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Probability @ Rank these events in order of their likelihood of happening. Start with the event that is least likely to occur. A It will rain somewhere in the UK during the next month. B Ifa coin is tossed it will land on its edge. € The next car you see will be green. D You get an even number when you roll a dice. 2] @ A dice is rolled. What is the probability of getting the following? a) A four a | b) A multiple of three io ©) Anumber greater than or equal to four ‘i a © 2 bag contains three blue discs and two red discs. | eee | A disc is picked at random from the bag. What is the probability that the disc chosen is the following? a) Blue a b) Red — tt) @) Yellow (1) d) Either blue or red —. a Total Marks 19 LL ——_—____ (a) @ 4 drawing pin thrown in the air can either land ‘point up’ or ‘point down’. John says that since there are two outcomes the probability that it will land ‘point up’ is 0.5. a) Explain why John is wrong. io} b) If the probability that the pin lands ‘point up! is 0.8, what is the probability of it landing ‘point down'? (1) @ which one of the following statements is definitely true? A There is an even chance that England will win the next football World Cup. B There is an even chance that | get one head and one tail when | toss a coin twice. C There is a greater than even chance that I get a five when I roll a single dice. D There is a less than even chance of picking a blue ball from a bag containing three blue and two red balls. E There is a less than even chance that a baby will be born somewhere in the world in the next minute. sae [21 © shamil picks one of these cards at random: a) What is the probability that the card is one of the following? i) An odd number ul ii) A square number ny iii) A triangular number ) b) Shamil picks a card at random, and replaces it. He repeats this 300 times. ‘Approximately how many times would you expect Shamil to have picked a card with an even number on it? (2) © Krystal thinks that a dice is biased in favour of getting sixes. To test this she rolls the dice 60 times and records the score: by 1 2 3 4 5 6 mma wean bat [ea [bat at Lat nn Use these results to estimate the probability of rolling a six atally chart: (2) Wi) _b) She decides to roll the dice a further 40 times to get an improved estimate. ‘The results are shown in this tally chart: oe 1 2 3 4 5 6 aCliY ui Mi Wt Il vt ll Wat LH LHL Work out Krystal’s improved estimate of the probability of rolling a six. fea} | @ Tristan is given six bags of fruit. Bag A contains 2 apples, 4 oranges and 3 pears. Bag B contains 3 apples, 1 orange and 2 pears. Bag C contains 4 apples, 5 oranges and 3 pears. | Bag D contains 4 apples, 6 oranges and 4 pears. Bag E contains 6 apples, 4 oranges and 3 pears Bag F contains 7 apples, 7 oranges and 7 pears. He is allowed to choose one of these bags and then pick just one piece of fruit from that bag at random. a) Which bag should he choose if he i to maximise his chance of picking an apple? 1) b) Which bag should he choose if he is to minimise his chance of picking a pear? fo @ Alex buys a bag of sweets containing four toffees, six He picks a sweet from the bag without looking. ine gums and two chocolate creams. a) What is the probability that he chooses a sweet that is the following? i) Awine gum i ii) Not a wine gum i} iii) A chewy sweet 0) ) Alex picks one sweet at random from the bag and eats it. He now chooses a second sweet. If the probability that the second sweet is either a wine gum or a chocolate cream is 7, and the probability that itis either a toffee or a wine gum is 2, what sweet did he eat first? a © Form 74 organise a charity event. Players pay 30p to spin the pointer. Players win the amount shown where the pointer stops. ° (~S wy 0 | 10 ay The game is played 1000 times. a) Work out the total amount of money people have paid to play the game. Pon aie gee AD b) How many times would you expect the pointer to land on 10p?, a _) A 0 Work out how much money this game is likely to raise for charity. — fl Total Marks 112 19 COWS RCs goed 113 Green = Got it! Orange = Nearly there /12 Red = Needs practice

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