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A graph is a useful way to show the connection between {60 r variables. | make sure you learn and | understand these key words, | Graphs are a way of showing information as images that are €85Y #© understand, graph coordinate grid axis How does the price of fuel vary from one month to the next? + How does the mass of a baby increase with age? How does the cost of a taxi vary with the distance travelled? axis + How does the cost ofa mobile phone vary with the number y-axis of calls? coordinate How does the amount of tax you pay vary with your income? | mid-point How does your healthy mass vary with your height? ‘equation How does the cost of a hotel vary with the length of your stay? How does the temperature of water depend on how long you have been heating it? + How does the amount of electricity a fridge uses depend on the temperature inside the fridge? + How does the output of a solar panel depend on the amount of sunlight? Inall these examples a graph is a good way to show the connection. In this unit you will start with coordinates and then look at the simplest type of graph on a coordinate grid: a straight line, 43 Graphs ll 13.1 Plotting coordinates 43-4 Plotting Coordinates Graphs are often drawn on coordina z te grids, on squared paper. y Acoordinate grid is a pair of number lines, called axes, at right ‘ x ing at the point where the value on Ox : awd ' point is called the origin, 7 ons si fea ma ee based on the values of two variables x Het i fala and ys axisis the x-axis. ‘The vertical one is the y-axis, pha L om You can identify any point on a coordin: coordinates. These are the x-value and the y-value a the given point. They are written as a pair, in bracket, + The x-coordinate or x-value is the distance ofthe point from the origin along the horizontal axis, Ifthe point is to the left of the origin, the x-value will be negative eae « The y-coordinate or y-value is the vertical axis. Up is posits ate grid by stating its distance up or down the You may need to use use s down is negative. positive and negative numbers You should always write the x-coordinate frst 2 ence ‘The coordinates of the four points marked on AQ, 4) BG, 3), C4, -1) and D(-4, 3) the grid above are: Draw a coordinate grid. Plot the three points and join them up to form two lines at right angles. Draw two more lines to give the other sides of a square. Write down the coordinates of the fourth corner, Draw in the diagonals (shown in red). The centre is at (1, -2). They cross at the centre of the square. 23 Graphs ll 13.4 Plotting Coordinates Graphs are often drawn on coordinate 8tids, on squared paper. number lines, You can identify any poin inate gris ts Tc tie point. They are written asa pair, in brackeig, et ne Be + The “ aoeaea Or x-value is the distance of the Point from the origin 4 ong the horizontal axis. Ifthe point i to the left of th origin, the x-value will be negative oe « The y-coordinate or y-valy, d ie is the distan p vertical axis. Up spo ce up or down the down is negative. You should always write the x-coordinate first. The coordinates of the four points marked on the gri 2 AQ, 4) BG, -3), C4, 1) and DC 3) Me Ba above are: Draw a coordinate grid. Plot the three points right angles. 13.1 Plotting coordinates You may need to use use positive and negative numbers to write coordinates. id join them up to form two lines at Draw two more lines to give the other sides of a square. 0. Write down the coordinates of the fourth comer. a Draw in the diagonals (shown in red). The centre is at (1, -2). They cross at the centre of the square. 43 Graphs ———_______——_— | 33.1 Plotting coordinates, CiIIm 4 Write down the coordinates ofthe points D, E, Fand G. B isthe midpoint of Pan Wane npain of and (se mi-point of Pash between Pando © 2 # Ona coordinate rd plot the points CHA) and 20). Join them with a line. —— When you are asked to plot points, always start by drawing a coordinate grid on squared | b Work out the coordinates ofthe mid-point of the Tse x You will need to work out how farto | Q 4 4 Onacoordinate grid, plot he points 6 ae teed on the atnum | and (2, -5). Join them with a line. okies of your vatbles ask dc ecatcered te kl oler —) of te tne. 5. @ Ona coordinate grid, plot and jon the points (0, 2) and (~6,0). b Work out the coordinates of the mid-point. 6 Three comers ofa rectangle are at (3,5), (3-3) and (4,3). question ke these, you wil ned Plot these points and draw the rectangle. to draw the coordinate gid fst. b Find the coordinates of the fourth comer. 7, The four corners of a square are the points (3,3) (5,~3).(-1, -8) and (~3, 1). a Draw the square. b Draw the diagonals of the square. € Find the coordinates of the centre ofthe square. GQ ® a@ Draw the quadrilateral with corners at (5,2), (3,2) (-3,-2) and (-1,2) b_ What isthe name of this quadrilateral? Draw the diagonal ¢ Find the coordinates of the centre ofthe quadrilateral, 43 Graphs 3.2 Lines parallel to the axes 13-2 Lines paralle| to the axes On this grid, the red line throu . } extended in both drectong MEY ACH and Ba, -sp hasbeen feet ye pee Some othe poison the tne re (4,394.5) 3) (4,0) (4-49 (4.3) 4-0) : ‘Tey all have an x-coordinate of 4 Fre ff coordinate of wll ben thi PE 1 An equation is like a rule connect ——— ion is like a rule connecting x and y. The equation ofthe e redline Ars line x= is perpendicular tothe saris and | YOU lat about equations passes through the 4 on the vaxte Units 2 ad 9 ‘The diagram also shows the lines x= 2 and y= 5 The equation of the y-axis is x = 0 ‘These points are onthe bli ine drawn heres (5,3) 4.3) 2, 3) (2,3) (0,3) Coda ; ‘The y-coordinate of points on this line is always ae “The equation ofthe bie line is ‘The equations of the other lines are y ‘The equation ofthe x-axis is y 4 Find the equation of the line through these points aPandQ b QandR ¢ RandS od Sand T 2 a Onacoordinate grid, draw and label the lines x= y=-4, b Write down the coordinates of the point where the lines cross. andy = and 3 a On.acoordinate grid, draw the rectangle with comnersat_ 3 4) ‘AQ 7),B(-6,7), C(-6, 1) and D(2, 1). b Write down the equation ofthe line through Band C. xe © Write down the equation ofthe line through A and B “1 4. The rectangle has two lines of symmetry. Write down the ty equation of each of them. 4 Find the equation ofthe line through these points. a (4,-S)and (4,2) b (-3,6)and (3,6) ¢ (-3,5)and(-5,0) 5 Tsofthee poinuarinasiiahline. eae yea gee La ea) Find the equation ofthe line. Q) © Arhombus has vertices atthe points (~2,8), (1, 2),(~2,—4) anal (5,2 @ Draw the chombus. ; ‘The thombus has two line of symmetry. Write down the equations of thes lines. 33 Graphs oes 43,3 Other straight lines 13.3 Other straight lines ‘Yu can use an equation to find pars of values of andy that obey the rule, % Look at the equation y Choose any value for x and then work out the corresponding values of y. Each time you will get the coordinates of a point. “This gives the coordinates (4, 6) “This gives the coordinates (1, 3)- “This gives the coordinates (~ This gives the coordinates (0, 2) Remember that an equation is ikea rule connecting * and ¥ Al the graphs inthis uni, will be straight lines, 1). Ifyou plot these points, you can draw a straight line through them. Any other points you find, using this equation, will be on the same line, y=x-42. {your line is not straight, check you have worked out the coordinates correctly. Mfx=-2theny=5-3%-2=11 | itis always helpful to Ifx=otheny=5-3*0=5 lfx=3 then y=5-3*3=-4 put the values in a table, like this. ‘Think carefully about the numbers you put on the axes. ‘The x-axis must include -2 and 3. The y-axis must include ~4 and 13. Make sure you can plot all five points. ‘The points are in a straight line. Draw a line through all the points. Make the line as long as the grid allows. 43.3 ther straight lines 4a Copy and complete this t able of values for y= x4 4 : b Copy these axes, Use Your table to draw the graph of y= x +4. , 2 & Copy and complete this table of values for y = 2x +5 Beer aes | | | b Copy these axes. Use your table to draw the graph of y= 2x+ 5. Q 3% Complete this table of values for y= x— 3, Sra re = b Use your table to draw the graph of y=x~3. { when you draw the coordinate grid, look carefully ¢ Where does the graph cross the x-axis? atthe table of values so that you will know how to 4 a Complete this table of values for y= 5 ~ x. label the axes. 3] [27s [es Ci Rae b Use your table to draw the graph of y= © Where does the graph cross the x-axis? a ‘Complete this table of values for y= =[27To[2][s [5 a ‘ b Draw the graph of y=2- x. 43 Graphs 33.3 Other straight lines © @ Complete this table of values for y= 264+ 1). =4i| S21] oa]ean)as a7 b Draw the graph of y= 2(x4 1), 7 @ Complete this table of values for y= 3 - 2x. ERE oli: ft 7 =I b Draw the graph of y= 3 ~ 2x, @ 8 a Complete this table of values for y= 2x~ 4. Choose your own values of x between —3 and 5 a ° é 6 Draw the graph of y= 2x~ 4. ‘Where does the graph cross each of the axes? Draw the graph of y= 6 — x with values of x from -2 to 7, On the same axes draw the graph of y= 2. Where do the two lines cross? » You should now know that: You should be able to: + The axis s horizontal and the y-axis is vertical + Read and plot positive and negative coordinates 1 The first coordinate is the coordinate and of points determined by geometric information. the second coordinate is the y-coordinate. ‘Recognise straight-line graphs parallel to the Coordinates can be positive, negative or zero. svaxis and axis. ++ Straight lines on a coordinate grid have 4 Generate coordinate pairs that satisfy a linear ‘equations. equation, where yis given explicitly in terms of , > Lines with equations of the type x=2 or y= ~3 are and plot the corresponding graphs. parallel to the -axis or xaxis respectively. “+ Draw accurate mathematical graphs. + An equation such as y= 2x~3.can be used to + Recognise mathematical properties, patterns and work out coordinates and draw a straight-line relationships, generalising in simple cases. graph. 43 Graphs End of urit review end of unit review a Plot V(~2, 5) and Wes, * § Misthe mid-point OF VW. A Bd and join them with straight line fark M on the graph and rite down its coordinates. 2 The poiMIs (6,1), 6,5) and @ * 5 Deewthe squareant b Draw the parallel i 38 soot nth ¥ettices at (2,0), (6,2) (6,2) and (2, ~4)- 'b Draw the diagonals of the parallelogram von ne yordinates of the point wince theyera: Parallelogram. Write down the coordinat Poi 4 Write down the equations of the lines through the points: * Ct a Aad B Bande e Candy band A a Draw the rectangle with vertices at P(~1 RIS, -3} Qe. (151), 5, 1), RI, -3) 'b Find the equation of the line through P and Q. : ¢ Find the equation of the line throush Parl 4 The rectangle has two lines of symmetry. Work out the equation of each one. 6 Three of these points are on a straight line, Morton he equations ei CMO DEIEIEIED GQ 7 # Complete his able of values fory= 4 b Use your table to draw the graph of y= x~ 4, ‘€ Where does the graph cross the x-axis? 8 a Complete this table of values for y= 2+ 2. Use your table to draw the graph of y= 2x-+ 2. 9 @ Complete this table of values for y= 6 ~ 2x Use your table to draw the graph of y= 83 Graphs Re Ratio and proportion A ratio is a way of comparing two or more numbers or quantities. ‘The symbol : is used to show ratio. Ratios were used long before the symbol we use today was invented. Pythagoras was a famous Greek ‘mathematician who lived around 500 BC. Historians and mathematicians believe that he discovered the golden ratio. pythagoras (about 570 If the lengths of the sides of a rectangle BC to 495 BC), are in the golden ratio, the rectangle is called the golden rectangle. Some sizes of paper, such as A4, are based ‘on the golden rectangle. ‘Make sure you learn and understand these key words: ratio simplify simplest form highest common factor divide share direct proportion unitary method A rectangle is golden if, when you cuta square from it, the piece left over is mathematically similar to the original. This ‘means that the sides are in the same proportion, Ifyou divide a rectangle in this way several times, you will see that a spiral shape forms. This spiral shape can be seen in nature, for example, in the shell of a chambered nautilus. It can also be seen in architecture, such as the Parthenon in Athens, ‘Today we use ratios in everyday life, often without ‘Knowing it! Builders use ratios when mixing sand and cement for concrete. Chefs use ratios when mixing, ingredients for cakes. In this unit you will learn how to use ratio and direct. proportion. The golden rectangle. ‘4& Ratio and proportion EE saya Simplifying ratios 14.4 Simplifying ratios Inthis necklace there are two red beads and six yellow beads. \ Yousan write therato fred bead toyeig Renken eccocnce. For every One red bead there are thre yellow beads, s0 you can simplify the ratio 2:6 to 1-3, You write a ratio in its sim, in the ratio by the highest. of 2 and 6 is 2, s0 divide b Plest form by dividing the numbers ‘common factor. Here, the highest common factor moth the numbersby2. up of blue squares and green ; squares. ia of blue rate to green squares, 8:12 There are 8 blue squares and 12 green squares in the rectangle. Nes The highest common factor of 8 and 12 is 4, So divide both numbers by 4 a blue : green = b 8:12 eG ae 1 For each of these necklaces, write down the ratio of red beads to yellow beads. 8 cosco~“ > Neacee- & Neca” 4 \ecessce~ 2 For each of these necklaces, write down the ratio of green beads to blue beads in its simplest form. ®\cessse“ > \ceccee” © \cosscceeee” 4 \eceonceo” 3 Write each of these ratios in its simplest form, a 2:8 b 2:12 © 3:6 @ 3:15, e 4:8 fas g 25:5 h 60:5 i 36:6 jo14:7 k 24:8 U 54:9 44, Write each of these ratios in its simplest form. a 4:10 bass © 6: 6:21 e 8:10 f 8:14 g 12:9 hh 24:9 i 1s:10 fo24:10 kk 28:12 L289 @ 5, Helena sees this recipe for pastry. She says that the ratio of margarine to flour is 4: 1. Is Helena correct? Explain your answer. @ 6 Bryn is drawing a scale diagram of a building. For every 10 m of the building he draws a line 5 cm long. Bryn thinks he is using a ratio of 2: 1. Alun thinks Bryn is using ar Iscither of them correct? Explain your answer, +4& Ratio and proportion 14.2 Sharing in a ratio 14.2 Sharing in a ratio ‘You can use ratios to divide things up, or share them. Look at this example, Sally and Bob bought a car for $15 000, Sally paid $10 000 and Bob paid $5000, You can write the amounts they paid as a ratio. Sally : Bob The highest common factor of 10 00 10 000 : S000. and 5000 is 5000, 50 divide By 5000 to + 5000 +5000 simply the ratio. Qed So, Sally paid twice as much as Bob. Five years later they sold the car for $9000. They need to share the money fairly between them, Sally paid twice as much as Bob, so she should get twice as much as him. How do you work out how much each of them gets? To share ina given ratio + Add the numbers in the ratio to find the total number of parts. rt. + Divide the amount to be shared by the total number of parts to find the value of one par + Use multiplication to work out the value of each share. Total number of parts: Add the numbers in the ratio to find the total number of pars. Value of one part: ‘$9000 + 3 = $3000 Divide the amount to be shared by the total number of parts to find the value of one part. i Sally's share. Sally gets: $3000 « 2 = $6000 Multiply by 2to get Sally Bob ges $3000 x1 = $3000 Multiply by 1 to get Bob's share, 4 Copy and complete the workings to share $45 between Ethan and Julie in the ratio 1:4, Total number of parts: 1 + ‘Value of one part: $45 + 1} Ethan gets: 1 xJ=(J is Julie gets: 4 x7) ‘Af Ratio and proportion 44.2 Sharing in a ratio 2. Share these amounts ben a $24 in the ratio 1-2 $30 in the ratio 5: 1 ¢ $48 in the ratio 3:1 © $21 in the ratio 1:6 a 3. Share these amounts betw is ‘cen Lin and Kuan-yin in the ratios given. a $35 in the ratio 2:3 a 8 given. ; ; 5 b $56 in the ratio 2 © $49 in the ratio 3:4 d_ $32 in the ratio 5: 3, in the ratio 2:5 is © $66 in the ratio 6: 5 f $90 in the ratio 7:3 4 Raine and Abella share an e! lectricity bill in the ratio 5 1e electricity bill is $72. How nich does cadet ns in the ratio 5 :4, The electricity bill is 5 Atin of biscuits contains shor ‘The tin contains 40 biscuits, How many shortbread biscuits are there in the tin? 6 A school choir is made up of girls and boys in the ratio 43, There are 35 students in the choir altogether. How many of the students are boys? ‘tbread and choc-chip its in the ratio 7 Brad and Lola bought a painting for $120. Brad paid $80 and Lola paid $40. a Write the ratio of the amount they each paid in its simplest form. b ‘Ten years later they sold the painting for $630. How much should each of them get? 8 William and Emma buy a racehorse. William pays $3000 and Emma pays $4000, @ Write the ratio of the amount they each pay in its simplest form. b The horse wins prize money of $12 600. How much should each of them get? Q 9 !nawood there are oak trees and beech trees, In one section of the wood there are 35 oak trees and 49 beech trees. In the whole wood there are 7200 trees. Show how Mia worked out this estimate. ‘estimate that there are 3000 oak trees in the wood altogether Q 10 Agwe and Kai are going to share $240, either in the ratio of their ages, or in the ratio of their weights. ‘Agwe is 14 years old and weighs 58 kg. Kai is 16 years old and weighs 62 kg. Which ratio would be better for Agwe? Explain your answer. 41 Every New Year Auntie Bea gives $320 to be shared between her nieces in the ratio of their ages. This year the nieces are aged 3 and 7. How much more will the younger niece receive, in five years’ time, than she receives this year? 4g Ratio and proportion OO ————————_—_—_—_————— 414-3 Using direct proportion 14.3 Using direct Proportion ‘Two quantities are in direct proportion when their ratio stays the same as the quantities increase or decrease ne Packet of rice costs $3.25, so two packets of rice would cost twice as much- Wo packets of rice would cost 2x $3.25 = $6.50. Six tickets to a concer rs tt cost $120, half as mu Three tickets would cose kee tickets would cos First of all, work out the cost of one book is called the unit by dividing the total cost ofthe books by3-_ | Ts af 10 x $4 = $40 Now work out the cost of 10 books by tmathod, because you find oe ™ltiplying the cost of one book by 9. the cost af 1 book before 36 412-3 You can see that to make 36 cupcakes you | finding the cost of x0. oe need to multiply the recipe by 3. 3 = 6 eggs So, multiply the number of eggs by 3- CEE 4 Tony buys one bag of chips for $1.20. In this type of question, ifyou can see the Work out the cost of: connection between the numbers, you don't need @ two bags of chips five bags of chips. _(_t0 use the unitary method, 2 Rob goes to the gym three times a week. @ four weeks bone year. 3 Three bananas weigh 375 grams. Copy and complete the working to find the weight of eight bananas. I banana weighs: 375+ 3=0 8 bananas weigh: 8 xO 4 Five apples weigh 320 grams. Work out the weight of: a one apple —_b_ seven apples. 5. Ivan buys four shirts for $37.80. Work out the cost of nine shirts. 6 A recipe for four people uses 800 g of chicken. Copy and complete the workings to find the weight of chicken needed for: a 20people —b 6 people. a Weight of chicken for 4 people: 800 g ‘The connection between 4 and 20is: 20+4=0) Weight of chicken for 20 people: 800g x J=Lg ‘4g Ratio and proportion y Ell 444.3 Using direct proportion b Weight of chicken for 4 people: Weight of chicken for2 peopieg SUB Weight of chicken for 6 peoples ag sOg=Lg Bo is paid $65 for 10 hours ; 7 TP Shoues bret Mork How much does she earn when she work for 8 Acatering company charges $960 ¢ How much do they change te ce ; meal for 120 people. a 60 people —b_300 people? Q? This is part of Li-Ming’s homework. Question A recipe for 6 people uses 300 y of rice: How much rice iy needed for 15 people? Y\ Solution The recipe i for 6 people, 6 + 9 = 15 6 people need 300 gof rice 3 people need 300 y+ 2 = 150 grice 6 +3 = 9, 30-300 + 150 = 450g Altogether 450 gof rice iv needed. ee Explain what she has done wrong and work out the right answer. Q 1A teacher orders homework books for her clas of 30 students, The total value of the order is $135. ‘Two more students join her class, so she orders two extra books. What is the total value of the order now? You should now know that: You should be able to: + Aratio is away of comparing two or more + Use ratio notation. ‘numbers or quantities. Write a ratio in its simplest form. The symbol : is used to show ratio. Divide a quantity into two parts in a given ratio. To write a ratio in its simplest form you divide Recognise the relationship between ratio and both the numbers by the highest common factor. proportion. To share in a given ratio you need to: Use direct proportion in context. 4 find the total number of parts Solve simple problems involving ratio and direct 2 find the value of one part proportion. 3find the value of each share. Understand everyday systems of measurement Two quantities are in direct proportion when their a use tea alcuata ratios stay the same as the quantities increase or Solve word problems involving whole numbers, decrease, ‘money or measures, 44 Ratio and proportion End of unit review End of unit review to yellow squares. 1 For each of these shapes, write down the ratio of red squares 10 atm ob For each of these shapes, write down the Write cach ratio in its simplest form, 2b oT 3 Write cach of these ratios in its simplest form. a 2:6 b 18:3 Cc 6:9 d 24:16 DY 4 Chaska sees these ingredients for a concrete mix. He says that the ratio of cement to sand is Is Chaska correct? Explain your answer. io of green squares '0 blue squares. jo of green squs 5. Share these amounts between Tao and Chris in the ratios given a $15 in the ratio 1:2 b $25 in the ratio 4:1 © 45 kg in the ratio 3:2 24 litres in the ratio 5:3 6 A tin of sweets contains toffees and chocolates in the ratio 3 4. The tin contains 35 sweets. How many chocolates are in the tin? QB 7 Mia and Gianna are going to share $180 either in the ratio of the number of brother or in the ratio of the number of sisters they each have. Mia has two brothers and three sisters. ;nna has one brother and five sisters How much more would Gianna get if they shared the money in the rati rather than the ratio of brothers? 8 Sham buys one packet of peanuts for $1.60. Work out the cost of: a two packets of peanuts seven packet of peanuts. s they each have, io of the number of sisters 9 Four tins of beans weigh 1.6 kg. Work out the weight of: a 12 tins of beans b 10 tins of beans. 40 The total length of three fence panels is 5.4 m. Work out the total length of ten fence panels. 41 A coach orders shirts for her netball team. ‘There are seven players in the team. The total value of the order is $89.60. ‘She remembers at the last minute to order three extra shirts for the reserve players. What is the total value of the order now? ‘4 Ratio and proportion

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