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Ove D vv toa ncorrect he! | Pie Ss Atoms and Molecules Exempla Inthe present chapter we shall told combine ro form molecule), ay ot POU the vatous laws (hi es fm molecule), symbole and 2 ws (which explains how stoms a vas of espresting their masse 4 formulae of stoms and molecule and vanes erp se pe + Law of Conservation of Mass ‘ Laws of Chemical Combination "Rope tase ‘Whenever reactants react together to fon Proportions ted as so ferm 3 compound, they do the, ee ee Producto sheclemens ‘combinetogether + Explanation of Lave of oo crib inak ding co certain laws, These laws arc called laws of Chemical Combination Stes) | Se bitin, oe Baton tome They Antoine 1. Lavoisier laid the foundation of chemical sc © toms indi sical sciences by ext 0 e imporant laws of chemical combination which are follon = °7 SUING. 8 iabeleniie " * Modem Day sybaisot 1. Law of Conservation of Mass ea Jeaates tha, ‘mass can neither be created nor be destoyed durin ‘ , ted nor be destroyed during a chemical reaction.’ © Moecuies This means that in any chemical reaction, the tol mass ofthe reactants eqial to the» Mocs Berents toal mass ofthe products and there is no change in mass duting the chemical reaction, + Moveculs of Compounds Example 1. 11 4.0 g of sodium carbonate reacts with 10 q of hydrochloric acid, © lons ‘results in the ormatton of 2.5 g of carbon dioxide and 11.5 gf sodium chloride» Catens solution. Show that these esulls are in accordance with ie aw of conservation: Aions mass + Poyaonicon Sol, Sodium carbonate + Hydrochloric acid —+ Carbon dioxide + Sodium chloride + Valenoy: el rr wen ey © Wing Chui Formice rams= 40410 + Formula Sep 1” |i a ni asc 90H IE romana! : Total mass of products = 2.5 +11.5 = 14g ‘© Molecular Mass products have the same mass, tht means hat there was no los or gain of ;| | Stetina ard prods heh sae ahi mas ha er a ee + Formada UMass mas afer he reaction, Hence, te datisin eee eae + Relationship of Mole to Mass ‘of the Particles and Numbers, 7 Allénone Science Cass 5 52 2. Law of Constant Proportions/ Law of Definite Proportions According to this law, in a chemical substance (or compound), the elements are always present in definite Proportions (or ratios) by mass. ©.g. In a compound such as water, the ratio of the mass of hydrogen to the mass of oxygen is always 1 : 8, whatever the source of water. Thus, if 9 g of water is decomposed, | g of hydrogen and 8 g of oxygen are always obtained. Similarly, carbon dioxide (CO ) always contains carbon and oxygen in the ratio of 3 : 8. If sample of CO, contains 36 g ‘of carbon then it is compulsory that the sample has 96 g oxygen. 3_ 3% This is calculated as = = —; a x 6x8 xe 3 Example 2. Copper oxide was prepared by two different methods. In one case, 1.75 g of the metal gave 2.19 g of oxide. In the second case, 1.14 g of the metal gave 1.43 g of the oxide. Show that the given data illustrate the law of constant proportions. Sol, Case! Mass of copper = 175 ¢ ‘And mass of copper oxide = 2.19 6 So, mass of arygen = Mass of copper oxide ~ Mass of copper =219-175=0M4 5 Now, in fist sample of copper oride compound. Mass of copper : Mass of oxygen =96g =398:164:1 Case Mass of copper = 1.14 g ‘And, mass of copper oxide = 1.43 So, mass of oxygen = Mass of copper oxide ~ Mass of capper 2143-114 = 029g Now, in second sample of copper oxide compound. Mass of copper : Mass of orygen = 1.14: 144 029 From the above calculations we can see that the ratio (or proportion) of copper and oxygen elements in the «wo samples of copper oxide compound isthe same, i. 4:1 So, the given data verify the law of constant proportions. Explanation of Laws of Chemical Combination : Dalton’s Atomic Th Dalton’s atomic theory provided an explanation for he of chemical combination. According to Dalton’, = theory, all matter (whether an element, a compound a mixture), is composed of small particles, called atoms." ‘The Main Postulates of Dalton’s Atomic Theory + very matter is made up of very smal particles, cated ors, ; ‘+ Atoms are indivisible particles which can neither nor be destroyed in a chemical reaction ects ‘Atoms of a given element are identical in mass as ‘chemical properties. aa ‘Atoms of different elements have diferent masses ang chemical properties. : ‘Atoms combine in the ratio of small whole numbers totam ‘compounds. ‘The relative numbers and hinds of atoms are constant ina sven compound. CED 1 11100 g of calcum carbonate on heating produces 44 94 carbon Goxida, hon much quickime wal before? Was, is folowed fr sobveg tis poblen? (As £89: tow oconenatn rag 2 Which law states, that in @ chemical comoound. cme aways combine 2 fed proportion? 3.209 siver nitrate solution is added to 20 9 of socuen cia solution. What change in ass do you expect ere eacee and wh? 4 In given sample of ammonia, 9.9 hydrogen and 42 graye a0 present. In another sample. 5 9 hycrogen s pest longer nézogen, Calculate the amount of nitrogen fe second sample tore 2385 '5 Why definition of atom given by Daton is ro longa vaso? Atoms ‘Atoms are the smallest particles of an element which may may not have independent existence but take part iat chemical reaction. These are the building blocks of 3 matter. eg. atoms of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen derived from tenune of the place where they Were found for the first Se Now i days, icis the JUPAC (International Union o Fucand Applied Chemistry) who approve the names and tba ofthe elements. Many of he symbols are the first cee or two let %¢ name in English The fis eter of a symbol i snd the second lectcr 252 5 gychorine (CD, zine (Zn) ams Sjubolsof some elements have bee indiferene languages such 25 Latin» German, ty Iron — Fe from Ferrum (Latin name) Gold — Au from Aura (Latin name) (Latin name) is al all letter. id aluminium (Al)- taken from their names Greck ete Potasium — K from Kalin Chlorine — Cl from Cloves (Greek name) Cobalt = — Co from Kobo (Gerimn 126) sme) Seda Na from Nata Latin 92 ‘According, 's 2 cane i Bue decermining the mass of 29 Te spiely diffcue ask due is vers . vy atomic masses erermined Usin eal combinations snd the compours atom was a Fe Hence, their relat the laws of chem! of an arom of formed. For this purposes ; fot oa as standard unit because ofthe fll () Onygen react ber of elements and formed compounds. i Thisumie gaverasses of most ofthe clementsas whole numbers. However in 1961, carbon (C-12 igotope) was chosen a How ference or measuring zomic Mas universally. Relative Alomic Mass Ik is defined as che number of qa 1/12th of mass of 1 arom of carbo! the average mass of the atom as compar mass of one carbon-12 atom. ‘Atornic Mass Unit Ie is defined as the mass unit nit equal t0 exact ins ne atom of C-12 isotope. Earlier, ie ee ea sp amu but according to latest dl timesa given atom is heavier n-12 (C-12) or it is red to 1/12th the iis ne ee | 54 Allénone Scien6® Class 9 ‘Atomic Masses of Few Elements ae Masses of Few Elements wt able to Mote Atoms of mos of the elements are n ‘exist independently. Atoms form molecules and ions, These molecules or ions aggrogate in large numbers to form the matter that we ean se, fel or touch. Molecules ‘The smallest particle of an clement or compound which is capable of independent ‘existence and shows all the properties of that substance is called a molecule. In general, molecule is a group of rwo or more atoms that are chemically bonded together. Atoms of the same dement or of different elements can join together to form molecules. Molecules can be divided into two categories: 1. Molecules of Elements The molecules ofan element contains same type of atoms. Molecules of many elements are made up of only one atom of that element. eg. noble gases like argon (Ar), helium (He) ete. The ‘molecules of most of the non-metals are made up of more than one atom. €g, a molecule of oxygen (0) consist of two atoms of oxygen and is known as diatomic molecule, ozone (Qs) consists of three atoms of ‘oxygen is known as triatomic molecules, Atomicity lis defined a the number of atoms present in a ‘molecule. On the basis of atomicity, molecules can be classified as: (9 Mopostomie molecules They consis of only one atom, eg. He, Ne, At, Xe, Fe, Aletc. (ii) Diatomie molecules They consist of wo atoms, eg. Hy-Oz, N31), Bry-Cl;, HCl, NaCletc, (i) Teistomic molecules They consist of three atoms eg, O5,COz, NO, ete. (is) Tetrratomic molecules They consis of four atoms eg. PyyH,O, ete. (v) Polyatomic molecules They consis of more than foug ie eg, CH, (penta-atomie), S, (octa-atomic) exe Atomicity of Some Elements (Non-metals) ame Horiciy Name homiciy ‘gon Meneatomse Cherie Diatomae Helium Monoatomie Ozone Qeygen _Diatomic _ Hydrogen Diatomic trogen _Diatomic 2. Molecules of Compounds Atoms of diferent elements join rogether in definite prone form molecules of compounds heen’ Molecules of Some ‘Compounds Compound Combining Elements Ratio by Many Water (H,0) ‘reeria NH) Catton dioxide (C0,) Carbon and onygen Hycrogen suphige (HS) Hydrogen and sulphur Sulphuric acic (H,SO,) Hy Goose(CyH:0,) Caron. tytogenanéygen Baking por (NeHCO,) Se Comin a a6 Sedu, corre Limestone (2C0,) Cats, carbonand angen 40-12: (of Caletum carbonate 10:3:12 Causic soda (NaOH) 23:16:1 Caustic potash KOH) 3916:1 Ehnanal(C,H,0H) Carbon, ryctogen andoxygen 24:6: 166" 12:3:8 Mathanol(CH,OH) Carbon, yciogen andowgen 12:4: 16 6 gitsd 24:2012:1 Etiyne(CH,) “_Cafoen and hycrogen AiinOne Atoms ang Molec (Tie ee rediction of Number of toms from Mass Ratio lons oder to predict the number of, lecul ; Sac tt ‘OMS from When atoms, groups of atoms or molecules lose oF gain Oo ele Clement by the arnt cleewonts hey become charged. ‘These charged species ae te ned tes Et the simpiee et etween K0\n at ions, Atom in solution generally en the form “obsain nalts. ©, we know that masy net oftions. These can be negatively or positively charged, thus can gen and hydrogen in amnmontt 355 ratio of ; be categorised into two groups, Peumber of arone Of nope ang ete is 1453, PE egorised into two groups, pe molecule of ammonia crm kunt," Cations wnt Mass Ratio Atomic 1, ‘The positively charged ions are known as cations, «9 eB Na’, K*, Ca, AP* ete, ‘These are formed when lements loses electrons, Usually, metals form cations, Anions ‘The negatively charged ions are known as anions, 8: Cl, Br“, 07, N* etc. These are formed when elements atoms 82iN electrons. Usually, non-metals form anions, ” Poly-atomic lon A group of atoms carrying charge an act as a sin known as.a polyatomic ion, Ie carries a fixed cha in ammonia molecule, sent hence, the formula one N and three He. of ammonia is NH Sy el oy ge. eg. NOS Ys tnecessary to use symbol forthe elements? (nitrate ion), COZ (carbonate ion) and SO} (sulphate ion) Plies ca he folowing symbols? Give the correct palin each case, tc, sodium (So) Some onic ‘Compounds tydrogen (Hg) ounds Constiluting Elemonls Reng ay mpounds Constituling Elemonls Ratio by opper (Co) x Mass ulphur (5) Calcium oxo Calcumand oygen 52 re cium (CA) ‘Magnesium sulphide Magnesium and sulphur 347 any two elements whose symbols do not start wilh the Sodium chloride Seaium and chioring 25325 lator as that of the name ofthe element wee cum and chon % symbols of few elements, like sodium, do not start Ne tonic compounds are @ initial letter of the namo? formed by cations and anions, eg Sodium chioride oF co rion salt (NaC consists of postiely the difrence between 2Cl and Cl,? Which one of charged sodum ton (Na* cation) and negatively charged wo forms exists in nature? Also give the atomic mass hloride ion 1" anion) alement. atomicity oho following Valency wy ee =, The combining power (or capacity) of an element is called its valency. Valency can be used wo find out how the atoms of an clement will combine with the atom() of another element to he valency of an ion is equal to of nitrogen is found to contain Sn form a chemical compound. together in the ratio of 7 : 16 by mas: the charge on the ion, of the oxide and name it. TET y 56 eee latinhanlly —_Names, Symbols and Valency of Some ions ‘on of Vatoncy on of Metalic Symboi Polyatomic _Biteg_ Omit aritane Sst “ACRE Be anal Be. Haan Ho Hydiorkdo OM" catit,, Ma Shomer ate”, "Gt Bromde Br Hyrogon 2 oa 1 carponata NCO (earbonate) 2 Magawssirn One 0” Carbonsio CO} ~~" St Suptto so} ino Supnate Sof Cope (ny ; = =n fron ay Note These elements show more than one valency. Here, the Roman numeral weritten in brackets shows thelr valency Writing Chemical Formulae The shortest way to represent a compound with the help of symbols and valency of elements is known as chemical formula. Chemical formula of compound shows its constituent elements and the number of atoms of cach combining element. In ionic compounds, the charge on each ion is used to determine the chemical formula of a compound. ‘There are some rules for writing the chemical formula: () The valencies or charges on the ion must be balanced. (ii) When a compound consists of a metal and a non-metal, the symbol of the metal is written first and on the left whereas of non-metal on its right. e.g calcium oxide (CaO), sodium chloride (NaCl), iron sulphide (FeS), copper oxide (CuO) etc., where oxygen, chlorine, sulphur are non-metals and are written on the right, whercas calcium, sodium, iron and copperare metals and are written on left iif) When compound is formed with polyatomic ions, the ion is enclosed in a bracket before writing the number to indicate the ratio. eg Ca(OH),. In case if the number of polyatomic ion is one, the bracket is not required. e.g. NaOH. Formulae of Simple Compounds ‘To write the chemical formula for simple compounds : (A write the symbols of constituent elements and their valencies as shown below. (ia) write the symbol of cation first followed by the symbol of anion iii) then criss-cross their charges or valencies to get the formula. (iv) the positive and negative charges must balance each other and he overall structure must be neutral. Note The simplest compounds made up of two different elements are also called binary compounds ee Hydrogen sulphide Symbol Hix os Charge yea Formula HS Note when the subscript is number Ihc widen, PSS PUMPEE I sb Carbon tetrachloride Symbol cua Charge Ay Formula ca, Magnesium chloride Symbol Mi Charge 42 Formula MgCl, Calcium oxide Symbol Gio Charge 427°\g Formula Ca,0, or 20 Note When the valency of both elements are rumericaly equal. the suber 6 nx Aluminium oxide Symbol ALLO Charge +N Formula ALO, Sodium nitrate Symbol Na, NOs Charge eae Formula NaNO, Potassium carbonate CO, Symbol neg Charge +17 §-2 Formula. K,CO, Sodium carbonate Symbol Charge Formula Na,CO, re —S | ions in the. HYE two of Cee date frmulae, eg? & OL OF the same ‘Mominium hydroxide 2 Symbol Charge Formula Ammonium sulphate Symbol Charge NH. kw. SO, 41 ni Formula (NH,),S0, Al sbcripts must be reduced to ly or orion compe ESE term (except for Tin IV) oxide = Symbol Sn Charge 4 Formula Sn,0,0r Sno, 2 Predet ne ota numberof atoms in each case 4) Calcium phosphate) Hyciogen suiphide |) Magnesium bromide (i) Sodium owe ( Aluminium hydronde 3 Ge symbol and valency o the following ions, #Hyéroxide ion, carbonate ion, 4 Whats the role of valency inthe combination of atoms? 5 Anelerent x tors ;(CO,), type compound, What '5 the formula ofits phosphate and chlovide? § ite the formula of the folowing compounds. ® Magnesium sulphate (i) Sodium bromide | Coleium ehioride (wv) Potassium ntrate Sodium phosphate . | Molecular Mass The molecular mass of a substance is the sum of the atomic ‘ruses of all the atoms in a molecule of the substance. It is the relative mass ofa molecule expressed in amie | Mais units (u), e.g. the relative molecular mass of watct 1,0)is 18 u, which can be calculated as omic mass of hydrogen = Iu atomic mass of oxygen = 16u ot one oxygen atom. 1,0 contains two hydrogen atoms nnd one aE ADI8ORE Noms ang Molecules 2 enc 57. fe we brackets when Example 3. Calculate the molecular mass of the following substances. W) Ammonia (iN) Hydtochtoric acid (Hi) Phosphorus motecute (iv) Hydrogen molecute: (¥) Oxygen molecule (vi) Sulphur dioxide Sol. (i) Molecular mass of ammonia(NH,) =IxMs3xd=17 0 (4. Molecular mass of hydrochloric acid (HCI) S11 414355 = 365 u sr mass of phosphorus molecule (P,) = 431 = 1246u (G2), Molecular mass of hydrogen molecule (H3) =2x1=2u (2) Molecular mass of oxygen molecule (O,) =2K16= 2u (03) Molecular mass of sulphur dioxide (SO) $324 2K 16= 64u Formula Unit Mass It is the sum of the atomic masses of all atoms present in a formula unit of a compound. Formula unit mass is calculated in the same manner as we calculate the molecular ‘mass. ¢.g. formula unit mass for sodium chloride (NaCI) =1%23+1*35.5=58.5u Mole Concept ‘The mole is the amount of a substance which contains as many particles (atomsfions/molecules/formula units etc.) asin 12g of C-12, Thus, one mole of any species (atoms, ‘molecules, ions or particles) is that quantity in number! having 2 mass equal to jts atomic or molecular mass in grams. ¢8 | moleof carbon (C, atomic mass= 12) is equal to 12g. ! mole of oxygen (©, molecular mass = 2 x 16) is equal to 32g, I mole of water (HO, molecular mass = 2.x 1+ 1x 16) isequal to 18 g. The number of particles present in | mole of any substance is same and fixed, which is equal to 6022 x 10"*. This is a constant, known as Avogadro constant or Avogadro number (A,) named in honour of the Italian scientist, Amedeo Avogadro. Thus, mole is also defined as number of particles equal to the Avogadro constant, Ny (6,022 x 10°), (i) Motes | mole = 6,022 x 1073 particles, in number. Molar Mass and Moles The mass of 1 mole of a substance is ‘equal to its relative atomic or molecular mas in gram. The atornic mass of an element gives us the mass of one atom of that element in atomic mass units (u). 58 ect Allynone Scene Coss, 2 ‘Thus, to get the mass of 1 mole of an atom of that clement ‘we have to take the same numerical value but change the "units from ‘u' to g's Molar mass of atoms is also known as Bram atomic mass. To find the molecular mass or molar mass we keep the numerical value same but change the units from ‘u’ to 'g’. €g. we know molecular mass of water (HO) is 181, ‘Le.18 u water = one molecule of water. 18 g water = one mole of water = 6,022 10" molecules of water Number of moles can be calculated directly by using the formula. Given mass ( Number of moles = ass (i) Number of moles Given number of particles (atoms/molecules) ‘Avogadro number fineua) Relationship between mole, Avogadro number and molecular mass Example 4. Find the mass of i) 1 mole of nitrogen atoms Gi) 8 moles of aluminium atoms (iii) 0.2 mole of oxygen atoms (iv) 2moles of water molecules Sol. () Mass oF 1 mole of nitrogen atoms = molar mass in gram= 14 g (ii) We know chat, mass of | mole of Ab-atoms=27 :. Mass of 8 moles of Al-atoms= 8x 27= 216g (iii) Mass of 0.2 mole of oxygen atoms =0.2 16 =3.2 (Mass of 1 mole of 16g) iv) Mass of 2 moles of water molecules = 2 x 18 = 36. (Mass of I mole of water molecule = 18 g ) ygen atoms To Study NCERT Activities Visit https://go0.gValyXbM OR Scan the Code Example 5. Find the number of moles of ( 48 gofoxygengas (ii) 18gof 1,0; Ui) 22. 0fCO, gas fiv) SL. GONE, gas Sol. (3) Moleculat weight of, # 2% 16 =32 u i.e. massof I mole of, = 325 ” 32g0f0; = I mol 48gof0, = 1X4 =a Smat Given mass _ 48 ot Number of mle = a sat (ii) Molar mass of H,O = 21+ 16 =18 g/mol 18 gofH,0=1 mol cof, Number of moles = Somme, (i) Molar mass of CO; = 12 + 2X16 = 44 g/mol ts 44gof CO; =1mol 22 g0fCO, fx22#05 mol Given mass 22 _ Molar mass 44 (is), Molar mass of NH, =14 +31 =17g/mol yo I7gofNH, =1 mol 1 = StgofNH, = 1x51 =3mol ig! ard for, Number of moles = 05 mol Given mass _ 51 Molar mas 17>"! Example 6. Calculate the number of moles for the following: (i) 84,9 of nitrogen atoms (ii) 8.066 10% number of N-atoms [Atomic mass oi N=1¢ or, Number of moles = Sol. () + 14 gofN-atom=1 mole of N-2tom 84 gofN-atom = z X84 = 6 moles G+ 6022 x10" Neatoms=1 mole of Natom 1x 8.066 x10" 6.022 x1 2. 8.066 x10" N-atoms= Check Paint’04) 1. How formula unt mass is diferent from molecular mass? 2 Which one is a lager quantity molar mass oF molecular rast Explain 3 Caleulate the molar mass ot the folowing compounds (MgO {Na,CO, (HPO, (CaM, — WAL; 60), 4 Pragict tha mass possessed by certain number of exygen art which is equal lo the number of molecules present 194 hydrogen gas? (ars 5 Calculate the number of sodium jons that are present in 21293 sexta cadena [ans 2220 0) 1.339 mks 7 th ~ a nrexT QUESTIONS 5. Define atomic mass unit. Peas 5 rome mass unit (u) is the mass unit In a reaction, 3 9 of sodium carbonate Sol. One atomic man: unit () i the © 1 pected with 6 9 of ethanoic acid. The products exactly 1/12th of the mass of one atom of Ce were 2.2 g of carbon dioxide, 0.99 of water and siiait 62g of sodium ethanoate. Show that these 6 Why is it not possible to see an atom with observations are in agreement with the law of naked eyes? gas conservation of mass. Sol. Atoms ate very small, they af smaller than anything 4 te + Eth id — wwe can imagine. More than millions of atoms whet ee eee stacked would make a layer barely as thick athe sheet. ' Sodium ethanoate + Carbon dioxide + Water of paper. These are very small in radii and measuredin Pg32 terms of nanometers (Inm = 107m). Hence, it not Sol, Total mass of reactants = Mass of sodium carbonate possible to see an atom with naked eyes, + Mus of thanolc cid 7 Write down the formulae of tnapnten i eeeeat3 () sodium oxide Teal mas of producs = Mass of rodium ethanoate (® auminium chioride * Macro eon divide + Mass of wer (i) todlin sustage .2+22+098113g (iv) magnesium hydroxide Pg39 Since, che sum of masses of reactants is equal tothe sum 9 see eld cof masses of products, therefore, the observation made (9 Sodium oxide isin agreement withthe law of comervation of rane Srmbol No 2 Hydrogen and oxygen combine in the ratio of Chage tt 2 1:8 by mass to form water. What mass of Formula Na,O , oxygen gas would be required to react (i) Aluminium chloride i completely with 3 g of hydrogen gas? Pg a3. Symbol AL CL Sol. Since, H and O combine in the ratio of 1:8 by mas, Charge ws Therefore, feet a : Formula AIC, (ass of O : (iid. Sodium sulphide Let the mass of oxygen requited to react completely Sel ss Ne with 3g of hydrogen gas be x 34 is Chae 1 ON zee ees Formula NaS Therefore, 24 g of oxygen is required to react with 3g of (iv) Magnesium hydroxide hydrogen to form water. Symbol Mg (OH) 4 Which postulate of Dalton's atomic theory is the Chae 42 7N 4 fesult of the law of conservation of mass? Pg 33 Formula Mg(OH), { So. The postulate which isthe result of law of consetvation 8 Write down the names of compounds | : ices is “atoms are Ingle ae Pa represented by the following formulae. Px39 : Rae be created nor be desvoyed in «el (AMIGO), th Cache KS, i (iv) KNo, (Caco, 1 4 Which postulate of Dalton’s atomic theory can Sol, (0 Aluminium sulphate [AL(SO)s | ®Xplain the law of definite proportions? "The telaive number and kinds of atoms ae co ih: given compound’, ‘This postulate explains law of te proportions, Pg33 (1 Calcium chloride (CaCl) (i) Potassium sulphate (K,80,) (iv) Potassium niteare (KNO, ) | w Salcium carbonate (CaCO,) 60 9 What is meant by the term chemical formula? Pg38 ‘Sol. Ieis the shortest way to represent a compound with the help of symbols and valency (charge) of elements. eg Element Case Cl Change 2S Formula CaCly 10 How many atoms are present in a ( H,Smolocule and (i) PO} fon? Sol. (i) In H,Smolecule, theee atoms lic. 2 atoms of H + 1 atom ofS] are present. (i) nPoy lice. Latom of P ¢ 4 atoms of O) are present. 11 Calculate the molecular masses of Hy, Oy, Cl, COp, CHy, GoHe, ©H, Nj, CH,OH Sol. (i) Motecilar mass of H (hydrogen) = Atomic mass of hydrogen x 2=1X2= 2u (#9 Molecular mass of O, (oxygen) = Atomic mass of oxygen x Gis) Molecular mass of Cl (chlorine) omic mass of chlorine X 2= 35.5 x 2 =71u (0) Molecular mass of CO; (carbon dioxide) = (Atomic mass of carbon x 1) + (Atomic mass of oxygen x 2) =12.x1+(16 x 2)=12 +32 = 440 (s) Molecular mass of CH, (methane) = (Atomic mass of carbon x 1) “‘+Atomic mass of hydrogen x 4) SI2x14+ (x4) = 12 +4=16U (vi) Molecular mass of CH, (ethane) = (Atomic mass of carbon x 2) + (Atomic mass of hydrogen x 6) = (12x 2)+(1X6)=24 + 6=30u * (vii) Molecular mass of CH, (ethene) = (Atomic mass of carbon X 2) + (Atomic mass of hydrogen x 4) = (12x 2)4(01x 4)=244+4= 28u (viii) Molecular mass of NH, (ammonia) = (Atomic mass of nitrogen x1) + (Atomic mass of hydrogen * 3) = (14 x1)+ (1x3) =14 #3 =170 (ix) Molecular mass of CHOH (methanol or methyl alcohol) = (Atomic mass of carbon x1) + (Atomic mass of hydrogen * 3) + (Atomic mass of oxygen x1 ) + (Atomic mass of hydrogen x1) 12 x1) + (1x3) +16 x +X 1) = 12434164 Pg39 ion, five atoms Pg 40 16x 2=32u — Alli/none Science cy <5 12 Calculate the formula Na,0, KzCO3. 0 “Mt Mana09 oy [Given ctor: maas of Zn keaou C= tuaee ye Soh (9 Formals nit mmeofsc ‘iii i =654+1688) wee i) Farle wie see on (232) + (se ena le) (iia) Formula unite mass of KC oF en a catnate) = G9 2) + 12 hg tang Rietiatae ae 13 If one mole of carbon atoms what fs tho mass (hone carbon? coe) Sol. 1 mole of C-atoms = 6.022 x 10? atoms = 1 “ ‘This means, 6.022% 10 atoms of C wei h i 1x1 re 6022x108 & = 1.99% 1073, . , 5 Na Py (o Bite) Woighs 12 or Taos +L atom of C will weg 14 Which has more number Bodlum or 100 go ron? [Giver sense ae ofNa= 23 u and Fe= 56 u} = Sol, 23 g atomic unit of 23g (1 mol) Na " 6.022% 10 atoms 6.022% 10% 2 100 g sodium contains = x 100 23 = 2.617% 10" atoms 56 g atomic unie or 56 g (1 mol) iron = 6.022% 10% atoms 6.022% 10% 2% 0" x 36 =1.075 10% atoms ‘Therefore, 100 g of Na has more atoms than 100g4 £100 g iron contains = 100 EXERCISES {On Pages 43 and 44) 1 A 0.24 g sample of compound of oxygen at boron was found by analysis to contain 0.08 g of boron and 0.144 g of oxygen. Calcuat the percentage composition of the com by weight. ; Sol. Mass of the compoun Mass of boron = 0.0968, Mass of oxygen = 0.144g, i Mass of boron ‘Mass of compound = 0.0968 x 100= 40% 0.240 g 124 g, x 100 Percentage of boron = Aloms and Molecules gone __ Mass of orygen | prenage oF omrgen = ‘of compound * 100 | 0.44 eee = | aoe = 60% | re method Averatve of erygen = 100 ~ percentage of boron | Saher =100-40 =o 3.0 gof carbon is bumt in 8.00 g oxygen, 4 41.00 g of carbon dioxide is produced, What mass of carbon dioxide will be formed when {300g of carbon is burt in 50.00 g of oxygen? | Which [aw of chemical combination will govern | answer? Fit we find the proportion of mass of carbon and sn in carbon dioxide. MeO ,,C:0=12: 32013 :8 Inoxher words, we can ay that 1/1200 geatbon tacts with oxygen = 32.00 g +, 300 g carbon wil act with orygen = B g €+0, —+ CO, 2eg — 12+16x2= 445 36 BR 348-11p Therefore, 3.00 g of carbon will always react with 8,00 g.of oxygen to form 11 g of carbon: dioxide, even if large amount (50.00 g) of oxygen it present, Tha means when 3.00 g of carbon is huent in 50.00 » of cxygen, only 8,00 gof oxygen will be used to produce 1.0 g of carbon dioxide: The remaining 4200 g of en will remain a8 itis, This reaction wil be governed by the law of constant proportions 3. What are polyatomic ions? Give examples. Sl Agoup of om caying» cag nd avin ike ‘one entity is known as polyatomic ion «eg. oxygen atom and hydrogen atom combine co form hydroxide ion (OH) and one C-atom and Oaatoms combine to form carbonate ion (CO2” sl three 4 Write the chemical formulae of the following, () Magnesium chloride (i) Calcium oxide {8) Copper nitrate ((¥) Aluminium chlonde (W) Calcium carbonate Sok Referto text on Pg, 56 and 57. 5 Give the names of the elements present in the following compounds. () Quickine (i) Hydrogen bromide (@) Baking powder (iv) Potassium sulphate Sok (7 Quidklime Calcium oxide — CaO Hemenss Calcium and oxygen (i Hydrogen bromide — HBr Hements Hydrogen and bromine (i) Baking powder Sodium hydrogen carbocate —NakCO, Hlements Sodium, hydrogen, carbon and oxygen (i) Potasium sulphate —K,50, Elements Pousium, sulphur an 6 Calculate the molar mass Of the ‘oloving substances, (0 Ethyne, CH, (i) Sulphur molecule, S, (i) Phosphorus molecule, P, (Atomic mass of 239 (H) Hydrochloric acid, HC} (W) Nitric acid, HNO, Sol. () Molar mass ofCHs= (2 Atomic +(2KA = OX1) Fax pagel (i) Molar mass ofS, =8x Aviemore ‘Wal *8XR" 256 hoo} = 4X Aoic mast? 4%31=124ghngh (omic miso ) + (Neomic mas of cy 2143555 5 ginal (#) Molar mass of HINO, = (Atomic + (Atomic mass of N) + (3x Atores ot 2141440 x16) = 7 Whatis the mass of () 1 mole of nitrogen atoms? (@) 4 moles of aluminium atoms: {Atomic mass of aluminium = 27) (i) 10 moles of sod supe (a S0,p (9 Atomic mass of N= 14 Mass of 1 mole of Nato (Mass of | mole of Al-stom suo) (Gi) Molar mas of P, () Molar mass of HC nic masse) 15 +48 = 63 nol Sol. Mg ag £ Mas of4 mole of Abas = 27% 4 3 108g (Gi) Mass of 1 mole of Na,S0, 23 x 2)+ 32+ (16 x3) 946-432-448 = 126 Mass of 10 moles of Na,SO, = 126 «10 = 1240 8 Convertinto mole () 32g of oxygen gas (i) 209 of water (ii) 22.9 of carbon dioxide Sol. (i) 12 gof oxygen gas(O,) Molar mass of oxygen (O,) = 16x 2: Number of moles = Gen. =0.375 mol (id 20 gof water(H,0) Molar mass of water (H,O)= 2 +16=18 pmole Given mat__20 Number of ml Se = =11 aol Allinone Science Class (Gi) 22 g of carbon dioxide (CO;) Molar mass of carbon diexide (CO,) = 12432= 44 g/ mol Given mass __228._ 205 mol Number of mol 4 giro 9 Whatis the mass of (9 0.2 mole of oxygen atoms? @ (0.5 mole of water molecules? Sol. (9) Mass of 1 mole O-aroms = 168 Mass of 0.2 mole O-aroms=16%0.2 = 328 (i) Mass of 1 mole of H,O molecules = 18 8 Mass of 0.5 mole of HO molecules = 18% 0.5= 208 10 Calculate the number of molecules of sulphur Sy in 16 g of solid sulphur. Sol, Molar mass of sulphur (Sy) = 32% 8= 2568 Number ofS, molecules in 256 g of slid sulphur = 6.022x 10" SUMMAR «Antoine L Lavoisier ai the foundation of chemca! sciences by Antoig Fag tr important las of chemical combination which = Dalion’s Atomic Theory ii) states that matte particles called atoms (i) Atoms ofa given element are ‘different elements have different masses a is made up of very smal indivisible identical but those of wad chemical Droperties . iy Thvermaor drawback ofthis theory i that lors aren Ionger Considered indivisible. Discoveries show that atoms, is the smallest particle of and ne\tton. f maghiet which tekes part in a rants are derived from one or two letters of names in English, Greek, Latin, German ot. First letter is ofthe elements ‘one in small 0. iron: Fe (from Srritten in capital and the second ferrum + Relative, “Atomic Mass It is defined as the number of times a given ron 12. raver than 1/12th of mass of 1 atom of ex +» Atomic mass anit (azna) now called uni ‘hotness of 312th of the mass of one atom C-12 Ist * Some snmrg tbo nly ica ae only one kind. eg, Ar, He,0,,y, ete. -Flements These are made up of atoms of For Mind Map Visit hitps:/goo.alzLGFri OR Scan the Code umber ofS, molecules in 16 0F lid sulphur 6.022 10" 2 6.022 10» 16g = 3.76% 10) 768 molec 11 Calculate the number of aluminium ions pre: 0,081 g of aluminium oxide. [Hint : The mass of, eas that of an atom of the bl ‘atomic mass of Al= 274) ha) = (27% 2)+(16x3) 2544 48= 102g mol"! element. Sol, Molar niass of ALOs te 102g Al,0, contains 2602210? AP* ions +, 0,051g,Al 05 will contain 2x6022 X10" 9951 AP* ions 102 = 6.022 x 10* Al’ ions {i Molecules of Compounds These aro nad of of atoms Mattforent elms, oin togethers fed ratio. ° 8 1,0.CH,,¢te. +, Rvoicity itis defined as the numb Avo tf n element or a compound. Monostome (Nesey mole i HCL) Wlatomic(0,, H,Oetc) end polyone aang) iclcules consist one, fw, Unee and more than the sms recharged species and can bo positive or Neat Tone epee charged fons ao called cation (6410 chard Toatve charged ion ar called anions (© C107" #8 a nitions cont of group of stoms that cave a net Eharge on thom. (08 OH", SOY ete) ronie Compounds These compounds a NaCl (Na, CI) precy the combiaing capacity of an element andit is equ Jo charge in cas of fons ofall the atoms ‘Molecular Mass It isthe sum of atonsic mas sent ina molecule. is expressed in atomic pass unit) 6 0 = 2x14 16= 18 _pMole Concept 1) One mate isthe amount ofa substance which contalns 3s many palicles asin 12g of C-12. 1.022 10" particles = Avogadro constant Ns) 6.02830 particles = Malar massing. rer of atoms present ina rs made up of cations ad i 'seonsta [arMaes Tho mass of 1 mol a substance sequal 01 rolotive atomic or molecular mass in gram. o cles - 1 How did Berzelius assign symbols to the elements? Berelius assigned symbols 10 the elements by (pking fist one or two lerters of the element's fname in english and in some cascs the symbols fave been taken from the names of elements in diferent languages such as Latin, German, Greek etc. “) 2 Give an example of a triatomic molecule ofan element Very Short Answer (VsA) Type Questions Orone(0) 3 Which is octaatomic, carbon or sulphur? sol, Sulphur (Sy) “" 4 Write one example of each. (a) tetra-atomic molecule (0) diatomic molecule Sol (2)Phosphorus(P,) (6) Nitrogen (Ny) «yy § Isargon monoatomic or diatomic? Sol, Argon is monoatomic because its atom can exist independently ) 6 Give the difference between a cation and ananion. Sol. Cation It is the positively charged ion. eg. Na’, K",Ca?*, Mg? ete. Anion Icis the negatively charged ion eg Cl. Br, ete. 0) 7 What is the difference between sodium atom and sodium ion? ‘Sodium Atom ‘Sodium fon! “Sodum atoms (Na) has Sodium ion Na* has ten leven elections nits elettons in its shal shals, Solr | Naira Nat isa poskively | charged particie or cation. | a) 8 Define a polyatomic ion. Give one | example of it. Sol. A group of atoms carrying charge. single entity is «led polystomicion, eg, sulphate ion (SO; has fire atoms, © a (Mark ex] 9 Choose an ionic compound 4 Cu(NO5),,Py.H, and 0,2 mong S, Sol. Cu(NO,), is an ionic compound because j and NO; ions. 10 What is the molecular formul. hydroxide? Alyn OH _ Sol. wp a = AKOH), ithas Cy " 1 of aluminium 11 What is the chemical formala of ammonium phosphate? NHyx -PO, Sol. = (NH, 0 Ny (NH,)sPO, 12 Choose the correct formulae of sodi sulphide and sodium sulphite: Nas, Neo NaS or Na,SO,. Sol. Sodium sulphide = Na,S Sodium sulphite= Na,S0, o 13 An element Z has a valency of 3, What is the formula of oxide of Z? Sol. 21,0 axa i 14 If an element X has its valency equal to 3, what will be its formula with carbonate ion? sot. * 0%. (ci 4372 “Os “) 15 Calculate the formula unit mass of NazCO,: [Atomic mass of Na=23u, C= 12u, O= 16 u} Sol. Na,CO, = 2x 23 + 12+3«16=106u “ 16 Calculate the formula unit mass of NaHCO3. [Atomic mass of Na=23 u, H=1u,C=12u, O=16 ul Sol. NaHCO, = (Atomic mass of Na) + (Atomic massof H) + (Atomic mass of C) + Bx Atomic mass of O) = (3 +1412 43 x16)= Bu 0 17 How many molecules are present in one mole of ozone? Sol. 6.022 x10 molecules. 0 EXAM PRACTICE 64 oe All‘zone Science Clase, » 18 Molecular mass of water is 18 u. What will be the number of molecules of water in 18g water? Sol. Since, molecular mass of water is 18 u, therefore mass of | mole of water is 18 g which consisc of molecules equal to Avogadro's number (Mj), ie. 6.022 x 10. o 19 Whatis the mass of sodium in 58.5 g of NaCl? Sol, 23g [++ Massof sodium=58.5~ mass of Cl =58.5~-35.5= 23] (0) 20 Calculate the molar mass of sugar (C2 H:2041). {Atomic mass of C = 12u, O= 16u, H =1u) Sol, Cy3H3,0y, = 12 x12 + 22 x14 11x16 32g/mol ” 21 How many atoms are present in 0,012 kg of C-12? What is the name given to this constant? Sol, 6.022% 107? atoms, eis called Avogadro's constant. 0 Short Answer (SA) Type | Questions 1 A vessel contained 28 g of carbon monoxide gas to which 16 g of oxygen gas is added and the mixture left for few hour. When checked there was only one kind of gas (carbon dioxide) in the vessel. What change would you observe in the overall mass of the content? Give reason for your answer. Sol, Carbon monoxide (CO) reacts with oxygen (O;) to form carbon dioxide (CO,). There will not be any change in overall mass of the content of the vessel as mass of product formed is equal to the mass of reactants. 0 i.e, Mass of CO; = Mass of CO + mass of O, =28+16=44g The above observation is based on the law of conservation of mass. o 2 If 12g of C is burnt in the presence of 32 g of Q,, how much CO, will be formed? Sol, CO, is formed by the following reaction, Cc +0, —> CO, 2g Re By the law of conservation of mass, fotal mass of products a) Total mass of reactams ‘Mass of C + Mass of O, = Mass of CO, 12g+32g=44g ‘Therefore, 44 g of CO, will be formed. o 22 How many moles does 24 contain? Tory, 4 gof Mgcontain 1 mole, 23 Calculate the number of motes i chlorine. [Atomic mass of Ci=35,5,,19t Sol, Molecular mass of ly =2%355= 7101 No. of moles of C| = Given. mass _ 71 Aeomic mass ~ 77! =) Tig of Cl, =1 mol 4 24 How many moles are present in 464. ‘Na? [Atomic mass of Na = 23 y} 94 Sol, Atomic mass of Na = 23, Given mais _ 4g ‘Atomic mass 23 5 = 02 mol Number of moles = ny [2 Marks ea) 3 Write the Latin names of sodium an iron. Sol. Latin name of sodium (Na) =Nerrium Latin name of iron (Fe) = Ferrum. i 4 Which of the following symbols 4 elements are incorrect? Give ther correct symbols. NCERT Exemple () Cobalt (CO) (ii) Carbon (c} (ii) Aluminium (AL) (iv) Helium (He) (v) Sodium (So) Sol. ( CO is incorrect symbol of cobal. ts cons symbal is Co, (if ¢ is incorrect symbol of carbon, Its core symbeal is G. (i) AL is incorrect symbol of aluminium. b ester sjaubol EAL (ix) For helium, He is the correct boll. p, [ts cored (2) So is incorrece symbol of sodium, Is symbol is Na, (Ie is derived from Lain “Natriun’). 5 (i) Whatis the relative atomic mass oli element? mass (ii) What is the average atomic hydrogen? 7 Gol, (i) Relative atomic mass is defined as the nut of times given atom is heavier than 1/1247) mass of | atom of C-12. : (i The atomic mass of hydrogen is © whereas accually itis 1.008 u- aken 38 Ee RS e § Define atomic mass unit. State how do atoms exist? col, Atomic mass uit (stra) is defined at the mass nit equal 10 exactly 1/12th of the mast of one arom of C-A2isorope. ” Arom may extts independently in fice state e. fie Neand Ar) orin combined ware a 8 combined Form of atom may have similar kind of axoms (Hy Nz. O; etc.) or different kind of atoms 14,0. CO, HS ere) a 7 Classify each of the following on the basis of their atomicity, om (i NO, (i) Ne () GH, wr (9 H,0, (vil PQs, (vii O, (x) HCL () CH, (a He (xi) Ag NCERT Exemplar S|, Monoatomic Ag. He Diatomic HOLF, Teistomic NO,.N,0,0, Tetraatomic PHO, Palyatomic CHoMO.CH, — @) B How do molecules exist in a chemical reaction? Sol, Molecules exist in the following two forms (f) Molecules of elements These are formed by the combination of two or more atoms of the same clement. €.g.O}, Hp, Py etc oy (i) Molecules of compounds These are formed by the combination of atoms of different elements. eg. NH,, CO, etc, 0 9 State the number of atoms present in each of the following chemical species. NCERT Exemplar COP Un POY (iM PO, (Wy) CO S61. () Number of atoms in COP is + Number of O-atoms: (3) Number of atoms in POY = Number of P-atoms + Number of O-atoms Wi) Number of atoms in 140, = Number of P-atoms-+ Number of Oa = Number of C-atoms + Number of O-atoms sit (a x 4= 2) —=« 10 Write the cations and anions present (if any) in the following compounds NCERT Exemptar () CH,COONa fi) Nac ii Hi, (} NEQNO, Positively charged jons are called cations whi | repay charged ens ae cae ane “She Compound Caton Raia —~ @)__G,COONa Na’ ON es Sol. Hy = v)_NHNO, NH; No an VI Give the names of any two elements present in the following compounds, Baking powder, common salt, sulphuric acid Sol, Baking powder (NsHCO,) Sodium, bydrogen carbon and oxygen. ‘Common salt (NaCl) Sodium and chlorine. Sulphuric acid (H;SO,) Sulphur, hydrogen and oxygen. a 12 (i) Give one word for the following (a) Positively charged ion {b) A group of atoms carrying a charge (i) Mention any two important rules tor writing a chemical formula Sol. () (a) Ca (8) Polyatomic ion 0 (4) Two rules for writing a chemical formula ae: (a) When a compound consists of 1 metal and a non-metal, the symbol of the metals writen and on the feft whereas of noa-metal on ight. (12) (6) The valencies o¢ charges on the ioas must be balanced in the chemisal formula (12) 13. () Write the formula of the compound formed by the ions AP" and. (ii) Calculate the molar mass of CO, Sol.) ALL, SO, 42504 BA\-2 Hence, formula is Al,(SO,), o (i) Molarmass of CO, = 12 #2162440 0) 14 An element ¥ has a valency of 4, write the formula for its (i) chloride Sol. (i) Chloride (i) Nitrate 10, Yoel r wry wr yc, YENO\), @ (i) nitrate EAAM PRACTICE 66 1S The mass of a single atom of an element ts 265 «10°. Calculate its atomic mass. IN, = 6.022 x 107? mol] Sol. Mave of single arom = 2.65% 107" g Mars of 022 «10° atoms = 265x107" «6.022 x10" £15.96 = 16g mol" “Therefore. the aromic mass of the clement is 16 2 16 Calculate the molar mass of the following compounds. {i) Load sulphate (ii) Calcium phosphate [Given atomic masses of various elements, Ca =40u, S=32u,O= 16 u, Po=207 u and P=31u) Sol. () Molar mass of lead sulphate (PbSO,) omic mass of Pb + atomic mass of S 4+ 4 x atomic mass of O 07 + 32+ 4x16 207 +32 + G4 = 303 u = 303 g/mol fn) Gi) Molar mass of calcium phosphate [Cay(POq)a] = 3 x atomic mass of Ca + 2 (atomic mass: of P) +8 x (atomic mass of O) 23x 40423148 x16 = 120 +62 +128= 3100 310 g/mol “ 17 Calculate the number of moles of magnesium present in a magnesium ribbon weighing 12g. Molar atomic mass of magnesium is 24g mol”! NCERT Exemplar 1 role = Molar mass of the substance Sol. Given that molar atomic mass of Mg = 24 g mol a 2+ 24 gof magnesium (Mg) = 1 mol Iel2_d +. J2gof magnesium (Mp) = =~ =05mol oF magnesium (Mp) == 5 Alternative Method en nas , Number of moles of Mj = 8 Molar mass = P8205 mol JA y, mol @ 18 Convert into mole (i) 20 g of water [Atomic masses of hydrogen and oxygen are 1 and 16 respectively] (i) 22g of casbon dioxide [Atomic masses of carbon and oxygen are 12.u and 16 u respectively} oF Allsnone Science Class 5, Sol, (9) Molecular mass of water (HO) =IX2+16-184 2. Number of moles in 20 g of water = 20 i =u (io Molecular mass ofetbon donde (CO, =I 2H16 atu . Number of moles in 22 g of carbon diotde 2 = 2 asa » 19 Convert 12.043 *107 molecules sulphur dioxide into moles. Sol. 1 mole of SO; = 6.022 % 10” molecules or 6.022 x 10% molecules =! mole of SO; mole of SO; 1 1 molecule © Go22 x 10” 12043 x 10 molecules L = 12.043 * 10” molesof 6022 x10" psy =1.99x10™ moles of SO, = 0.199 moles of SO; = 0.2 moles of SO; Alternate solution No. of molecules No.of mes = ais 2 1204310 _ 9199 moles of50, 6022x!1) = 0.2 moles of SO, @ 20 Calculate the number of moles for the following: (i) 64g of oxygen atoms (ii) 24.088 x 107" number of oxygen atoms 16u) ole of oxygen toe 2 [Atomic mass of Sol. (i) + 16gofoxygen acoms 2. 6A gof oxygen atoms = Gi) +1 6.022 x 10” atoms of oxygen = L mole of oxygenatoms 1% 1, 24,088 x 107! atoms of oxygen 1x 24,088 10" Sear 6.022 x 10" = 0.04 mol a Ww ass 5q, | ulrmane Alors ond Molecues ee | gi Calculate the number of motecutes in 4 g of By | methane. 20 [Atomic mass of C= 12 u and H= 1) is sol, Molar mass of methane (CH,)=12 +41 Imel =16gmot"! 2x16 16g ofCH, contains 6.022 x10 molecules 6.022 x10 x 4 a | 24 g0fCH, will contain $022 X10" x4 lioride | ote 16 5 mot =1,5055 x10" molecules @ " 22 Calculate the mass of 1 motecule of oxygen gas. [Atomic mass of O= 16u and Na = 6022 x 10 mot") sol | mole ofoxygen molecules 2goforygen 4) 022 x 10" molecules | +¥ 602210" molecules of0, weigh 32g 1 molecule ofO, will weigh 6.02210 5313 x10 g 4) 23 Calculate the number of atoms in ( 8g ofO, molecules. (ii) 0.1 mole of C-atoms. [Atomic mass of O=16, | Ny = 6.022 x10" mol” Sol. (9) I mole of O, molecules = 32 g 1022 10 atoms g0f0; molecules contain 6.022 x10 atoms (12) + 8gof O, molecules cont ® 6.02210" x8 50, + the =1.505 x 10" atoms 32 (2) + 1 mole of carbon atoms conta | 032 x10" som (12) oms 4011 mole of C-2toms will contain 6.02210" x0.1 » = SOE NO $0.1 6.022 x 10% atom stom 1 a) o 8) ee Out of the following which has more we number of atoms? | ( Sogofcu, (ii) 50 g ot Fe | [Atomic mass of Cu=63.5 u, Fe =56 ul a | Sel (i) Number of atoms in 63.5 g Cu= 6.022 102 22x 10% | Namber ofaromsin 1g Cus SOE Number of atoms in 50 g Cu ef 4 as $022 X10” 59 = 474 x10® atoms 63 ) (i) Number of toma 56 g Fe 6022 x 193 Number of aromsin |g Few £022 x 10! Number of aroma in 50 g Fe 4 SO goF Fe has more numberof atom, 25 Uwohave 4g ofCH, and 89 010,, then will it contain same number of a number of moles, Sol. Number of motes of CH, = 2a 4 Mig Namberof moles of0, = “2 8 2 24gofCH, and 8 gof0, will ave same numb imoles. : = 26 The visible universe is estimated tocontain 10 stars. How many moles of stars are present in the visible universe? NCERT Exemplar Sol. 6.022% 10" stars=1 mole of tar 4 1x 108 : 10% sears «21.67% 10°? 202% 10 onl Alternative Method Number of moles of stars __ Given number of patces ‘Avogadro's number 102 = Sy = 167 107 mol 6.022% 107 ® toms or same 1 4 27 A saline solution contains 40 g of common salt (NaCl) and 320 g of water. Calculate the () number of motes of common salt present in the solution. (a) number of molecules of water present in the solution, Sol. Weight of common sa= 40g Weight of water= 320g Molecular weight of common sat (NaCI) = 234355 =585 g/mol ‘Molecular weight of water (H,O)=1 x 2+16 g/mol (0) _40 (0 Number of moles of common alt= =04683mole a EXAM PRACTICE (Number of molecules of water = 320 ‘ju NOOR IO 1.0710" 28 foi HOTS) A compound XH is formed by the Combination of an element X with ‘drogen. Find the valency of the element. State the formula of the compound formed by the combination of(a)X with nitrogen(}} Xwith oxygen. Sol. In the compond XH, the valency of element X is 1. (0) The valency of nitrogen is 3. “The valency of element Xis 1. The formula ofthe compound= NX, (1) 1 valency of oxygen is 2. ‘The valency of element X's 1 “The formula of che compound =OX3, (0) 29 During photosynthesis a six carbon atom molecule, glucose (CsHy.O¢) is formed. Calculate its molecular mass. [Atomic mass C= 12.0uH = 1.0u and 0=16.0u) Sol. Molecular mass of glucose 6 x atomic mass of C+ 12x atomic mass of H +6 atomic mass of 0 12412 «146216 2+12-496= 180 @ «a Short Answer (SA) Type ll Questions 1 (i State the law of constant proportion. (i) Ina Compound carbon and oxygen react in a ratio 3 : 8 by mass to form carbon dioxide. What mass of oxygen is required to react completely with 9g carbon? Sol. (i) Law of constant proportion states that, “a pure chemical compound always consists of the same elements that are combined together in a fixed (or definite) proportion by mass” 9) (i) Carbon : oxygen (by mass) =3:8 ie. 3 g of carbon requites 8 g of oxygen to form carbon dioxide. 1.9 g of carbon require (3 x 8) 24 g of oxygen to form carbon dioxide, wa Tre 30 (FOTS] 6g of coke consisting 10 is burnt in air. Find the nae atoms consisted by the carbon dora?" thus formed. on, Sof. Exch easbon om combine with two oy TEN ogy ‘upan combustion a fllows: C+#0,—4 og. 6 gofcoke consist & x Ny atoms 2 5 Hence number a oxygen atoms Ix S5N, ay, (¥4=6.022 410" atom) ® 31. HOTS) Compute the number of ions; in 5.85 g of sodium chloride. Ncerr| Sol. Molar mass of | mole of sodium chloride (Nach, =234355=5855 58.5 gof NaCl has number of ons 36.0210 x2 As, NaCl—> Nat + Ce Soles Sobum "Ohare Preseny Seok 85 g of NaCl has numberof ions 16.022x 10 x 2% 5.85 38.5 = 1.2044 10? a [3 Marks ead) 2 State three points of differences between an atom and a molecule. ‘Atom Molecule D Aiaiomis ihe Amolecule's the smal smallest particle | particle of an element Sol. anelement that compound which has be Can take part ina’ properties of hal element chemical reaction. of compound, o @ Analommay or Amolectie's capable d may not exist independent exstence. independent io Ww) Examples ‘Bxampies: Hydrogen hydrogen (H), “molecule tH} oxygen cowygen (0). molecule (0) water moecue (40) pie Sol — ~~ pono. Atoms and Molecules. a ye {5 calsum carbonate decomposes on heating fe form calcium oxide and carbon dioxide, Wen 10q of calcium carbonate {s Yrcomposed completely: then 5.69 of Gaictum oxide is formed? Calculate the Siass of carbon dioxide formed. Which law Epchemical combination will you use in Stiving this problem? State the law. ot The reat occu Fillo: €xC0, C204 C0, « owing 0 the li of conseration of mass ‘Toeal mass of reactant(s) = Total mass of products(s) = WE=S6g+MasofCO, = Mass of 00; This problem is soba using bw of conservation of nase according to which mass can neither be created for be destroyed during a chemical reaction.) 4 Give the formulae of the compounds formed from the following sets of elements, (i) Calcium and fluorine NCERT Exemplar (ii) Hydrogen and sulphur (ii) Nitrogen and hydrogen (iv) Carbon and chlorine (v) Sodium and oxygen (vi) Carbon and oxygen Sol eee PS FreGr Nae OF =Na,O CH PSO =0,0,0 00; 1) Carbon and oxygen’ 5 Write the molecular formulae for the following compounds. NCERT Exemplar (i) Copper (II) bromide G9 Aluminium (11) nitrate (iii) Calcium (II) phosphate iv), Iron (111) sulphide (¥) Mercury (II) chloride (i) Magnesium (11) acetate Sh) Cu? S< BE “= CuBr, [Copper (I) bromide] (i) APY >< POY" = Cay(PO, [Calcium (11) phosphate) 6 Ww Anctement X bas a valency the chemical formula fey > NO {a) bromide of the element (b) oxide of the element (i) Define formula unit mess ce 4 substance, Sol. (Q (a) Vakency of X= 2 Valengy of boctize = The formals of compound = Be Soy a a ( Vilencyof Vilency of erygea = 2 03 0 (@2. Formula unit mass isthe sum of aroeic masses of allaroms presentina forme unicof compound, Iris calculated by adding the aromic masses of theatoms presentinone foemub uni. — it) 7 \Write the chemical formulae of flowing compound, using criss-cross method. (i) Magnesium bicarbonate (i) Barium nitrate (iii) Potassium nitrate Sol. P Mg \-HCQ, (0) Change aN Formula Mg(t4CO,)s. 0 oN aie =x 425-1 Formula Ba(NOj);- 0 KL NO, (iit) Change wey 8 Formula KNO). * 0 8 Find the ratio by mass of the combining elements in the following compounds, NCERT Exemplar () CacOy (i) MgCl, (i) HO, (wv) CHOH , (W) NH, (i) CatOH u a (0:12 148 10: 3:12 (MgC, + MgC) = 242% 38.50 24:71 (9 HS049 8:00.26 1:32:4x 16 2:32:64 1:16:32 (4) CMON C:1:0-2% 12:60 1:16 © 2426216 =12:3:8 () NH NoMa Max tess (0), COW), + CaO: = 40: 2% = 40:32:2= 20:1 & Nitrogen and hydrogen atoms combine in the ratio 14: 3 by mass to form ammonia molecule. Find the formula of ammonia molecule by calculating the molar ratio. [Given atomic mass of 4uand H= Tu) ‘umber of nitrogen atom present in the molecule 1 ‘Atomic mass 14 (3) ‘Number of hydrogen atom present in the molecule __ Proportion by mass 0 This means number of nitrogen and hydrogen atoms combine in ratio= 1:3 Thus, the formula of molecule of ammonia is NH. « 10 Give the chemical formulae for the following compounds and compute the ratio by mass of the combining elements in each ‘one of them: NCERT Exemplar () Ammonia (i) Carbon monoxide (ii) Hydrogen chloride (iv) Aluminium fluoride (v) Magnesium sulphide So, (9) COO, + Ca 2x1 4x6) ‘Chemical Ratio by Mass of tho SMo, Compound ‘Formula Combining Eloments Annona WH NH 14:3 @ CO C:0= 12: 1683:4 i) Hystogen conde HO HiG)=1:35.5 (a Aluminum AF, A Pe 27:67= 9:19 thaonde Mg: S= 24:32—3:4 (7) Magnasium —-MgS sulphide ) v All/none Science Class 9) se VW Which has more number of atoms? 100 g of N, or 100.q of NH NCERT Exemplar Sol, Motr mam of mole Ny-=2 Heth Dapot harm fc 100 of Ny har mabe of mol P10 20 ag roogot = 2 110% 2 4.210" atoms. nN Similaely, molar mass of T mole of NH,= 1443x1217 ¢ ss 17gNH, has number of molecules =6022 x10” 100 g NH, has number of molecules i022 x10" 100 55 ois Atoms in 100 gof NH, =3.54x10" x4=1416 x10 “Thus, 100 g of NH, has more number of atoms. 12 Calculate the number of aluminium ion present in 2 g of aluminium oxide. Sol, Umole of ALO, = 2x27 +3X16= 102 g mol", “5102 gof ALO, contains 2x 6.02210 AP* ions 26,0210 2. IgofAl,0, will contain 7*S0S2 10 en 102g 2x6.022x10" and 2.goFAL,0, will conti eee 102 g 4X6.022%10" 5 56.0102 AP* ions 102 g @ 13 Calcium chloride when dissolved in water dissociates into its ions according to the following equation, CaCh(ag) —> Ca? (ag) + 2CP (aq) Calculate the number of ions obtained from CaCl, when 222 ¢ of itis dissolved in water. NCERT Exemplar 4042x355 40471111 gmol! Sol, Molar mass of CaCl CaCl, ionises in water as CaCl (ay) —> Ca?* (ug) + 2CV ag) oot tole, tg Sol

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