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 Matter is made up of small particles called atoms or a group of chemically combined
atoms called molecules. The size of each particle is different for different materials.
 The distance between molecules can change depending on the Internal Energy
(kinetic + potential) of the molecule or atom.
 Particles are always in motion (moving). The higher the temperature the faster the
molecules move/vibrates.
 At the same temperature, all molecules have the same energy. Small particles move
faster while heavy particles moves slowly.

States Of Matter

States of
 Have no definite shape
 Have a definite volume
 Have a definite or volume. (wholly fills
but no definite shape
volume and definite up the container and
Properties (takes the shape of the
shape. takes the shape of the
 Not compressible container).
 Slightly compressible
 Highly compressible
Particles slightly further Particles are much further
Particles are very close apart than in solids but still apart. So gases can be
to each other close together to have a compressed or squeezed in
definite volume. smaller space.
Held by strong forces Particle held by less strong
between Less forces of attraction.
of attraction. forces.
Moves freely at high speed
Particles vibrate to and
Motion of colliding with each other
fro about a fixed Free to move
particles and the walls of the

Motion of Gas Molecules and its Temperature and Pressure.

If a gas is heated in a closed container, its molecules gain more kinetic energy and hit the
walls of the container more frequently (The frequency of collisions increases). This causes an
increase in pressure on the walls of the container. The faster the gas molecules move, the
higher the temperature they attain. The gas container can explode if it can’t withstand the
pressure build up.

Physics Notes: KINETIC THEORY OF MATTER. leemok productions 2012©


Brownian Motion
Brownian motion gives us the evidence that molecules in suspension (gases) are constantly
moving. When smoke is trapped in a glass box (smoke cell) and is observed with a
microscope, the smoke particle can be seen as bright specks moving around in a random and
haphazard manner.

The smoke particles move haphazardly because they collide with gas molecules that move at
high velocities at random paths. Smoke particles are bigger compared to air particles. The
specks of light seen is where collision between smoke particles and air particles occur. This
phenomena is known as Brownian motion.

Evaporation is the escape of high energy molecules from the surface of a liquid. Evaporation
results in a drop in the temperature of the liquid from which the molecules escaped. This is
because the molecules that escape acquire energy to do so from those which remain in the
liquid. Evaporation only takes place at the surface of the liquid and occurs at any
Factors That Affect Evaporation
A number of factors affect the rate of evaporation. These are;
 Wind speed (drought).An increase in wind speed causes an increase in rate of
 Surface area. The larger the surface area the higher the rate of evaporation.
 Temperature. The higher the temperature the higher the rate of evaporation.
 Humidity. The higher the humidity the lower the rate of evaporation.
Applications of evaporation
 Ether is used in fridges to cool their interiors
 Water sacks are put under the shade and moistened with water so that the water inside
cools as the molecules outside evaporate.
 Organisms cool themselves by evaporation using different ways,
. Dogs = Panting
Elephants= Flap their ears
Humans= Perspiration
Plants=Evaporation from leaves

Physics Notes: KINETIC THEORY OF MATTER. leemok productions 2012©

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