Matter Around Us Pure Notes

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Is Matter Around Us Pure? In chemistry, when we say a substance is pure, it means thae the substance is made up of ELIS aly one ype of constituent particles. In other words, a substance isa pure single form of ¥ yompounds: Depending upon the chemical _compo: matter’ is. classified: into.clements, ees , (ie. pure substances that are non-separable by physical methods) an use, Sia Geesable by plysea neh es glia ee). * Hoteropensous Mise, = cublimati + Homogeneous Mixture (Solid, Oquid and Gas) Callie Suspensions, cos oA [, [canal rl be broken Untorm ‘Nontniform ‘down into elements by | | compostion. composition ‘chemeal or eg 09. eectrochemical ‘sugar in wat, senda reactions ssh in water, sal sugar ‘and sal, water in of, ote water, methane, sulphide. water eg. sulphur carbon sug, sal | in alootol, ote (Motatoids 1 eg ion, copper | | ¢¢ Pydrogen, oxygen,] | ¢.9 sicon, germanium, mercury, ec fulptus, chlorine, ete. | | antimony. ete Yr 3 Allynone Science Class oh 24 Pure Substance A substance that gopsists of only a single type of c jascd pon the nat fag le, a pure substance is of (wo types, i.e. elements and compounds, 1, Elements The term clement was first used by Robert Boyle in 166). According to Antoine Laurent Lawnisics, a Prench ‘chemist, (1743-94), ‘an cement is a basic form of matter that cannot be broken down into simpler si ibstances by chemical reactions. An clement is a pure substance. rill now 118 dem rents have been discovered [out of these 92 are natural elements and gthers are man-made, On the basis of Yariation in propertics, clements can be broadly classified 2s metals, non-metals and metalloids (i) Metals {Gammatalis an element that is malleable (ie; can be hammered into thin sheets), ductile (ic. can ‘be drawn into wires), onerous (uc. make ringing sound when hit), and conduct For and dlectricity. They are lustzous (shine) and have “ivchgrey_or polden- yellow colour, eg, gold. silver, Zapper, ton, sodium, potassium. et Rican ithe only Seer that © Tiguid at soom tompesauute. Galliuny andl Gaesium because of their ery low melting yery low melting points remain Fiquid state at 2 temperature slightly above room tem K), (ii) Non-metals ‘A Gonna is an clement shat is neither malleable nor ductile and does not conduct heat and electricity. They ‘display a variety of colours, eg, hydaags ine, 4 carbo ), bromine, chlorine, etc, Bromine is the nly non-me that exists in Liquid stare ac normal conditions of temperature and pressure, 4 (il) Metalloids Flements having intermediate properties between those of metals and non-metals are called metalloids, e.g, boron, silicon, germanium, etc. ° 2. Compounds - inpound\is a substance composed of two or ni clement, ctnicaly combined with one another in fixed proportion, eg water (11,0), methane (CH), carl rp ) carhon ss (CO,), ammonia (NH,), sodium chloride (NaC), Mixtures none Kind of pire Mixtures are constituted by more tha foam, known asa substance. Most Sf the_mateer around Us ( more piute componeity ©, $0 exist a mixtutes of (0 water, minerals oil, etc, are all. mixtures. Types of Mixtures epending upon the nature of th Dealing a fe (i) Homogeneous Mixture ‘A. mixture in which the constituents 3¢¢ uniformly ‘saibuted throughout ie. without any clear boundary of peeled homogeneous mixture. Here, the Ser annot be seen with naked eyes or-under a sricroscope, Some of the examples of homogencous mitt ire dicen, sugae solution, at, soft deinks. petroleum, biogasalloyss et 1s. ts two major (Note Airis a homogeneous mixture of mn a ques are oxygen (21%) and nitrogen (78%) and other gases ir small quantities (ii) Heterogeneous Mixture ve uniform composition, i.e. ha between its constituents components that form A mixture that does. not ha visible boundaries of separation Zalled heterogeneous mixture, Here, the consticuents of heterogeneous mixeure can be seen by naked eyes or undera ticroscope, Examples of heterogencous mixtures are. sugat an sand miata, sland sand mistare, polled aie, madd water, etc, Differences between Compounds and Mixtures ‘Compound > Mixture Detine clomonts are present na Substdnces mixin any dotinto rato ratio q lomon}s combing chemically 1g form Chemical reaction does nat ‘a compound take place outing ts formation. * 4 Constituents lose their properties. Constituents retain thei properties, 4 Constituents cannot be separated by — Constituents can be ‘simple physical mothods. separated by simplo physical methods. Considerable anargy changes take Energy changes do not place dung the formation or take place (or noghgibe) ‘decomposition ol a compound «luting the formation or docomposiion of a i nistu. 4 ‘A-compound is always homogeneous A mixture may bo in natura homogeneous or _____hotorogeneous in nate. AllimOne | Motor Around Us Pur 25 rere } Minamata tccmimenaan Hen 2 nna mie no woes emeane ace } Givo two examples of heterogenous mntunen Wolo morats Solution aoe Sabb aval cayct A homogencous mixture of two or more 44 une solution. A solution is some BE scluion, ution, ete, all are Lemonade, soda water, salt particle level, ic, the the example In asolution, there is homogencity at the particles of dissolved substances are evenly dstrbed he solution and are indistinguishable from one another, ‘There are two main components. of a solution: (0 Solvent (Divolving Phase) The component (usually present “a Larger amount) of the solution that dissolves the other component in i, is called the'sohvent,| (Dissolved Phase) The component (usually present in quantity) of the solution that is dissolved in the solvent is called the solute; ach Some common examples of solu (0 In sugar solution, sugar is the solute and water is the solvent, () Resolution of iodine in alcohol known as tincture of iodine, has iodine (solid) as the solute and alcohol (liquid) 2s the solvent. (ii) Actaied.drinks like soda_water, etc., ate gas in liquid solutions, CO 4 (gas) as solute and water (liquid) ) Solid solutions (alloys) and gaseous solutions (air) Alloys AMloys are mixtures oL Lp oF more metals oF a meta a on-metal of its constituents and can have 4 mpture of approximately 30% yanable composition, e g. bra 2inc and 70% copper Properties of a Solution Some important properties of a solution are as follows: () A solution is a homogencous mixture. , (i) The particles ofa solution are smaller than[L-n. 40” m) diameter, Therefore, they cannot be seen brated yes iii) Due to very small particles, they do nor scatter a bei Oe et aon Se ah os ble ina solution... (7) A solution is stable, ic. the solute particles do not seule down when left undisturbed, The solute particles cannot be separated from the mixture by the process of filtration, > non. wooly Concentration of a Solution ‘The concentration of a solution is the amount of solute [present ina given amount (mass or volume) of whution, nr the amount of solute dished ina gen mas ot volume of the solvent. Jn a solution, the relative Proportion of the solute and solvent can be vated Depending upon the amount of solute present ina given amount of oben, can be chcifed end (7 Saturated solution A solution in which no more amount of solvent can be dissalved at a ven temperature, is called saturated solution; we amount of the solute present in the saturated solution at this temperature is called solubility, { Solubitiy = qe «6 100 (i) Unsaturated solution If the amount of solute contained in a solution is ess than the saturation {evel its called an unsaturated solution. —~ Concentration of solution Amount of solute _ Amount of solute {Amount of solution Amount of solvent Expressing the Concentration of a Solution The methods by which the concentration of a solution can be expressed are: (3) Mass by mass percentage ofa solution Mass of solure Mass of solution (i. Mass by volume percentage of a solution Mass of solute Volume of solution Example 1. 4 solution contains 50 q of common salt in 450 g of water, Calculate the concentration of the solution. Sol. Concentration of salution = Mas Mass of common sat (olite) = 50g Mass of water= 450 g Mass of solution = 50 +450= 500 g Concer 50 ation of solution = 100 = 10% 500 Example 2. 4 4 ofa solute is dissolved in 40 g ‘of water (0 form a saturated solution at 25°C. Calculate the solubility of the solute at 25°C. ol, Solubitry = Mass of as stigbees Mass of solute = 4g, Blas of solvent = 40g, 1) 100 = 10 0® x 100 Solubility = ial 7. ball. le Common Examples of Colloids lloids are classified according to the state (solid, lig By Sree ipenioa palin and the dispersed Bhs 4 we ‘Types of Colloids €g.amixture of chalk 2 mixture 6fsand in water, smoke coming ofa factory. Properties of Suspension ‘Some important properties of suspension are as follows: mulsion Liquid Liquid @ Suspension is a heterogencous mixture. cui (i) Its particles can be hi Iss particles scatter a beam of light passing thro. (ie) Ieis unstable, i.e. the solute particles seule down ‘when suspension is left undisturbed. They can be Tyndall Effect pet by the process of filtation. When the the satng of gh by cota! pa Isknown a8 Eeeeiee Suspension breaks | effet tna true solution the solute paracies reco sean not scatter light {hey cannot scatter light falling on therm. Ina cellodal sok the particles are big enough co scatter light. Tyndal effect ea Note The ‘ispension are called suspended also be observed in the Particles”. whereas the solvents referred (a as mediam following situations; (0 When a'fine beam of Colloidal Solution igh efters com through a small ole (due il A colloid (or colloidal solution) is a mixture that is actually Nera ee ot at fanaa light by the parices ot heterogeneous but appears tobe homog: lst and smoke in ah particles are uniformly prcad throughout the solition, eg. i) When sunlight passes. Copper sulphate milk, shaving cream, cheese, etc. Colloidal solutions are au he ancy Sten (sae. * : dense,forest (as the misc ___ (Ught invisibie) also called colloidal sols. Containing ny dropa 0 : Properties of a Colloid wae seater Some important properties of a colloid arcs follows : : ~ @ Acalloid is a heterogeneous mixcure. (i) The size of particles of a colloid is too small to be individually seen by naked eyes. thed depends upon the in the mixture, mixtures canbe ins Heserogencous mixtures separated _into_theic dive constituents by simple physical methods like icking, Sievin, ltration, ctc., ‘we usc in our ay life. Sometimes, spetial techniques are adopted ‘for the_separation_of “components ofa min s r f_a_mixture, ‘eg. separation of coloured component (dye) from ink ration (Separation of Volatile Component from Non-Volatile Component) The process of conversion substance from a liquid i gaseousstate is called evaporation and dap "hose ihesubstance is said 6 be volatile. be ae Thismethod can be used toseparatea @=—g volaile component (Solvent) from a sonable conparen Goi) of imiure. On heating the mire, the ponent evaporates leaving ind the non-volatile component, eg. common salt from Seawater can be separated by this method. The heat of sun cvaporates water in the shallow lakes and common saltisleft behind as a solid. Note Separation of dye cao from water is done via evaporation. rating of Ink is avoided-because the blue or the “lachigie may are decemasag on dues heard Evaporation : ae a Applications Centrifugation technique is used in “dap \ottic laboratories for blood and urine tests. “washing machines to squeéze Out water from wet clothes. J spectuloncan, aration by using Separating Funnel (Separation of Mixture of Two immiscible Liquids} ‘This method is used to * " iscible liquids. This ‘method is based upon the Gece that immisci Soparaing tunel Kerosene of ‘Water ‘Stop-cock Bosker fater Applications Separating funnel is used in + separation of mixture-of oiland water. uring, extraction of iron from. its.ore, the removed from molten iron. Seperation of kerosene oll and water by separeting funnel ght slag is ~ Sublimation (Separation of a Solid Volatile Component from Mii Some solids have a tendency to sublime on heating, ie. they convert directly from solid to gaseous! vapour phase on heating without passing through the liquid phase. A mixture containing such solid with any other (normal) solid can be separated by sublimation. Examples of solids that sublime are camphor, ammonium chloride, naphthalene, iodine, anthracene, etc. ‘Chromatography (Separation of ‘Components with the Help of Same Solvent) ‘The term chromatography is based on Greek word, froma means colour. This technique was first used for the separation of colour. is the technique used for the separation of those solutes that dissolve in the same solvent. The separation of different components of a mixture is depend upon their different solu! in the same solvent, eg, separation of dyes present in ink by paper chromatography. ‘The ink that we use has water as the solvent and the dye is soluble in it. As the water rises on the filter paper it takes along with it the dye particles. Usually, a dyeis a mixture of ‘wo or mote colours, The coloured component that is more soluble in water, rises faster and in thi sess sparred nde po ter poor ‘Spot of ink peed s ioe snr » eicarstien oh oso ia using chromatography Applies Chromatography is used to separate () drugs from blood. Gi) pigments from natural colours. Gi) colours ina dye. conyenion of SUeEGIg OF ta OETA ‘aed onipr te ists ove llsene In than 25 K. a Distillation ” To separate a mixture ‘of two or more miscible liquids for which the differences in boiling points is less than 25 K, fractional distillation process is used, e.g. Separation of different gases from air, different fraction from petroleum products, ete. + The apparatus is similar co that for simple distill emcee that a lactinacng column i fied in Beez distillation flask and the condenser. +A simple fractionating column is a cube packed with beads. The beads provide surface for the vapours to and condense repeatedly. Frectional distillation Separation of Different Gases Present in Air. Air is a homogeneous mixture and can be separated into i components by fractional distill or this purpose, is compressed by increasing the pressure and cooled to} Jow temperature. Thus, liquid airis obtained. This liq is allowed to warm up slowly in a fractional distillai column, where gases get separated ac different hej depending upon their boiling points. Comprees and cool by increasing presstze and decroasing temperature Uquid ie ‘Alon o waar up slowly in Face dstaton earn Gases pet rear od ove snot Boling pono) _|= 163 |= 188 | ~ 196 % Ni by volume —[~209~| 09 | 74 Flow diagram showing the separation of gases from air ‘Separation of components af air “A)pyerich mood ol option nolo compara a sony oh canbe spate ; Eg rea teeing ohh ic evided dng cpanel? 3 Wit two appications of centrifugation techniques. ~ 4 Give two examples of solids which sublimes. 5 What should be the boiling point'(°C) for the separation of two miscible liquids by fractional distillation? 56 Bywhich method oxygens separated from air? Crystallisation (Separation of Pure Substance from its Impure Form) ‘Ceyllisation isa process that separates a pure solid in the form of ts crystals from a solution. This method is used to purify solids, eg. the salt we get from sca wacer can have many impurities in it, To, remove these impurities, the process of sation is used.Crystallisation technique is better than simple evaporation technique as «Some solids decompose or some, like sugar, may get charted during heating ro dryness. + Some impurities may remain dissolved in the solution even after filtration, On evaporation these contaminate the solid. Applications Crystallistion technique is used in * purification of sale obtained from sea water. + separation of crystals of alum (phitkati) from impure samples. Purification of Drinking Water In cities, drinking water is supplied from water works. A number of dissolved and suspended impurities are ro be removed before making it fic for drinking purposes. Frese Coie soca Toseciint howler rel Talon sts ee Gia E . Sedimentation Loosing tw tink shod edi nga AO ‘Water purification system in water works a in ‘rae area te and al RE ce croduced rele In hres layer OF gral ad pute weer got fo the op and en : toil bac SI rt ented wie lenching porter Ll bce s now supplied to homes for drinking purpose. a and Chemical Changes Physical Changes ‘The properties that can be observed and specified like colour, hardness, rigidity, Nudity, density, melting point, bo Point, etc. are physical properties. ‘The changes which occur without a change in composition and in chemical nature of the substance are called pl changes. The interconversion of states isa physical change, eg. change of water in ice isa physical change because chemi ice and liquid water both are same. Although ice, waterand water vapour all look different and display different physical properties but chemically they area Chemical Changes In chemical changes, one substance reacts with another substance to undergo a change in chemical composition. Chemie ‘changes bring a change in the chemical properties of matter and a new substance is obrained. A chemical change is also call a chemical reaction, ¢g. both water and cooking oil are liquid, but their chemical characteristics are different. They diffein ‘odour and inflammability. Oil burns in air whereas water extinguishes fire, : ‘Mote + Burning isa chemical change. * During burning ofa candle, both physical and chernical changes take place the chemical property.of oil that makes ir different from water. is chioination? Toon ini aes 3 lawhich type of change a new substance is formed? ‘Give an example in which physical and chemical changes take place together, ie 0) Chemical changes bring a change in the... properties of mater al i mixtures with examples. Pg18 “Gol, The main points of differences between the | homogencous “and heterogeneous mixtures re ns © follows: _ Homogeneous Mixture Heterogeneous Mirture BSconstituents are uniformly lis conslituents are not strbuted all over the ‘Moture. _ distributed uniformly, ‘There are no visible boundaries There ara. ‘Gistinet and visible lseparation ties of separation in : ___mostol the cases Is constituents cannot be easly ts constituents can bo easily ‘separeled. Special methods are separated by simple Tequired for this purpose. EgiAlo at, soft crinks, ‘Wega, ec common salt, mitre of chat ower and wale, et. 8 How are sol, solution and suspension different from each other? Pals Refer to text on Pg 25 and 26. ‘To make a saturated solution, 36 g of sodium Chloride is dissolved in 100 g of water at 283K. Find its concentration at this, ____ temperature. Pgis Sol, Mass of solute (NaCl) =36g | Mass of solvent (H,0) = 100 g ‘Mass of solution = 36 +100=136 Concentration (by mass) of the solution __ Mass of soh ~ Mass of solution: § rate a mixture containing ree aad seat (ference in their boiling Points is more than 25°C), which are miscible with each other? Pg24 6 = > x100= 26.479 x100= 7 \ ask, the given Uheated slowly (over a sand. As petcol is-more yore than Kerosene, it fist, Its Yapout are condensed and collected ina veeiver, ‘The kerosene remains in the distillation flask. Boiling poinerange of petrol is70®Ct0120°C. When, temperature becomiés constant, vapours of petrol start Passing through the condenser’ and collect in the receiver, As soon as the temperature starts rising again, ‘heating stopped and kerosene-is obtained nS distillation flask, 6 Name the technique to separate (i) butter from curd (i) salt from sea water (il), camphor from salt Sol, (3 Cemtrifugation (i) Evaporation and crystallisation (Gi) Sublimation: Pg24 7 What type of mixtures are’ separated by the technique of crystallisation? Pg24 Sol. Crysllsation method can be used to purify those ‘mixtures which (contain insoluble and/or soluble imp. (ii) ate crysalline in nature Gi) either decompose or get charred (cg, suga’) on heating to dryness, i.e. which cannot be separated by evaporation, (2) cannot be separated by filtration as some impurities are soluble, 8 Classify the following as chemical or physical changes: + culting of trees, * melting of butterin a pan, = rusting of almirah, = boiling of water to form steam, * passing of electric current through water and the waler breaking down into hydrogen and ‘oxygen gases, + dissolving common saltin water, making a fruitsalad with raw fruits, and = buming of paper and wood. Pg24 32 > Allfnone Science Class 9j) Sol, Physical changes cutting of res, + meling of bute pan, + boiling of water form steam, id + dissolving common salt in wat making fruit sald with rae ruts ‘Chemical changes rusting ofalmirah * passingofelectriccurent through water and breaking ‘down of water into hydcogen and oxygen gases burning of paperand wood. 9 Try segregating the things around you as pure substances of mixtures, Sol. Pare substance- Suga, common slt, rubber. Miature: Wood, oa, ilk soup sol. “The sap that we use in our daly life isa mixer Exercises (On Pages 28 and 30) 1 Which separation techniques will you apply fo the separation ofthe following? () Sodium chloride fom its solution in wate (i) Ameria chicride from a. mitre containing sodium ehlorde and ammonium chloride. (i) Small pieces of metain the engine ol ot a car (W) Diterent. pig ce (v) Butter fom curd. (7) 01 from water. (vi) Tea leaves fom tea (Wi) ron pins fom sand (i) Fine mud particles suspended in water Sol. (0, Es (i) Sublimation is from an extract of ow ation and (i) Fration (i) Chromatography (©) Censefugaion (Gil). Magnes (&) Loading and decane Leading. Alum isaded to mud sel particle become heny nd see dow Soluble, insoluble, fitrate and residue. thatthe fin 2 Write the steps you would use for making tea. Use the words solution, solvent, solute, dissolve Sol, Method of preparation of tea () “Take some water Golvent) in pan and heat it (i) Add some sugar (solute) and bolt dissolve the obi sugar complete! mintute i led solution. (it) Add tea leaves (or te) in the solution and bol the mixture ) Now add milk and boil aga 0) Filter the misture through the tea Staines and collec the filtrate ot soluble substance, 1 lef behind as in a cup. The insoluble te 4 Pragya tested the solubility of three different substances at different temperatures and lected the data as given below (results are given in the following table, as grams of stant 100 g of water to form dissolved i ted solution Find the solubility of each salt at 293 K. Which er ‘none ts Matter Around Us Pure? Gi) The amoun« of potassium chloride that should he inte nats ome cceet a increas with temperature, Thus, atthe solution cools, some of the potassium chloride will precipitate out of the solution and form crystal (ii) The solubility ofthe salts at 293 K are: Potassium nitrate 32 ; Sodium chlor 36, Potassium chloride 35 ; Ammonium chloride 37 ‘Thus, ammonium chloride has the maximus schbiliy (37) at 293 K. (in) The solubility ofa slid (sale) dccrcases in temperature, while temperature. ‘4 Explain the following giving examples. () Saturated solution (i) Pure substance (ii) Colloid (9) Suspension Sol. () Saturated solution Refer to text on Pg 25, (i) Pure substance Refer to text on Pe. 24 (i) Colloid Refer to text on Pg 26. (Gs) Suspension Refer to text on Pg 26. 5 Classify each of the following as a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture. Soda water, wood, air, soil, vinegar, filtered tea, Sol, Homogencous mixtures Air, soda water, vinegar, filered tea. Heterogeneous mixtures Wood, soil, tate Homogeneous matures have same composition {toughout, while the composition of heterogeneous rmiatute isnot uniform 6 How would you confirm that a colourless liquid given to you is pure water? Sol. Take given colourless liquid in a beaker and suspend 2 thermometer into it. Place beaker on a wire gauze and start heating with the help of burner. Note down the temperature at which water begins to bol. Ifthe given liquid boils t 100°C, the liquid will bea pure water as the boiling point of pure ater is 100°C, 7 Which of the following materials fall in the category of pure substance? (0 lea (i) Mik. (@) Iron (iv) Hydrochloric acid (v) Calcium oxide —_(v/) Mercury (wi) Brick (vii) Wood (ix) Ale 33 ron, akium onde and mercury 3 pare substances as they have definite composition. Hydrochloric acid isa mixture of hydrogen chloride gas and water, s0 it isa mixture and not a pure substance. 8 Identify the solutions amorig the following Sol, Ice, mbtures. @ Soil (i) Sea water (ii) Air () Coal (W) Soda water Sot, Sea water, air and soda water, as these are the homogeneous mixtures of wo oF more substances. Note. Sea waters also considered as heterogeneous solution. 9 Which of the following will show Tyndall effect? @ Salt solution i) MA i) Copper sulphate solution (iv) Starch solution Sol. Milk and starch solution being a colloid will show “Tyndall effect, while sale solution and copper sulphate solution are crue solutions that will not show Tyndall effect due to small ste of thet particles. 10 Classify the » following ~into- elements, compounds and mixtures. (9 Sodium (i Soit (@) Sugar solution (iv) Silver (v) Calcium carbonate (vi) Tin (vi) Silicon (vill) Goal fix) Air. () Soap (x) Methane (xi) Carbon dioxide (xii) Blood Sol. Elements Sodium, silver, tin and silicon. Compounds Calcium carbonate, methane, carbon dioxide and soap. Mixtures Soil, sugat solution, coal, air, blood and soap. Soap is a compound, but ro make it suitable for specific purpose, various substances are added to it, Then, it becomes a mixture, 11 Which of the following are chemical changes? () Growth of a plant (i) Rusting of iron (ti) Mixing of iron filings and sand (i) Cooking of food (v) Digestion of food (v) Freezing of water (vi) Burting of a candle Sol, Growth of a plant, rusting of iron, cooking of food, digestion of food and burning of candle are chemical changes. NCERT SUMMARY + A.substance that consists of only «single type of constituent particles is called pure substance. + An element is abasic form of matter that eannot bo broken down into simpler substances by chemical reactions, + A metal isan clement that is malleable, ductile, sonorous and conduct heat and electricity. * A non-metal is an clemeot that {s neither malleable nor ductile and does not conduct hoat and eloctreity. *» Metalloids are intermediate properties between those of metals and non-metal. * Compound can be defined as a substance composed of two oF more elements, proportion. Mixtures are constituted by more than one substance mixed in any proportion, Depending upon the natare of the components that form a mixture, wa have two types of mixtures: {) Nomogearous Mixture A mature in which the constituents are uniformly distributed throughout Le. without any clear boundary of alcally combined with oae another ina fixed separation is called homnogencous mixture, (49 Heterogencous Mixture A mature tha! does not have uniform composition, 0. has visible boundaries of separation between ils constituents is called heterogeneous mixture. A olution is « homogeneous mixture of (wo or more substances. Thero are two main components ofa solution: solvent and solute ‘The conceatration ofa solution isthe amount of solute present in a given amount (mass or volume} of solution, or the amount ofthe solute dissolved in a given mass of volume of the solvent, Depending upon the amount of solute present ina given amount of solvent, it can be dassified as under: (Saturated Solution A solution in which no more amount of solvent can be dissolved ata givon temperature is called saturated solution. (i Unsaturated Solution 1{the amount of solute contained in a solution is loss than the saturation Level, i is called an unsaturated solution. * Concentration of solution: Amount of solute__ Amount of solute ‘Amount of solution Amount of solvent + A suspension is a heterogonoous mixture in which the solute particles do not dissolve, but romain suspended throughout the bulkof the medium. A colloid is a mixture that (s actually heterogeneous, but oppears to be homogeneous as tho particles are uniformly sproad throughout the solution. The scattering of light by colloidal particles is known as Tyndall effect. Special techniques have to be used for the separation of compononts of a mixture, ke. evaporation, contrifugation, separation by using separating funnel, sublimation, chromatography, distillation and crysallisation, etc. Evaporation method can be used to separate a volatile componeat (solvent) from a non-volatile component (solute) of a mixture. Centrifugation method is used where two components having difference in donsiivs, Spersion by sang pasting fnnel bund upon the principle at inmlscbo gad pra ou in ayer pending on hele ities. ‘Mixture of common sal! and amnionium chloride can be soparated Ly sublimati * Chromatography is ths technique used forthe separation of those solutes dissolve in the sam solvent. liquids in a mixture are miscible, boll without decompostiton and possess diferent boiling potnts, then they can be separate lig whout decomposition and possess diferent Lotling points, then they can be separated by ‘+ Distillation is used only fhe liquids have a diforence tn boiling potnts of mora than 25 X. * Crpstallisation is process thal separatosa pur solid fn the form of its crystals from a solutlon, SE. Is physical changes, only physical properties of tho substanca changes, "© Jn chemical changes, onc substance reacts with anolliersubstanco to undergo a change in chemical composition, For Mind Map Re visit hilps://goo.g/(TNH70 OR Scan the Code Very Short Answer (vss) Type Questions 1 State any one difference between pure and impure substances. eat areeubstance contains only ene kind of particles AN” he clement and compounds are pure Mfwcances. Impure tubstance is one which contains seror more different kinds of particles All the faures are inspare substances, o 2 identity homogeneous mixtures from the following. Soda water, soil, vincgat, unfiltered tea, ‘Sol. Sods water and vinepat o Bis ice water homogeneous oF heterogeneous substance? Is it pure or impure substance? Sol. Ice water is 2 heterogencous. but pure substance a5 jcc made up of water oaly. which contain only one Kind of partie o 4 The ‘sea water’ can be classified as a homogencous as well as heterogeneous mixture. Comment, NCERT Exemplar Sot. Sea water is called homogeneous mixture as it contains dissolved salts in it, It may be called hheverogencous mixture as it contains various insoluble components too such as sand, microbes, shells made up of calcium carbonate and so many ‘other things. o 5s fresh air free of dust particles and impurities of all other kind, a pure substance? Sol No, only elements and compounds are pure substances. Air is a minture of gases and 10, not a pure substance. ” 6 Give one test to show that brass isa mixture and not a compound. Sel. Melting point of brass is nor definite, So, itis not a compound while it is an alloy (mixture) of coppet and zinc, a 7 Tincture of iodine has antiseptic properties How sit prepared? NCERT Exemplar Sel. Tinctute of iodine is prepated by dissolving iodine in sleohol, a [1 Mark each] 8 Whatare the two components ofa solution? Sol. ‘The two componency of a solution are: (0 Solure (i) Solvent waxa-n 9 what is meant by concentration ote solution? Sol. The amount of solute present in given amount (ous or volume) of solution (or solvent) is known 2 concentration of solution. “ 10 Based on which factor, a solution is said to be dilute, concentrated or saturated? Sol. Amount of solute present in it. o 11 Why particles in a true solution cannot be seen with naked eyes? Sol. Particles of a true solution are very small in sie (less than Ini), hence they are noc visible. (1) 12 Particle size of a substance in water is 200 nm. What is the nature of the solution? [As the particle sie of a substance is greater than 100 nim, the solution will bea suspension. (1) 13 A student mixes white of an egg with: water and stirs it well. Atter some time, what did he observe? Sel, He observed that a cloudy solution ia formed. o Do suspensions show the property of ‘Tyndall ettect? 4 Sol. Yer, suspensions show the property of Tyndall effect because their particles ate too Large and scatter the Night. 0 State which of the following solutions: exhibit Tyndall effect? Starch solution, sodium chloride solution, tincture of todine, smoke. Surch solution and smoke ss Sol. ” “lyndall effect can be observed when sunlight passes through the canopy ot dense forest’. Explain, how this occurs, This is because forest contains mist which in turn, contains tiny droplets of water that acts as part pres a a % Sul, wo ——T ae 7 How can you separate particles of colloidal | solution? Name the process. Sol. By high roration of colloidal solution, we can | separate So of colloidal solution, This technique is known as centrifugation, 18 How is heating of sugar and heating of ammonium chloride different from each other? Sol. Ammonium chloride is a sublimable substance so, it ‘changes directly into gs on heating, Sugar gets charred fon heating to dryness. o ‘19 Ramu was asked to separate a mixture of common salt and ammonium chloride. He used sublimation to separate ammonium chloride, why? Sol. He used sublimation because ammonium chloride is a sublimable substance and sublimes on heating by converting directly into the gaseous state, whereas common sale does not. “) 20 How can we obtain coloured component (dye) from blue/black ink? Sol. By method of evaporation, we can separate dye (solid) from liquid (solvent) and by chromatography method, ‘we can separate components of the dye. Oo) 2 List the two conditions essential for using distillation as a method for separation of the components from a mixture. Sol. (i) The components (liquids) must be miscible wich cach other. (i) The components must differ in chcir boiling points by less than 25K. a) 22 Give one example of two miscible liquids, where distillation can be used for separating them. Sol. Acetone and water. At) 23 Whats fractionating column? Sol. t¢is a column packed with glass beads in which vapours cool and condense repeatedly, @ w oO 24 what are the favourable qualities given to gold = when it is alloyed with copper or silver for the 5 purpose of making ornaments? NCERT Exemplar EXAM PRA\ Sol. When alloyed with copper ot silver, the becomes harder and stronger and its bretlereg, decreases and become suitable for makiy) ornaments a 25 Which of the tubes in Figures (a) ang! (b) will be more effective as a condenser! in the distillation apparatus? i NCERT Exempla, | | (a) ©) Sol. Condenser (a) will be more effective in the distillation apparatus because beads present wil provide more surface area for cooling and ‘condensation of the vapour occurs repeatedly by passing through i. 0 26 salt can be recovered from its solution by evaporation, Suggest some othe. technique for the same. NCERT Exempla Sol. Crystallisation method. o 27 Name the process used to obtain pure. copper sulphate from impure sample. Sol. Ceystalsation. 4 28 How will you justify that rusting of iron. isa chemical change? Sol. tn a chemical change, new substance is 7 and rust is toally different from iron. Iron is an element while rust is hydrated oxideol iron (Fe,0, xH,0). Thus, formation tm from iron is a chemical change. . 29 Choose the chemical change out of thé following. Digestion of food, freezing of water, glowing of electric lamp and mixture of iron filings with sulphur. Sol. Digestion of food. 0 element to possess? © NCERT Exemplar Sanaa eerie | They possess metalic lustre, : © id) They are good conductors of heat and electricity. (ist) They are malleable. (i) They have high tensile seengeh. (9) They have high densities and high melting. pointslboiling points too. @ 2 Cuassify the following as elements, ‘compounds and mixtures. { Gold (i) Marble | ii) Air (iv) Milk © & Sugar |) Sel, Element, - Gold "Compound - Marble and sugar Mixture - Airand milk @ 3 How will you prove that water is a ‘compound? Sol. Water is considered to be a compound duc to the | faloing reasons {9 Hydrogen and oxygen re present ina fixed ratio of 1:8 by mass in water. © ii) Water has a fixed boiling. point, ic, 100°C at atmospheric pressure. ‘The constituents of water (H and O) cannot be separated from ic by simple physical methods __ (iv) Properties of water ate centisely different from those ofits constituents, ie. hydrogen and oxygen. (2) a ‘Sucrose (sugar) crystals obtained from sugarcane and beetroot are mixed together, Will it be a pure substance or a mixturet Give reasons for the same. NCERT Exemplar ion of. i Ja pure substance because chemical compotion ‘sugar crystals is same irrespective of its source. ‘a solution, Give an example of 6 What types of mixtures are represented bythe following? wiper AU) ‘Carbon dioxide gas dissolved in water. (ii) Aircontaining suspended particles. © (iii) Soap bubbles formed by blowing air into soap solution. (iv) Water in milk. Sol... (j) Homogencous (2) (if) Heterogeneous (2) (iid) Heterogeneous (2) (is), Heterogeneous Ww, 7 When egg albumin is added to water the clear solution became turbid. How would you test to confirm that it is a colloidal solution? Sol. Filter the contents of test tubes. No residue is left ‘on the filter paper, but filtrate obtained. is translucent. Since, colloid cannot be separated by filtration, it is colloid. @ 8 Give some examples of Tyndall effect observed in your surroundings, NCERT Exemplar Sol. (i) Sunlight passes through the canopy of a dense forest 0 (ii) A fine beam of light enters a room through a simall hole. o 9 Why do sky appear blue? Sol. ‘The blue colour of sky is due to scattering of light by fine dus particles (Tyndall effect) which are presenc in the atmosphere. @ 10 Give reasor {) Path of beam of light is not visible through a true solution. (ii) Particles of suspension can be seen with naked eyes. Sol: (Path of beam of light is not visible through a true solution because particles of a true | solucion are not large enough to scatter light. w ) (id, Particles size of suspension is greater than 100 nim, So, they can be seen with naked eyes. ; 0) 6 solution. (12) (i=) Light can be passed through this solution, this, suggests that itshows Tyndall effect. (1/2) 12 Smoke and fog both aro aerosols. In what ‘way are they different? NCERT Exemplar __ Sol. In both smoke and fog, dispersion medium is the same, ie, gas, but they differ in dispersed phase. In smoke, the dispersed phase is solid while in fog, athe dispersed phase is liquid. (+1) 13 How do sol and gel differ from each other? Give one example for each. which tiny solid particles are peed ie exaepll Fal are ink and soap solution. a The gel is a semi-solid colloid in which liquid particles ae dispersed in a solid. The examples of gel are jellies and gelatin. « 14 What is the name given to a class of colloidal solution to which butter belongs? How can it be separated from cream? Sol, Butterbelongsto a clas of gel of colloidal olution in which dispersion medium is solid and dispersed phase is liquid. w Bunce canbe separated! from cream through centrifugation. ) 15 Can we separate alcohol dissolved in water by using a separating funnel? If yes, then describe the procedure, Ifnot, explain, talher, NCERT Exemplar Sel, No, aleohol cannot be separated from water by using “4 separating funnel) because alcohol is completely miscible in water and separating funnel is used 10 separate immiscible liquids. Alcohol in water ean be separated by using fractional disillacion method. me (4) igi 2 16 Suggest separation techniques one would id to employ to separate the following z paper. - eet (12) (id) Upon shaking, a: white turbidity reappears in Common salt, water and sand. (iv), Kerosene oil, water and salt. busi ph _NCERT) “(By using separating funnel. (id) Sublimation ‘ (iid) Decantation (or filtration) followed by ation. (ia C funnel is used 0 separate kerosene Cee ee ee, mixture is used to separate water and salt. (i 17 (i) A mixture is prepared by mixing two | liquids A and B. Which property wil | be used to separate them’ by the process of distillation? 3 (ii) Name the process used for separating the components of a mixture conta sand, salt and ammonium chloride. i) Difference in their boiling points or (i (a) Sublimation to remove NH,Cl. (@) Dissolution of remaining mixture in water (6) Filtration to cemove sand. 4 (@) Evaporation of filtrate ro gecsale. "(| V8 write any two applications of chromatography. Also, write a necessary condition for chromatography. Sol, Applications of chromatography are: (8. To separate pigments from natural colours. (12) (A Toseparate drugs from blood. rr) “The necessary condition for chromatography is that the components to bé separated should dissolve ia the same solvent, 0 19 Distinguish between miscible liquids and immiscible liquids. Name the techniques ‘used to separate these liquids. Sol. Miscible liquids Mix with each other completely. Tmmiscible liquids Do not mix with each othet completly a Techniques Miscible liquids can be. separated by distillation or fractional distillation process. i For immiscible liquids, separating furinel is used: (1)__ 20 two miscible liquids A and B are present in a solution, The boiling point of A is soe ‘while that of B is 90°C. Suggest a method to. ‘separate them. Sol. For separating A and B, simple distillation is used. ‘When mixture isheated © 60"C, vapours of A rise in the flask, pass through’ condenser and collect dlisillate in the receiver. Liquid) B has higher boiling Bole an oul neem in the og : : | . @ sample of steel is waa solution a8! by dissolving 50 g of 4 cremcen! 15% carbon and 0.5% other Glucose in’250q of water: Calculate the “Wi) Zinc dissolves concentration’ of this solution in mass~*= in hydrochloric acid with Fhydrogen gas. percentage. ic sodium is'soft enotigh to be cut oe peri, rea : ae are Ba ee 60) (iv) Most metal oxides form alkalis on Mass of glucose + Mass of water (1/2) interacting with water. Sol. () Physical Gi) Chemical 504250 * 1° cae (if) Physical (jv) Chemical (4x 42=2) = x10 = 2 =16,604 ve 23On heating, calcium carbonate gets ee 2 9 Steaks Tt? Selcium oxide and carbon 28 What volume of ethyl alcohol and water 1 i tbe togethe 250 mL & j (i) Is this a physical or a chemical change? eR ne ae = 1 (ii) Can you prepare one acidic or one basic 2 fd , } solution by using the products formed in Sol. Let the volume of ethyl akohol be x ml. , the above process? If so, write the chemical ‘Concentcion sf salurion i Ag equation involved, NCERT Exemplar = Volume ofslvene (ethyl alcohol) 5 5 Sol. (i) The phenomenon given in question is a chemical Volume of solut (rey ‘ change because the composition of product e é i 4 formed is different from the substance taken. (1/2) sti ay 2 da ‘The reaction involved is | . 4 , Pele yo i; x CaCO, +4 0 +c aay 100 , } + HO 5 Ve | (id) Yes, (a) Ca0+ 0. Da (1/2) 29 Calculate the mass of potassium sulphate y. re | a (Gai nied required to prepare its 10 per cent 4 Pp % ) *. (4) CO, + H,O—>._H,CO, (ra) (mass per cent)solution in 100 g of water. "> p) CO, s Pp g ae eas Sol. Mass 9 = Mas.of solute 5 3 rs « ‘Mass of solution. Ww () BAA cnita cats chocolate and digests it, In “ke eal or RNA ae |. doing so, some physical and. chemical rear ney eee a ao a "changes take place, Identify the changes. my Pas ofition 100+») g i Sol. Physic cing of chocolate into small cs 2. Mass % = 10 = xl a - Physical change Breaking of c 4) (x+100), (siay Chemical change Digestion of chocolate, (1) ween aa x+100=105 kaanan : (12) (HOTS) Explain why particles of colloidal Hecate Solution do not settle down’ when left 4 100 undisturbed, while in the case of oo juaroua ne Suspension, they dot NCERT Exemplar (2) i G phienil t number of compounds. ist teers other than carbon Bie amare ch above allotropy. ci, (¥) Name a non-metal which is required for ~~ combustion. © (vi) Nome a non-metal that form common + * salt with sodium. NCERT Exemplar Tedine (i) Graphite (Carbon) (il) Carbon (is) Phosphorus (e) Oxygen (#1) Chlorine 2 Classify the substances given below into (W2x6=3) E NCERT Exemplar © —_- The given substances are classified as follows: ‘Wood is neither an element nor a compound. It isa ‘mixture. An element is made up of the same type of ‘atoms and compound is 2 mixture of different elements and but in fixed ratio. O, and F, are ‘molecular elements. ‘Substances mentioned above are the elements, not compounds.Cl, gas is moleeularelement. 4 (i) Give the difference between mixture and compound. (H) Classity the following mixtures as homogeneous and heterogencous. (a) Tincture of iodine (b) Smoke (c) Brass (d) Sugar solution Sol. (A) Refer to text on Pp 24, 0 (i) (2) Homogeneous (6) Heterogencous () Homogeneous (4) Homogeneous (12x 402) 5 Tell whether each of the following properties describes a homogeneous mixture, a solution, a heterogeneous mixture, a compound or an element. (®) A homogeneous liquid which leaves a solid residue on boiling. (i) A cloudy liquid which after some time appears more cloudy towards the bottom lit) A colourless liquid which boils at a definite temperature and can be decomposed into simpler substances. Sol. () A solution (a solid like sale dissolved in water from which water evaporates on boiling, leaving a solid residue, salt) w (@ A heterogencous mixture in which suspended — parties seart secting down ar the bottom — : (muddy water). O) (éi) A compound. 6 Define solute and solvent. Is it possible to separate them? Sol. Refer to texcon Pg 25. eo. : ets i hese eee 4A) n! NCERT Exemplar 9 Gryvals of potassium chloride are 8) because solubility: decreases with decrease in temperature, | Wo hdarctndienae ro eH 6 i) Thecompound ton ulphideisformed. > Gi) Apotassium permanganate crystal isin: 4 beaker and water is poured into the (vi) Settling of sand when a mixture of sand. ‘and water is leit undistirbed for some 0) time: m : Why copper sulphate solution in water _ (vi) Fine beam of, ight entering through a does not show Tyndall effect, but mixture of small hole in a dark room, illuminates “water and milk shows? a Paitin Gane Nhe sept {The solution of copper sulphate in water is i es tliton,Inatne wlotontkewlucparkisare 30h, 0 Simaice Dita Ball that chey, cannot scarcer lighe falling on them, (ii) Dissolution (7) Evaporation/Vapourisation Hence, copper sulphate Sees ‘ot (9 Centrifugation (x) Sedimentation show Tyndall effect, Minture of water and nl (i) Tyndall eect 9 colloid and in colloidal solution, the particles ae big ‘enough to scatter light, So, the mixture of water and 12.) Name: the technique used for the _ milleshows Tyndall effect. @ separation of these solutes that dissolve yi in the same solvent. Explain the term ‘Centrifugation’, Give its (i) Explain the technique used. two applications. (ii) Give any two applications of this Centrifugation is the process of separation of wo technique. famponents having difference in denies This gj, () Chromatography 0 rnethod is based on principle that, when the misturein (i) Refertoexeon Pg 28 © agitated rapidly, the lighter particles come atthe top (iil) (a) To separate amino acids from proteins. © and the heavier (or dense) remain attheborom. @) (0) Th epuant lsd aR ie ei "Applications “(a) Washing machines to squeeze out water from wee 13 While diluting a solution of salt in water, a othes. student by mistake added acetone (boiling Baa an separate butter fiom point» 56°C).What technique can be Rice er 0 employed to get’back the acetone? Justify ‘your choice: NCERT Exemplar Sol. Acetone can be obtained back from the solution by the process “of simple distillation, When the A mixture containing two liquids is eplaced in separating funnel. Answer the following questions. % difference inthe bolingpointofthervo liquidsis25 | "( hi nixture? Kor more, we use simple distillation. However, when () What type of liquids form the mixture? more, i 3 ‘i ‘will form the lower the difference in the boiling pointsof the components ) as of the liquids of amiarure is ss than 25 K, fractional disilaion is 4 i loved. i {What is the basis of this method? gael . _ " 7 ? f ‘each 4 The int of water is 100°C (373 K), while Gre bguds whch ae immible wih ch og poi ie sothet form the misnurs, geben sof ees a ioet 3 sity wil the ling points of two com is Gi) “The liquid baving higher densi will orm. 44K. which is much preacer dan 25 K Heoce é the difference in the Simple dsilion canbe wed o ex scart he “Gi The method is based on a trnture of acetone and wate ® Aensities of the evo liquids. CTICE EXAM PRAC een, oan © difference in their boiling points less than 25°C. an be separated and more than two components ‘an be separated while in simple disillacion, only ‘wo components can be separated. a) 15 With the help of a flow diagram, show the Process of obtaining different gases from air If the boiling points of oxygen, argon and nitrogen are -183°C, -186°C and =196°G respectively, then which gas forms the liquid firstas the air is cooled? Sol, Refer to texc on Pg 28. o 16 Write the role of following in water Purification system. (i) Sedimentation tank i) Loading tank (if) Chlorination tank Sol. Refer to texcon Pg 30, @x1-9 17 Fillin the blanks. NCERT Exemplar A colloid is a mixture and its components can be separated by the technique known as - | 4) Gi) Ice, water and water vapour look different and display different t properties, but they are. the same. (iii) Amixture of chloroform and water taken in a'separating funnel is mixed and left undisturbed for some time. ‘The upper layer in the separating funnel and the lower layer will ila Sol. (9 heterogencous, centrifugation i), physica, chemically. i ‘water, chloroform THint As density of water (1 g cm) is less thag that of chloroform (1.69 gem") (2) fractional distillation tia (© scatering, Tyndall effect, colloidal af 18 Determine whether each of the following _ change is physical or chemical. Giys reason for your answer. (0 A balloon filled with hydrogen gas explodes upon contact witha spark. (i) Copper turns green on exposure to ait! and water. (iii) Ametal surface becomes dull because of continued abrasion. ‘Sol. (i) Chemical change Hydrogen gas burns to form water. ty) (i) Chemical change Copper combines with oxygen of air and water to form copper oxide which has green colour. a Gi) Physical change Some of the particles of meta from the surface are removed. As a result, only physical appearance changes. 0) 19 Can physical and chemical changes occur together? Illustrate your answer. Sol. In some cases, physical and chemical changes occur together. One such example is burning of candle. ‘The solid wax present in the candle first changes into liquid state and then into the vapour state. Both these changes are physical changes. w ‘The wax vapours then combine with oxygen of the air to form 2 mixture of carbon dioxide and watet. This involves a chemical change. ) ‘The unburnt wax vapours again change first to the liquid state and finally to the solid state, ‘This reconversion of states is a physical change. Thus, burning of candle involves both physical and chemical changes. 0, ) 20 Calculate the mass of sodium sulphate — required to prepare its 20% (mass per cent) solution in 100 g of water? NCERT Exemplar ( What are elements? _ (ii) What ere the three main types of | elements? Gif, Write a property of each type of element. (9, An clement consiss of only one type of atoms. Ie isa basic form of matter thac cannor be broken down into simpler substances by chemical ©) reactions. oy Gi) Mera, non-metas and metalloids, 0 i) Metals—Malleable and ductile 0 ‘Non-metals—Britle iO) ‘Meralloids—Semiconductors w (i) Distinguish among the true solution, suspension and colloid in a tabular form under the following hea (a) Stability (0) Filterability ) Type of mixture (i) Give expression for the concentration of \ a solution. How will you prepare a 10% solution of glucose by mass in water? (Distinctions berween true solution, suspension and colloid are: itis unstable. is stable. Se ea Bowron not sattle keeping undisturbed, keeping Ms undisturbed. Faoobizy Parices Particles are Cannot be Cannot be large, $o they. separated by ‘separated by canbe easly ordinary fer fivation,.. separated by. paper, but con ses east ea cp tee ot Type ol Homogeneous Heterogeneous Heterogeneous mire ° (i) The methods by which the concentration of a solution can be expressed are: (2) Mass by mass% of solucion 2) Mass of slice 99 Mass of solution (b) Mass by valiimet of solution Mass of solure Masofsolution (0) 10 per cent solution of glucose can be prepared by dissolving 10 g of glucose in 90 g of water. (1) 3 Write your observations when the following processes take place; (i) An aqueous solution of sugar is heated || to dryness, ie (i) A. saturated solution of potassium |) FF chloride prepared at 608°C is allowed to cool at room temperature, Ks (iil) A mixture of iron filings and sulphur powder is heated strongly. a liv) A beam of light is passed through a colloidal solution, (¥) Dilute HCI is added to the mixture of iron and sulphur aot *Collosd-Miware of ir bubbles nd water Suspension (4) Mixture of water and sand grains (8) Mixture of water and clay particles) | Gi) (0) ‘Aerated drinks, (6) Bras, (Air @ 5 you are provided with a mixture of naphthalene and sodium chloride by your teacher. Suggest an activity to separate thern with well-labelled diagram. NCERT Exemplar Sol Misnure of na and sodium chloride is bby the process. of sublimation as thalene i a sublimable substance, but sodium «chloride doesnot. For eparating the mixture, take icin a China dish ‘over which an inverted funnel is placed and stem of the funnd! is closed with conton, @ ‘Set the apparatus as shown in the figure below. and when its vapours ra Boe occa ie at a se Feoiy a ride 0) Sol. (9) Mixture of acetone and (iv) Oneo! the a from solid to gaseous state, (v) Two or more coloured constituer soluble in same solvent. distillation. 241g, (7) Mixture of Kerosene and petrol-Simple distilation. (Rs © (ii Mixcure of mustard oi and water. funnel. 2+, (io) Mixture of ammonium chloride and common salt-Sublimation: (+19) (0) A mincur of diferent pigments ffom an extra offlower petas-Chromatography. (12417) 7 Fractional distillation is suitable for separation of miscible liquids with a boiling point difference of about 25 K or less. What part of fractional distillation apparatus ‘makes it efficent and possess an advantage over a simple distillation process? Explain using a diagram NCERT Exemplar Sol, Refer to eat on Pg 28. @ Advantages (i) This methed can separate the liquid wich 2 bolng point difference about orless than 25K. () (2 Daring the process, both evaporation and condensation tke plice simultaneously. () (itd mista (Hike petroleurn) can ako be separated by fractional distillation process which contains several components, 0 8 (i) You are given a mixture of sand, water ‘and mustard oil, How will you separate the components of this mixture? Explain it with the help of different separation methods involved in it. tii) Give flow diagram showing the process ‘of obtaining gases from air, Sol: (a) Flker the miature, Fitrate wil contain mustard — oil and water, whilesand willefta¢a residue, To. separate mustard oil and water, rake chia mixture in separating funnel, Shake the funnel ental the mixture and left it undisturbed. for afew mines, evaporation to purify solids? “The steps involved in the process ¢ sulphate from an impute Cool this saturated solution, 2) Crystals of pure copper sulphate are it feain behind inthe cin me Impure Separate these crystals from solution by fron and dry ii) Soluble impurities can be removed by this technique which ate not removed by evaporation. a) 10 Show diagrammatically how water is purified "inthe water works system and list the processes involved. So, Refer o text on 'g29 and 30. +2) () Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the apparatus used to separate components of blue-black ink, Name the process and state the principle involved. © (i) Identify the physical and chemical changes from the following. (a) Burning of magnesium in air. {b) Tarnishing of silver spoon. (c) Sublimation of iodine. (d) Electrolysis of water. Croratogachy Bue spot cs paper si Black spot Sample dot eae ; ohert 7 ' from jon of blue end black dyes FeeeSiack ink by paper chromatography (4x 172-2) © 12 Classify each of the following as a physical or a chemical change. Give Teasons. (#. Drying ofa shirt in the sun, (i) Rising of hot air over a radiator. (ii) Burning of Kerosene ina lantern, (iv) Change in the colour of black tea on adding lemon juice toit. () Churning of milk cream to get butter. NCERT Exemplar Sol. (A) Physical change Because evaporation of water takes place, but no change occurs in the composition ofthe substance, (1) ( Physical change It is aso involving only movement. of ait, no change in the composition ofa o (iil) Physical as well as chemical change Physical change occurs when kerosene vapourises. After that, burning of kerosene js a chemical change because during burning, kerosene oil gets converted into carbon dioxide and water both of which are new compounds, 0 (@) Chemical change The acid present in lemon juice will reac with the consticuent (cg. caffeine) presentin black tea. (1) (0) Physical change As there is no change in ‘composition. Only the separation of ‘components takes place by the physical phenomenon of centrifugation. However barter will nor change to milleeaily. (1) 1 Iron filings and sulphur were mixed together and divided into two parts, A and B. Part Awas heated strongly while part B was not heated. Dilute hydrochloric acid was added to both the parts and evolution of gas was seen in both the cases. How will you identify the gases evolved? NCERT Exemplar EXAM PRACTICE oe 0 5 Inpare As, sthich it identified by larson ‘ ees eres byi is bu bringing) bung mutch nea the mouth Othe ts tbe. Te burnt «With a pop sound and water Formed. @ + 14 Rama tested the solubility of four " substances at different temperatures and found gram of each substance dissolved in 100 g of water to form a saturated solution. "Substance Dissolved Tomperature (K) (agen) 2313383 Ammonium chloride 379° 41g 559 Breese ceo eee os 0.9 <6 MgweeSodumchiowde 36g 369 S79 pga oinsolom nivale cineicdS2 Ny 4629 1089 (f) Which solution is least soluble at 293 K? Ui) Which substance shows maximum change in its solubility when the temperature is raised from 293 K to (313 K? (iif) Find the amount of ammonium chloride that will separate out when 55 g of its solution at 333 K is cooled to 293 K. (iv). Whatis the effect of temperature on the solubility of a salt? (¥) What mass of sodium chloride would be needed to make a saturated solution in 10 g of water at 293 K? Sol, (9. Potassium nicrae. “ (ii) Potassium nitrate. a) ‘Ac333 K/ammonium chloride dissolved per 100 g=55g. ‘At293 K, ammonium chloride dissolved per 100 g=37g _ When solution is cooled from 333 K to 293 K, Zmounc of ammonium chloride that wil 18g 0 eae me ‘Gi Solubility oF a sale (oild) increases with rise in 1 temperature and vice-versa. G) | ©) © (Ac 293K, amount of NaCI dissolved in 100 g of aire saree eee 15 During an experiment, the salsa asked to prepare a 10% (mass/ solution of sugar in water, dissolved 10 g of sugar in 100 g of watep ‘while Sarika prepared it by dissolving 10 g of sugar in water to make 100)g of the solution, NCERT Exemplar () Are the two solutions of the same concentration? (i) Compare the mass % of the two solutions Sol. (0) No, ‘i (i) Rameshis solution concentration Mass of solute Ma an of lune 10g (0+ 100g ( = 9.09% =9.1% ' Sarika’s solution concentration Mass % = 12. 100 10% 100 The solution prepared. by Ramesh has’ le percentage by mass than that of Sarika, 16 {HoTs) (i) Under which category of mixtures w you classify alloys and why? (ii) Whether a solution is always liquid not. Comment. (iii) Cana solution be heterogencous? Sol. (i)-Alloys are homogeneous mixture of metals ‘non-metals because (a) it shows the properties of its constituents, and, (8) it has. variable comporition, eg. bras considered a mixture, because it shows properties of its constituents, copper and 2 and ic has a variable composition. A solution is generally a liquid, not always, alloys are known to be solid solutions. (iii) The term solution is generally used for solution’. In this case, the solution is al homogeneous. In case of ‘colloidal solution’, that is not a solution, the solution is heterogeneous. thy par 2 plow aewwaeaty Sp terk we are 100 presence flights: 5) noi wae a Boar oncaeid smn ona and emboli Ne ANA aa ea a 2 Seema's mother bought a washin i g the o J machine, She washed the clothes and use the drier for drying them. Seemawas looking all this, but cannot understand how the clothes become dry within a few minutes. She think may be there is some hot air. £ a a z _ Onthe next day, when she went to school, she asked her science teacher about that, who told that the cece spin drier and explained her the complete phenomenon of drying the clothes in a washing | ‘machine, Answer the following questions based on the above passage. (i) Do you think, there is hot air in the washing machine for drying clothes? (ii) How the clothes get dried in the washing machine? (ii) On what principle does the drier work? (iv) What values are shown by Seema's teacher? Sol. ()) No. ~ (i) The deiet (spin driet) of the washing machine removes water from clothes by spinning, CO) (i) Cenerifagacion “ (i) The values shown by Seema’s teacher are responsible, helpful and knowledgeable. « 3 in the process of project work, two miscible liquids A and B are present in a solution. The boiling point of A is 50°C while that of B is 85°C. Madhav suggests a method to separate them. Answer the following questions based on above information. (i) How does Madhav suggest a method to separate them? (i) What are the values noticed in Madhav in doing such job? Sol. (i) The process of distillation can be used to separate the mixture of A and B, since miscible liquids with a boiling point difference ‘of 25 K or more is separated by this process. The mixture is heated in a distillation flask and when the temperature reaches ‘50°C, liquid A evaporates. Ie passes through the condenser and condenses to liquid droplets whichis collected in the eceiver. “The temperature is now allowed to rise upto 85°C when the other liquid evaporates. Similaly, itis collected in anothe: receiver. @ (ii) The values noticed in Madhav are: (@) Presence of mind (6 General awareness 0 2 The particle size of a substance A’ present in water is, 9 200 nm. What is the nature of the solution?» 73 What are solute and solvent in acrated drinks? © > Name the two components of acollold. » "3 What isthe particle size of a colloidal solution? 6 _ Meni colli the following mixtures : muddy iter, sugar in water, ink, blood, soda water, foam, pnijene 7 ‘X small amount of white of an egg was stirred into Water taken in a beaker and then filtered. What will you observe? 8 Define the term chromatography. % What is the process called in which pigments of natural colours can be separated? J the boiling point of substances A, B and C are 373 K, © 33 K and 453 K, respectively. Ifa mixture of these three fractionally distilled, in which order will you get these substances? TW qoobtaina solid from its solution, which technique is better evaporation or crystallisation? Short Answer (SA) Type | Questions [2 Marks each] 12 _ Which wo properties of metals enable us to give the desited shape to. metals? 13 Name two elements and tivo compounds f igi How will you test whether the given solution is colloidal in nature or not? Why tea-strainer cannot be used for filtering muddy water? ‘Name the various components of air. How is carbon dioxide removed from the air? How will you obtain pure copper sulphate from an impure sample? ‘Mention two important characteristics of a chemical 1 Pick metalloid from the following : carbon, silicon)» 20 RGrs) state wo properties of carbon which are expected from its classification as a non-metal. ~ Short Answer Type ll Questions Ballpen GB Marks ea 21 What is the difference between a pure substance ang a mixture? Give one example in cach case, 22 - mention the three characteristics ofa mixture, 23 How can a saturated solution be made unsaturated? 24) Define solubility. How does solubility of a solid in water change with temperature? 25° identify colloids and tuc solutions from the following. (7) Vinegar (if) Muddy water (iif) Mist (iv) Aluminium ps 26 What happens, when (i) light is passed through a colloidal solution? (ii) electricity‘is passed through a colloidal solution? (ii) sugar solution is kept undisturbed 27 Give one example each of the following (i) Solution ofa gas in liquid (ii) Solution ofa liquid in solid (ii) Solution ofa solid in solid 28 State the principle of centrifugation. Give its (wo applications. F 29 Define distillation. What types of liquids (substances) can be separated by this process? 30 What is the distillation process? What kind of mixture can be separated by distillation? 31. the boiling points of two liquids A and B are 61°C and ILI” © respectively. How will: you separate this mixture? 32 (i) Differentiate between \ physical’ and chemical change. (ii) ‘All mixtures are homogeneous, comment pot this statement. 33 Melting of wax is a physical change but burning of wax isa chemical change. Explain. 34 4 solution contains 16 g of urea in 120 g of the” solution, What is mass by mass percentage o solution? : 4 that the dye used in blue/black ink is a mixture of two or more components with diagram, “AV How will you separate the components of a mixture containing two miscible liquids? Give experimental details. AZ what is crystallisation? How can this technique beused to purify impure copper sulphate? 45 Rahul's mother mi (3 Marks sac ixed oll and water in kitchen by mistake. Rahul told her that he can separate the mixture. Name the technique used by Rahul and explain how he will do it? Draw the diagram and write the principle of this technique. Rohan buys common salt from the market and found that, the salt is contaminated with ammonium chloride and sand, He reports his teacher about this incidence and asked his teacher how he can purify the impure salt. His teacher told some methods to separate the sand and ammonium chloride from salt. On the basis of this observation, answer the following questions: (#) Name the technique he used to separate the sand and ammonium chloride from salt. (ii) On what principle the given technique is based upon? }) What ate the values associated with Rohan? RELATED ONLINE VIDEOS Wie hts://snrayo te com/atchv=LAFRSGQGKI ‘iets L/w sou INT OR Scan the Code OR Scan the Code ° Wit hos / /vatchav=mPAllgul x Wists /anwyoutubecom atch =e 16 Sy +) | Vor’ scan the Code OR Scan the Code oa | nd iis UR TMI ro sabres, sd pvc made orexciv9 forms hid (tara (©) ihatonany oo Substance, A,B according to the (ollowing reaction, (0) and NV (6) mana Ws 8 — Ab ‘2)-rme pura ol separaing he compbaenteetNeBrure of ofthe following statements concerning this reaction (0) Sepaaten z ‘ component las the MM mepatuc.pshows tne eperiesof bvancr Aan (> Nahopenevogayhamhd crane + of , The podct ill alwayshavea ied comgion (0) Wahgtaorovig ne puro tom tm pare fom, i IM, The rodct so frm canot be dase as compound. (6) Wahab spartan cla aks TN. The pods fomedn an clment. (NCE spar , ae i Allénone Science Class % i ‘ d 3 Which Now chant correctly describes a homogeneous Point out the correct option. material? AB G.DE ArB CC De % - @ Urinoun dennty tine ayers olny vm orn mK yy + {8} Unknown tration wo substances oui n my OM MV Fg {@| Unknown magne! two stances { Uninoan.boting-one temperate 8 Among the following statement, point out the incorect : separation technique, & Madigan white hema a 1. Separation of colloidal particles from el. __-Cohume | Column It solution-centrfugaton 1H. Separation of two miscible liquids separating funnel, ngs de OM ON eset ott IL, Separation of pure substance fron its impure B. Cold Tincture of odine form-crystallisation. Rea huige nie? IV. Separation of components with the help of same © Supe t_Stachinwater eeu casiee Ae 1D. Homogeneous IV. Amibtura of chalk and sand (@) lowly ©) fandi (6) land © Nandy “Which ofthe following ate chemical changes? ‘cones, 1. Decaying of wood. ABC DE ABCODE 1. Burning of wood. @rw iovin @rom yy , Sawing of wood. ' |v. Hammering of a natinto a pioce wood. (NCERT Exempla, orm ivy @omawy t (@ land (©) ara Tyndall effect can be observed in a colloidal solution. (©) Mandy (0) landiv se Consider light scattering inthe following: 10 white gold used in jewellery contains two elements, gt 1. When sualigh passes through the canopy of a dense foes and palladium. A jeweller has two different samples that 21. When normal light passes through copper sulphate are both identical in appearance and have a uniform _,__ sluton, ‘composition throughout. What can be said about the I: whem normal light pases through ik samples? IN. When fine beam of light enters arom through a small (0) Tho materia aroheterogeneous matures ancican be hale. arsed by ier components ‘> Tyndall effect is observed in (b) These are homogenous mixture and can be classibod as Pre tim Or a (9 Mesanpn av aia tonbstons adn cased (9 nara (0) andy ‘Tneeuones re i PER escort ot persed phasc nd ipo pedi. {€) sample we raixegengos mses atcande Acrosol is one type of colloid, Aerosol is made up of which of ee ees the following combination? |, Gasin quid W Uquid in gas Answer Ki y Mi, Solid in gas IV Gasinsota, Tale) a aT (a Ory ) and t[oletolstoleto Bae le) Janat (@ .tarary tzfofelobele 7 Match the Column I (Type of colloid) with Colum IL 7 espe AS Ba Il, Face cream 2 SET ERSTE For c 7 ae hallenger Solutions & : ee Visit hitos:/o00,gU¢RKaes WV. Butter V_ Goud OR Scan the Code & “IneSe Giiestions may be oF may not be asked in the examination, have been given just for additionat practic. : i

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