tool for presenting "social reality" which is presented as media reality. Films are
also packaged in a very interesting way, the story line goes forward and backwards and the
telling of conflicts makes the audience more familiar with history. However, a good and quality
film is not only seen from the storyline but must have a moral message to convey to the
audience. This film is worth watching because the cinematography is good and the audience will
learn valuable lessons from the film

1.1.Formulation of the problem

Based on the background above, we can obtain several formulations

the problem is as follows:

 What is meant by the influence of films on personal life?

 What impact does the film have on your personal life?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of the influence of films on personal life?

1.2.writing purpose

The purpose of writing based on the problem formulation above is as follows:

1. To understand the meaning of the influence of films on personal life.
2. To find out the impact of films on personal life.
3. To find out the advantages and disadvantages of the influence of films on
 Excess :
1. To shape people's mindset
2. As a means to entertain
 Lack :
1. There is emotional instability
2. Have lots of fantasies, fantasies and lies


2.1. The influence of films on personal life

It is something that entertains all of us when we are tired or relaxing, usually as an alternative
solution to filling our holidays by watching films and can be used to overcome boredom.

However, there are several things that most people don’t know, how a film can actually really
influence a person’s personal life, which in principle is the conscious mind and the subconscious

But also, movies can affect society in both positive and negative ways. They can help the
economy grow, inspire individuals, and expand our basic knowledge of the world around us.
Movies can also create violence and bad habits, can make people greedier, and can send a bad
message to the public.

2.2. The impact of films on personal life

The impact of films on personal life is that they can influence human behavior as depicted in
emotions and thoughts. Unconsciously we can also learn through observation of what we watch,
which ultimately results in us imitating their behavior. The information we receive from hearing
and seeing the spectacle unconsciously enters the subconscious mind. Because viewing can
affect individual cognition.

The impact of movies on life as well as people is beyond imagination. People watch movies as a
break from the lengthy, stressful hours of their daily lives. The entertainment industry has
undergone a transformation thanks to cinema, which has improved over time. Millions of
individuals worldwide now enjoy watching movies as a hobby. The truth is revealed to us
through cinema, but we frequently find it difficult to accept.
2.3.The advantages and disadvantages of the influence of films on personal life
1. Movies inspire us A

good movie will entertain, educate, and inspire the viewer in many ways. Think of the impact
that songs have on people, for example. They make us think. They make us compassionate. They
inspire us to help others and to do good to and for humanity.

Romantic movies, on the other hand, remind us why love is important and why it is worth
fighting for. They make us cry and laugh at our own romantic flaws, consequently helping us
understand our partners and family members more. They make life worth living- they make us
feel alive. That’s without forgetting how affordable transcription services have made it easy for
people to watch and understand movies that teach meditation and mindfulness, most of which are
in Asian languages.

2. Movies can create awareness on multiple aspects of life

People need to be reminded about the importance of formal education as well as co-curricular
school activities such as art and sports. School-related films underline this importance and give
education stakeholders ideas on how to improve education systems in different parts of the
world. Besides that, film brings us to understand the negative effects of drugs, alcohol, and
substance abuse. Crime and action TV shows also warn us about the dangers of criminal
activities, terrorism, and war.

3. Movies mirror culture Every

movie is set and developed in a particular culture. They are an integral part of us; they mirror
what we believe in and how we coexist as people. It is easier to see our concerns, attitudes,
flaws, and strengths in films than it is to decipher them from our daily interactions. When our
prevalent beliefs and ideologies are challenged in films, we are able to interrogate ourselves and
embrace change. And thanks to audiovisual translations, people from all over the world are able
to watch movies and understand the cultures of faraway communities. That has, in turn, helped
us to become more united even when our cultures are so different and diverse.

4. Movies teach us history

Most history movies are fact-based and, even for the few that are fictional, they still depict a
realistic and fantastic picture of how the world was before the invention of the audiovisual
devices that we know today. They connect the modern world with past generations.

Impact of Horror Movie Viewership on Viewers:

1. Amongst the film genres, ‘horror’ movies are Categorically one of the most unnatural and
horrific depiction of repulsive content. Horror film features Violence, blood and threatening
scenes that greatly affect the viewers. Multiple studies have proven the Causal relation
between anxiety, aggressiveness, desensitization and exposure of horror and violent media
Messages (Cantor, 2004; Gunderson, 2006; Hassan, 2009; Huesmann, 2006; Madan, 2013;
Phillips, 2017 & Shu, 2017). Due to psychological reflex and ‘response mechanism’, people
react to fear in different ways Under a fear-inducing situation (Palmer, 2008). Horrifying
scenes in a movie excite the viewers’ emotions. Some people feel their hearts racing and
blood rushing in their bodies while others feel their bodies numb And lifeless due to
extreme fright.

2. Experiencing a horror movie enables the viewers to easily grasp the ‘negative message’
presented by Haskin (Edwards, 1982).Visual messages accompanied with sound effects
enable the viewers to Comprehend the message to optimal level at ease (Prohaszkova,
2012). Repeated exposure to horror Movies can develop ‘habituation’ in the cognition of
viewers (Cherry, 2009). It would make them less Reactionary to fear-inducing scenes
(Caenagey, Anderson & Bushman, 2006). Such cognitive ability may Make fierce realities
seem less frightening to the habitual viewer and allow them to tackle real life Problems,
courageously. Smuts (2010) adds that viewers tend to objectify fictional characters like
ghosts, Witches and monsters as existing in real life when they observe demonstrations
similar to those of Fictional beings that they used to fear. They unconsciously stereotype
similar figures, people and objects in Real life to experience the pulsating emotions that
they felt on screen (Brewer, 2009).

3. Horror genre normally contains explicit content, emphasizing violence and aggression. This
type of Content is predominantly categorized as anti-social. Klien and Shiffman (2008)
studied exposure to anti-Social content and behavioral changes in viewers and found out
the linkage between content and its Impact on the viewer’s behavior. In this regard, the
‘cultivation theory’ suggests that media messages act As agents of socialization for viewers
and influence the viewers’ thinking and understanding of social Norms (Galloway, 2013&
Baillie, 1996). When viewers watch violent content, revenge stories and Aggressive
responses to committed violations then they unconsciously perceive them as ‘appropriate.

3.1 Conclusion

Making a film is not easy and not as short as the ones we watch, it requires a very long time and
process of thought and technical processes. The fact that films have an influence on society
makes films a tool for presenting “social reality” which is presented as media reality. Films are
also packaged in a very interesting way, with a forward and backward storyline and a narrative
of conflicts that makes the audience more familiar with history.

 What are the advantages and disadvantages of the influence of films on personal life?

The influence of films on personal life is something that entertains us all when we are tired or
relaxing, usually as an alternative solution to spending holidays by watching films and can be
used to overcome boredom. However, there are several things that most people don’t know,
how a film can actually really influence a person’s personal life, which in principle is the
conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The impact of films on personal life The impact of films on personal life is that they can
influence human behavior as depicted in emotions and thoughts.



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