Media Buying & Planning - Vishal Sinha - Sheet1

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Media Buying

Client Name TVS

City Tier Tier 1, 2, 3

Company/ Product/ Business TVS Iqube

Target Audience Age Group 18-45

Gender All Gender

Objective Sales

Client Budget: 1000000

Channels Description %Used In Amt

Social Media Engaging Leads & Awareness Post Across all Meta Apps 30% 1000000
Youtube and TVS Website Automobile Influencers to give review regarding The Product look, feel & performance. 10% 1000000
NewsPaper Ads with Emi offers on various cards 5% 1000000
Banner & Hording Banners & Hoarding on Prime location 20% 1000000
TV & Radio Ads will be displayed on the middle of the shows 10% 1000000
Sports Event Sponsore To be one of the Sports sponsore for a Famous & Trending Sports event 25% 1000000

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