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4 Atoms and Toles Tes aes e jue combivation weae eetallished after mut expeclmente. by Lowisice and Joseph 1. Tove. Laur ongervatio 3 Law of coneayalbn 53 13s alates ithat mass can neither be cweated nox be ckatooyed Tn achomical waction. Law} constant _pxgpotion:. a Lawosiea along with other aciontist that many compouds a compost of tuo oy more elena an! exch swuch Compocd tod a same element in the Zame pwopotion. + his bd to the ly of conatont ropotion which %4.alia Hawn ag We ow oh doh néte propotiona - ‘hig Law wes “stated by pmat as“ Sn a chembal Substane te clomonts are lways paecent ts dbpinite poupotion by Mags. + The nox problem jaced by 3 Aclentists was to give appupalate explanations ch these Law , Bortiah 4 chomlet Thon Dalton paved the basic theoay about the nature of the mattey + Alton picked yp the tea of dlivisiblity oh matter , which was still ten was a phy loaophy. Lalton J 4 Moric theowy poovided a exphygtio for laws 0 conseavation of mass vond — the laws of db)inite ‘poopotion. | Acccading 10 the Raton cb oltomic theoy , all matter , whether an clement , a compound ox a miscine i commeed of small panttals called atoms. The poaluatea of 1s theray mag ataated a4 follow: iy All mations 16 made wp 0} very tity pagticals, called ator: which paotticipate in chemical ngactton. cli) ottome ante indivisible panticale lich Cannot be caoated a obatavyed in a chemical zeaction. Cid Atoms of a given elements ave f ‘Aenlical im maxes ae) chemical paypeatioa . ~ Gv) Atoms off dif joert clyment have vdi|Jaent mae avel chemical paopeatior- or sttoms combain in the alo ob anal i ii . = ‘whole tumbas ty from comple. (iy Tle aeldlie number ard Birds A atom cae conetarl tna giver compound. Atom: ltoma — ate vay armll in Size , they ane amalley thon he anything thal we can imagine ot compare with. Moe than million of clone wher atacked woul! make a layer of boaely Wick a8 the shet of papper. 6 | Mtomiz: xadltes i meaguaed tn the Nanometvad,. 4/i0'm == 46M | Im = pny Atomic. Mass : , The most remarkable constant that Anions atomic thecay a poaed Wad, ‘that. 0} the atomic mass. @ + Acatadirg b him each eommt hada Chactatte atomic number . x he theay could exphin the lau of conttant pwopelion 40 well that the acentat wese paomted to mepene th atomic mato oh an adem. 1 Aine dletisnining te meee of the individual atom wad a adlative alymic waeses wexe detegmniind uairg he lar of cranial combinations and the kompovels }oamed. ee oN EE Cette sy é atone 0}, moet clement aae not abe to oxtst Sncbperdontly .ohloma. Ors: molecules and ona. Shese ‘molecules e9 doné cggeogate In lange numbe to foam the mater tat ur con 402, feel 09 touch. Holoaless. + A wvlecsle fa in gerval a grup op two or more atoms that ae chemical bonded together: ie) That iy tightly Weld together by ia attgactive ‘pote . t A wilecue can be defined as the dmulleat pat of a moleaile /Element that i capabe of an dncle penclent eviaione and shou all poopeatios. 4 the Zubslane . Aloms of} the ame togothay olemort cv of, MNfjeuent Cloments con fin tp bon Ele nents, leak el: dhe rnddecu lea vb an cloment are conéitided! by the aame type of aleme. 88 Enews oh many Clements, . But thia 6 not the cade withthe moat of non mentale. » HMotals anal some other clement, 4uth & calor, ob mit hae a imple Stace but condlat of tery loage atel ndetifinel numbex 0} atoms. hay) bonded faethe Compurds: Atoms of, clibjeaant Elements jeined loyethua in defjnite potion’ to foam rrplecula. 0f compound. . Comptuds. composed of} metals and non- metsl, conan charge apecice,. She Charged apectes, axe Knowrd a4, Sond. Mona, may conalat of a Aingle chuged atom oa gooup %} all tat have an not charge on them . An Jaon cm be cheaged positively / Mayetively . 4 negatively chaaged Jone cae called as Anfona and Fositively charged age Rnowny a4 ‘catibin’, | Gxomple: at Foumala. 0} Aydaogen chlovide : g ymbol Sa Valency es oS & CS 6" ae Oh ‘Tychogen dulphite ee He Valence 1” amuk, = Ty Foumula. of casbor, tehacchloric: Symbol ¢. Gael 8 0) (Valence: # Nt Joamulla =ccl, dosmula dh magnesiun chlatde. rl My cl fancy : 94” \4- oamula, = MgCl Joomule oj Aumin finn Oxive : yb: Ak 0 lileny: a¥ 2 Foomdla = Gag, AlaBg earl 0} Cakiom. Oxide: ymbll + CAs Teamule = cagp. (Valengy: ee 7 2 co qa -|Togmula 0} Sodtom. Witte: Bymbol: Ma.__-NO, Valene a+ 4- ‘Tosmula = NaNO, |Soamake d, calciom, hydyoxides Bymbo] : Cax_40H a a Formula: Ca. (ol), Foomala 0% audicam. carbonate: Gumbel: Nein 0, tbo: WW Nae Foanmula, = Cha sst0y Nag ‘Foamnla gyArmontum ulphtte: Dynbol «V4, Aon Vilene . \¥ > 9- Foomula = CMUy), 40, eB f--e --@ Calculate the seldtive mokalar mass. o}, watey CHa0) (b) calaulde the molecular mass Of HNO, . olution. ay Atomic mats of Aycoer = 11 Dxygen |= 16% Bo the molecular rnass of water whitch contath tuo atom 0}, hydecgen. ardone atom oh baygen A PQalelxie = 9 b) The raviealsy masa = Tee atomic reas 6) Wa, Of H+ dhe aboniic aaa of m 3.x the atomic mass Of O 441 +hp = 68a, Calculate he fowmala unit mass 6 0 Call. 2. Solution. pede mas Of Caz +(9 atomic mass of a) ho+% x 95.5 || = Wd x 95.5 @) = YL +7 | = INU Mole Come pt «_ Jake can example of the seetbn oh hydrogen and oxygen 0 Joana water, DH, + 0,7 2.Hy,0 ‘qe above seaction. thdfertes. that: (i) too molecules, of, hydacgen. combatna, ‘Lhe with one molecu of, agen. {0 ‘qo duo rnplectles, of, water | ‘ x) (alealgte the number 0}, moles Jor the potloving 7429 of de ( nding mole 4yore. naa) GHD. te x10”? namber of He atoma.. (Finding mole from no.0f, pasticald, Solution : (Mo 0} mole. E n Given. mass am. Milne mass = = | = => = s G) 0.8 mole of M, gas Cmase Brom mole oh molecule) (iv0.g mole oy M atoms (nass prom mole of | atpm) (ii? 3.01 Aw? number of, w atoma (wos. pom number) tiv) 6.022 x07? number of Me maecales, ci) mass = molay masa x nunboy of moles = |h Giymaaa = ‘fis masa x Mamber of, moles m=Man = Thx004 | jee] 4. wi) The number of moles re ' = given number o} partials, = Avagodao number N° = 3.0) xw?? 0099 x 10° = M=Man =14 X_Be0l) 210%? 6022 > 1073 = Ih X0% | > 19. 3 Calculate the number of, partials ite oach. oh the Jotlouiry. G) 46g Na atone Camber fom tase) G0 % 0, moleales. tii) 0-1 mok 0} castor gtoma, Solution: 61 The number 0} cloms: “given mats Avagorcla nunnbe. mlay mass al = 8 x 6.020107" wD N= 1.5065 x10"? 21.51 x0?8 Gi) The number 0), molecules : =gven_ rato x Avago ada number, mole was =NV= ¥. 6.022 x yt? AN = ID, 084 xP? bi) The numbers 0 partical (atom ) = number oj moles of particale x Avaggdao numba, NI=EN «M4 = 00146.029 x 109 = 02% x 10°™ | Whole Lesson

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