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‘Type t Official Scenario Code : << Gonna Make You Sweat > ASs Le Incorporation : << September 2007 >> ie 3G Authors : Chayarn /Staff ED Translation : LordUnborn Briefing: ‘The end justifies the means even if sometimes it is necessary to exchange a prisoner of war in order to recover one of ours. For the Union, John Macneal has sacrificed enough and must absolutley return to the country asa Hero of the war. For the Reich, lermann Von lieizinger wants to recover his bodyguard, and is pleased to carry it out himself and not show weakness: towards the enemy. Map: Secular Crypts Materials Necessary ? Tannhauser Base Game Set-Up: Kix up the storage boxes containing items and place them face down on the action spaces and secondary objective spaces. The player of the union takes, Karl Zermann and the player of the Reich takes John Maclleal, They are the prisoners, Bach player chooses the loadout of his captive character and places 4t on a main objective box in the Swap Zone. Mote, if the loadout of the prisonercontains badges or ranks those are used normally. Level of Difficulty: Difficult Player Objective: o bring the prisoner to the Swap Zone, Carry out the exchange and have your released prisoner leave the board alive. Special Rules: Placements Phase s During the first 4 turns of play the players can freely move their characters on the map, but cannot in any situation carry out an offensive action (Shooting, Grenade, Smore Grenage, liermeticas) They can however attempt a Bull Rush, The Prisoner is moved by the team that holds them and only as the last sequence of the turn of play. Thus they enter onto the map last, The prisoner must move at least 4 spaces and must move to the Swap Zone as shown on the diagram below. Oniy the prisoner may enter the Swap Zone during this phasce. The Swap Zone is deaignated by the Red Pathfinding spaces in teh center of the map. The three spaces in the center of the Swap Zone are assumed to be ajacent to the Main objective spaces containing the Loadouts of the prisoners. A character that is ajacent to his loadout may equipt it during his action phase thus ending his turn. Once both of the characters have recovered thier equipment the exchange is complete and you move on, to the Evacuation phase, vacuation Phase + Once the exchange is finished the characters can attack, use all their equipment and penetrate the Swap Zone. During the first turn of the evacuation any character in the Swap Zone may not attack or be targeted by offensive actions. To evacuate the prisoner the player must lead it to the entrance point of his team. +The player who succeeds in evacuating the prisoner before his adversary wine the game. If the two prisoners are evacuated during the came turn of play the winner is the side that cufferd the least amount of losses. If both cides have suffered the same amount of losses then the match ends in a draw. If the prisoners are both killed then the match ends. inadraw. Stee

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