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*Natural Causes: (Some amount of climate change can be attributed

to natural phenomena.)
- volcanic eruptions: In violent eruptions, volcanoes release ash
particles and sulfur dioxide (SO2) into the air. For this reason,
volcanoes that erupt at lower latitudes (closer to the equator) are
more likely to cause hemispheric or global cooling.
- Variation in Solar Radiation: Approximately every 11 years, the sun
emits slightly more radiation during active periods of sunspots. These
radiations have a very small effect on the earth's temperature. The
only time it effect the Earth is about 300 years ago, this was called the
Little Ice Age (abnormally low temperature)
- small changes in Earth orbit
 According to NASA, “these natural causes are still in play today, but
their influence is too small or they occur too slowly to explain the
rapid warming seen in recent decades.”
- El Niño: During an El Niño warm water phase, there are fewer and
less intense hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean because the rising
warmer air over the eastern Pacific Ocean causes more wind shear
and hurricanes are not able to form in the Caribbean Sea. Sometimes,
after an El Niño phase subsides, a colder-than-normal water phase,
known as La Niña, results.
*Human Causes:

- Transportation: The Carbon Dioxide (CO2) came from vehicles.

+) Passenger cars account for 41% of those emissions
+) trucks emit 23% (They run almost constantly and largely burn
diesel fuel, , despite accounting for just 4 percent of total vehicles)

- Electricity generation: Nearly 60% of the electricity used in the

world comes from the burning of coal, natural gas, and other fossil
fuels. => It accounts for 1/4 of Global greenhouse gas emissions.

- Industry & Manufacturing: Producers must burn through massive

amounts of energy to manufacture the building blocks of our
infrastructure (7% of annual global greenhouse gas) and product.

- Agriculture: his sector release large amounts of nitrous oxide and

methane (3/4 of the nitrous oxide found in our atmosphere)
- Building: Heating, cooling, cooking, running appliances, and
maintaining other building-wide systems. Eg: 30 percent of the
energy used in U.S. buildings goes to waste, on average.

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