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Audio 1

Good morning. Ace Accommodation; how can I help you?

morning . ....................................................................................................
................................on the Gold Coast, please. Certainly. Who am I
speaking to?
Miss Mackinlay. Sylvia Mackinlay.
................................................................................ for me please?
It's M-A-C-K-I-N-L-A-Y.
Thank you. And your first name is Sylvia?
A'y'the old fashioned way. That's S-Y-L-V-I-A.
Thank you, Miss Mackinlay. Now, just for our
records, ................................................................................?
Of course-it's England actually.
............................................................. Now, when are you coming?
Well, at the moment we're planning
on .................................................................................
Ooh, the 25th, that's the last day of the
public holiday and ................................................................................
find something available on that date.
No, we're coming .................................................................................
Oh, well that's fine
then. ....................................................................................................
vacant by then although you wouldn't be able to move in
until late afternoon because our cleaning crew ............................
That suits us - our flight ............................................................ early
evening anyway.
How many of you will there be?
And how long do you intend to stay for?
Oh, ............................................................, we'd like to stay longer but
we'll have to get back to work.
So, you're not coming on business then?
................................................................................. Why? What
difference does that make?
Oh, you'd be
surprised. Business people ............................................................-yo
u know, wireless internet, even fax machines and photocopiers.
No, we won't need any of that
and get away from all that kind of thing.
Good. Now, ................................................................................? A
house, a duplex or an apartment?
What's a duplex?
Oh, that's what you might call a townhouse or a unit-you know, two
houses semi-detached .............................................................
Oh, I see. I think an apartment .............................................................
And how many bedrooms? Two?
One or two-........................................................................... My sister
and I don't mind sharing if it's a decent size bedroom
with two beds.
Well, .............................................................
And car parking? Will you require a lock-up ........................................?
They're a little harder to find with an apartment.
................................................................................ and as far as I
know there are no regulations concerning car parking. I
it's secure there shouldn't be any problems.
Okay. Now, I'm assuming
you ....................................................................................................?
Yes, that's the idea. We want to enjoy the surf, sand and sunshine.
Okay, but before we settle on an
area and ............................................................, I'll need to
know about .............................................................
What do you mean?
Well, for example, do you want to
be ................................................................................ or the casino or
the fun parks? Or do you want to be in a complex with
No, none of that really matters to us but we'd like
to .................................................................................................... so
that we can drive up to Brisbane to visit friends there.
Well, there are quite a few lovely small towns .........................................
There's Main Beach which is north of Surfers' Paradise or Mermaid
Waters ................................................................................ or Palm
Beach which is quite a bit further south?
Mermaid Waters sounds ......................................... ls it close to the
........................................, the M 1 is actually closest to Palm Beach and
prices are likely to be more reasonable there too.
............................................................, Palm Beach .....................
Now, if you'll just give me ............................................................, I can
send you information about the town and lots of photos.
Well, my email is .................................................................................
And, one final thing, how much are you looking to
spend per week ........................................? Do you
want something ................................................................................-you
know, newly redecorated, great views, all the mod cons ...
............................................................. Could we get something clean,
comfortable and reasonable for $1200 a week?
Could you ................................................................................? I've
got a property in mind that you'll absolutely love but you'd have to
go to 1500, .................................................................................
Alright, then. But that's our top limit.
Good. I’ll get on to this ........................................ and there should be
something in your inbox shortly.
Audio 2
I'd like to welcome you all to our Active Outdoor Club.
telling you a little bit ......................................................................and all
that it can offer and there will be a chance for
you.................................................................................................... in
the lobby afterwards. You'll also be able to pick up pamphlets from the
table ............................................................and, if you wish to purchase
any of our products, Bill will serve you at the front counter.

As most of
you probably know, ..............................................................................
.. Nick Noble about 30 years ago.
He thought of .........................................................................................
.......................................................................or erecting a billboard
somewhere but it was the radio that he decided on to reach the most
people-you know, other people who might be interested in outdoor
pursuits, ............................................................ like walking or
tramping-anything active that could take place in ...........................
that this country has to offer.

Nick was overwhelmed by the response he got and the

club ....................................................................................................
friends and enthusiasts to around 200 members 20 years ago, and
steadily since then to ............................................................over 2,500
now. You don't have to be a hardened athlete or extreme
adventurer- ............................................................, it's a
group that encourages friendship
and fellowship ..........................................................................................
................................................... The club tries to cater for all levels of
maturity and both genders-in fact, anyone who has the
physical ability and a moderate level of health and fitness to
participate in open-air activity ............................................................ I
think our youngest member is a 5-year-old boy and our oldest
member is ............................................................ Of course we have
more challenging opportunities for
those ................................................................................ but all
excursions are graded according to level of difficulty and there will
always be something for
those families ............................................................. More
about that later...
sure you realize that .............................................................................
........................................... to ensure that our natural environment is
kept as pristine as
possible. ....................................................................................................
............................................................ and many of our
members contribute their time, or give a monetary ...................., to
organisations that work to enhance and
beautify our ........................................heritage.
Okay, now going back to the grades of activity... First of all,
tramping. This is very popular
with ................................................................................ but is
certainly not restricted to those groups. Tramping is
arranged ................................................................................ throughout
the year. Most tramps are of a duration of 3 to 5
hours ............................................................ and the terrain, and of
course, ......................................... You would need to check the
newsletter or the website to ............................................................
and, if you wish to participate, phone the coordinator
who .................................................................................

I'll move on now to

walking ..................................................................................................
but open to everyone and walks are
arranged ................................................................................ over the
course of the entire year. Walks last no more than 3 hours, although
the Thursday walks ............................................................; and again,
you would have to check the newsletter
for .................................................................................................... to
meet and get in touch with the walking organiser
to .................................................................................

Now, the Wanderers are what you might call a sub-group of the Active
Outdoor Club. This group ............................................................ cater
for the less active, more elderly, or families with ........................................
who still want to enjoy the great outdoors but without quite so
much exertion. Bear in
mind that ..................................................................................................
.. is variable but we're always home .........................................
Any member of the club is welcome to join in their activities on a
Sunday which include ..............................................................................
.............................................................. and botanical gardens, beach
walks, picnics and even boat trips to visit some of the small
islands ............................................................ Often guided tours can be
arranged if there is enough interest. If you'd like to see what the
Wanderers are up to, check the
website ....................................................................................................
for more information.

I'll bet you're ................................................................................

but before I finish, I really must mention something that can be a lot
fun, ...........................................................................................................
........................................................................., and a chance to
explore a part of the country that you
may ................................................................................. These are
our "Mystery Weekends". The
Committee .................................................................................................
........................................... the organisation of these weekends
away not only for health and safety
reasons ....................................................................................................
and everyone has a good time. There will be a charge to cover travel
and accommodation costs
but, ............................................................, it's an
affordable and exciting
weekend ................................................................................. For
more information call the chairman of the committee-you'll find his phone
number in the newsletter.

So, that's all I have to say ........................................please enjoy the

refreshments, chat with others,
and ................................................................................. All the
committee members are wearing large red name badges so they're easy
to find.
Audio 3
Come in and take a seat.
Thank you.
Now, ........................................................................................ to see me
with regard to one of the papers you want to enrol in next semester.
Yes, that's right. It's the "Globalisation and
Educational Change" paper, GEC 692.
Ah, well, ........................................................................................ but all
the code numbers are going to change next semester so,
although ...................................................................................................
......................................................., the code will be ED
995. Now you have to worry about that.
........................................................................................, right?
Oh, yes, ............................................. The objectives are still to
provide you with the skills and
knowledge ........................................................................................ that
globalisation poses for education.
Yes, that's what I'm really interested in-the future of
education-not where we are now, ....................................................
Well, you'll most likely enjoy the course
because ........................................................................................ ... but
also to document. ..the advancement
of ...............................................................................................................
And, there'll be ........................................................................................?
Yes, obviously, but once you've examined how education has been
affected by ............................................ and socio-economic structures,
you'll go on to debate........................................................... the
restructuring of public
education .........................................................................................
I see but, when you say 'public education', do you mean ......................?
No, no. ........................................................................................ for
just one paper. You'd probably choose to work with the education
system ...................................................................
Sounds interesting. But..................................................................?
Not at all. From there you'd move on to............................................
internationalisation on curriculum diversity in both developing
and developed countries. Have you ............................................ look at
the assessment criteria yet?
Actually, I have, and .................................................................. just
thinking about it.
\Why's that?
Well, I see that the first assignment starts
with ........................................................................................ to the rest
of the class. .......................................................................................
No need to worry. You can get help with that. Anyway, this
presentation ............................................-it's what we call a
formative assessment-the feedback you get will help you
to ...................................................................
That's a review of those academic articles
in ........................................................................................ right?
Yes. But you only have to choose five of them. That first assignment is
worth 30%.
There are two parts to that also and both are graded. .........
................................... will go
towards ........................................................................................ and
then there's a 5,000-word essay
which .........................................................................................
Is there anything else I can help you with?
Yes, ......................................................................................... Where do
you think I should start?
Well, Pd suggests you ............................................ until the
semester is under way, but ............................................ would be to look
at some of the major texts: these ones here.
You could start with this one by Tower
here .........................................................................................
Tower T-O-W-E-R, 2007: Comparative Education. That
should .........................................................................................
Then move on to Elliot: Educational Issues of the New Millennium but
be sure to get the 2008
edition ........................................................................................................
.................................................. because so much has changed since
1998. The new edition has extensive
revisions and ........................................................................................
Okay, so that's Tower first, then Elliot. I think I
could .................................................................. over the summer break.
Well, ............................................, look for Brown's Education and
Globalisation published in 2009-actually there are quite a few books by
Brown but I'd start with that one and leave his others till much later...
and .................................................................. this one
here: Globalisation and Knowledge Policy by York published quite
recently in fact2010.
Audio 4

Good afternoon, and thank you for .............................................

This will be the first talk in a series of five on Health
interventions-................................................................... Could I start
by asking for many of
you .................................................................. at the beginning of winter?
Mmm .. .I thought so. You young ones always think you're indestructible.

Well, .................................................................. disease-spreading

germs or pathogens are everywhere. ............................................ the
human body has to ward off ..................................................................
and viruses. A healthy body has a good defence system against many of
these germs but ............................................ only operates well
against micro-organisms that it has already
encountered, .................................................................. it is said to be
immune. ............................................ in which humans acquire natural
immunity: actively, when a
person .................................................................. and then
recovered from an illness, and
passively, when .................................................................. is
transferred into the body, for example, from the maternal blood via the
umbilical cord ............................................, or through breast milk.
Now, artificially acquired immunity can ...........................................
................................................................... so we can use active
immunisation as a preventative measure. This
an illness by injection or oral ingestion of a tiny amount of weakened or
inactive germs-............................................ actually cause him or her to
contract the illness but sufficient for the
body's .................................................................. to recognise and
respond to the threat by forming antibodies.

Intervention using passive immunisation, on the

other hand.................................................................. curing an illness
after it is too late for prevention. ............................................ than
active immunisation and............................................. It is used when the
body has already been invaded by bacteria
and ................................................................... In this case there is no
time for the body to make antibodies of its own so
proteins-usually taken from ................................................................-are
injected to equip the patient with the essential
antibodies ........................................................................................
Let's have a quick look at a bit of
history: ........................................................................................ to boost
the body's immune system by making it sensitive to particular disease -
causing bacteria was made
by ...............................................................................................................
................................................................. Edward Jenner. He noticed
that ............................................smallpox, a common
but extremely dangerous disease, never contracted
the disease ................................................................... In other
words, they were ....................... He studied a similar disease in
cows called cowpox and realised that............................................ with
the infected cows became ill with symptoms resembling smallpox.
However, this disease was quite mild ............................................ and
those who contracted cowpox were then immune to
smallpox. ........................................................................................ by
injecting a child with a small amount of pus taken from a cowpox pustule.
The child subsequently became
ill ................................................................... Later, he injected the child
with pus from a smallpox pustule and the child did not get
sick......................................................................................... the more
dangerous disease. The antibodies produced to fight the cowpox
bacteria had been able to...................................................................

What are antibodies? Well, ..................................................................

white blood cells called B-lymphocytes. And this is done in response
to ............................................antigens, or other bacterial toxins,
which have been released by the micro-organisms ( what we
commonly refer to as' germs' ) ...................................................................
These Y-shaped antibodies ( or you can think of them as anti•
toxins') may stop the toxins or ........................................................
they have done by what is known as the antigen-antibody
reaction .................................................................. within the plasma of
the blood. A correct antibody (for that disease) clings to a
particular antigen in order to render
it hannless. ........................................................................................
clump together ............................................. This is called agglutination
and is able to .................................................................. which is very
helpful for doctors and other specialists to determine which illnesses
a patient is immune to.

Inoculation, or active
vaccination, .........................................................................................
The vaccine may make a person ............................................ for a few
days when the immune system starts to produce antibodies to
match the introduced antigen. This is
called ................................................................... If that particular
antigen should ever enter the body again
later, ......................................................................................... The body
is then able to produce large numbers of corresponding
antibodies ............................................ so the invading antigens are
quickly wiped out without the person suffering any harm from the
Audio 5
Good morning. Tauber Insurance Company. How can I help you?
Good morning. I want to alter my ..........................................................
Is that for your house, contents, or .............................?
My vehicle.
Can you give me the number of the policy please?
Certainly, I have it here in front of
me. ........................................................................................
And what .......................................................................................?
It's a Masda...a Masda Marvel.
And what's the cc .............................?
Sorry? What do you mean?
How big is ..........................................................? Is it 1500 or 1800 cc,
for example?
Oh's actually much bigger than that: it's ..............................
Thank you. Now I just have to ask you a few questions
to ........................................................................................
What name is the policy under?
Let me just bring that up on the computer. Yes, can I just confirm your
first name, please? Well, my first name is Lisa but I'm
known ..........................................................-Marie.
Right. I see both here but Lisa is the one I
want ........................................................... And your date of birth,
Lisa?.. .I mean, Marie.
.......................................................... August, 1955.
Correct. Just one more question .......................................................... -
can you remember ............................. on this
Oh, dear. I didn't know I had a password on it.
Everyone has a password. Would you like
to ..........................................................? Possibly it's my mother's
And what would that be? Sophia.
Sorry, ...........................................................
Alright...Oh, I remember now, it's ..........................................................,
Yes, followed by ................................
Correct Now we can ........................................................... What exactly
do you want to change?
Well, a couple of things. Firstly, I
think ........................................................................................ Can we
reduce the value by $5,000.
You mean, .......................................................... $15,000?
Yes, I'm sure it's lost quite a bit of
value........................................................................................ Done.
Now, what's the other thing?
Well, I want to add the name of
my insurance policy.
Who is it?
His name is Samuel Michaels.
He doesn't have .......................................................... as you? No, he
doesn't. Is that a problem?
No, it shouldn't be, as long as he's ..........................................................,
but we find it easier to ................................................ for family
Oh, he is family...he's ........................................................... He's my
son-in-law. And he's 28 in fact.
Good and what would he be using the car for? Would it
be .......................................................................................?
see, ....................................................................................... and I'm
having difficulty driving (it's ..........................................................• I
have to use the gear stick) and Sam, that is
Samuel, offered to ..................................................................................
..... and so on. He's a good driver and I feel safe with him but I'd like
to know that the car is still
insured ........................................................................................
So that would be... family reasons, then?
Yes, I think so. Will ..........................................................?
No-as long as you can provide us with a photocopy
of ..........................................................-a true copy-you know what I
mean-you'll have to get someone from the Department of Transport to
sign it saying that he's seen ...........................................................
I think we can manage that without any difficulty.
Oh, and while he's at the Department, he should ask them for a record
of ......................................................................................., demerit
points, that kind of thing, only for the last five
years though. .......................................................... anything beyond that
but it's important that he has a clean record for the five previous years.
Oh, I'm sure ........................................................................................ Is
there anything else you need? Just the date for when you'd like
this ...........................................................
Today, if that's possible.
Yes, we can issue ..........................................................
from today's date but full cover
won't apply until .......................................................................................
and it's been approved.
What exactly is 'temporary'?
He'll be covered .......................................................... but it
will lapse after that time if there's any problem with his
Audio 6
Hello. I'm Joe from Health Services and .............................................
talking to you today. You've come here today to learn more about
gaining confidence and setting goals. How many of
you ...........................................................................? Positive thinking is
the key to confidence. ..............................whether you are playing a
sports match, facing an interview or preparing for an
exam, ..........................................................................................,
you will gain confidence. This is the secret-positive thought patterns.
Positivity leads to confidence .............................. will optimise your

What is the one simple mental strategy that all confident

people .............................................? They concentrate on success. But
don't they ever fail? Don't they .............................................? What
happens when .............................................? The crucial difference is
that they don't dwell on
failure. Everybody makes mistakes-I mean, ......................................
......................? Rather than giving up or becoming depressed,
the best strategy is to
register the mistake; ...............................................................................
.............................................................................................................. a
better way to act or what could have been done differently in
order to achieve a more successful outcome. ..............................!
Yes, erase the negative emotions; allow those memories of
defeat, frustration or dissatisfaction to fade and...............................
Negativity erodes confidence. You need
to .......................................................................................... and focus
on successful outcomes.

Oh, it's not that easy. I can hear you saying. Well,
no, ..................................................................................................... but
no-one ever fails completely so congratulate yourself on the areas
where you did do well. Mentally replay the best bits -
even ...........................................................................!

Now, there are two more things you need to do. Firstly, rehearsal-yes,
you heard me-rehearsal. ...................................................................
their parts? No, the truth is, we all need to rehearse. This is a
surefire way to .............................................. Before the match, the
presentation, the exam or whatever,
imagine yourself ........................................................................................
............................................................... And here's the second tip-look
confident. That will always give you an extra physiological advantage.
So you can see that ............................................. work together on this.
You have to think and act positively.

Let's talk a bit more about how to look confident. If you have to overcome
a challenge, get rid of ............................................................ and rigid
posture, those downcast eyes and .............................................. Even
if you don't feel very self-assured, you can still give the appearance of
make full eye contact and keep an open expression-replace the
frown with a smile if you can manage it. And those
hunched shoulders? ............................................................................
If you need to, take a deep breath and stretch to release pent
up ............................................................. What if you have to make a
difficult phone call, for example? Nobody can actually see you-so does it
matter what you look like? ..............................................
Practising positive body language will help you cross the threshold into a
confident mood.

Before we move on to talk about............................................., it may

surprise you to know that, once you have set a goal in life, the brain
responds with ............................................., which we
experience as ... ?-that's right, happiness! And what
happens ............................................................? Yes, there is another
burst of activity ... and another feeling of happiness.
As you can see, the recipe for .............................. is to maintain a
positive attitude ............................................................................ So,
whatever your goal, whatever it is that you're aiming for-a new job,
losing weight, giving up smoking, graduation• you need an appropriate
(and by 'appropriate' I mean ..............................goal). That's the first

The next thing to consider is motivation. .............................................?

Well, it's more likely to motivate you if you think of the rewards of
success rather than focus on
failure, ........................................................................................... So you
need to establish your incentives. After that you'll have to work out the
various stages and phases that ............................................................
along the way and prepare for each one of them. If you're not
naturally motivated, ............................................................
and achievable. But it really is important to ensure you collect the
resources to accomplish ............................................................. If you
have performed that particular task before, you may
already ......................................................... or at least know where
to get them from. If not, ask someone ........................................

When you have got this far, the next stage is obvious-yes, you have
to .............................................. That's not quite all there is to it though.
The final thing to remember is to ............................................................;
in other words, be sure to maintain a progress log. That way you can
look back at
your previous.............................................and watch your progress
along the way to achieving your goal.
Audio 7
Hi Julia.
Hi Bob. Thought about ............................................................?
Which one? The presentations are scheduled for next month!
............................................................ you and I are working
on-to demonstrate density, buoyancy and the compression of gases.
Well, it's not supposed to be. It'll be part of the 'Making Science
Simple' series ............................................................. And we have to
be ready to demonstrate .............................................................
Oh, well, say.
Yes, not just the concept ............................................................. We
have to use cheap, readily available, common
I remember something about using recycled
or............................................................ if possible...Anything portable
that we can bring into the lab.
That's right.
Well, ...........................................................................?
What about the classic Cartesian diver?
Is that the same as a Cartesian devil?
.......................................................................................... the
famous French physicist-Rene Descartes?
Yes, a long time ago superstitious people labelled it
that because they couldn't comprehend .............................................. demonstrated; they thought it was black magic.
How shall we do it?
By keeping it as ........................................................................... as
So, to start with...?
Open your pencil case and ............................................................. Mmm,
you haven't got any... Any what?
Paper clips.
Oh, there are lots of them in ............................................................. They
slip off my papers and collect in the bottom. Look, here's half a dozen.
But they're ............................................................-I want little ones-small,
vinyl-covered multi-coloured ones. Oh, I've got one or two of them too.
Great. And...if we look around, especially on the
floor, ............................................................................ See? Here. What
else do we need?
A small rubber band.
Well, ........................................................................................... No, not
that kind. Let's go and ask Tara. Why?
Those really small coloured
bands ..........................................................................................
Hey, Tara? Yes?
Have you got any spare rubber bands like the ones you fasten your hair
Oh, heaps, a whole packet full-.............................................................
Terrific....So far it hasn't ............................................................. What
Let's go and rummage through the recycling bins beside Joe's
Mini-market. What for?
We want a 2-litre ............................................................ with lid.
Hey, I draw the line at ...........................................................................
and we're also not likely to find one with a lid.
Well, go into the store and buy 2 litres of soft drink.
What flavour?
It doesn't matter ..........................................................................., just
make sure it comes in a clear P. E. T. bottle.
Where are you going?
To the cafeteria behind the Resource Centre.
What for?
I can get them from the shop when I buy the drink.
No, Ive seen theirs. They're the waxed paper ones. We need clear
plastic and I know ....................................................................... I'll also
see if I can get a tall plastic cup from there.
Good luck. Meet you back here in 5 minutes.
Maybe longer because I want to go over to my locker and get a
wire .............................................................
Right. Have we got everything now?
I think so. ............................................. for most things so don't worry if
this doesn't work the first time. Okay. Assembly. Step 1.
Take a straw and fold it in two. No, not like that these plastic ones are
quite hard to fold-try pinching it in the middle-that should make it easier
to bend. You may even have to bite it.............................................•
you want a sharp crease but you don't want to break it. How's this?
Good; now, second step. Wrap a rubber band several
times ............................................................ to hold them together.
Add weight to the diver.
So, this straw .............................................?
Yes. See how I'm pulling the outside end of .............................. out a
bit? Now, hook the part I bent out into the rubber band that's holding
the straw together. No, not that way-............................... That's
right, .............................................. Now, hook two or three more paper
clips on. .......................................................................................... The
idea is to get the diver to be almost all the way submerged, but not
quite. We can put it in ............................................................ to test it.
Mmm ...What do you think? Too buoyant? Add another paper clip? I
think so. Okay, onto the next step. Have
you ...........................................................................?
Not quite.
What do you mean?
Well, it's not quite empty.
Pour some into this cup ............................... Good. Now fill the bottle
with water ........................................................................... and we'll
gently lower the diver in. Great-now ..............................................
And then?
The final step is the demonstration of our experiment-you will see that
when I squeeze the bottle, the diver... sinks and when I let it go, the
When you squeeze, the air bubble trapped in the straw compresses
and the water rushes in making it heavier ............................... And the
reverse happens when you release the
bottle. ...........................................................................? Oh, that? If our
experiment didn't work the first time and our diver stayed on the
bottom, we'd have had to fish it out with a piece of wire or a hook of
some kind. It's best to be prepared.
Audio 8

Good morning, everyone. ..........................................................................

..............................................I guess you're all used to hearing
about global warming-well, I'm here today to talk to you
about ............................................................ and its effect of global
cooling. I'll begin by .............................................................

Towards the middle of 1991, the second largest volcanic eruption of last
century occurred in the
Philippines, ..........................................................................................,
Manila, on the island of Luzon.

Mount Pinatubo belongs to a chain of volcanoes in the area

and ........................................................................................... There is
evidence of eruptions from approximately 500, 3,000 and 5,500 years

The events of the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption began in July 1990,
when a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred 100
kilometers ..............................the Pinatubo region. The sleeping giant
was re-awakened but few people had any idea of what was in store for
them. ............................................., many earthquakes were
experienced around Mount Pinatubo and this is when volcano scientists
(or volcanologists as they are
called) ........................................................................................... Before
the disaster, thousands of people lived in very close proximity to the
mountain and, on April 2nd, small explosions from
vents .............................................dusted their villages with ash. This
resulted in ................................................................................... later
that month.

Earthquakes and explosions ............................................. the residents

and, on June 5th, a Level 3 alert was issued for two weeks because of
the possibility of .............................................. However, the
appearance of a large amount of lava protruding from the mountain on
June 7th led to the announcement of a Level 5 alert on June
9th, ............................................................................ An evacuation area
within 20 kilometers of the volcano was established and this time 25,000
people ..............................................

On the following day, Clark Air Base was

evacuated and ............................................................ was extended to
30 kilometers from the volcano resulting in the total evacuation of 58,000

On June 15th, ............................................., the eruption of

Mount Pinatubo commenced and ............................................................
causing numerous major
earthquakes........................................................................... at the top of
the mountain and the creation of a huge caldera.
'What's a caldera?' I hear you say. Well, it's obvious really-with a huge
eruption such as this where enormous amounts of
material ..........................................................................., the summit
falls into what is now an empty chamber and thus forms a large crater.
............................................................, as the eruption was taking place,
a tropical storm was passing just to the northeast of Mount
Pinatubo, ............................................................................ The dust and
cinders that had been thrown up into the
atmosphere ............................................. the water vapor from the storm
to cause a rainfall of tephra that fell across the whole island of Luzon.
Most of the people who perished during the eruption did
so .......................................................................................... collapsing
roofs and killing the occupants of the
houses. .........................................................................................., the
death toll would certainly have been much lower.

But that's not all, besides the ash, Mount Pinatubo expelled between 15
and 30 million tons of sulphur dioxide
gas. ...........................................................................? Yes, the
sulphur dioxide mixed with water and oxygen in the atmosphere to
become sulphuric acid, which is a major contributor

The eruption plume from Mount

Pinatubo ..........................................................................., attaining an
altitude of 34 kilometres and the resulting aerosol cloud spread around
the earth in two weeks and ............................................................within
a year. During the years 1992 and 1993, the ozone hole situated over
Antarctica ...........................................................................................

The cooling effects of this cloud over the earth ............................... It

reduced global temperatures considerably. In the United
States, for example, we experienced our third coldest and third wettest
summer in 77 years during 1992.
Audio 9
Where have you been, Nadia?
What took you so long? You said you were only
going ...........................................................................................
I was only gone ...........................................................................
Well, it seemed much longer than that. Did you buy anything?
.................................................................... get the latest novel by Dan
Brown but it's quite heavy and I'd have
to ............................................................................ If I
could have found a crossword puzzle book, .............................................;
but in the end ............................................. a front-page article in today's
issue of the New York Times.
Is that ............................................................?
Yes. Look, ..........................................................................................
while I catch up on the news and then we can swap.
I'd rather ............................................................................
Are you looking for anything in particular?
I just thought ............................................................ in there of that new
play that opened on Broadway yesterday. The
drama ..........................................................................................?
Oh, I'd forgotten about that, mmm, .................................................
......................................... ... actually I was thinking of the new comedy ...
the one about.................................................
Doctor Hunter.
That's the one.
Well, when I was in the
bookshop ...................................................................................................
.................................... and they said it was
fantastic ........................................................................................... They
especially liked the actor who played the
main part-............................................., apparently.
Lots of fun, then?
Well, according to those two they thought ..............................................
Ooh, we'll have to .............................................seeing it when we get
back. Definitely.
.......................................................................................... and I'm hungry.
Do you fancy a coffee and a muffin?

And how will you have your coffee

today? ..........................................................................................?
I think I might have .......................................................................
What? You don't mean a flat
white or ...........................................................................?
Oh, I don't know, I want something to perk me up. An espresso? Short
and black with sugar?
Will that be with a chocolate muffin or a berry
muffin? ..........................................................................................-the
berry sounds healthier. And I'll have a plain one with
butter. ..............................................................................
Here you are. ............................................................, it's really hot.
Thank you. I'm really ready for this.
Have you thought about what ............................................. when we get
to London?
The Tower, of course. I've
always ................................................................................................the
Crown Jewels. That is where they keep the jewels, isn't it?
I think so. And, what about the Wheel? I
hear ............................................................................ I'm not that keen
on the wheel. ...........................................................................
Well, let's leave it out of the itinerary then. Okay. So, do we do the Tower
Yes, that's the idea. And then we absolutely have to go to Westminster.
Yes. Look, it's not going to ............................................. and I promised
my sister I'd take photos there.
Well, ..............................................
I do. Oh, ............................................................ the British Museum is
free to the
public? ..........................................................................................?
Well, I did know that but I was hoping we wouldn't have
to ...........................................................................-we've only got three
days in all and go through the
Well, let's say ............................................................ and see how you
feel then?
Okay, I can't argue with that. And Buckingham Palace?
I suppose ........................................................................... that as well,
have you?
Well, no, not really, but we can't say ............................................. and
haven't seen the Queen's palace!
I guess not and ............................................................ that it won't cost
anything as well.
Oh, Thomas. ............................................. I'm afraid of spending
money; ............................................. I want to see all the traditional
sights first.
Good. I'm glad that's sorted. Listen, I think they just called our flight.
Audio 10
Welcome to the museum. ..................................................., I'd like to
remind you of one or
two things. Firstly, ................................................... admission is free
to all visitors so .................................................................... and, if
you can't take it all in today, you can come
back again and again .....................................................................
Opening hours are
from ..................................................................................... but the
museum closes a little later
on .......................................................................................................
There are new multimedia guides available in 10
languages-..................................................................................... in the
covered courtyard for four pounds fifty and you can have it with you all
day-from opening time in the
morning .....................................................................................-but you
will need to produce ID-a passport, driver's licence or national identity
card .................................................... These multimedia guides have
audio commentary ................................................... and an interactive
map for easy navigation. They're simple to operate
and ......................................................................................................
many of the objects in the various galleries.

...................................................................., apart from your camera and

a purse, wallet or small handbag, ................................................... such
as large bags, coats and umbrellas will have to be left at the cloakroom.
Please note that the museum has recently
revised ..................................................................................... and
parcels that it will accept in its cloakrooms. I think the maximum size is
40 by 40 by 50 centimetres
with ................................................................................................ The
only exception to this is prams and pushchairs. There is a charge of one
pound per item. The main cloakroom
is ...............................................................................................and there
is another one .............................................................................

It may seem obvious but ............................................................................

you should set your mobile phone to silent
or ............................................................................ while you are in the
museum and not carry or consume any food or drink in the exhibition
halls. If you are hungry, there is an excellent restaurant where you
can ...........................................................................................................l.
If it's just a hot beverage you want,
then ............................................................................................... at the
Gallery Cafe~.

............................................................................ from the south by

going through the main entrance, as I said before, ...................
and on your right is the museum
shop. ...............................................................................................
postcards and souvenirs in there
and ...............................................................................................but
perhaps best left ............................................................................. Then
you'll know exactly what you want. The big room to the right of the
entrance behind the
shop ............................................................................. Straight ahead of
you, yes, the huge circular room, is ..........................................................
If you decide to go in there,
please ...............................................................................................out
of respect for the writers and
scholars ............................................................................................. The
reading room is surrounded by what is known as the Great
Court-indeed, .............................................................................................
..-but you will see that it is now completely covered by a magnificent
glass and steel structure.

If you walk around the Great Court .........................................................,

on the west side, you'll see the
entrance ............................................................................ Ancient Egypt
which has an amazing collection of Egyptian
antiquities. ............................................................................ ( directly
opposite the entrance)
is devoted to China and Southeast Asia. Here you'll
see Chinese civilization explored chronologically from the Neolithic
period ............................................................................. The restrooms
for both men and
women .......................................................................................................
..............................but don't worry; there are others available on the
floors above. Another huge
gallery ............................................................................................... the
courtyard and this is given over to Greece and Rome-the sculptures in
this section are absolutely spellbinding.

Take your time ............................................................................ and

when you're ready to view what's on the next floor, take the magnificent
marble staircase by the entrance.
Audio 11
Good morning.
Now, ...............................................................................................?
Good morning, Dr Reed. This assignment you've given
us............................................................................................... I've had
to do and I'm not sure .............................................................................
Well, conducting your first psychology
experiment ...............................................................................................
but just remember that like other sciences,
psychology ......................................................... and bases its
conclusions upon empirical evidence.
............................................................................ "empirical" evidence?
Ah, well, empirical evidence is established ......................................
rather than theory.
Oh, yes, when conducting an experiment you need
to .............................................................................
I know the first step is to come up with a research question or problem.
Yes, a question .............................................................................
How do I find an appropriate question?
I would suggest one of three methods. Firstly, you can
investigate ...............................................................................................
or what we call "folk" psychology.
I see. So, I could examine the belief that staying up all night to study
for an important exam
can ...............................................................................................?
That's right. In that case you would compare the scores of students who
stayed up all
night ...........................................................................................................
I think I could do that.
alternatively, ..............................................................................................
................................................. the literature on psychology. You know,
published studies can be a good source
of ............................................................................. I'm sure you've read
papers where the authors note the need for further research.
So I would come up with some
questions ............................................................................?
Correct. But there is a third source of
ideas: ............................................................................................... and
then consider how you could investigate potential solutions.
Okay...perhaps I could study various memorisation strategies to find
out ................................................................................................
That's the idea. Next, you need to define the variables-you know,
anything ................................................................ the outcome of your
Yes, I remember .............................................................................
Yes. That's right. Then you have to develop a testable hypothesis that
predicts .............................................................................
For example: "Students who are sleep deprived
will ............................................................................ than students who
are not sleep deprived"?
Exactly. Once you have developed a
hypothesis ................................................................................................
I can use books, journals, online databases and websites?
Yes, all of those. I covered the
reasons ............................................................................ in last Friday's
lecture, didn't I? What you have to remember at this
stage ............................................................................and generate a
bibliography of your sources.
Okay, I've got that...then, I'm ready to develop an experimental design?
Well, ............................................................................. There are three
basic designs and each has its own strengths and
weaknesses. ............................................................................ does not
include a control group so there is no comparison. What we call
a quasi-experimental
design ............................................................................ but there is no
randomisation whereas a true experimental design has both control
groups and random assignment to groups.
You've also told us about standardisation of
sure to compare apples to apples...
Absolutely. Going back to your sleep deprivation example...the same
exam would have to be ............................................................................
in the same way at the same time, etcetera.
Got it.
When selecting subjects, you need
to ............................................................................................... If you
were to go through with your sleep deprivation experiment, you
would need to ensure that your experimental and control groups were
standardised, ......................................, all third year accounting
students, for instance. A simple random sample involves choosing a
number of
participants ................................................................................................
On the other hand, a different kind of study might involve a
stratified random sample where participants
are ............................................................................from different
subsets of the population.
You mean...subsets age,
gender, race, socioeconomic status and so on.
....................................... Then the next step is to actually conduct the
experiment and .......................................................... Then I have to
analyse the
data. ............................................................................................... for
analysing data in next week's lecture.
Oh good. I guess all that's left then
is ............................................................................?
Yes, communicating your results is
important and ............................................................................ Pll be
covering the
format and structure of a psychology paper
and ................................................................................................
Thank you, Dr Reed. I feel much more confident in getting started now.
Thank you for taking the time to see me.
Audio 12
Good morning and welcome to our inaugural lecture on
Agricultural Economics. Today's topic is the
world's ................................................................................................

As you are all well aware

rice ...............................................................................................much of
the world's population. Its importance as a food cereal in the
human diet ............................................................................. In fact, it's
a close second to wheat-about 560 million metric tons
of rice ............................................................................ compared with
about 600 million metric tons of wheat. Coarse
grains, ......................................, sorghum, barley, oats, rye, and millet
mostly ......................................................... which, by the way, is seen
by many as a wasteful and inefficient use
of ......................................because around 4 kilos of
grain ................................................................................................ So
me 900 million metric tons of coarse
grains ...............................................................................................
and a further 300 million metric tons of grain is
produced ............................................................................ ...Now, I'll
return to the subject of rice production...

What do we know about rice production? Well,

firstly, ............................................................................................... per
hectare than any other cereal grain and almost as much protein per
hectare as wheat. Secondly, the production of
rice ......................................................... in the last 40 years. How has
this increase in production ......................................? Mainly as a
result of improved field yields-.........................................................
planted in rice ............................................................................. As
you know, rice is primarily grown in flooded fields and
therefore ............................................................................ by the sort of
soil and the availability of water.

Although rice ............................................................................-it is

essentially after all a type of grass-the yields and quality in this case are
much lower and other grasses and
weeds ................................................................................................ As
yet there are no herbicides that
can .............................................................................................................
............................................ Much of the world's rice is still
grown and cultivated ...................................... because for mechanized
farming the land must be able to
be ...............................................................................................................

Of the total rice

production, ...............................................................................................
the greatest proportion by far is grown and consumed in Asia. You will
see from the chart that ............................................................................
China at around 39% followed by India with a quarter of
the total. ...............................................................................................
and other countries, like Bangladesh, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and
Brazil, ............................................................................ of the total.

As I said before, ............................................................................ in the

countries where it is grown.
That means that ......................................actually traded and for this
reason the market price is very volatile.
Audio 13
Ah, good morning, Mr Rich, isn't it?
That's right; Raymond Rich of ICT Industries.
ICT Industries. Just a
moment ................................................................................................
Now, you're looking for new office space, is that right?
Yes, our present lease .........................................................soon and as
the company is expanding
anyway ................................................................................................
Do you prefer the suburbs, the
city ............................................................................................... on the
currently ...............................................................................................but
as I said we've outgrown that building. As we've got to move anyway, I
think the city centre .........................................................-right in the
heart of things.
I see, anywhere in particular?
Yes, somewhere in the vicinity of.........................................................
because I have a large
staff and ................................................................................................ I
think it would be a good idea if we didn't use our cars at all.
Exactly what size premises .........................................................?
Good question. Something more than the 10,000 square metres we
have at present...................................... Shall we say...12,000 square
............................................................................. Yes, I think that
would ..........................................................
Just how many employees ................................................................?
Forty in all. But only fourteen will ..........................................................
The rest will be in open-plan shared offices.
Oh, I forgot to ask-do any of
your employees ............................................................................? Will
we need to consider ............................................................................?
Yes, actually, there is
one ......................................who'll need suitable access
and another who can ......................................................... she uses a
mobility scooter, so we'd need to
make sure ........................................................., especially toilet facilities,
were suitable and accessible and we'd also need to
be ...............................................................................................................
............................................................................... for Mrs Jackson to
park her scooter.
I'll need to ......................................................... when I come
up with property for you to look at. Now, when are you thinking of
Well, ............................................................................................... so
we'd like to have the move completed by then of course. Well, there is a
very suitable property that I have in mind here in the city but the owners
want a lease
signed ............................................................................, May.
Well, I'll keep your requirements in mind and let you
know ............................................................................. Wait a minute...
there is vacant office
space .........................................................................................................
............................. Would you care to take a look? It has only just
become available but I haven't started marketing it
yet ..............................................................................................................
........................................... The floor area is about the right size...
Good, let's see it then.
Well, what do you think? .........................................................
and the lobby area......................................................... for that disability
vehicle you were telling me about.
Oh, I don't know, there are .......................................................... Would
we be able to take out a few of these walls
and ...............................................................................................?
I don't see why not-most of them are just partitions-obviously
load-bearing walls can't be touched but there aren't many of those to
worry about.
What about ............................................................................? We like
our staff to feel comfortable eating at work-if they go out for lunch, it
often ............................................................................ and lost time.
Come this way-this is the kitchen.
Oh, it's a bit poky; we'd need to ..........................................................
What's behind the wall here? That's just a storeroom. You could take out
that wall and .......................................................... Then what would we
do for a storeroom?
Ah, well, see that tiny office .........................................................? It has
no external windows or natural
Yes, you're right. The whole place is a bit
you were talking about-and I don't just mean a coat of new paint. I think
all the light fittings would have to be modernized, those broken
blinds .........................................................and this old blue carpet
definitely has to go.
I agree. That's something we
can ................................................................................................
But...overall, do you think it would.........................................................?
Well, you haven't given me any indication of what the lease would cost
but before we get into that, what are the terms of the
lease ............................................................................?
Well, generally in the city leases
are ..................................................................................................
Oh? I mean we don't mind signing up for that period of time initially
but ............................................................................ have to move after
that-we've been in our last place for ten years, you know.
Well, the usual agreement is a three by three by
two-......................................................... with entitlement to extension for
three years and then another two years after that. But let me speak to
the owner first. Mmm...and one more
my current lease is due to expire in August.
Well, with reliable contractors, it shouldn't take more than a couple of
months to do the necessary refit...
Audio 14
Are you thinking about ......................................? Well, listen to this
before you make a decision.......................................................... if going
on to tertiary study is right for you and it
will ...............................................................................................for the
right reasons. It includes information about student life, what it will cost
and the different ways............................................................................

What should you think about first?

Well, ............................................................................................... and
it's one of the biggest decisions you'll make in your life. What you
decide now will ............................................................................. It's the
last year of high school for most of you
and ................................................................................................
Perhaps you're thinking of going abroad, getting a job, or working for just
a year or two to save some money ..........................................................

Let's assume you're choosing to continue studying next

year. ............................................................................................... and
plan how you're going to achieve them. First off, ......................................:
What career do you want to pursue
or ...............................................................................................................
...? Then, you need to think
about ..........................................................................................................
............................................... Will your qualification assist you in
finding a rewarding job? Thirdly, course
selection-exactly ............................................................................: for
instance, a degree, a diploma or something else? Now, we're down to
study goals-the number of papers you can study at a time and what sort
of grades .............................................................................

Now, how do you make all that

happen? ............................................................................ by all the
choices but there are people and agencies to help: Career Services is a
great website with lots of useful information and a search tool for
finding ................................................................................................
Then there are the tertiary education institutions themselves-universities
and institutes of technology, for
example, ...............................................................................................
their particular websites. You can find out most anything there. Many
campuses have a Student Support Association and they can tell you a
lot about .......................................................... Don't be afraid to ask
them anything-I'm sure they've heard it all
before. ...............................................................................................
make enquiries with potential employers to see if they will
fund, ................................................................................................ If it is
a trade you want to learn, the Apprenticeship
Scheme ................................................................................................
That way you'll get valuable work experience while you're studying. If
you're still at school, then search out your School Careers Advisor who
will ............................................................................and resources at
hand and be able to give you the kind of guidance you need
to...............................................................................................; and last
but not least, don't forget your parents and other family
members! .................................................................................... Oh, one
last thing that might help you make up your mind: have you thought
of ............................................................................? Some embassies,
governments and individual institutions offer scholarships
to ................................................................................................ Most l
arge libraries have a comprehensive catalogue of the various grants,
awards and scholarships that are available.
Audio 15
I'm very glad that the two of you decided
to ............................................................................because I think it's
not only much needed ......................................................... to current
psychological concerns about ......................................................... in
young people. Now, tell me, .........................................................?
Well, ........................................................................, or
perceived problems, that teenagers...................................... might
encounter and we came up with the extremely popular phenomenon
of .........................................................and the implications that the use,
or overuse, of this form of
communication .......................................................... Then we decided
to propose the concept of instant messaging addiction. By the
way, ............................................................................ we abbreviate
"instant messaging" to IM in our discussion?
Not at all. But before you go any further, tell me something
about ................................................................................................
We chose a random sample of teenagers from
Jiangsu Province, ............................................................................, and
we considered this group to be representative
of ............................................................................. We distributed 500
questionnaires and 450 were returned. The sample
group ................................................................................................
Internet addiction, or technological addiction as it's sometimes
called, .............................................................................
What makes your research different?
Well, previous studies indicated that .......................................................
.. are more likely to use instant communication, but we wanted to find
out primarily whether IM addiction actually
And secondly, we wanted to know whether IM
addiction ........................................................., and finally, whether
addiction ................................................................................................
Quite a large undertaking. Tell me, what IM addiction
symptoms ............................................................................among
teenagers in your sample?
We found four major IM addiction
symptoms, .................................................................................................
although here we're looking at ......................................................... not
chemical addiction to drugs, alcohol or the like.
Yes, loss of control was a significant factor which indicates that the
addicts............................................................................; they could not
control the amount of time they spent on IM;
and............................................................................, as well as other
responsibilities or obligations they might have. Obviously academic
I'm sure ............................................................................from family and
friends not to mention teachers.
Yes, of course. Another symptom
was, ............................................................................, a preoccupation
with instant
messaging• ................................................................................................
..............................when chatting online and they
would ............................................................................ when they
couldn't; they would go without sleep in order to chat; and when they
were offline they would still be thinking about online
chatting. ........................................................., they would need to
increase the dose, in this case, of IM
That sounds quite .......................................
Yes, and........................................................., loss of relationships due
to overuse of IM was a factor too. The addicted
teenagers ............................................................................ than go out
with friends or ........................................................., which jeopardised
their social relationships
and ................................................................................................
The fourth addictive factor we found was escape. These teenagers used
IM ................................................................................................
And can IM addiction be predicted?
Well, we found ............................................................................ shyness
and IM addiction.
Not only shyness, but also a feeling of
alienation ............................................................................: alienation
from family, peers, and school.
So the more alienated they
feel, ...............................................................................................,
friendship and social support through IM.
Exactly. But, interestingly, what we found was that alienation was a
predictor for addiction............................................................................ a
high level of IM use.
How do you explain that?
............................................................................ we considered was that
those who ............................................................................with their
friends through IM .......................................................................probably
looking for friendship through online chatting with strangers.
Look, ............................................................................-I'm really looking
forward to reading your paper when you've finished it-but, before I go,
can you quickly ..........................................................
............................................................................ and psychological
characteristics, we were able to establish that there is a difference
between high levels of IM use and IM addiction as such.
And that there
are .............................................................................................................
And our findings showed that teenagers' level of use of
IM ................................................................................................ So,
you're saying that IM addiction detracts from the students' academic
That's what .........................................................-and there's absolutely
no doubt: addicted
what we also found is that there is a correlation between the level of IM
use ..........................................................
So, not just the addicts ..........................................................
Precisely. Our results show that the higher the level of IM
use, ..............................................................................................., the
more negative impact there is on academic performance.
Your research shows, then, that not only
should teachers and parents .....................................................................
................................................................ those
teenagers who ............................................................................IM
addiction but that parents should pay close attention
and ............................................................................ and monitor their
teenagers' level of use of instant messaging.
Yes, that's it in a nutshell.
Audio 16
Hello. I'm glad so many of you ......................................................... what
I have to say today about the British Isles, that area of the eastern
Atlantic that ................................................................................................
I'm afraid just looking at a map or a page in the
atlas ............................................................................ the geographic
terminology. In referring to the British
Isles, ............................................................................ for those of you of
Irish descendent is, those whose ancestors come from Eire, the
Republic of Ireland-no matter how geographically accurate the place
names that I use today are, some of you
will .................................................................................................... to be
included in anything termed "British".

I have a very useful image that

might.................................................................................................... the
various labels that distinguish the political and geographic reality of the
so-called British Isles. I want to show you a Venn diagram which is a
mathematical illustration
that .............................................................................................................
........................................................................ Look at this Venn diagram
and you will see that the geographical
terminology ........................................while the political terms are in
italics. See here the British Isles in bold and the British Islands in italics.

The aim of this lecture is ............................................................ and

relationships among those terms.............................................................,
you will see that the British Isles is an
archipelago ................................................................................................
............................................ Great Britain and Ireland and including
many smaller surrounding islands. Of course you can't tell from the Venn
diagram ....................................................................................................
-you'll need to look at the map for that-but, ........................................,
Great Britain is the largest island of the archipelago followed by
Ireland which, in reality geographically, ........................................ and
there are over a thousand smaller islands.

............................................................, the 'United Kingdom of Great

Britain and Northern Ireland' is the constitutional monarchy which
includes the island of Great
Britain, ............................................................ (although not the Isle of
Man or the Channel Islands) and the north-eastern part of the island of
Ireland. Thank
goodness ................................................................................ the United
Kingdom, the UK, Great Britain or Britain or even the abbreviation
GB-although ................................................................................of

You'd better listen carefully to the next

part because, ........................................, it is very confusing... Ireland is
the name of the sovereign
republic ................................................................................the island of
Ireland. But to distinguish it from the name of the island itself, and most
importantly from the other part ............................................................, it
is called the Republic of Ireland or its Irish•
language name, Eireat's E-tI-Rh-Eeven though Eire directly translates as
'Ireland'. ....................................................................................................
Northern Ireland. The partition of Ireland took place in
1922 ................................................................................ that we won't
go into here.

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are legal

jurisdictions within the United Kingdom but Great
Britain ................................................................................, Wales and
Scotland as a unit.

The British Islands contain the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands
(made up of Guernsey and Jersey) and Isle of Man
which all have the British Monarch .........................................
Interestingly, the Isle of Man, although governed as a British Crown
'dependency, ............................................................ but relies on the UK
for defence and in matters of external relations.

So, you've learnt something

about ....................................................................................................
surrounding the British Isles; let's have a look
at ................................................................................. To
start with, there isn't an adjective to refer to the United Kingdom, so
the term British ............................................................. However,
that means that citizens of Northern
Ireland, ................................................................................ Great Britain,
still describe themselves as
British ........................................................................................................
............................................................................. Irish, in a political
sense, refers to the Republic only, so sometimes citizens of
Northern Ireland would call themselves Northern
Irish ................................................................................. Of course the
'northern' in "Northern
Irish" ....................................................................................................eith
er as the most northerly peninsula on the island is in the County of
Donegal which is part of the Republic.

OK, we might get in a muddle over the term Irish, but at least Scottish,
Welsh and English should ........................................... apparently not to
us Americans-and Europeans ............................................................we
often use the term English incorrectly to mean
British. ................................................................................ to calling my
Welsh colleague, English, which really gets his heckles up. He is Welsh,
he tells me, and he may also be
British, ....................................................................................................!

Just one more thing: what is the British Commonwealth? It's a voluntary
association of independent states, ........................................were former
British colonies; in fact, what was primarily the old British Empire.
However, ............................................................the
British Commonwealth ............................................................ the Com
monwealth of Nations instead presumably because current
members do not want to remember the old colonial ties.
Audio 17
Good afternoon. My name is Kelvin
Jones- .....................................................................................................
Good afternoon, Mr Jones. Welcome to the Armitage Hotel. Can you
spell your first name for me please?
Thank you. Do you have your booking number
or ....................................................................................................?
Yes, of course. I don't have the printout
but ..................................................................................................... It's
0 L238142 zero.
Thanks. 00L-238-1420. Oh, I
see .....................................................................................................
Yes, on several occasions.
And do you still have the same vehicle registration
number? ............................................................?
Well no, this time I have the company car.
And what is the registration number?
................................................................................ Hang on a minute,
here it is on the key ring: .............................................................
Thanks. HUV 3331. Now, today's the 21st of May
and ............................................................ a deluxe room on the
fifth floor, room 501.
Really? I booked a deluxe room? I usually only
ever .................................................................................
It's the off-season, Mr Jones and we've upgraded you.
How nice! And what does the deluxe room
Almost-it has all the usual ........................................, fully-stocked bar
fridge, a king-size bed and a balcony.
Is that a view of ........................................?
Yes, and a glimpse of the blue lagoon as well.
Very nice-I hope it'll
be ....................................................................................................
We can't guarantee the weather, Mr Jones, although we do try
to .....................................................................................................
Thank you. Now that you mention comfort, is it
possible ....................................................................................................,
please? I have a sore shoulder, you see, and I need to prop it up at
night .................................................................................
Well, you'll find pillows on the bed of course and we
can .................................................................................
Well, I'd appreciate that.

One more thing-................................................................................ over

the Internet-can I see your credit card please? Oh, of course.
What would you like? Driver's licence?
Yes, that's fine. ................................................................................, is
that right?
That was the original plan, yes. But the
because the key note speaker is ill, so I'll be going home on Wednesday.
Afraid so.
Is there anything else I can help you with?
Actually, there is. The
conference ................................................................................ Chancer
y Chambers but..........................................................................................
Oh, that's the ................................................................................ on the
corner of King and Richard
streets. ....................................................................................................
and only a few minutes' walk.
Look, .................................................................................
Good. A map-I like to follow a map if possible.
Right, well, ....................................................................................... the
hotel and you're on Hobb Street. ............................................................
Hobb Street toward Gorse Lane
and ............................................................................................................
................................ onto Vickers Street
West. ....................................................................................................
the Mexican ............................................................, the Rebel
Hostel on your right
and .............................................................................................................
.................................................... Allen Street.
Oh, I think I know the one. It has a huge steeple.
Yes, you're right. When
you ...................................................................................., you'll have to
cross over the main street. What's the name of the main street?
Mill Street.
Mill Street, ah yes, there it is.
.........................................Vickers Street East. There's a big bank next to
a bookshop ................................................................ Go up the
hill .......................................................................................................... ..
I've heard it's very beautiful.
Oh, yes, ...............................................................when you've got some
free time. Anyway, ...............................................................-tum left into
Kitchen Street-you'll walk past Bowen's Bistro. Actually, probably the
best place to get a good lunch................................................................
After Bowen's ............................................................... left into
Baker's Lane-..............................................................-then take the first
on your left onto King
Street .................................................................................... the art-d
Chancery Chambers building ...............................................................
on the corner of Richard Street.
Oh, thank you for that. I'm most grateful.
Audio 18
Welcome to the information line of the State Investment
Society. ....................................................................................
put your money into an investment society and not a bank? Well,
SIS offers everything ............................................................... but the
difference is we're a cooperative. We're 100%
owned ...............................................................-people like you-and
that means we always ................................................................ You
won't see our profits going into large foreign-owned finance corporations.
No, you'll see them ............................................................... and your
local community.

As a
co-operative, ..............................................................................................
..................................................... and absolutely
minimal. Even better, .................................................................................
........ways to avoid fees. Here are some suggestions: firstly, we
you .............................................................................................................
........................................................... as possible with us. We
won't charge account fees
unless ........................................................................................................
. for some reason. See?
No unnecessary fees. Secondly, .............................................................
you won't have to pay any transaction
charges ...............................................................between any
accounts that ....................................................................................,
although there may be ............................................................... that
apply such as the establishment
of ................................................................ So, how can we help you?

Let's look first at Savings

Options. ..................................................................................... Our
Internet Account earns you interest from your very first
dollar deposited. You don't have to maintain a
minimum balance and ...............................................................................
............................................... from the start. Interest calculated daily
and paid into your account
monthly. ................................................................................................... using the Internet, Text, or
Telephone banking. What's more there are no account or transaction
With our Stairs Saver scheme, the more you
save ..................................................................................... Again, there
is no minimum balance but as your balance
grows, ........................................................................................................
.. There are three interest tiers or steps plus bonus interest. Interest is
calculated ..................................................................................... Now,
what about access to your money? You are free to
make .........................................................................................................
but if you restrict them to one a month
and .........................................................................................................,
then you'll earn that bonus interest.

With our Simple Saver scheme, ...............................................................

and we don't impose penalties for withdrawals. This scheme has one
interest rate, no minimum balance and interest is
calculated daily and the
end of the financial year-................................................................ So,
you can see that savings accounts .......................................... if
you're starting from scratch. Do you know you can open a savings
account ....................................................................................? They're
usually the best choice for short-term financial goals.

...............................................................we recommend some

kind of ........................................... Let's take a look at our investment
options. Starting with the
safest....................................................................................... is a basic
Term Deposit, starting with a
minimum ................................................................ Interest is
calculated daily ............................................................... whether to have
it paid out .....................................................................................
What we recommend, if you really want to see money grow, is
having interest compounded
quarterly. ....................................................................................when y
our Term Deposit matures so be sure to think carefully
about .........................................................................................................
....................................................................................-it could be
anything from 6 months to 5 years.

Bonds are generally a longer commitment but they

may ..................................................................................... There is a
minimum deposit of $5,000 and interest is calculated daily. You may
choose to have interest compounded quarterly or paid out quarterly. And,
of course, you'll have access to your money when your Bond reaches
...................................................................................., there is
our Retirement Fund .................................................................................
................................................................... There is no
minimum deposit....................................................................................
that you can choose to
contribute .................................................................................................
........before tax is paid on it. As for interest,
well, .........................................................................................................,
which has a different level of
return .........................................................................................................
. And access? Well, not before you turn 60 years old. As I said, it's a
retirement scheme.
Audio 19
Come in and sit down, Louise ...
Stuart. .................................................................................... Pve
asked you both to come here today?
Well, w.......................................................................................
Forget the
rumours. ....................................................................................................
................................................ You know that I'm
organising ....................................................................................
17th Century English Literature...
Yes, but...
Well, I've arranged for............................................................... and I've
invited 25 panellists so that we can have five
panel discussions and I want you two to organise one of the panel
discussions. But we haven't done that
before. ....................................................................................?
No, the purpose is quite different. In a team
presentation ...............................................................................................
...............................-as you have both done at the end of a group project.
Well, in a
panel discussion ........................................................................................
............................................................ We want to expose the audience
to several different viewpoints at the same session. It can help the
audience evaluate their own
positions ..................................................................................... And, if
it's well conducted, it's usually more interesting than a single-speaker
And, what exactly do we have to do?
Well, .................................................................................... or moderator
and assistant.
Is that like the role of chairman?
Yes, that's it.
Sounds daunting.
........................................... I've already done a great deal of the
myself. .......................................................................................................
............................................. I've singled out an issue that
will ..................................................................................... I've selected
panellists .................................................................................... and will
probably ..................................................................................... That's
very important, you know.
Actually, I feel a bit nervous-how many panellists will there be?
Well, I've invited five panellists for each panel because that's probably
the maximum
number ......................................................................................................
................................................................... But don't worry, I always
invite more than we need because you can be
sure .........................................................................................................-
so you'll probably just end up with
four, ..........................................................................................................
Oh, I see.
And I've chosen a moderator-................................................................
Ah ...but. ..Stuart will help, right?
Yes. I'll get onto time-keeping ................................................................
That's where an assistant is
indispensable. .................................................................................... to
conduct the panel discussion?
Don't worry. I was just about to
say. .........................................................................................................
What is it?
There are various formats that can be followed but I've always found this
one ................................................................
Okay, ............................................................... on these guidelines as
I run through them and ............................................................... about
anything you don't understand.
We're ready.
Firstly, the
moderator introduces .................................................................................
But we don't know who the panellists are.
Don't worry-I've prepared a short biographical introduction for each one
of them and ....................................................................................
Oh, good.
Next, the panellists are given a set amount of time
to ..................................................................................... I'd say, about
two minutes each ................................................................ Now, this
is where Stuart's time-keeping ................................................................
You have to keep to the schedule .......................................... because
the lecture room ....................................................................................
How do I indicate when the time is up?
either with your back to the audience or hidden from the audience but in
full view of the panel and
moderator. .................................................................................................
.............................and you hold up the appropriate number of fingers
to ..................................................................................... When the time
is up, you ............................................................... with your hand.
Ah...but...what if the panellists keep talking?
Then, that's your job to ............................................................... and
move on to the next segment which is the discussion itself.
Panellists discuss, ask
questions .................................................................................... other
panel members. This, of course, is their primary function and
should .....................................................................................
Stuart will ..............................................................., right?
Yes, because you'll be ................................................................
Well, ...................................................................................., the
moderator ..................... the debate and provides a summary of the
Oh, ...................................................
Well, no, the secondary function of the panel is
to .........................................................................................................
and that should take
up ..........................................................................................................
It's the leader's role to recognise appropriate questions
and .............................................................................................................
................................................ During the question period you must
maintain strict control and this will most
likely ..........................................................................................................
Oh, dear.
Stuart will of course help you here by ensuring that as many people as
possible .....................................................................................................
....and that no one member of the audience...........................................
With about 5 minutes to go, he'll announce that there's time for only a
couple more questions, then announce "last question".
And then it's over?
Not quite. You still have to............................................................... of the
panellists and .................................................................................... with
a round of applause.
Should I clap too?
Yes, you should both take part in the applause.
Audio 20
Welcome to our ................................................................ The topic
today is hydropower. As you most probably know, 'hydro' means
water-so we are talking about using water to ...........................................
Of course, there are many ways to generate electricity but hydropower
is ...................................................................................., firstly
and obviously, because ........................................... The earth's
hydrologic cycle of constant evaporation
and transpiration....................................................................................
from rainfall and
snowmelt. ..................................................................................... Hydro
power plants are able to convert approximately 90% of the energy from
the falling water into electric energy whereas many fossil-fuelled
plants .........................................................................................................
their fuel by way of waste heat and gases. For this reason they are very

Hydropower ........................................... It doesn't

emit ..........................................that contribute to air pollution, acid rain,
and global warming. No trucks, trains or pipelines are needed to bring
fuel to the site and.....................................................................................
Furthermore, hydropower plant machinery is fairly
simple and ..............................................................., which makes it
reliable and durable. And, hydropower units are flexible also-they have
the ability to .................................................................................... to
changes in demand for electricity, thus enabling them
to ................................................................ But this also allows them to
serve as reserve capacity and ...............................................................
the power system overall.

The dams that provide hydroelectric power also have other uses such as
navigation, flood damage reduction, water supply, recreation, irrigation
and low flow augmentation but ...............................................................
to go into those details.

How do the hydropower plants work?

Well, ....................................................................................which
captures water to form a reservoir
and ............................................................... to create 'head'. Think of
'head' as the vertical distance that the water falls as it passes through
the dam, in other words, the difference in water level between the
reservoir ..................................................................................... Water
from the reservoir flows through an intake gate into a
penstock-.................................................................................... which
leads to the turbine below. The force of the
water .................................................................................... which, in
turn, drives the generator to spin and produce electricity. The
electricity is carried the long
distances............................................................... substations on the
outskirts of cities ...........................................

Can you build a hydropower

unit ...............................................................? Well, no, just having water
in a river isn't enough. A good dam site
must .................................................................................... as well as
enough head. ............................................................... on the plains is
probably not suitable because a dam couldn't be built high enough to
provide the head
needed ..................................................................................... On the
other hand, dams in arid high
country ............................................................... head but insufficient
stream flow. The perfect spot for a hydropower plant is where the right
combination of stream flow and head exists.

....................................................................................? Surely the

construction of
large dams ....................................................................................? W
ell, yes it does. Certainly dams and
reservoirs ...................................................................................................
................................................, farming communities and cities. But
there must be a balance between development and preserving the
natural environment. ..............................................................., the
natural river environment is changed which leads to changes
in river ecology and ........................................... Sometimes,
for example, dissolved oxygen levels below
dams .................................................................................... there is a
negative impact on aquatic life. These levels can be improved, however,
by using special aerating turbines and /or injecting oxygen directly into
the stream
flow. ...........................................................................................................
........................................ for endangered and other species of birds, fish
and water life, there needs to be a thorough review of operating plans
to see
if .................................................................................................................
plant design and operation ...................................................................
................................................................................ for
electricity but ............................................................... agencies whose
concern is for the fish and wildlife, water quality and water supply.
Audio 21
Good morning. ....................................................................the
Children's Section, is that right?
Yes. ...................................................on the phone yesterday.
That's right. Tessa, isn't it?
Yes, Tessa Bridges.
Thank you for coming in today, Tessa. .................................. what a
volunteer does in the library, I'll need to ....................................................
No problem-....................................................................?
Where do you live, Tessa?
I still live with my family in Northwood, 51 Matthew Drive. M-A-T-H-E-W?
Matthew Drive?
Actually, ...................................................: M-A-DOUBLE T-H-E-W.
Oh, thank you. ....................................................................Northwood
is ... ?
Oh, I'm still confused about
that. ....................................................................-which of course I
still remember-but the post office has recently changed it to...4126.
So, 4126. Now, ...................................................................., aren't you?
Not exactly. I go to Northwood
Polytechnic. ....................................................................
In your final year... so what are you studying-I mean your main subject?
Oh, ...................................................Creative Writing.
And are you enjoying that?
Very much so. I love it. ................................................... I want to write
children's books.
That's great. Now, I can see why ...................................................
volunteer at the library. We're always ...................................................
but I still have to ask you some more
questions-about .....................................................................
That's fine, but I haven't ......................................................................
Not to worry-part-time work or voluntary work gives you the
experience ......................................................................................
Well, to start with, when I was
And who did you work for? Oh, just family friends.
How long did you babysit ...................................................? Oh, about 2
After those two years .................................., what did you do then?
Well, I was still working as a babysitter on the occasional evening and
weekend, ...................................................................................................
.... I did that for one year-my last year ....................................................
And what does being a peer tutor ................................................?
Mostly it means or two
afternoons a week to help fellow students in the subject
that ......................................................................................
And what subject did you tutor in? English, actually.
I see... do you have any other experience?
I worked at the Ace Sports Academy ...................................................
but that was only for about 12
weeks ................................................... before I enrolled at the
So, ....................................................................? Not everything, just
And are you currently working?
Yes, well, ..................................................., that is. I'm a
volunteer .................................................................... where I visit sick
children who would otherwise ....................................................
Well, it certainly seems ....................................................
Yes, I do.
Well, Tessa, what I need to
know now is
that we can fit you into the roster here. Can I assume that you're not able
to work Monday to Friday ...................................................?
Right. I'm very busy with ....................................................................
during the week.
How about ...................................................? Say five to seven in the
evening? That's a very busy time in the Children's Section.
Well, ...................................................................................................... a
week and even then it would .....................................................................
Yes, I understand. If possible, we could ...................................................
a week in advance, would that help?
Yes. .....................................................................
Are weekends okay?
Well, Sundays are
out...actually, ....................................................................,
because that's the hospital.
But I'm free .....................................................................
All right, we could roster you for the odd weekend then. What about
school holidays? Definitely, .....................................................................
I don't have any other commitments during the holidays.
That's good to hear. We have droves of children here in the
holidays ..................................................................... Thank you.
Well, Tessa, we'll send you ....................................................................
in the mail and we .....................................................................................
as a volunteer.
Thanks very much.
Now, as for your duties ...
Audio 22
Prevention is better than cure! You all know that, don't
you? ................................................................................
some help and guidance ................................................................? Well,
today I want to tell you all
about ................................................................................................calle
d BeWellBeWell Online actually. This is
an ................................................ packed with resources to assist you
in .................................................................................
On this website you'll find ................................................................ you
can trust. It has a register ................................................ a quick online
check to assess
your health and .................................................................................
What do you want to do?................................................? Give up
smoking? Manage your blood glucose levels or
just ................................................................................? Use the simple
online assessment tool and
receive ................................................................your current state of
health. This is what we call your Wellness Register. After you've
completed this, .................................................................................
Now, the Active Health Agenda is where our team of experts has
created a series of interactive, 8-week programmes
for ................................................................................................. These
are aimed at differing ages and
lifestyles and include ...........................................................................,
plans for losing weight, stress management, longevity ( or how to
age gracefully by maintaining your health) and express
workouts for .................................................................................
If you join up to BeWell Online, you'll not only be able to use a whole
suite of................................................and calculators but you'll
also ................................................................ an extensive library of
health articles, delicious, ................................ and illustrated exercise
Let's look first at the Active Sport
component. ................................................................................-in fact,
it's a virtual personal
trainer. ................................................................................................
have developed programmes that will
enable you .................................................................................................
............................................................................. or fitness goal adapted
to your particular ambition and skill level. Detailed daily warm-ups
and workout plans and ................................................................will help
you prepare for any upcoming event of ................................. Marathons,
triathlons, open water swims, cycling or fun runs are
just ................................................................................ you could enter
with confidence when ................................................ an Active Sport
BeWell Online also features an Active Care project. This caters for
individuals who
want to ................................................................................................
The four courses in most demand are: Stop Smoking,
which will ................................................................, email support and
reliable tools and resources to help you quit smoking forever. Then there
is Glucose Management, ................................................................
designed for people ................................................................,
which will help you ................................................and
improve your overall health. Obviously,
Heart Health ................................................................ - it's basically all
about lifestyle
modification ...............................................................................................
.with the aim of improving .................................................................
Those of you who suffer from neck and/ or back pain will benefit from the
Back Care
major should be attended to by ................................................ in person.
So, what are you waiting for? Register today at
Okay, I can hear some of you saying
that................................................................................ to go through
with our online programme. Well, just for people like you, we offer
BeWell Coaching. What is it? ................................................................
that will give you the extra support, motivation
and ................................that will provide the impetus for you to
bring about ................................................. Who runs it? The course is
delivered ................................................................................ as well as
qualified exercise physiologists, dieticians and nurses. Who can use it?
Well, this service is really for those of
you ................................................................................................ like
diabetes, arthritis or high blood pressure. I know there are many of you
out there ................................................................. How does it work?
Your health coach will ................................................ as you develop a
plan and maintain regular contact over a period of six months
to ................................................................. You'll also get access to a
phone ................................................................................if you need it
and ................................................................................
health information specifically................................................your
individual problem.
Now, what could be better than that?
Audio 23
Hi, Grant. What sort of competition do you
think ................................................................
Well, Clare, the
Open Day Committee
must be something with youth appeal.
................................................................-after all, most of the visitors will
have just left high school. Yeah, so I was thinking-technology.
Do you mean
something ................................................................................................-
like an iPod?
Something like that ................................................................ maybe.
What about the latest iPhone?................................................ for one
right now.
Let's make it an iPadI wish I'd had a tablet computer when I
started university. Yeah ... that's a great idea. That
should .................................................................................................
Right...let's .................................................
Fine. We could go into town now and buy it. I
saw ................................................................................ the Rick Smith
Oh, I don't
think ................................................................................................. A
university purchase order will probably ............................................
through the Resources and Supplies Section.
Well, ................................................................. What about the
competition-is it going to be a game of
skill ................................................................................ or
something else?
What do you think ................................................?
Good question. I don't think it should be anything too hard or anything
that will ................................................................................-some of
them have such fragile egos.
True. So ... something that anyone can do?Nothing competitive skill or
intelligence ................................?
That's right. But the main thing is that the
contestants .................................................................
How do we do that?
Well, I was thinking of a popular TV
series:.............................................................................................-I don't
actually know the difference.
Go on.
It's a series ................................................................ the
main characters step through a
portal .................................................................................................
What's a portal?
It's like a gateway or entrance to something...
Okay, I get it-................................................................ the new
world of tertiary learning-so somehow we encourage people to step
through this 'portal' then what?
Is that all?
Not exactly-let me think.
I can't see ...................................................................unless we pick .......
............................................but there's not much excitement or
involvement in that for the participants!
Mmm . Wait. ...................................................................................I mean
no one person does ... we get them, ................................................, to
do it.
Put all the photos on
Facebook-and ................................................................................ wins.
I agree... good idea. But there's just one more
thing ................................................................-how do we get hold of a
I was thinking ................................of the Engineering
Department ................................................ as part of their contribution
to Open Day.
................................................................the competition on Open Day?
Well, firstly, they have to make their way to the 'portal photo
booth' ................................................. Okay-a
bit ................................................................ to start with.
Yes, and then they get their photo taken stepping through the portal.
And they'll have to ................................................................-you know,
name, phone number, email ...
No, hang on... let's keep it simple-just name and email
address .................................................
Then after, say, the thirtieth of July, people can visit the university
Facebook page and .................................................................................
So the photo with the most votes wins.
Yes, I think that
should .................................................................................................
What about a cut-off date?
Of course... maybe, uh... the most popular photo as of 5
pm ................................................................................ will collect the
iPad. And the winner .................................................................
And...the winning photo will be enlarged and published in full colour on
the university Facebook page.
Audio 24
Welcome to this lecture on Agriculture and the Environment. I hope it is
enough to make some of you decide on a
career ................................................................................. As you all
know, food is ................................................ and producing enough of it
is the single greatest challenge .................................................................

Developing nations have rapidly expanding populations so

agriculture ................................................................ any development
agenda for those countries. ................................................, 75% of
people in the developing
world ..........................................................................................................
...................................................... agriculture for their livelihood. And,
for many ................................................, it's the most important sector
of the economy accounting for 50% of GDP and sometimes it's the
primary, if not only, .................................................................

Now, of course, when I talk about 'agriculture', I am

using ................................................encompass more than just growing
food crops. Of course ................................................, fishing and
forestry are included.
In order to
combat ................................................................................................
agricultural research programmes are underway in many areas. Using
science is one way to................................................................; but, a
word of warning:
agriculture must .................................................................................
Let's look at approaches that are not sustainable. Firstly,
overgrazing and ................................................are two ancient but
destructive practices .................................................................................
Secondly, the modern idea of liberal application of chemical pesticides
herbicides has ...........................................................................................
..................................................................... the health of the land,
ranging from the pollution of water sources
to .................................................................................................

These practices have ignored the

mechanisms .................................................................................
Ignorance has led to the destruction of the very ................................ that
is essential for sustainable.................................................
However, introducing new................................................................,
especially things like ................................................................, can be
difficult because
many ................................................................................ the fact that
plants have had their genetic material modified by scientists.

Biotechnology ................................................................ the dubious

practice of bio-prospecting, ................................................................,
bio-piracy. Foreign multinational
companies ................................................................................illegally
obtaining samples of ................................................................ of
other countries ................................................................................
genetic material to improve ................................................................
their own crops.

We must put aside ................................................................ the field of

agricultural biotechnology ................................................................ the
biggest threat to food production on this planet...which is... ? Yes,
climate change. ................................................................................
have been to shrink the food
supply................................................................................ and making,
even the most basic necessities, unaffordable.

As I see it, ................................................................................must

address this, and other challenges to ................................................,
with urgency. Concrete scientific
and technological achievements ................................................for
farmers to evaluate and learn to
use but, ................................................, governments need to
address ................................................................................................if
the world's hungry.................................................

policies ................................................................................ to protect
ecosystems ................................................................................
where possible. Countries
cannot .............................................................................. whilst ignoring
the consequences. In fact, I'd like to
see ................................................................and environment experts
making up ................................................which
would monitor .................................................................................
Different farming systems should be studied not only
with ................................................analyzing the environmental
effects, but the social and economic effects as well. The studies
would be carried out with a
view to ................................................................................................
and promoting .....................................................................that will
guarantee ................................................................ in the future.

Monitoring sites would need to be set

up ................................................................and data collected in a
systematic way. Of course, building the online infrastructure for such a
project would ................................................................and there would
be ongoing costs involved with the monitoring system but the information
gathered would ................................................................ solving the
problem of feeding ................................................and ensuring millions
of people don't face a hungry future.
Audio 25
Good morning, Tax Office. How can I help you? I'd like
to .................................................................................
Are you a ................................?
No, but I'm told I still .................................................
So, what is ................................................................? Are you a
permanent migrant or perhaps ................................................................?
Oh...I'm...I'm a permanent migrant.
And you need a TFN?
A what?
A TFN-it stands for Tax File Number.
Yes, ................................................................?
It's a unique number we issue to ................................................................
to, help administer tax collection
and ................................................................................
Why do I need one?
................................................, you don't.
What do you mean?
................................................................, you know.
But...I should get one?
Well, it's a good idea,'ll have more tax
withheld ................................................................-in fact, you
won't be eligible to participate in the PAYE
(that's 'pay-as-you-earn') system and ................................................
income support or other benefits. ................................................ the
Medicare levy but then ................................................................ claim
Medicare benefits either.
Okay. So, y................................................................ this country, right?
What kind of visa do you have: ................................................?
Well, I did have one because after ................................................
expired I went back home and worked for a
year................................................................................. The
job ......................................................... permanent and full time and my
employers wanted me to ................................ ... so I
now .................................................................................................
Now, once you have a file
number ................................................................................................,
even if your circumstances change, for example, if you get married
or ................................................................................................. They'll
even use the same one when you retire
and .................................................................................................
I see.
................................................ a TFN before?
Right...let's ................................................the application process now.
What is your passport or................................................................?
Oh, just a moment, I have it here: .................................................
Where do you come from? I came from Greece.
Is that ................................................................
Yes, I came from Greece.
Are you Greek? ................................................................................?
No, I was born in Spain. ................................................................ but I've
been living in Greece. And where do you live now? Where will the
department send your TFN?
That's ................Harbour Drive, Hollywell.
Thank you. Now, what's the best way to ................................................?
By phone-you can ................................................................ 09 5577
5076. I'm sorry I haven't got a cell phone at the moment.
I see...................................................................................of someone
else we could contact if we can't get you ................................................?
That would be .................................................
What's her name?
Martha Pearce.
Is that Pierce P-I-E-R-C-E?
No, it's P-E-A-R-C-E.
And her number is?
The same as the one I gave you.
Yes, ................................................. Now, for some more personal
Excuse me?
Are you Mrs, Miss or Ms?
I'm not married. .................................................................
All right, ................................................? Farina.
What's your first name?
................................................................................................? Well, two
What are they?
Rosa Ana.
I'm guessing Farina ................................................................, since you
haven't been married, but, ................................................................ any
other names?
Farina is my only surname...but people call me Mary.
As a first name?
When were you born, Mary? Can you give it to
me................................................................................: day, month, and
year? The 15th of November 1983.
................................................................... so that brings me to the last
question which I don't really need to ask. What's that?
Your husband's name! I don't have one.
I know-so ................................................ NA for 'not applicable'.
Thank you.
Audio 26
Thank you for coming. It's good to
see .........................................................................keeping your children
safe on the Internet. ................................................? Well, firstly
I'm going to talk in
general ......................................................................................................
.......................................................................... for young ones using the
computer; then, I'll give you some information
on ................................................................................; finally, we'll finish
with question time.

I'm sure most of you think that the

Internet ................................................................................................ in
which to let your children roam loose, but, ................................................
it can also be ................................................................ and education.
The trick is to ................................................and utilize the latter. There
are programs available, both in your local electronics supply shop
and ................................................, that will keep your child
safe ................................................................ on the World Wide Web. A
popular one is Online Family
Norris which bars things like ................................................................. I
wouldn't advise you to............................................................ a program
to protect your family though. ................................................, you cannot
abdicate your responsibility ................................. I'm sure you all
know that
or ................................................. ............................................................
.........................., the best way to keep children safe is to educate them
and ................................................................. For this reason you should
make sure the computer, which your child
uses,................................................................ where you can look over
their shoulder from time to time.
It is paramount that you teach them never
to divulge ................................................................; and to never
provide personal
............................................................................................... Tell
them that online friends must remain just that
online--................................................................. It is difficult, I know, to
teach children about the dangers of the
world ..........................................................................................................
...................................................... But, without going into great
detail, you must ................................................................................ the
people they are chatting with may not be who they say they are.
................................................................ give
them their own email address ....................................................................
............................................................ the Internet safely, so all
communication from websites will go through you. When they are old
enough ................................................, like Facebook and My Space,
teenagers need to
know that ...................................................................................................
............................................. the Web will remain accessible
and embarrassing pictures or
remarks .................................................................................................
For instance, when they apply for a job, they could jeopardize their
chances as the employer or .....................................................................
will look on the Web to ..................................................................... their
potential employee and .....................................................................
what they find there not the sort of stuff an applicant would want on his
or her CV. It can also make them
more .............................................................................................

Unfortunately, bullying on social sites is

another ............................................................................................and, I
have to tell you, it's on the increase. It's a very difficult issue to deal with
but............................................................................................ if the
computer is kept in a family space.

If we can
put ............................................................................................, let's not
forget that the Internet is also a wonderful
place .............................................................................................
Teenagers may be mostly networking on social sites
or ..................................................................... that they've been
asked to do as part of their .....................................................................,
but younger children can get assistance with mathematics, spelling and
reading .............................................................................................
A good way for children to learn and have fun at the same time is the
website .............................................. mathematics on
this site ............................................................................................
while they .............................................. other children from all over the
world. And here's a fun way .....................................................................
to learn the spelling words for the week-it can
be ...............................................................................................................
....-they just type them in and play games to learn them. What's
that? The Website? Oh, sorry, yes, you'll need to go for that. The one I'm going to tell
you about now is ........................................................................................
.................................................. that's popular with people of all
ages. Children ( or parents ..............................................) can learn to
touch type as they sing along with songs and there's a
variety of ..................................................................... to help you enjoy
yourself as you learn. .....................................................................,
typing is essential-everyone should be able
to ............................................................................................-so go to and try it out.

Don't just leave it up to the kids-here's a site that parents

can ............................................................................................ to
extend their children by giving them ..............................................: it's
called and I can really recommend it, particularly for
middle school students.
Audio 27
Hey, Ted. What are we going to do about..............................................?
Well, Cleo, I think it's ......................................................................
Yeah, the topic is 'Why Study Abroad?' I suggest we do a survey
of .............................................., collate the responses, make a graph
and ..................................................................... in the form of a poster.
Wow! You have given this some thought, haven't you?
Of course. This is only the first
assignment............................................................................................ to
come so let's get this one out of the way quickly.
Well, how do we do the survey?
I think we need to find .....................................................................
foreign students.
So ... how about ..............................................
the English Language School ..............................................
and talk to some of the students there.
That's not a bad
idea-but .....................................................................Department.
Why not?
Well, think about it...They'll all give the same reason 'to learn English'.
Of course, you're right. Well, one of
us could cover the Language School
and ............................................................................................ the
Business School.
Yes, I know there are a lot of internationals there too but I
think .....................................................................from foreign students
on campus might give us ......................................................................
Mmm . What are we going to ask them-' Why are you studying abroad?'
....................................................................................... could mean we
get hundreds of different responses-it would be better if we made up,
say, 10 reasons, and ..................................................................... place
them in order of importance.
........................................ That would certainly make collation easier.
Any ideas about what these 10 reasons might be? Sure-I've got enough
foreign friends to know quite a lot
about ................................................................................
Okay. Number 1 is... ?
I think that's obvious-how about 'Study abroad is the best way to learn a
language'? And number 2 is
obvious as well.
I know-' Study
abroad ....................................................................................................'?
What's third?
................................................................................ ...
Okay, let's go for culture---' Study abroad gives
you ............................................................ a different culture'?
Not just that-but it gives you ............................................................-not
all of them are good
but ................................................................................ and adapting to
new situations and solving problems and so on.
................................................................................How about' Study
abroad. ..umm. .will compel you
to ............................................................'?
Sounds good. Then, 'Study abroad promotes international friendship'.
What are we up to now?
Umm, wait. That was number five ...
Do you think 'learning about yourself is the same as 'developing new
No, ............................................................---probably more closely
related to culture-you really mean ............................................................
and perceptions, don't you?
Yes, and reconsidering one's own beliefs and values, or, at
least, .....................................................................................................
We could make that the next one and call it something like 'Study
abroad ....................................................................................................'.
We ought to...................................................................................... study
and work because I'm
sure t............................................................ many foreign students.
Of course. 'Study abroad gives you the opportunity to expand your
academic... umm .. .' Academic what? Let's simplify it-make it ' ... the
opportunity to ............................................................'. Yes, good. It can
also ....................................................................................................
How's that?
Well, I think you can take courses you would never have had the
opportunity to take ............................................................and
employers will know also that your language
skills ....................................................................................................
Isn't that the same as number seven?
No, I think it's .............................................................
Alright. Keep it. Now, I think this next one is more important? Shall
I ............................................................?
No, no need, the students are going
to .....................................................................................................
So what is it?
'Study abroad enhances employment opportunities'.
Ugh, why didn't I think of that? Anyway, there's
one................................................................................. Let me
guess: 'Study abroad ............................................................'?
Okay, now we have ten.
Let's ....................................................................................................
and go and do the survey.
............................................................ the National Geographic survey
American students ................................................................................?
Yes, it sounds as if they could ............................................................-Did
you know that only one percent of US students currently study abroad?
Anyway, back to
that National Geographic survey-...............................................................
.....................................-and it was Sweden that came out on top.
It's really amazing, isn't it;
when ................................................................................, only 13% of
American students were able to find Iraq and the same for Iran.
I know ... and, ............................................................I
suppose...Afghanistan didn't fare much
better-83% ................................................................................. There
must be something about that region... 76% couldn't identify Saudi
Arabia either.
But Asia ................................................................................-over half
the students couldn't find Japan on the map! But do
you know what's really incredible?
Yes, I do: 11 % of them couldn't even find their own country!
............................................................the USA scored near the bottom,
only two points above Mexico which was ranked last!
Audio 28
In this lecture today I'm going American
painter: Charles Willson Peale-you may
be................................................................................; but did you know
that he never even saw a
painting ................................................................................?

He was born in Maryland in 1741. His father died when he was nine and
the family ............................................................ for the next few years
and Charles became a saddle maker's apprentice. One day he went to
Norfolk ........................................ and there he saw
paintings ............................................................. He thought they were
so bad that he felt sure he could do better
so ................................................................................. In 1766 he
went to London to study painting with Benjamin West. Whilst
there ............................................................ in 1768, see slide 1, Pitt as
a Roman Senator. Notice how elaborately symbolical this
portrait is. The symbolism arises of course from
Pitt's ........................................ to the British Parliament
where ................................................................................ the ancient
Roman Senate's view of a barbaric Britain and the prevailing European
view of the time of a barbaric African continent
fuelling............................................................. Perhaps you didn't know
that the Romans used Britons ........................................? But I digress...
back to Peale.

He returned to America and in 1772 painted the first ever portrait of

George Washington (see slide 2). In 1773
he ............................................................himself, his wife, mother,
brothers, sister, his old nurse and .............................................................
Just look at the slide-this painting is simply called The Peale Family and
you can almost feel the exuberance of the
family .....................................................................................................
He enjoyed great success as a
portraitist prior to the Revolution and served with distinction in the
Revolution During this time ............................................................
George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.

After the war he continued to

paint and, ................................................................................ in the
1790s as ................................................................................, he
remarried. He had 17 children in all, naming the sons after famous
painters or scientists. Although perhaps ........................................ his
portraits of famous people, Peale ......................................... Look at this
slide of his two sons, Raphaelle and Titian, Life
Size, ............................................................. This painting, the Staircase
Group(1795), was exhibited in a doorway as a trompe l'oeil
and ............................................................ it did in fact 'fool the eye' of
George Washington. ................................................................................,
we can see his desire for difference in Rachel Weeping. It's a rather
macabre portrait of his first wife ............................................................
one of their children, their daughter, Margaret. I'd like to show you one
more slide to demonstrate ............................................................-this is
a portrait of his brother, James, sitting at his desk at night with only his
face illuminated ......................................... This was painted much later
than the others 1822.
You know, Peale believed anyone could learn to paint and he taught
painting to his brothers, sisters, sons,
daughters, ..................................................................................................
. Four of his sons, Titian, Rubens, Rembrandt and Raphaelle, became
painters as did his brother James.
Before I finish I'd like to tell you a bit more about
Peale. ................................................................................ for several
years and throughout his
life ................................................................................ many branches of
science. He was also an inventor who gained patents for a fireplace,
porcelain false teeth, and a new kind of ......................................... He
collaborated with Thomas Jefferson on what was known as the
polygraph-a kind of portable writing desk-but it wasn't any ordinary desk:
this one could ............................................................ a manuscript at
once. He also wrote papers on a wide variety of subjects from hygiene to
engineering. Oh, and he also ............................................................a
fairly primitive but innovative motion picture technique; new types of
eyeglasses; and a velocipede ( which is a precursor to the bicycle).
Now some of the original velocipedes had pedals and some didn't-you
sort of scooted along on them ........................................-unfortunately, I
can't remember which type it was that Peale .........................................

He's also remembered for his work ......................................... He

established the first scientific museum in America and he even
invented his own system of taxidermy-for those of you who aren't sure
what taxidermy is, it's the art of preparing, stuffing and
presenting ..................................................................................................
.............................................................. He was also well ahead of his
time in that he placed his
animals ......................................................................................................
............................................................................... His most magnificent
exhibit, however, ................................................................................ an
extinct mammal known as a mastodon which he helped excavate; the
event was memorialized in his extraordinary painting, The Exhuming of
the Mastodon.
Audio 29
Good morning, my name is Dawn Buffet; how can I help you?
Good morning, Dawn. .............................................................
Wonderful. Now, have you ever been a member before?
Yes, I joined ............................................................ and I was a
member for seven years before I let my membership
lapse .............................................................
Do you have your old membership card?
No, sorry. ........................................when I moved.
Have you got any other form of ............................................................?
I've got my driver's licence and my passport
and .................................................................................
........................................ will be perfect.
Here you are.
Thank you. Oh, the
photo .........................................................................................................
......................................................., is it?
No, I've shaved off ........................................ and cut my hair since that
was taken.
I'm going to have to make a note of some of these details and I'd like you
to correct me.................................................................................
Obviously, the number here will be the same: AY916310.
Look, ....................................................................................................-it'
s AY196310.
Thank you. I'm glad .......................................................;
now ....Family name ... Black; and other names ...Gavin
Raymond. Yes.
And you were born .................................................................................
That's correct.
Can I just remind you that you'll need to renew your
licence ............................................................ you wouldn't believe the
number of people who get caught
out .....................................................................................................
Thank you. I must admit, although I carry it
around ............................................................, I wasn't really aware of
many people are . .................................................................................
Now, I can see that ............................................................ has opted out
of having an address printed on the card... and I can understand that.
Personally, ............................................................ not to have it-in case
your wallet gets stolen, for example.
I agree.
Can you give me ................................................................................?
Yes, of course. I live at 29 Sunset Street, Meadowbank.
Thanks. Actually, my uncle lives in the same street. It's a very nice area,
isn't it?
Yes, pretty good.
Now, .....................................................................
licence: motorcar, motorbike and heavy vehicle. Do
you ................................................................................?
Oh, not any more. I had a motorbike when I was a student and then,
before I went abroad, ................................................................................
but I never want to do that again. These days you'll only find
me .................................................................................
Well, that's all done-now for one final question?
What's that?
I need to ask you
whether ......................................................................................................
.......................................................... or endorsements on your licence.
Well, I've had a few parking tickets.
We don't count those.
And.. .............................................................................................. but I
do have a dangerous driving conviction from back in 1993. I
was young ........................................ and going too fast in wet weather
and ............................................................and hit a power pole.
Well, I have to ............................................................but you're
lucky-because ............................................................, it won't be held
against you.
.................................................................................................... at the
Royal Car Club since you were last a member. Oh?
We now ................................................................................
membership starting at Blue, then moving through Bronze to
Well, you get a different level of ........................................ and
different benefits ............................................................. Of
course................................................................................-the more
benefits, the higher the fee.
I see.
The Standard Club Care ............................................................ at
Bronze level and a 7.5% discount at Silver level. And Gold?
................................................................................, I'd recommend the
Gold level because you only pay half the
fee .................................................................................
I'm not sure I need that.
Well, Bronze and Silver ............................................................ the
Insurance fee but with the Gold membership... say you had an
accident and .................................................................... or off the road
for any length of'd be eligible for car
hire ............................................................
Mmm , that's good.
There's one more
thing. ................................................................................ to purchase a
new car, we offer ........................................ at a reduction off the general
applicable rate. These start at point two five percent, go up to half a
percent Bronze level and increase to point seven five
percent ............................................................. Gold has a whopping
1.25 percent reduction .............................................................
Well, that is
something ................................................................................. Thanks
for your help, I'll think it over and let you know.
Audio 30
Welcome to Summerland; ...................................., Jacquie, and I’m
going to tell you a little bit about what we do and have here
before .......................................................................................................
In our air-conditioned restaurant we can cater for
anyone ...................................................... to families and tour groups
but we also do functions such as weddings,
conferences, birthday parties ..................................... We have
a .......................................................................................... in the
restaurant-or perhaps you'd prefer to sit outside in the
courtyard ....................................the lush, tropical gardens-and, for those
booking a function, we devise an interesting set
menu .................................... the type of celebration and the client's

.......................................................................................... we operate
a take-away food bar ........................................................................
light snacks and refreshments just the thing if you're supervising children
in the playground. The playground and picnic
area ........................................................................the beach-if you've
remembered to bring ........................................................................, you
can cool off in the water spray park. Parents can ....................................,
relax and enjoy a coffee while the kids have fun in our
fully-fenced, shady ....................................................... What a way to
make the most of the warmth and
sunshine ..........................................................................................!

The older children will love to visit the Historic Cottage with their parents.
This was the original homestead .................................... and is now
preserved as a
museum ........................................................................................... You
'll find the information centre here also and you'll be able
to ....................................some glossy brochures to take home with you
and show your friends.

Don't worry-we have .................................... leaflets for you to take

home. Visit the Gift Shop
and .......................................................................................... local
products, fine foods and handicrafts ..................................... Some say
that this is .......................................................................................... in
the region. There is more to be admired (and purchased) in the
Garden Nursery which ........................................................................,
indoor and outdoor plants, statues
and ............................................................................................................
to adorn any home or garden.
While we're on the topic of gifts and such, I must mention the
Wood Crafting Shed and urge you to ....................................the
amazing products that the wood crafting team produces
there. .........................................................................................................
... and buy anything they've made. The toys they produce are not only
original but some of the finest craftwork ..................................... Take
your little ones .................................... and keep an eye on
them because they'll want to play with these but they can't be played
with .......................................................

...................................................... are the orchards. The Summerland

Tourist Attraction is actually .................................... with over 40
hectares of macadamia and avocado trees. The macadamia nuts are
picked by machine ......................................................................... The
avocados are grown, hand harvested, packed and marketed on site.
Now, ........................................................................? We'll leave the car
park and ........................................................................ towards the
administration building with the parking spaces outside. We won't go into
the admin building
because .............................................................................; instead, we'll
..........................................................................................towards the
museum but before we get to it ......................................................, walk
past it, and go into that enormous building to watch how the avocados
are graded and ....................................

Well, what did you think of that? Those

packers have to ...................................................... as you can see. Now
as we ........................................................................ we'll go to our left
and ......................................................towards the cool room. Of
course this is where ......................................................after
packing-there are a lot of boxes of fruit in there--nothing very interesting
to look at, but we will stop at the other building to
see ........................................................................................... See
how everything is
mechanized ..........................................................................................?
I'm intrigued by how those
machines .......................................................................................

It does get very hot in there, though, doesn't it,

which makes ..........................................................................................
quite attractive. But, no, we'll skip that and make towards the
building ......................................................................................................
............................................................where they take the husks off the
macadamia nuts. It's quite noisy but absolutely fascinating.
Now, ..........................................................................................through
the orchard to the woodcrafters' workroom and shop
and ........................................................................................... Take note
of where this is because I'm
sure ............................................................................................................
Is everyone still with us? Right, let's go south
now ..........................................................................................
through the picnic and playground area with the water feature but we
want to end up over at the garden
shop .................................................................................... We'll have
to walk through the little gift shop first
to ........................................................................ the garden shop and
I'm sure you won't be able to resist getting
some ..........................................................................................................

Are you ready for lunch now? I know it's been a whirlwind tour
but ........................................................................................ for 12.30
and after that you're free to take your time ....................................until
the bus leaves at 3 p.m.
Audio 31
Good morning Annie, Tony. How are you?
Fine, thanks .
Well, tell me .......................................................
We thought ........................................................................ hydroculture.
Uh huh.
In the true hydroponics method ...................................................... water
and nutrient solution while ...................................................... must be
provided above the container.
And... ....................................?
Alternatively, the plants ........................................................................ in
a substratum such as sand, vermiculite or LECA
LECA .................................... Lightweight Expanded Clay
Aggregate and vermiculite is...
Thank you Tony, I know what vermiculite
is ...but you should ...................................................................................
........................................... all these things to the visitors. Can you
explain what the advantage of LECA
is ........................................................................?
It's a
natural product........................................................... .it's colourful, ..........
............................................ and ... perfect
for .......................................................
That's right. Now tell me why.
Because it's clean and hygienic, bacteria and soil
diseases ....................................................... Well, you could say that on
this chart here ... "Ideal for household plants".
And we'll point out that the growing
medium itself ........................................................................ feeding,
which is provided in solution with the water.
Good, now tell me.......................................................
This is a simple version of the first method, using a wide-necked
jar ........................................................................ and nutrients, leaving
space at the top. As the roots need to be in
darkness .......................................................................................... with
brown paper later.
How did you ......................................................the cork?
We made a hole through the centre and cut the cork in half so we could
fit it around the plant stem and we padded the hole
with .......................................................
That's a good demonstration
of ........................................................................, and ideal for a house
plant but many people will want to see....................................-what
about more plants?
We .........................................................................................., but over
here you can see ......................................................-in fact, any
wide container can be used-with the nutrient solution in the
bottom, ......................................................... and then we've made a
rigid lid
and .........................................................................................................
What have you used for litter?
We've used wood shavings ...
Definitely. That's most important-you can
use .......................................................................................... for litter
but obviously ...................................................... and treated timber
contains some nasty chemicals so, if you're using sawdust or
wood shavings, they have to be .......................................................
A good point...
Yes, we'll make a note of that when we
list ........................................................................for litter.
Be sure to explain ...................................................... the rigid lid-it's
wire mesh, isn't
it?-and ......................................................................................................
Well, the mesh is ...................................................... keep the litter out of
the water and the primary function of the litter
is to ...................................................... the root space ...
Mmm. What you have so far is ideal for the home or office
but ..........................................................................................? Well,
we're going to demonstrate the nutrient film technique which is popular
with some...................................., particularly for the cultivation of crops
such as runner beans and tomatoes. Producers
would ...................................................... some innovation
in the cultivation of potatoes
and yams too but obviously .......................................................................
.....................................those crops which grow above ground.
What about peas?
Well, we found peas were ......................................................
grow using this method
although ..........................................................................................
Where's the exhibit? I don't see it anywhere.
Well, that's because we haven't finished it yet because we're going to
have to procure ...................................................... first. We didn't think
enough ahead to .............................................................. And when
we do get them, we'll have to handle them carefully.
Yes, because when ...................................., you'll
see .......................................................................................... by a
plastic tube which almost encloses them completely and is quite loosely
fastened around the stems.
Ye .. es, and the feeding or ......................................................?
Well, it's a bit different-...................................................... like this,
you need to have the
food solution ...................................................... the tubes ...
Yes, but the solution must also be .................................... oxygen...
And what-it just bathes the roots? That's one way of doing it.
What's the other way?
You can have the solution moistening a substratum of rock
wool ......................................................................... Rock wool?
It's the same as mineral wool-you know a
lightweight, fibrous material-the kind of
thing ....................................................... Or, you can use a layer of
paper fibre.
Oh, yes ...something that has the capacity to absorb the solution, right?
Well, you do need to ....................................................... For example,
we tried coconut fibre... But it just
didn't ........................................................................ we were looking
I see.
In our display you'll only see the basics-the kind of thing that can be
done at home ......................................................, but
commercial enterprises .............................................................................
............................... and the media used in substrata are constantly
changing as ......................................................................... The cost of
upgrading is ongoing.
And there's always the
potential of ......................................................when changing
systems from one you know and
understand .........................................................................
Of course. ........................................................................ in
business-you have to try to get everything right first
Audio 32
Good evening. .................................... the Continuing
Education Department ...............................................................................
................................................................................... "People behind the
names you thought were fiction". Welcome to this talk on "The
Grand Old Duke of York".
I'm sure ...................................................... the old nursery rhyme: The
Grand Old Duke of York. He had ten thousand men. He
marched them up......................................................................... And he
marched them down again, and so on. But did you know that the Duke of
York immortalized in this popular song was
actually Frederick Augustus, ...................................................... King
George the Third of
England and Queen Charlotte? ...............................................................
............................................................... because of the humiliation
he ......................................................................................the French
during the Revolutionary
Wars ..........................................................................................................

Frederick was born on the 16th of August 1763

and ........................................................................he had been
trained as a
soldier. .................................................between England and France in
1793, his father, the king, .................................... he should command
the British contingent ........................................................................
Flanders to co-operate with the Austrians and the Dutch. The Duke
was a brave soldier, but,
remember, ..........................................................................................;
not only was he young
but .......................................................................................... and was
unable to cope with the enthusiastic French Revolutionary
Army. .........................................................................................................
......................................., and in spite of the arrival of ten thousand fresh
troops from England, .........................................................................

...................................................... Dunkirk in September 1793,

Flanders in May 1794, and Belgium in July
1794. Finally, ...................................................... 1794 to 1795, his
army retreated...................................................... Hanover. And...with
his unsuccessful campaigns over, the Duke returned to England. It was
after this military fiasco that the Duke of York came to be(rather unkindly)
satirized in song.
Would you believe, despite all this, King George the
Third ..........................................................................................
Commander- in-Chief of the army in 1798?
And, ........................................................................ he was appointed to
command an army sent to invade Holland. Again he was unsuccessful
and ..........................................................................................he was not
capable of commanding ........................................................................

Nevertheless, the rhyme ......................................................

and harsh because it doesn't take into
account ........................................................................ who served with
Frederick All the blame for lack of success
should ........................................................................ the Duke alone
because the army he
had ........................................................................was made up
from what is commonly described as "the scum of the earth" this is a
somewhat offensive ........................................................................ a
group of people regarded as despicable ..................................... Who
were they-these ordinary soldiers? Well, they were mostly vicious,
brutal ex-convicts or .................................... and elderly men. The
officers who commanded them were all untrained as military men. In fact,
they were anybody ...................................................... buy a

Um, but here's the really great thing that, unfortunately, the Duke of
York ......................................................: he realized that this
was ........................................................................ and he set about
conditions ................................................................................................
................................................. He introduced padres-are you
familiar with the term? No? Well, let me see, members of
the British Armed Forces are generally Christians of one denomination
or another, and a padre is a Christian cleric or chaplain who ministers to
the soldiers and ........................................................................ without
belonging to any particular grouping within the Christian faith.
Now, where was I? Yes, Frederick introduced padres, doctors
and veterinary surgeons ..................................... Why vets? To
attend to the horses, of course! Remember we're talking
about ...................................................... battlefields. He was also the
founder of the Royal Military College for the training of officers at
Sandhurstyes, the very same one where ....................................
and other members of the royal
family ..........................................................................................!
Frederick also founded the Duke of York's School in
London ........................................................................................... His
name is perhaps better commemorated by this school in Chelsea
than by the column that stands at the top of Waterloo Steps in St.
James's Park.
In 1807, the Duke ........................................................................ with a
woman and as a result resigned as Commander-in-Chief but he was
reinstated in 1811 ............................................................., the Prince
Regent, who later became George the Fourth of England. He continued
in this post until his death in 1827.
Audio 33
Good afternoon. How can I help you? Good afternoon, I'd like to lodge a
claim. Certainly. Name?
Emily-Jane Appleby.
Appleby-........................................................................-sorry, what did
you say your first name was again?
Now, Ms Appleby, could you please ......................................................?
I've never done that before. Can you help me?
Yes, of course. The first part is for your, the claimant's, details. Where do
you live?
Um...At 1 Yeronga Street, Durham. How do you spell Durham?
Of course, I should know that-but it's
just .......................................................................................... quite
different from the way you spell it.
It is confusing-.........................................................................
And what's the postcode for Durham?
Good. you work? No, not at the moment.
Okay, ......................................................................... What about a
home phone number? Yes, I can give you that. It's 7848 3762.
Right. Now this part here is
for ........................................................................................... Who's the
The individual person, company or
business ......................................................................... Is the claim
against ..........................................................................................?
Well, it's a company .........................................................................
So, that's 'trader' then. Just a moment while I write that down. ABC
Appliances actually.
Oh, now, ......................................................................... If the
respondent is a company you must have the company's
full and correct name and ................................................
I've looked it up on the Internet and it's ABC Appliances Limited.
Good. If we don't get this part absolutely
right, ........................................................................................... And
their registered address?
Yes,............................................................................ Just a minute .. .it's
um ... 17 Brown Avenue.
That's in Bardon, isn't it? I think I know the
place-.......................................................................................... last
month. Yes, Bardon.
Have you got the postcode for Bardon?
It's really similar to mine-wait a
moment-........................................................................ I get it right. 4065,
that's it. And what's the telephone number for ABC Appliances?
Oh, um... .......................................................
Good. Got that., in the third part of this form we get
to ................................................................................................................
................................................ I assume
you ..........................................................................................?
Yes, that's right, on the third of February 2011.
And did the goods have any sort of ......................................................?
Yes, but only for six months.
So, it was ........................................................................?
Yes, they offered me an extended warranty for 3 years
but ...........................................................................................
Oh, I see.
You'll need to ........................................................................ the goods
involved, the nature of the defect or fault and
any, tell me, what did
you buy?
I bought ........................................................................... what brand, model and serial number?
...................................................... 'Mallard' and it was the 'Whisper'
model;...................................................... ...
just a moment... I've got the warranty papers in my bag. Yes, here it is,
serial number .......................................................
Great. Now I need to know how much you agreed to
Did you trade in your old machine?
.........................................................................................., I did. what were you given for the trade-in?
So, in actual fact, the purchase price you agreed on was 750 pounds?
That's right and ..........................................................................................
two days later on the fifth of March and picked up the trade• in at the
same time.
Now, think carefully about this next question. What did the respondent
say about ........................................................................or the way they
would perform?
The salesman ..........................................................................................
said 'The Mallard Whisper model has a much
shorter cycle so ........................................................................ 'oh, and
he added: 'and it will also use less water'.
Is that true?
Well, partly.. .it does seem to use less water but both the wash cycle and
the rinse cycle go on for much longer than my old
machine .....................................................................................................
............................................ But the sales assistant also said: 'This
model is whisper quiet' .
And is it?
.......................................................................................... we can't hear
the television in the next room.
Audio 34
Dreamtime Tours have just the tour for
you. to you about
today is what I consider our best tour-it will take
you ........................................................................ and back again. You'll
travelling in air-conditioned luxury. You'll see from our
brochure that........................................................................ along the
coast and,...................................................... after we pick up our
last passenger for the day, ...................................................... briefly at
a magnificent housing development, marina
and ......................................................-you'll be able to admire some of
the most expensive and lavish houses ....................................and here
we'll take a quick
walk ......................................................................... Now, despite its
name, Hope Island, we can reach
it .......................................................................................... or taking a
boat ride. Hope Island is connected to the mainland by bridges.

From there .............................................. the beautiful Tamborine

Mountain. You'll have time to
browse in.......................................................................................... or
you can sit and relax ......................................................................... We
board the bus again ...................................................... an old
timber-milling town on our way to O'Reilly's Green Mountains . Once
there, you might wish to ...................................................... the famous
tree top walk ......................................................
suspended in the canopy of a
rainforest-definitely ........................................................................! If
you're not up to the excitement of this walk, or perhaps after you've done
it, why not enjoy lunch ...................................................... O'Reilly's

Before we
leave, .........................................................................................................
.........................................................the Botanical Gardens or perhaps
you'd like to feed the beautiful parrots and other birds-we'll supply the
birdseed. From O'Reilly's we travel to an alpaca farm for a
demonstration and of
course ........................................................................................................
.......................................................... with these gorgeous animals
before returning to the coach for the
journey .......................................................................................................
If I've persuaded any of you to sign up for this tour, take a look at our
Dreamtime Tours ..................................... You'll see that you can book
over the telephone or........................................................................
through the reception desk. We
generally........................................................................manning the desk
from 7.30 am to 9 pm every day of the
week. ........................................................................reception staff any
questions that you might have about this tour, or any other tour, and be
sure...................................................... if you have any special needs.
We'll do our best to make your
trip .............................................................................................................
If this is the tour you want, be sure to specify Green Mountain Tour and
note that these excursions ......................................................on three
days of the week only: Sunday, Monday and Friday-although we're
hoping ........................................................................available by next
year. You'll see that fares ........................................................................
with each adult ....................................................... Now, that's not bad
for a trip of around 280 kilometres, is
it? .........................................................................................., obviously
the family pass ........................................................................-that
includes two adults and two children-but if you are an older adult,
over 65, in other words, ......................................................, your fare is
discounted too-...................................................... than the full adult rate.

Please ........................................................................-we adhere to

these strictly-the coach will leave the southernmost point of
Coolangatta at ten to eight sharp, travel through Burleigh and on to
Surfers Paradise, which is our most popular pick-up
point, ...................................................... at half past eight in the
morning. ...................................................... we make our last pick-up at

........................................................................ dress appropriately for the

day-ladies, ......................................................,
please. ........................................................................ are what is
required and I always recommend
that ........................................................................
because the mountain air ...................................................... compared
to the heat and ...........................................................................................
Oh, something else I should remind you
of-.......................................................................................... are just for
coach travel, although we can arrange for a mini-bus
to .......................................................................................... and bring
you to the departure point free of charge. If you want to avail yourself of
this service, be sure
to ........................................................................................... You will
need to bring along extra cash or a credit card to cover expenses such
as optional side-trips, food and drink and, of
course, ...................................................... to the various attractions.

Well, that's all I have time to tell you-if you have further enquiries, please
use the phone number on the brochure.
Audio 35
Come in and sit down, Lester... Sharon. I can
see ........................................................................................... To start
with, I'd just like to say that we ...................................................... and
recognise their importance and
assistance ...........................................................................................
Thank you ... we're looking forward to helping out, but what exactly can
we do?
Volunteers can ........................................................................ ... in
general they enrich the English language programme and complement
the contributions ........................................................................ ...
Yes, but...what would we do ....................................?
Oh, a variety of tasks,.................................... you can tutor
individual students in reading...
I thought that might be the case ... can also help
students ..........................................................................................
Great...Is that also a one-on-one activity?
Oh, yes, definitely; but volunteers are also called on
to .......................................................................................... ... And, what
exactly would we do there?
Well, ........................................................................ of course, but
usually you take on .........................................................................
A teacher's assistant? Yes, that's it.
...................................................... and good preparation for our own
Then, an enormous area of assistance is developing
students' .......................................................
Yes, I can imagine that's why some of
them .........................................................................
There's also ......................................................................... They
always need volunteers there.
But we have no training in special needs.
That's not necessary. These students just really appreciate having any
extra attention-sometimes help with the simplest
things ... .........................................................................
Ah... well, that's something all able-bodied students should
learn. ........................................................................ the strangest pen
grips amongst my peers and I'm sure they
must ........................................................................ or
shoulder muscles .......................................................
Yes. I'm sure you're right. ...................................................... I'd like
you two encouraging and
improving the students' work ethic.
Oh, ..........................................................................................!
No, but it is important, and I can give you some training in that field.
That'll be good.
.......................................................................................... you'll be
working alongside quality teachers .................................................who
are not only caring role-models but excellent motivators.
Well, ...........................................................................................
Yes, the teachers you'll be assigned to are innovative and
very responsive ........................................................................individual
If that's true, they ........................................................................ a variety
of teaching styles.
Quite right. You know, part of my mission is to forge close partnerships
between .......................................................................................... like
yourselves. As far as I can see everyone has something to gain
from ..........................................................................................-not just
the students you're helping.
There are a number of interesting developments going on at the moment
and I've chosen you two because
of, you,
I majored in business studies before I came to
teachers' .........................................................................
Yes, exactly.
Well, I've always been ........................................................................,
marine biology, in particular.
Yes, I think ....................................................... The school you're
going to
assist at is augmenting ..............................................................................
................................................offered within its subjects. Educational
philosophy these days seems to recognise the importance of increasing
practical components....................................................... Areas of
development being pursued
include ......................................................, agriculture, business edu
cation and ....................................; but the marine studies course is
already .......................................................
Oh, now I see where we fit in.
You'll find that the school
has .............................................................................................................
.......................................................................................... There are 3
computer laboratories and a special-needs network with 6 stations.
Ah...they are well equipped.
Mmm ...wait till you see their Independent Learning Centre. What's so
special about their ILC?
They have the
most ....................................................................................... I've ever
seen in this region of the country. Really?
Ah huh. And there's a wide number
of ............................................................................................................,
an extensive sporting programme... Oh, sport-not my thing at all ...
Well, no, maybe not, but they also promote students' participation in
different scholastic competitions.
I'm impressed-I think we're going to enjoy this.
Audio 36
My talk today is on Anxiety. Anxiety is
something ........................................................................ at some time in
your life so you'll know that ........................................................................
in which feelings of dread, fear and mental agitation predominate.

However, what we call ......................................................, or anxiety

neurosis or phobic
characterized by anxiety reactions far
greater than those ........................................................................
the circumstances and these reactions ....................................
and prolonged. This
is ..........................................................................................neurosis in
westernized countries. Usually, normal anxiety decreases with repeated
exposure ........................................................................ whereas a
neurotic anxiety tends to increase. Gradually the person is inclined to
avoid the feared situation and views it with increasing dread.
Sometimes there may be an inherited tendency for
this, but ........................................................................ are
more important. The
individual .................................................................................throughout
life and a stressful condition, just before symptoms set in, is common.
Often ..........................................................................................anxiety,
possibly for weeks or months, before the ultimate break occurs. The
precipitating cause is usually
one of great significance ....................................,
often related to ......................................................-such as bereavement,
a break-up, threats to career, health or personal integrity.

What are the symptoms of phobia? Well, phobic states often

develop into severe, crippling ..................................that can be very
difficult to overcome. The person ......................................................
certain situations. It's not uncommon
to ............................................................................................................
at the same time. I'm going to name some frequent phobias and give
you ..........................................................................................: Let's start
with Agoraphobia which is when the
person ........................................................................about venturing
outside the safety of ......................................................................... It
may be impossible for this person to ever go
out alone. .......................................................................................... is
completely irrational and they often end up leading very secluded lives.
Claustrophobia, on the other hand, is a morbid fear of closed-in areas or
places-if you see me .................................... instead of the lift,
think about it-am I trying to ...................................................... or am I
trying to avoid the confined interior of the lift? And I'm sure you all know
people ........................................................................-sometimes it's the
fear of being enclosed in the aeroplane itself-and you can imagine how
the cramped confines of airline toilets
are .....................................................................................................
Now, I'll move on to discuss Social phobia which, believe it or not, is
more common in men. It's an acute anxiety that
develops when......................................................................... They feel
self-conscious, apprehensive and embarrassed. If attention (real or
imagined) is focused on the sufferer, ......................................................
and may blush, stammer or stutter. Some sufferers even
develop tremors-shaking or trembling movements of a part ( or parts) of
the body-or, another very common sign of
their ........................................................................ is that they perspire
profusely on their palms, under their arms or on their feet.

That brings me to the last one that I want to mention today and that is
Single phobia-and no, it's not a fear of lifelong bachelorhood! This one is
actually precipitated by an acute
aversion ........................................................................-you may
have heard of the term, arachnophobia? Well it applies specifically to
spiders-but any single thing can basically cause a strong aversion:
snakes, frogs, mice or rats, for instance. I can assure
you, ......................................................................... You name it, and
someone is sure to ....................................................... Some people are
terrified of the dark, for example, and I'm not talking about young
children here. many
adults are afflicted in this way.

Well, I see ....................................................... Next week, I'll go into

some of .......................................................................................... that
have been used over the ages and some of the relatively new drugs that
have recently come on the scene.
Audio 37
Good afternoon. Estelle speaking... What can I do for you?
I was told that the school
holds...umm, ........................................................................?
Yes, it does. We run seven a
week: ..................................................................................and one on
Wednesdays. Are they all ......................................................?
No, because of the number of people who work shifts these
days .......................................................................................... as well.
Well, I don't work and I really want to get out and meet
people so ...........................................................................................
What is it you're ........................................................................?
Oh, anything, really.
Okay...on Tuesdays we have a Writing Workshop for those
people ........................................................................ write but are
hesitant about putting pen to paper.
It's an evening class and runs from six to seven thirty
but ...........................................................................................
Yes. The tutor ...................................................... restrict participants to
a maximum of ten per, I'll have to check and let you
know ...........................................................................................
Thank you.
Also on Tuesdays there is a Book Club designed for
older adults looking to be inspired, to
learn, and ...........................................................................................
Are there any restrictions on that?
Not really but ..........................................................................................
the prescribed book each week. Mmm, you have to read set books, do
Yes, and ........................................................................ by finishing one
a week. I understand. What else do you have?
There's a History Group on Tuesdays as
by ........................................................................ who provides a
fascinating glimpse for you into ......................................................
around this area a hundred years ago.
Hmm.. .I don't think so.
Well, what about Scrabble Club on Wednesday-it's extremely popular,
you know.
....................................................... What time?
Two to three thirty in the afternoon.
Yes. ...........................................................................................
Well, if you like scrabble you might like to join the Chess
Night...on Thursday
Unfortunately ......................................................
Would you be interested in Cake Decorating?
Well, .............................................................................................
Have you thought about decorated cakes though? You know they make
a wonderful focal point of any .......................................................
Maybe not.
Look, I don't know if ...................................................... but next month
there's going to be an Adult Learners' Week
and .......................................................................................... learn
something new and....................................................... All the events are
free but ........................................................................
What are the events?
........................................................................ and if you decide
there's something in it for you, I can
send you .......................................................
Great! When is it?
The first week......................................................, from the first to the
Oh, are they all daytime events?
Yes, but ...................................................... and some are
whole-day sessions. Can you just quickly tell me about the half-day ones,
Okay. The Techno Expo will help you work
with ........................................................................and you can
learn more about online privacy and security and online entertainment.
That's Monday the first.
In the morning?
Actually ......................................................, from one to 4.30. What else
is there in the afternoon?
Well, on Wednesday, there's Work/Life Balance-understanding how
to ........................................................................, the importance of
balance and harmony in your life and .......................................................
That's another one I'd like to go to-are there any more?
No, no more half days in the afternoon. Wait a minute... there is a poetry
event. What does that entail?
Writing some inspirational poems
and .........................................................................
No, thank you-I'm not going to read my poems to other people!
I know what you mean.
One more thing can you tell
me ..............................................................................................................
Yes-all the workshops are at the Central Library.
Oh, good. That's handy.
Audio 38

I'm sure ...................................................... that babies,

infants and children ...................................................... an enormous]
number of potentially serious
accidents ..................................... Accidents where vehicles are
involved ...................................................... but particularly so
when children are injured. Now, of course , most
should never happen but, unfortunately, the casualty lists ........................
............................... It still surprises me
that .......................................................................................... fall from
shopping carts, for example. With small children,
however, ..........................................................................................
will occur inside the house or....................................................... Many
of the risks are obvious, but are often ill-considered
- ........................................................................................... Older
children are exposed to a greater number, for they are also open to the
hazards ....................................................... This should
be ........................................................................ by parents.
Education is vital. There are some very
good ...................................................... which do the job quite well but
children should be educated from the moment they learn to crawl and
so ........................................................................ parents who can instil
safety habits in the responsive minds of their
children ....................................................... In this way, they
will gradually learn to ......................................................................... Of
course, if they go to pre-school, there'll be fewer hazards there but I'm
going to cover a few of the important household areas now.

Firstly, kitchen hazards-the family kitchen is

actually ........................................................................although children
may spend a lot of time there with their mothers. All I can say is: never
leave saucepans.................................... with their handles jutting out-it's
easy for little hands to seize hold of them and adults can even catch
themselves on them too. Scalding is a serious

If you are transporting dangerous items about the kitchen, always look to
see where children are standing. Hot
items ................................................................................. Cooking with
an infant at your feet can be very dangerous. Be careful
with ................................................................................ as well. And not
the least of dangers is treading on the child-or their hands or feet at any

..................................................................................................... An
amazing number of household items are potentially lethal to babies
but ................................................................................. Bleach, drain
cleaner and similar items should
be ...................................................................................................., who
have no idea of their risks. And a word of warning
here: containers
for lethal fluids and never leave these
items .................................................................................

Playground equipment deserves a mention, too-even in the most skilfully

designed playground, ............................................................. We all
enjoy the seesaws but do make sure
that .....................................................................................................
Personally, I don't understand the attraction of the
.... but the little ones enjoy the ride. Swings are great fun but children just
understand ................................................................................................
............................................ and striking a standing child-the results are
often ............................................................or even broken bones.
Fractured skulls are the worst playground injuries I've seen and these
are common when young ones ............................................................
such as the top of a climbing frame. I think the slides are much
safer. Whatever your preference, though, be sure
to ................................................................................ your children in the
We're up to bath-time know that you should never leave a
baby alone ............................................................ because it's possible
for babies to drown in a few centimetres of water; but how many of you
have been tempted to ............................................................ when it
rings? My advice to you is to let it ring! And remember when you're filling
the bath to put cold water in before the hot to prevent severe
scalding ................................................................................ before it's

Moving on to ...............................................................first of all, power

points. These have a fascination for toddlers
and ................................................................................ like hairpins,
nails, screwdrivers-you name it. Points should always be fitted with
protective plugs to prevent this. Teach children
to .......................................................................................-because they
are all potential hazards.

................................................................................? Unfortunately, I still

see parents smoking in spaces where their children have to inhale the
cigarette smoke-we all know the dangers
of ...................................................................................But even leaving
a packet of cigarettes within reach is dangerous because eating just one
cigarette ................................................................................. If quitting
the habit is too difficult, please ensure all tobacco
products ............................................................ and smoke outside.
Lastly, given our cold winters, I need to warn you
about ............................................................. Open fires and heaters
must be covered by ......................................... Even radiators and other
sources of heat-which are attractive to children--can cause a nasty
bum ............................................................. Remember, there is never a
good time to leave infants by themselves in a room where there is an
unprotected source of heat.
Audio 39
Hi, Opal. Any ideas about what we
should ........................................................................................................
Hi, Perry. Yes, I'd like to do something on Wetlands.
I think that's a great idea-where do we start?
................................................................................-something like: 'a
marshy area of land where the soil near the surface is saturated or
covered with water,
And we could add: 'the flora and fauna of
the area ............................................................the water-logged soil
for their survival'.
Yes, ................................................................................-when
commercial developers or farmers come along and decide to drain the
swamps-everything dies. ...........................................................................
.............................................. Did you know that, as a result,
wetlands are recognised internationally as one
of ....................................................................................................?
That's right. We'll have to be sure to discuss their
importance .............................................................
But, first; I think we should
state ................................................................................ wetlands.
Well, there are three that I can think of. To start with: wetlands are
limited areas of open
water, .........................................................................................................
Yes ...and the second could be that there's usually a variety of
water-tolerant flora ............................................................ and
throughout the water.
Of course, ................................................................................, there
may be more or less water but levels
generally ......................................................................... let's move on to the importance of wetlands. Shall we start
with plant and wildlife habitat?
Yes, I think we should ........................................ wetlands are homes for
countless species of water birds, frogs,
invertebrates and fish...
... and they support many varieties
of ................................................................................ ...
which brings us
naturally ....................................................................................................
-even small wetlands act as borders between land and permanent
water. They turn into refuge areas or
sanctuaries ................................................................................and they
often support ............................................................ plants and animals
found nowhere else.
Exactly. And they're especially important as
nurseries ............................................................ for all kinds of fish, birds
and invertebrates.
Wetlands are important for
improving ................................................................................, too.
Yes, that's because the flow of water through the wetlands is slowed by
bank and in-stream plants, and so it allows sediment to settle. Nutrients,
such as nitrogen and phosphorous
and the water
passes through.
Okay, at this point I think we should look at mangroves ... they're
important for nutrient removal ...
I think 'nutrient recycling' ............................................................ ...
and biological productivity ... because
wetlands are .................................................................................
Should we do a food web, then?
................................................................................some sort showing
the importance of
mangrove trees..........................................................................................
.................................................. ...
How about you explain
it ....................................................................................................?
Right. Well, let's start with the mangrove trees. They're very special
because of their aerial roots
that ............................................................even when the tide is high and
their roots are under water. They can live in salt water
and ................................................................................ travels up to the
older leaves and then
these ..........................................................................................................
........................................................................... A unique feature of
mangroves is their ability
................................................ while they're still on the tree and the
drop down ..................................................................................................
Mmm, got that. What happens to those older leaves that fall?
............................................................, or litter, decay in the
water and ............................................................ that feeds
bacteria, worms and small crustaceans.
You mean things like prawns and crabs ........................................ the
decomposed leaves?
Yes, and ................................................................................l. And
bigger fish feed on them.
Eventually the remaining ........................................-which is now just
very tiny particles-is taken up ............................................................
providing nourishment for the mangrove trees. And the cycle begins all
over again.
Yes, that's exactly it, that's what we'll call it-the nutrient cycle of
mangrove litter.
Great. I'll go home and work on this and we'll meet again tomorrow.
Okay, see you then.
Audio 40
Good morning. It's good to see so many of
you ............................................................meteorology. As you are all
newcomers to the
topic, ..................................................................................................... In
fact, let's begin with a very simple definition of what meteorology
is-the suffix '-ology' ............................................................-at least
you can all guess that it is' the study of' ... something. Meteorology
Infacta Scientific study ............................................................ in the
atmosphere ...............................................................................................
, of course. And you all know what weather
is, right? ...................................................................................the sun,
the atmosphere, water vapour and the wind. They all come together,
disseminating heat from the sun............................................................
and making clouds in the layer of the
atmosphere ................................................................................ which is
called the troposphere. Look up into the sky and on almost any day of
the year ............................................................

Clouds form when water that has

evaporated .................................................................................................
........................................... condenses onto microscopic dust particles
( or
other particles)............................................................. Cloud formation
different shapes and they mostly .........................................................Lat
in roots. Now, let's look at ............................................................ We'll
start with Cumulus which is a low cloud with a white, puffy
appearance and most often composed of ......................................... It
gets its name from 'cumulo' meaning 'heap' for its typical
'piled-up' appearance.

Now, let's move on to Stratus (from 'strato' meaning 'layer' )-these are
the grey, ........................................ (often with a flat base) that you see
on an overcast day and they too
are ..................................................................................................... At
this point, I should mention Fog, which you
probably ................................................................................, but fog
consists of very low stratus-ground-bugging clouds.

The high altitude Cirrus cloud, on the other hand is mostly made of ice
crystals and appears wispy and thin-almost hair-like-in fact, that's
where ...................................................... ... from the word 'cirro'
meaning 'wisp of hair'. They are generally fair-weather clouds.
Not so the Cumulonimbus-......................................................-they
extend way up into the troposphere and these are the ones
that ......................................................, thunder,
heavy rain, strong winds and tornadoes. Beware the
Cumulonimbus! You already know
what cumulo means and ............................................................................
...................................................................................... 'nimbus'
means 'rain' and, added as a
suffix, ......................................................the cloud's ability to produce
precipitation which could be rain, snow or hailstones.
................................................................................., you'll learn a
lot more about ...................................................... but before I finish
today, I want to ...................................................... something I
mentioned before-dust. It is generally accepted that when water vapour
ascends...................................................... cloud formation it
condenses onto dust particles. So, it was assumed, large dust particles
would produce larger droplets
and .............................................................................................................
...................................................... However, recent
research .....................................................................................................
.............................................................. Droplet size increases the
farther the clouds are from dust-filled air. More dust reaching rain
clouds ....................................................... Scientists have shown that as
more and more
dust ................................................................................., the
same amount of water becomes spread
out. ............................................................................................................
scatter instead of combining and growing large enough to make up

This study shows that higher dust frequency is

not inevitably ...................................................... diminished
rainfall ......................................................! Therefore, loss of topsoil from
over-grazing, ...................................................... or bad livestock
management .................................................................................will
contribute to ................................................................................. those
arid regions.
Your assignment for this week will
be ................................................................................. and write a
report on how dust from damaged land
may ................................................................................. and lead to
further desertification of arid areas. In other words, how land use has an
impact on climate change.

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