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1. Religare which means to bind in English comes from which language?
a. French
b. Arabic
c. Latin
d. Greek

2. External forms of worshipping a supernatural being.

a. Beliefs
b. Rituals
c. Festivities
d. Prayers

3.Islamic place of worship.

a. Church
b. Temple
c. Synagogue
d. Mosque

4.One reason for worshipping God/s

a. To appease God’s anger
b. To enjoy life
c. To celebrate an occasion
d. To become rich

5.Polytheism is a belief in
a. One God
b. Divine being
c. Many gods
d. Transcendental being

6.The believer is external disposition of his faith

a. Spirituality
b. Divinity
c. Deity
d. Religiosity

7.Which of the following is not a function of religion?

a. It builds solidarity.
b. It enhances socialization.
c. It flourishes one’s business.
d. It creates peace and tranquility.
8. In every religion, there is a corresponding _____________.
a. Mortality
b. Written promise
c. Bible
d. Fortune

9. Christianity is a kind of religion characterized as __________.

a. Deistic
b. Atheistic
c. Agnostic
d. Monotheistic

10. Nirvana is the state of eternal happiness for______________.

a. Hinduism
b. Islam
c. Buddhism
d. Shintoism

1. Religion is intended for the following reasons, except.
a. Good of all people
b. Help the needy
c. Means of acquiring material wealth
d. Source of morality

2. Which of the following is the reason for the positive effects of religion in physical health?
a. Initiates social connections with other members
b. Helps people to cope with difficult life situations
c. Lower blood pressure
d. Provide guidelines to live

3. Which of the following religiosity assists those affected by mental illness?

a. Affiliation
b. Church attendance
c. Religious activity involvement
d. Valuing religion

4. He/she articulated the indispensability of the freedom of religious practice in his/her farewell address to
the nation.
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. George Washington
c. Gloria Macapagal Aroyo
d. Ramon Magsaysay

5. Which of the following negative effects of religion is related to the idea that others are just a projection
of yourself?
a. Religion is filling people with fear
b. Religion is turning people against themselves
c. Religion is keeping people in ignorance
d. Religion is turning people against each other

1. Which of the following is the reason for the positive effects of religion in mental health?
a. Helps people to cope with difficult life situations
b. Helps you resist junk food
c. Helps you have healthy lifestyle
d. Lowers your blood pressure

2. Religion is intended for the following reasons, except.

a. Good of all people
b. Help the needy
c. Means of acquiring material wealth
d. Source of morality

3. Which of the following religiosity assists those affected by mental illness?

a. Affiliation
b. Church attendance
c. Religious activity involvement
d. Valuing religion

4. He/she articulated the indispensability of the freedom of religious practice in his/her farewell address to
the nation.
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. George Washington
c. Gloria Macapagal Aroyo
d. Ramon Magsaysay

5. Which of the following negative effects of religion is related to the perception of one’s self as forever
sinner and not able to please God?
a. Religion is filling people with fear
b. Religion is turning people against themselves
c. Religion is keeping people in ignorance
d. Religion is turning people against each other
1. The book of the Torah of Judaism contains the Ten Commandments.
a. Exodus
b. Genesis
c. Leviticus
d. Numbers

2. He is the grandson of Abraham who became the central figure in ancient Jews history and his name
became Israel.
a. Ishmael
b. Isaac
c. Jacob
d. Joseph

3. This term is used as a sign of ritually clean food for Judaism.

a. Halal
b. Kosher
c. Talmud
d. Torah

4. The form of religious belief of Judaism.

a. Atheism
b. Monotheism
c. Pantheism
d. Polytheism

5. The branch of Judaism rejected the idea of Zionism.

a. Conservative
b. Modern Orthodox
c. Orthodox
d. Reform

1. Which of the following is the fifth in the Ten Commandments?
a. You shall have no other gods before me.
b. Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is
giving you.
c. You shall not murder.
d. You shall not commit adultery.

2. He is the son of Abraham who became the central figure in ancient Jews history and his name became
a. Ishmael
b. Isaac
c. Jacob
d. Joseph

3. This term is used as a sign of ritually clean food for Judaism.

a. Halal
b. Kosher
c. Talmud
d. Torah

4. This branch of Judaism tends to view many traditional Jewish beliefs and ceremonial observances as
outdated and/or mere superstition.
a. Conservative
b. Modern Orthodox
c. Orthodox
d. Reform

5. What is the original Hebrew name (Tetragrammaton) of the God of Judaism?

a. El
b. Elohim
c. Jehovah


1. ___Y N___G___ ___U___. A Jewish place of worship. Synagogue
2. P___ ___ Y ___H E___ ___M. A kind of religion that believes in a plurality of Gods. Polytheism
3. ___ U___ C ___I O ___A___. It is concerned with the social consequences of religion. Functional
4. S ___ I ___ I T___ ___ LI ___Y . It can be described as one's integrative view of life. Spirituality
5. ___ O R ___ D ___I ___ W. A collection of beliefs about life and the universe being held by people.
Religion protects against depressive symptoms, soothes anxiety, may also provide coping skills to deal
with stressors, or demands perceived as straining.
2. Religions gives people something to believe in, provides a sense of structure and typically offers
a group of people to connect with over similar beliefs.
3. Regular attendance at religious services is linked to healthy, stable family life, strong marriages,
and well-behaved children.
4. George Washington articulated the indispensability of the freedom of religious practice in his
farewell address to the nation: Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity,
religion and morality are indispensable supports.
5. Religion is filling people with fear.
6. Religion is turning people against themselves.
7. Religion is turning people against each other.
8. Religion is keeping people in ignorance.
9. To blindly follow a religious or any other ideology simply means to restrict your perception,
suppress your thoughts and emotions, and live in hypocrisy — in other words, to live in pain and misery.
10. Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire occurred intermittently over a period of over two
centuries between the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD under Nero and the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, in
which the Roman Emperors Constantine the Great and Licinius legalized the Christian religion.
1. Another common name for God in the Bible is El or Elohim.
2. Until the late 18th century, there was only one kind of Judaism. What is now called “Orthodox”
Judaism was normative and did not need to be distinguished as a branch until other, less traditional,
varieties of Judaism began to develop.
3. Zionism is a religious and political effort that brought thousands of Jews from around the world
back to their ancient homeland in the Middle East and reestablished Israel as the central location for
Jewish identity.
4. Jews believe that God is one – a unity: He is one whole, complete being.
5. One of the most important moments in the history of monotheism is the climax of Elijah’s
struggle with Baalism.


Column A Column B
1. a belief in the existence of one God a. theology
viewed as the creative source of the
human race and the world d. b. agnoticism

2. relating or affecting the human c. polytheism

spirit or soul that is one’s personal
integrative view on j. d. theism

3. the belief that there is only one e. worldview

God who could have designed and
created the universe g. f. monism

4. the belief in many principal gods g. monotheism

among whom no one is supreme c.
h. atheism
5. the belief that there is no genuine
distinction between God and the universe f. i. religion

6. denial of the existence of God h. j. spirituality

7. the belief that God's existence is unknown k. philosophy

and unknowable. b.

8. an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies,

and rules used to worship a god or a group
of gods i.

9. a collection of beliefs about life and the

universe held by people e.

10. the systematic study of the existence and

nature of the divine a.
Column A Column B
1. A name given by the Hebrews to their god e. a. Muhammad
2. Considered as the “Seal of the Prophets” a. b. Ishmael
3. A pilgrimage site along the river Ganga c. c. Varanasi
4. Believed to be the ancestor of the Arab people b. d. Baekje
5. One of the three kingdoms in Korea d. e. Yahweh
f. Abraham
Column A Column B
1. Type of Buddhism that developed in Japan c. a. Yahweh
2. The Hindu god of water and celestial oceans d. b. Tertullian
3. Prehistoric species of humans e. c. Zen
4. Term for the teachings of the Buddha f. d. Varuna
5. Forwarded the idea of ‘three persons, b. e. Neanderthals
one substance’ f. Dharma


True1. Bodhisattvas have gained spiritual enlightenment but opted to postpone their entry to nirvana to
assist other being in their path to salvation.
False2. The holy mountains in Japan are Mount Fuji, Mount Tate, and Mount Moriah.
True 3. Meritocracy became the basis of government officials during the time of Confucius.
False4. The Dome of the Rock is located in Mount Ararat.
True5. The teachings of Confucius became the state religion during the Han Dynasty.

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
False 1. The term ‘Shinto’ came from two Indian words.
True 2. The Hindu god of fire is Agni.
True 3. Judaism has 48 prophets and seven prophetesses.
False 4. The concept of filial piety is integral in Islam.
False 5. The Arabian Peninsula consists of countries that are predominantly Buddhist in character.

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
False 1. God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac at Mount Hira.
True 2. The Analects and Dao De Jing are sacred texts in Chinese religions.
False 3. The Ganga is the holiest river for the Muslims.
False 4. Saudi Arabia experienced a bloody civil war from 1975 to 1990 between Christians and
True 5. The Hindus believe in the trimurti or the three forms of their god.

1. Who is the founder of Judaism? Abraham
2. It signifies first five books of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), also called the Law (or the
Pentateuch, in Christianity). Torah
3. What is the name God of Judaism? Yahweh
4. What is the Jewish standard or guide of morality? Ten Commandments
5. What is the branch of Judaism which holds to its original teaching? Orthodox Judaism

(Write the big letter A if the statement/situation is positive effect of religion and the big letter B if the
statement/situation is negative effect of religion and write the big letter C if the statement/situation not
related religiosity)
1. The father is letting his son and daughter do anything they want without any intervention and
guidance. C.
2. Learning to resist junk food and any other food that are detrimental to our health. A.
3. Feeling distress and depress after sinning believing that God would punish him/her. B.

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