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Cell (कोशिका)

Group D, NTPC, BPSC, Railway, NDA & UPSC

👉 Discovered by – Robert Hooke श िंदी + Eng
👉 Suicide bags – Lysosomes Top MCQ
👉 Largest cell – Ostrich’s Egg
👉 Study of Cell – Cytology
👉 Longest cell – Nerve cell

• Cell is the basic unit of life (latin – cell= small room )

• Discovered by – Robert Hooke
• Cell theory – All living org. are composed of one or more
cells & all cells came from pre-existing cells
• Cell theory given by – Schleiden & schwann
• Rudolf Virchow – first to explain that the cells divide & new
cells are formed from the pre-existing cells
• Study of cell – Cytology
• Tissue – multiple cells that perform same function (eg- muscle )
• Smallest cell- Mycoplasma or Pleuropneumonia Like Org. (PPLO)
• Largest cell-Ostrich’s egg
• Longest cell- Nerve cell
• Unicellular org. – org. made up of single cell (eg- Amoeba,
chlamydomonas, bacteria, etc. )
• Multicellular org. – org. made up of many cells (eg- human
being, tree,etc. )
Types of cell
• Prokaryotic cell • Eukaryotic cell
- Simplest & primitive in nature - Advanced & complex in nature
- Size – small - size – large
- Lack of organized nucleus, genetic - Nucleus is well organized
material present in the form of nucleoid
- Nuclear membrane is absent - Nuclear membrane is present
- Membrane bound organelles absent - Membrane bound organelles present
- Mitochondria is absent - Mitochondria is present
- Chloroplast is absent - Chloroplast is present in plant cells
- Single naked chromosome is present - Many chromosomes are present
- Cell division by fission or budding - cell division by mitosis & meiosis
Cell organelles

• Mitochondria
• Vacuoles
• Golgi bodies
• Ribosomes
• Lysosomes
• Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
• Plastid
Plasma membrane

• Outermost covering of the cell

• Selectively permeable membrane
• Flexible (enables cell to engulf food & other material from its
external environment – process is called endocytosis (amoeba )
• Made up of organic molecules – lipids & protein
• In plant cell found within the cell wall
• Diffusion – spontaneous movement of substance from high
concentration to low concentration
• Present in both animal & plant cell
Cell wall

• Plant cell –in addition to plasma membrane have

another rigid outer covering that is cell wall
• Lies outside of cell membrane
• Is composed of cellulose (is complex substance &
provides structural strength to plants )
• Present in plants, bacteria, fungi
• Present in plant cell & absent in animal cell
• Darkly coloured, spherical or oval, dot like structure near the center of each
• Has double layered covering called – nuclear membrane (has pores – allow
transfer of material nucleus to cytoplasm
• Plays central role in cellular reproduction the process by which single cell
divides & forms two new cells
• Contains chromosomes – rod like structure
• Chromosome (DNA + protein ) contain- info. For inheritance of characters
from parents to next generation in the form of DNA
• Present in both plants & animal cell
Endoplasmic reticulum
• Is a large network of membrane bound tubes & sheets
• ER function – to serve as channels for transport materials (protein ) b/w
regions of cytoplasm or b/w cytoplasm & nucleus
• ER membrane is similar in structure to plasma membrane
• Two types – rough endoplasmic reticulum & smooth endoplasmic reticulum
• RER – is rough due to ribosomes ( present in all active cell & sites of protein
• SER – helps in manufacture of fat molecules or lipids also help in detoxifying
poisons & drugs
• Some of these proteins & lipids help in building the cell membrane – process
is called – Biogenesis
Golgi apparatus

• Described by – Camillo Golgi

• Is system of membrane bound vesicles (flattened sacs ) arranged
approximately parallel to each other in stacks
• Through this material synthesized near ER is packaged & dispatched
to various targets inside & outside the cell
• Functions – storage, modification & packaging of products in
• Also involved in the formation of lysosomes
• Present in both plant & animal cell
• Are membrane bound sacs filled with digestive enzymes ( made
by RER)
• Is waste disposal system of the cell
• Helps to keep cell clean by digesting any foreign material as well
as worn out cell organelles
• Lysosomes are able to do this becoz they contain powerful
digestive enzymes capable of breaking down all organic material
• When cell gets damaged, lysosomes may burst & enzymes digest
their own cell, therefore called “ suicide bags “
• Power house of the cell
• Have two membrane coverings
• Outer membrane – is porous
• Inner membrane – is deeply folded
• These folds increase surface area for ATP generating chemical reactions
• ATP ( adenosine triphopshate) – energy currency of the cell
• Body uses energy stored in ATP for making new chemical compounds
& for mechanical work
• Have their own DNA & ribosomes ( able to make some of their own
protein )

• Present only in plant cells

• Two types –
* chromoplasts ( coloured plastids) – containing pigment chlorophyll
are called – chloroplasts ( impt for photosynthesis in plant , also contain
various yellow or orange pigments in addition to chlorophyll
* leucoplasts ( white or colourless plastids) – starch, oils & protein are
• have their own DNA & ribosomes

• Are storage sacs for solid & liquid contents

• Small in animal cells while very large in plant cells
• Central vacuole of some plant cells may occupy 50-90% of the
cell volume
• Are full of cell sap & provide turgidity & rigidity to the cell
• Many substances ( amino acids, sugars, various organic acids &
some proteins ) of impt. In the life of the plant cell are stored in
Cell division

• Process by which new cells are made is called cell division

• Two types – mitosis & meiosis
• * Mitosis – process of cell division by which most of the cells
divide for growth - in this process each cell (mother cell )divides
to form 2 identical daughter cells ( have same no. Of
chromosomes as mother cell ) – helps in growth & repair of
tissues in organisms
• * Meiosis – involves two consecutive divisions – cell divides
produces four new cells instead of just two – new cells have half
number of chromosomes than that of mother cells
Plant cell Animal cell

• Cell wall present cell wall absent

• Plastid present plastid absent
• Vacuole large vacuoles small
• Chloroplast present chloroplast absent
• Centriole absent centriole present
Who discovered cell ?
कोशिका की खोज शकसने की?

a) Robert hooke • Robert brown – nucleus

• Schleiden & schwann – cell
b) Robert brown theory
• Leeuwenhoek – free living cells
c) Leeuwenhoek
d) Schleidn & schwann
Option : A
Which organelles in the cell other than nucleus contains
नाशिक के अलावा कोशिका के शकस अिंग में डीएनए ोता ?

a) Centriole
• Mitochondria & plastids
b) Golgi apparatus have their own DNA &
c) Lysosomes
d) Mitochondria
Option : D
Which of the following cell organelles play the most
significant role in protein synthesis -
शनम्नशलखखत में से कौन सा कोशिकािंग प्रोटीन सिं श्लेषण में सबसे
म त्वपूणण िूशमका शनिाता -

a) Lysosome
• Mitochondria – power
b) Ribosomes house of the cell
• Lysosomes – suicidal bag
c) Mitochondria
( intracellular digestion )
d) Golgi bodies
Option : B
Plant cell wall is mainly composed of -
पादप कोशिका शिशि मुख्य रूप से बनी ोती -

a) Lipids
• Cell wall – outermost
b) Vitamin covering of plant cell
c) Cellulose
d) Protein
Option : C
True nucleus is absent in -
सच्चा केन्द्रक अनुपखथित ोता -

a) Bacteria
• Cell wall is present in –
b) Fungi plants, bacteria & fungi
• Bacteria – prokaryotic cell
c) Algae
d) Lichens
Option : A
Longest cell in human body -
मानव िरीर की सबसे लिंबी कोशिका -

a) Liver cell
• Smallest cell – mycoplasma
b) Nerve cell • Largest cell – ostrich’s egg
c) Muscles cell
d) None of these
Option : B
Nucleoid is present in -
न्युखियोइड उपखथित ोता -

a) Procaryotes
• Nucleoid – undefined
b) Protozoa nuclear region containing
only nucleic acids
c) Green algae
d) None of these
Option : A
Lysosome is formed from which of the following cell
लाइसोसोम शनम्न में से शकस कोशिकािंग से बनता ?

a) Nucleus
• Golgi bodies function –
b) RER storage, modification &
packaging of material
c) Golgi bodies
synthesised near ER
d) Ribosomes
Option : C
Attractive colour of flower is due to -
फूल का आकषणक रिं ग शकसके कारण ोता -

a) Leucoplast • Leucoplast –white or colourless

b) Chromoplast plastid
• Chromoplast – coloured plastid
c) Photoplast
d) Sunplast
Option : B
A plant cell differ from animal in having -
एक पादप कोशिका जिंतु से शिन्न ोती -

a) Cell wall
b) Nucleus
c) Cell membrane
d) mitochondria
Option : A
Chromosomes are made up of -
गुणसूत्ोिं का बना ोता -

a) DNA
b) Protein
c) DNA & protein
d) RNA
Option : C
Energy currency of the cell?
सेल की ऊजाण मुद्रा?

a) ATP
b) DNA
c) RNA
d) Protein
Option : A
Question for You
Q. Which cell organelles perform the functions of
storage, modification & packaging of products ?

a) Lysosomes
b) Golgi apparatus
c) Mitochondria
d) Plastids
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