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PERIODIC TEST PAPER Ei2OM SCIENCE AND FUN Aroskie dup % LUCKNOW PUBLIC SCHOOL () (6. SINGH FOUNDATION) FRAGMENT: (202824) SUJET; SOCIAL SCIENCE CASS > SECHIONA 1. Whichof the following is not an example of environmental degradation? 1 (4) Use of electric car (0) Falling (6) Use of chemical fruier (4) Soltero (wo UNDP i wro ic) The_ continues to be the largest employer in 1 2} Quaternary sector (b) Tertiary sector (©) Secondary sector () Primary sector The motive of public sector enterprises Is (2) Prof making (b) Entertainment (6) social welfare and security (4) None of the ab 1 a) Workers in the organised sector enjoy the security of employment (8) They are expected to work only a fixed number of hours, 1 Work more, they have tobe pald avertime by the employer (4) Allof the above on SOCIAL SCIENCE CLASS PAGEL (2) when people are (6) hen people ar working less than what they are capable of doing (@) hen peop are not ‘Which communty was rch and powerful in Belg 4 tm the lland nation of Srl Lanka, the St Lankan Tam popu ae ofthe country, (2) South and West (©) South and bast (€)North and Contra (4) North ana 5 Incase ofa clash between the laws made by the contrat 4.4 state on a subject in the ‘concurrent list. 1 (@) the state law provaits (6) the central law prevails (6) both the laws preva within ther respective jurisdiction (4) the Supreme courthas to intervene to decide Sa sth shit from Unitary wo Federal system of Covermmmgh (Sri Lanka (6) Belgium [None ofthe above (4) Both Belgium ana rit pa Tater 220 democratic pots nour country as the craton cee 1 ()Decentraizaion of power (6) Panchayat sami [linguistic stare (4) three tier system tsamethod of growing rows of tres in arid regions 1 (2) Terrace farming ©) Shetter belts (6) Both aandb (d) None of the above of fhe following conservation strategies do not directly involve community tion? 1 forest management (©) Chipko Movement Bachao Andolan (4) Demarcation of Wilde sanctuaries Asthe measure used to find out tan and communication comes under pas CASS adult is undernourished. —_ sector. 2 “Primary sector involves production of commodity, mostly through the Horizontal power sharing also known as, soll has the self aeration capacity. h he column A and column 8 COLUMN coum. Unemploymentllowance A._—_—Referstoa soca dvsion based in shared culture. Intermodits Goods R__Igovernment lls to provide 100 days employment, eine (Cn conducted its Nuclear test Be D. Used as a raw mater for further production of as In the following questions 14,15 and 16, the Assertions (A) and Reason (R) have been Dut forward. Read both statements carefully and choose the correct answer from the below: (1-3) ‘Assertion (A): Kerala has alow infant Mortality Rate. Reason (R): Kerala lacks the provision of basic health and educational facilities. (2) Both Asserion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) isthe correct explanation of Assertion (A) (@) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) ae true but Reason (R) isnot the correct explanation of Assertion (A) {©)Assertion (4's rue but Reason (R) i fase. () Assertion (A)is alse but Reason (0) i correct ‘Assertion (A): Not all goods and services that is produced and sold needs to be counted toknow the total production, [Reason (R): The value offnal ods already includes the value ofall the Intermediate tion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the eorrect explanation of i tion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)istrue but Reason (Ri alse. (A) sale but Reason (8) score. (4): Belgium and Spain have holding together’ federation. SeoUntry divides power between constituent states and national (R) are true and Reason (R) isthe correct explanation of {PR are true buc Reason (Kis not the correct explanation of Is false R) is correct. languages recognized a8 sch (©) Assertion (A): Hoses Hind there are 21 ot languages by the constitution, ng the centre state relations Is one more way Ja whicn Reason (R): Rest federalism has been strengthened In practice (4) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) ae rue and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A) (©) Both Assertion (4) and Reason (). Assertion (A). (6) Assertion (A) stro but Reason (8 is re true but Reason (i (@) Assertion sale but Reason (Rs correct. ‘Read the tex given below and answer the following questions; Soon aes Tedependence, several princely states became part of the Gonsttton declred Inia 283 Union of Stats. though Gr Inia Ue ase on oe pricpes of oderatism, The Constiton erga BBs aitWe tier system of government. The Union Government or what we cg So eeaeietening The Union of td andthe Sate Governments ates aimee Bee a8 frm of Panchayats and Maniatis Asin Any fedcsounncen Ste Pe Pee Jorn. The Constston cleary promod a ren n Be Petre powers Between te Union Goverment and The Succ con Thus, eContane hire ists Asover the following MCQsby choosing the most appropriate option: the power to legislate on residuary subjeces? (S122 government (4) President che pecommete Aerie Pocearelcudedin wbichist- (1 ist (b) Residuary ist (9 Union ise (sais Pane mati currency are included n Union ist because. (1) atonal policies Fam ave control over the state government. (6) Information Technology (2) orm bande 18 181 182 ws, Read the text given below and answer the following questions: ter ‘ Primary and socondary, there is a thi category of activites that falls under tertiary Stor and is different from the above two, These are activities that help inthe development o "he primary and secondary sectors. These actives, by themselves, donot produce a god but they are an aid ora suppert fr the production proces, For example, goods that are produced In the primary or secondary sector would need to be transported by trucks OF trains and then sold in wholesale and retail shops. At times Itmay be necessary to store these In godowns. We also may need to tlle to others over telephone oF send letters (communication) of borrow ‘money from banks (banking) to help production and wade. Transport storage communication, banking trade are some examples of tertiary activities Since thse atvites generate service rather than goods, the tertiary sector le als called the service sector, Answer th following MCQS by choosing the most appropriate option: Which among the followings not correct abou rtiary sector? o (@)Tenuiary sector helps in the development of the primary and secondary sector. (@) Transport communication, banking are some examples of tertiary activities {) Tertiary sector produces goods to support primary and secondary sector: (2 Thetertiary sectors known as service sector aso. Which activity isnot included in tertiary sector? o (2) Communication (0) Adverisng (astorage (2) Mining Why is Tertiary sector also called the Service sector? ® {2 Tertiary sectors gaining importance in Indi, (() Tertiary sector generates services rather than goods [O Tertiary sector iarger sector in develope country ~ o (©) Secondary sector (@) None ofthese SECTION-B 1 Jcommunity government in Belg’? 1 FD eontro sol erosion in hilly areas? owned resources! 1 2s, 2, zn. secrioN-¢ ‘Study the data given in able and answer the following questions 3 Compartson of two countries - stenenstnz000ce) | " wv u County A 3500 | 10500 | 9900 | 10000 Count 500 | 500 | 600 | 500 8. Calculate the average income of country And 8 ». Are both countries equally developed? If not why? 1 «Which country is better and why? 1 Now is federal government better than a unitary government? Explain with examples of Belgium and Se Lanka on sit necessary for a country to be big in size to follow power sharing solutions? What are the other factors involved ini? Explain the classification of resources onthe bass of ownership, 3 oR Which is most widely spread and important soi of India? State the characteristics ofthis type ofsoit? Describe how communities have conserved and protected forests and wildlife in india? 3 SECTION-D Explain te power sharing arrangements among politcal parties and pressure groups. S oR FBeplainhow Belgium was able to resolve her ethnic problems, SECTION-E ine map of India two places are marked as A’ and"B" Identify the types of sil found

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