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Received: 1 November 2022 Accepted: 26 April 2023

DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15422


 s basin
Knodus borari, a new species from the lower Rio Tapajo
(Characiformes: Characidae)

Cárlison Silva-Oliveira 1 | André L. Colares Canto 2 | Frank Raynner V. Ribeiro 2

 s-Graduação em Sociedade, Natureza e Desenvolvimento, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, Santarém, Brazil
Programa de Po
Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologia das Águas, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, Santarém, Brazil

Cárlison Silva-Oliveira, Programa de Po Abstract
Graduação em Sociedade, Natureza e
A new species of Knodus from the Rio Cupari, a right-bank tributary of the lower Rio
Desenvolvimento, Universidade Federal do
Oeste do Pará, Rua Vera Paz, s/n, 68040-255  s, is described. Among its congeners, the new species shares exclusively with K.
Santarém, Pará, Brazil.
figueiredoi the presence of only uni-tricuspid teeth in the premaxilla, maxilla and den-
tary. Knodus borari differs from K. figueiredoi by the colour pattern and morphological
Funding information
characteristics. The new species is the fifth species of the genus described from the Rio
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
gico, Grant/Award
Científico e Tecntolo  s basin, and the second restricted to the lower portion of the basin. This is addi-
Numbers: 436763/2018-4, 310480/2022-1,
 s basin is a region of ichthyofaunal endemism.
tional evidence that the lower Rio Tapajo
317781/2021-9; FAPESPA (ICAAF 024/2014);
Instituto de Conservação Ambiental The
Nature Conservancy do Brasil (Águas Tapajo KEYWORDS
Project, Cooperation BR FY20 104) Amazonian fishes, biodiversity, endemism, Stevardiinae, taxonomy

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N freshwater drainages in South America (Ferreira & Ohara, 2023;

Fricke et al., 2023). Despite the recent increase in alpha taxonomy
Knodus Eigenmann has been traditionally defined based on homoplastic knowledge of the genus, the real diversity of Knodus remains underes-
features of external morphology. Among the Stevardiinae, it has been timated (Aguiar et al., 2022; García-Melo et al., 2019).
differentiated from Bryconamericus Eigenmann only by the presence of Four valid species of Knodus are currently known to inhabit the
scales covering part of the caudal fin (sensu Eigenmann, 1918). None-  s drainage: Knodus cupariensis Sousa, Silva-Oliveira, Canto &
Rio Tapajo
theless, based on molecular data, Thomaz et al. (2015) obtained the Ribeiro, Knodus heteresthes Eigenmann, Knodus dorsomaculatus Fer-
most comprehensive phylogeny of Stevardiinae, in which a Knodus reira & Netto-Ferreira and Knodus ytuanama Ferreira & Ohara. None-
sensu stricto is recognized as more closely related to Rhinobrycon Myers, theless, the number of species related to the genus Knodus is
and the clade composed by these two genera is the sister group of a s basin (e.g., Guimarães et al., 2018;
underestimated in the Rio Tapajo
more inclusive clade composed of other genera of Diapominii, including Ohara et al., 2017; Ohara & Loeb, 2016; Silva-Oliveira et al., 2016).
Bryconamericus sensu stricto. Subsequent studies combining both mor- During recent expeditions in Rio Cupari, a right-bank tributary of the
phological and molecular data evidenced congruent results, supporting  s, an undescribed species of Knodus was collected.
lower Rio Tapajo
the recognition of Knodus (sensu Thomaz et al., 2015) being closely
related to Rhinobrycon (e.g., Ferreira et al., 2021; Mirande, 2019).
Results of Thomaz et al. (2015) suggest for the first time that Bry- 2 | M A T E R I A L S A N D M ET H O D S
conamericus could have a more restricted distribution, demonstrating
that species from the Amazon and Orinoco basins attributed to Bryco- 2.1 | Ethics statement and specimen preservation
namericus could be more closely related to Knodus s.s. Thus, Thomaz
et al. (2015) proposed the relocation of some species of Bryconameri- All material used in this study was collected in accordance with Brazilian
cus to Knodus and the synonymy of Bryconadenos Weitzman, law, under scientific collection licence number 44215-2 granted by Insti-
Menezes, Evers & Burns. Therefore, as currently defined, Knodus com- tuto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio). No
prises 40 valid species distributed throughout most cis-Andean experimental procedures were performed with live fish. Specimens were

J Fish Biol. 2023;1–7. © 2023 Fisheries Society of the British Isles. 1

anesthetized in a solution containing eugenol (clove oil), fixed in 10% 3.3 | Paratypes
formalin solution and subsequently transferred to 70% ethanol.
All collected with the holotype: INPA 59900, 5, 28.1–32.2 mm Ls.
UFOPA 1365, 8, 22.8–35.4 mm SL, 2 c&s 32.2–33.1 mm Ls.
2.2 | Morphological analysis

Counts and measurements were taken according to Fink and Weitzman 3.4 | Diagnosis
(1974), except for the number of rows of scales below the lateral line,
which were counted as far as the pelvic-fin origin. Measurements are Knodus borari differs from all its congeners, except K. figueiredoi Esguí-
expressed as percentages of standard length (LS), with the exception of cero & Castro, by possessing only conical to tricuspid teeth in the
subunits of the head, which are expressed as percentages of head length
(LH). Counts of vertebrae, supraneurals, procurrent caudal-fin rays, gill
rakers on the first branchial arch and branchiostegal rays were taken from
cleared and stained specimens (c & s) prepared according to the method
of Taylor and van Dyke (1985). Vertebral counts included the four
vertebrae in the Weberian apparatus. The compound caudal centrum
(PU1 + U1) was treated as a single element. In the description, counts
are followed by their absolute frequency in parentheses, and holotype
counts are indicated by an asterisk (*). Institutional abbreviations follow
Sabaj (2020). In the list of comparative material examined, museum abbre-
viations and catalogue numbers are followed by the total number of spec-
imens in each lot, range of standard length and abbreviated collection
data. The map was generated using QGis 2.4.0 Chugiak©.


3.1 | Knodus borari, new species

(Figures 1–3; Table 1).;;

3.2 | Holotype F I G U R E 2 Lateral view of left side of upper and lower jaws of
Knodus borari, UFOPA-I 1365, paratype, 33.4 mm Ls. Scale bar = 1 mm
UFOPA-I 1364, 33.8 mm Ls; Rio Braço Leste, tributary of Rio Cupari,
 s basin, Ruro
Rio Tapajo polis, Pará, Brazil, 04 070 12.100 S 55 000 12.000
W; F. Ribeiro, C. Silva-Oliveira, D. Sousa, H. Napoleão, J. Sousa,
R. Caroline & T. Torres, 5 May 2015.

F I G U R E 1 Holotype of Knodus borari, UFOPA-I 1364, 33.8 mm F I G U R E 3 Coloration in life of Knodus borari. UFOPA-I 1365:
Ls. Rio Braço Leste, Rio Cupari, right-bank tributary of lower Rio s
(a) 35.2 mm Ls; (b) 32.3 mm Ls. Rio Cupari drainage, lower Rio Tapajo
Tapajos basin, Ruro
 polis, Pará State, Brazil basin, Ruropolis, Pará State, Brazil

TABLE 1 Morphometric data of holotype and 14 paratypes of Knodus borari

H Range Mean S.D.

Standard length (Ls, mm) 33.8 22.8–35.4 30.2 –

Percentages of Ls
Snout to dorsal-fin origin 51.2 51.2–52.8 51.9 0.6
Snout to pectoral-fin origin 23.4 23.4–26.2 25.3 1.1
Pectoral-fin length 21.3 21.3–23.2 21.8 0.8
Snout to pelvic-fin origin 45.3 44.7–47.9 46.3 1.3
Pelvic-fin length 15.1 14.2–16.4 15.4 0.8
Snout to anal-fin origin 60.1 60.1–62.7 61.3 1.1
Depth at dorsal-fin origin 29.0 26.8–30.7 29.0 1.4
Dorsal-fin height 24.3 24.3–25.2 24.7 0.4
Dorsal-fin base length 11.5 10.9–11.8 11.4 0.4
Dorsal-fin origin to caudal-fin base 50.6 50.6–51.4 51.1 0.3
Anal-fin base length 25.4 25.4–28.5 27.4 1.3
Anal-fin lobe length 18.3 17.1–19.2 18.0 0.9
Caudal peduncle length 13.6 13.6–18.9 16.6 1.9
Caudal peduncle depth 10.7 10.7–11.7 11.4 0.4
Eye to dorsal-fin origin 39.9 38.6–41.2 39.8 1.0
Head length 22.5 22.5–24.6 23.4 0.8
Upper-jaw length 7.1 7.0–7.7 7.3 0.3
Horizontal eye diameter 8.3 8.3–10.5 9.1 0.9
Snout length 5.0 4.8–5.3 5.1 0.2
Least interorbital width 8.6 8.6–9.6 9.0 0.4
Percentages of HL
Upper-jaw length 28.6 28.6–33.3 31.2 1.7
Horizontal eye diameter 36.6 36.6–42.9 39.0 2.8
Snout length 19.6 19.6–22.5 21.6 1.2
Least interorbital width 37.7 37.7–39.4 38.7 0.8

Note: Holotype (H) is included in the ranges and means.

Abbreviations: S.D., standard deviation.

inner premaxillary row and dentary teeth (vs. 3–5 cusps in K. rufford point to posterior margin of the eye; slightly concave from this point
Deprá, Ota, Júnior & Ferreira, and 5–8 cusps in the other congeners). to tip of supraoccipital spine; slightly convex from this point to dorsal-
It can be distinguished from K. figueiredoi and K. rufford by having the fin origin; dorsal-fin base straight; slightly convex to straight from end
shorter maxilla, not exceeding (vs. exceeding) the anterior margin of of dorsal-fin base to adipose fin. Ventral profile of body convex from
the orbit in a vertical plane. Additionally, K. borari differs from lower lip to anal-fin origin; straight, posterodorsally inclined along
K. figueiredoi by the presence (vs. absent) of a black blotch at the base anal-fin base. Dorsal and ventral profile of caudal peduncle slightly
of caudal fin and by possessing i, 6, i (vs. i, 5, i) pelvic-fin rays, and from concave.
K. rufford by having 6 (vs. 4–4½) scales between dorsal-fin origin and Mouth sub-terminal; jaws isognathus. Posterior extension of max-
lateral line, 13–14 circumpeduncular scales (vs. 11–12) and shorter illa not extending beyond anterior margin of orbit. Premaxillary teeth
snout (19.6%–22.5% LH vs. 24.2–26.7 LH). in two rows; outer row with 3 (15), conical or tricuspid teeth, central
cusp when present longest; inner row with 4* (16) tricuspid teeth,
central cusp longest. Maxilla with 2 (4) or 3* (12), tricuspid teeth. Den-
3.5 | Description tary with 3 (4) or 4* (11) large tricuspid teeth, followed by 3–4 smaller,
uni- to tricuspid teeth (Figure 2). Scales cycloid, moderately large, with
Morphometric data in Table 1. Body compressed; greatest body depth 1–6 well-marked radii; circuli only present proximally. Lateral line com-
just anterior to dorsal-fin origin. Dorsal profile of head distinctly con- plete, slightly curved ventrally along its anterior third, with 36 (3), 37*
vex from upper jaw to posterior nostril, slightly convex from latter (9) or 38 (4) perforated scales. Longitudinal series of scales between

dorsal-fin origin and lateral line, 6* (16). Longitudinal series of scales vertically through two longitudinal scales series above the lateral line
between lateral line and pelvic-fin origin, 3* (16). Predorsal scales and horizontally encompassing two lateral line scales. Dusky mid-
10 (2), 11 (4) or 12* (9), arranged in a single regular row. Scales around lateral stripe present from immediately posterior to humeral blotch to
caudal peduncle 13* (10) or 14 (15). Single series of 15–16 scales cov- caudal fin base. Dorsal fin with chromatophores more concentrated
ering proximal third of anal fin. Base of caudal fin scales smaller than along the inter-radial membrane. Hyaline adipose fin with few scat-
of caudal peduncle. Scales covering proximal fourth of upper and tered chromatophores. Hyaline pectoral and pelvic fins with few scat-
proximal third of lower caudal-fin lobe. tered chromatophores along anterior and posterior borders of the
Dorsal fin rays ii, 8 (16). Dorsal-fin origin near middle of body, and rays. Anal fin slightly darkened with chromatophores at the interradial
posterior to vertical through pelvic-fin origin. First unbranched dorsal-fin membranes, more concentrated in the distal portion, forming a dark
ray approximately half length of second unbranched ray. Adipose-fin ori- band. Caudal fin with melanophores concentrated in the basal portion
gin approximately at vertical through base of 16th to 17th branched of the central rays forming a black blotch extending posteriorly to
anal-fin rays. Pectoral-fin rays i, 9 (10); i, 10* (5); or i, 11(1); tip of pecto- midlength of central caudal-fin rays.
ral fin reaching pelvic-fin origin when adpressed. Pelvic-fin rays i, 6, i*
(16); tip of pelvic fin usually not reaching first anal-fin rays when
adpressed. Anal-fin origin located anterior to vertical through posterior 3.9 | Colour in life
terminus of dorsal-fin base. Anal-fin rays v, 17* (9); 18 (4); or 19 (3); last
unbranched ray and first three or four branched anal-fin rays longest, General colour of body grey to yellowish. Lips, snout, anterior por-
subsequent rays decreasing gradually in length. Caudal fin forked; lobes tion of maxilla dark. Upper portion of the head and dorsal portion of
equal in size. Principal caudal-fin rays i, 9, 8, i* (16); dorsal procurrent the body dark grey to yellowish. Dorsal region of orbit yellow. Ven-
caudal-fin rays 12 (2); ventral procurrent caudal-fin rays 10 (2). trolateral region of orbit, infraorbital series, posteromedial portion
Gill rakers on first gill arch 15 (1) or 16 (1): hypobranchial 2 (2), of maxilla, opercular regions, gular region and ventrolateral portion
ceratobranchial 6 (2), cartilage between epibranchial cartilage and cer- of body silvery. Dorsal region of caudal peduncle with orange spots.
atobranchial 1 (2), epibranchial 5 (1) or 6 (1). Gill rakers setiform. Bran- Base of dorsal, adipose, pectoral and caudal fins yellow. Medial por-
chiostegal rays 4 (2): 3 (1) on anterior ceratohyal and 1 (2) on tion of anal fin yellowish; pelvic fins similar to those of preserved
posterior ceratohyal. Supraneural 5 (2). Precaudal vertebrae 16 (2); specimens.
caudal vertebrae 19 (2); total vertebrae 35 (2). First dorsal-fin ptery-
giophore inserted between 11th and 12th vertebrae.
3.10 | Conservation status

3.6 | Sexual dimorphism Although K. borari is currently known from its type locality in the Rio
Cupari basin, no specific threats have been identified that put their
None of the examined specimens showed secondary sexual dimor- population at risk. Thus, following the IUCN categories and criteria
phism in morphology, colour patterns or presence of bony hooks. (IUCN, 2022), K. borari can be categorized as Least Concern (LC).

3.7 | Geographical distribution 3.11 | Ecological notes

Knodus borari is known from the Rio Cupari drainage, a tributary of The Rio Braço Leste, the type locality of K. borari, is a fourth-order
 s, Pará State, Brazil (Figure 4).
the right margin of the lower Rio Tapajo stream (sensu Strahler, 1957), c. 13 m wide and 1–3 m deep, with
moderate to fast-flowing waters, substrate composed mainly of rocks,
gravel and sand, with the following physicochemical parameters:
3.8 | Colour in alcohol pH 6.8; dissolved oxygen 6.5 mg l1; conductivity 27.4 μS cm1; and
temperature 25.8 C (Figure 5). Specimens of K. borari were cap-
General body coloration light brown to pale yellow. Infraorbital series, tured in a section of the margin in more lentic environments, with
opercular regions and gular region silvery. Snout, dorsal region of depths ranging from 10 to 80 cm. Specimens of K. borari were cap-
head, sixth infraorbital, opercle and anterior portion of maxilla dusky tured alone and together with other species of Characiformes such
with scattered melanophores. Infraorbital bones 1–5, posteromedial as Astyanax aff. bimaculatus (Linnaeus), Bryconops sp., Creagrutus
portion of the maxilla and gular region yellowish. Melanophores more petilus Vari & Harold, Cyphocharax spilurus (Günter), Hemigrammus
concentrated on the scales edge of middorsal and dorsolateral sp., Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis Ahl, Jupiaba atypindi Zanata, Kno-
regions, forming slightly reticulate patterns; ventral and ventrolateral dus sp., Microschemobrycon callops Böhlke, Moenkhausia hasemani
scales of body with few scattered dark chromatophores or uniformly Eigenmann, Moenkhausia lepidura (Kner), Moenkhausia sp., and Rhi-
pale. Rectangular humeral blotch, vertically elongated, extending nopetitia sp.

F I G U R E 4 Map of South America,

showing the geographical distribution
of Knodus borari (yellow circle). Red
area represents the lower Rio Tapajo  s.
White squares represent the Pimental
(1) and São Luiz rapids (2)

F I G U R E 5 Type locality of Knodus

borari, Rio Braço Leste, Rio Cupari
drainage, Rio Tapajo s basin, Ruro
Pará State, Brazil

3.12 | Etymology Knodus is not yet available. Thus, new species have been assigned to
Knodus following traditional classification, mainly due to the pres-
The species epithet borari refers to the Boraris, indigenous people ence of scales on the proximal half of each caudal fin lobe (e.g.,
s. A noun in apposition.
who inhabit the lower Rio Tapajo Deprá et al., 2021; Menezes & Marinho, 2019; Sousa et al., 2020),
but also by the evidence provided by Thomaz et al. (2015) (e.g.,
Menezes et al., 2020:8).
4 | DISCUSSION Among its congeners, K. borari shares exclusively with
K. figueiredoi the presence of only unicuspid or tricuspid teeth in the
Despite recent advances in the understanding of phylogenetic rela- premaxilla, maxilla and dentary. Nonetheless, they differ from each
tionships in Stevardiinae using both molecular and morphological other by morphometric and meristic characters and colour pattern
data (e.g., Ferreira et al., 2021; García-Melo et al., 2019; (see Diagnosis). Furthermore, K. borari presents an unusual in vivo col-
Mirande, 2019; Thomaz et al., 2015), a morphological diagnosis of our pattern not recorded for another described congener, which

consists of a circular patch of orange pigmentation at the base of the 5 | C O M P A R A T I V E M A T E R I A L EX A M I N E D

main rays of the dorsal lobe of the caudal fin (Figure 3).
 s are
Most of the fish species described from the lower Rio Tapajo All from Brazil except if otherwise noticed: Knodus angustus: INPA
widely distributed in the Amazon basin (Silva-Oliveira et al., 2021; 40989, 15, 20.9–25.9 Ls, Rio Aripuanã. Knodus cinarucoense: INPA
Sousa et al., 2020). Nonetheless, as a result of a recent increase in sam- 55110, 3, 17.2–29.5 mm Ls, Rio Branco basin. Knodus breviceps: INPA
pling in that region (mostly in the past 10 years), several new species 2478, 12, 26.5–39.7 mm Ls, Rio Tocantins basin; MCP 42274,
s drainage
with distributions restricted to this portion of the Rio Tapajo 16, 16.8–43.6 mm Ls, Rio Tocantins basin, Goiás; INPA 41033,
have been recognized and described [i.e., Ancistrus krenakarore de Oli- 1, 74.4 mm Ls, Rio Tocantins basin. Knodus cupariensis: INPA 59396,
veira, Rapp Py-Daniel, Zawadzki & Zuanon; Apistogramma arua Römer 40.5 mm Ls, holotype; INPA 59397, 11, 31.6–45.5 mm Ls (2 c&s,
& Warzel; Bryconops allisoni Silva-Oliveira, Canto & Ribeiro; B. durbinae 34.8–39.5 mm Ls), paratypes, Rio Cupari. Knodus deuterodonoides:
(Eigenmann); B. munduruku Silva-Oliveira, Canto & Ribeiro; Characidium INPA 22960, 10, 16.2–18.3 Ls, Rio Negro. Knodus dorsomaculatus:
papachibe Peixoto & Wosiacki; Cyphocharax muyrakytan Bortolo, INPA 45307, 6, 33.1–41.0 mm Ls, Rio Teles Pires basin; INPA 44974,
Lima & Melo; Cyphocharax cramptoni Bortolo & Lima; Geophagus pyro- 6, 37.2–52.2 mm Ls, Rio Teles Pires basin; MZUSP 98299, 2, para-
cephalus Chuctaya, Nitschke, Andrade, Wingert & Malabarba; Gymnotus types, 39.2–41.8 mm Ls, Rio Teles Pires basin. K. figueiredoi: INPA
arapiuns Kim, Crampton & Albert; Hyphessobrycon cantoi Faria, 41243, 4, paratypes, 22.9–26.6 mm Ls, Rio das Garças basin. Knodus
Guimarães, Rodrigues, Oliveira & Lima; Hypostomus labyrinthus Oliveira, geryi: MZUSP 83354, holotype, 63.4 mm Ls, upper Rio Paraguai basin.
Ribeiro, Canto & Zawadzki; Leptophilypnion pusillus Robert; and Knodus Knodus heteresthes: INPA 44830, 14, 20.8–24.8 mm Ls, Rio Teles Pires
cupariensis Sousa, Silva-Oliveira, Canto & Ribeiro]. basin; INPA 45065, 50, 18.3–27.5 mm Ls, Rio Teles Pires basin; INPA
K. borari is the fifth species of the genus described from the Rio 44626, 99, 24.3–32.3 mm Ls, Rio Teles Pires basin; MZUSP 25542,
s basin, and the second with restricted distribution to the lower
Tapajo  s basin; UFOPA-I 152, 8, 13.7–
136, 19.1–32.5 mm Ls, Rio Tapajo
 s basin (see Ferreira & Ohara, 2023; Sousa et al., 2020).
Rio Tapajo s; UFOPA-I 153, 5, 19.3–34.7 mm Ls,
36.6 mm Ls, lower Rio Tapajo
Nonetheless, other undescribed fish species occurs only in this area s. Knodus hypopterus: MCP 46397, 5, 36.5–62.6 mm
lower Rio Tapajo
(e.g., Guimarães et al., 2018; Silva-Oliveira et al., 2016; Sousa Ls, Peru, Río Madre de Dios basin. Knodus megalops: MCP 37416,
 s is a region
et al., 2020; Per. obs.), indicating that the lower Rio Tapajo 112, 23.9–48.7 mm Ls, Peru, Río Ucayali basin. Knodus meridae:
of high endemism for freshwater fish (sensu Platnick, 1991; Mor- MZUSP 99147, 2, 29.2–36.3 mm Ls, Venezuela, Río Zulia; MZUSP
rone, 1994). Nonetheless, there is currently no consensus on the bio- 99146, 4, 37.7–41.3 mm Ls, Venezuela, Río Chama. Knodus moen-
geographical delimitation of this region. Dagosta and de Pinna (2017) khausii: MCP 47157, 6, 31.3–40.1 mm Ls, Rio Paraná basin; MZUSP
s basin into four areas of endemism
subdivided the Rio Tapajo 93714, 80, 15.9–34.9 mm Ls, Rio Jequitinhonha basin. Knodus orte-
s). In their study, Dagosta
(Juruena, Teles Pires, Jamanxim and Tapajo guasae: ANSP 70504, holotype, (only photo and X-ray), Colombia, Río
s” as the stretch between the
and de Pinna (2017) considered “Tapajo Orteguasa. MCP 41933, 38.7–50.5 mm Ls, Rio Acre basin, Acre; MCP
confluence of the Rio Juruena and Rio Teles Pires to the confluence 46390, 3, 31.4–43.8 mm Ls, Peru, Loreto, Río Madre de Dios basin.
with Rio Amazonas, including the Rio Curuá-Una. Knodus savannensis: INPA 24270, 34, 16.1–35.8 mm Ls, Rio Tocantins
In contrast, Jézéquel et al. (2020) subdivided the basin into seven basin; INPA 39927, 4, 28.4–40 mm Ls, Rio Tocantins basin. Knodus
 s being considered the stretch below
sub-basins, with the lower Tapajo smithi: INPA 53987, 2, 25.2–29.0 mm Ls, Rio Madeira basin. Knodus
the confluence of Rio Jamanxim to the confluence with Rio Amazo- tiquiensis: INPA 40924, 26, 26.5–54.5 mm Ls, Rio Negro basin; INPA
nas. In the present study, based on the distribution pattern of the spe- 049392, 15, 26.4–51 mm Ls, Rio Negro basin. Knodus victoriae: MCP
 s as the
cies listed earlier, the authors delimit the lower Rio Tapajo 23435, 14, 27.7–33.5 mm Ls, Rio Parnaíba basin. Knodus ytuanama:
stretch downstream of the São Luiz rapids to the confluence with Rio INPA 59847, paratypes, 9, 49.2–82.6 mm Ls, Rio Juruena basin.
Compared with its upper and middle portions, a large portion AUTHOR CONTRIBU TIONS
 s is an alluvial plain, characterized mainly
of the lower Rio Tapajo Cárlison Silva-Oliveira contributed to the original idea, development
by many lentic environments and sandy beaches along its main of the study and writing the manuscript. André L. Colares Canto and
course (Buckup & Santos, 2010; Espirito-Santo et al., 2005). None- Frank Raynner V. Ribeiro contributed with development of the study
theless, many of its tributaries provide a heterogeneous fast- and writing the manuscript.
flowing environment below the rapids of Pimental and São Luís do
 s, which are the major rapids of the lower Rio Tapaj o
located downstream of the mouth of the Rio Jamanxim and ca. The authors are grateful to Hugo Napoleão, Deise A. Sousa, Jordson
s in the mainstream Amazon
300 km from the mouth of the Tapajo Souza, Raiany Oliveira and Thaís Torres (UFOPA) for their help and
(Goulding et al., 2003). As waterfalls are potential barriers to fish assistance during fieldwork; and to Aléssio Datovo, Mario de Pinna,
dispersal (Barthem et al., 2016; Britski & Lima, 2008; Goulding Michel D. Gianeti (MZUSP), Lúcia Rapp Py-Daniel (INPA) and Carlos
et al., 2003), these environments may be a contributing factor to Lucena (PUCRS) for curatorial assistance and Marcos Mirande for
the notable level of endemism among fish species inhabiting the valuable comments and suggestions on the manuscript. Cárlison
s basin.
different sections and tributaries of the Rio Tapajo S. Oliveira and Frank R. V. Ribeiro are funded by the Conselho

gico (CNPq pro-

Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecntolo delimitation of neotropical characins (Stevardiinae): Implications for
cesses number 317781/2021-9 and 310480/2022-1, respectively). taxonomy of complex groups. PLoS One, 14, 1–22.
Goulding, M., Barthem, R., & Ferreira, E. (2003). The Smithsonian atlas of
André L. C. Canto and Frank R. V. Ribeiro were partly supported by
the Amazon. 44 Washington, DC, USA: Smithsonian Books.
FAPESPA (ICAAF 024/2014), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Guimarães, K. L. A., de Sousa, M. P. A., Ribeiro, F. R. V., Porto, J. I. R., &
gico (Process 436763/2018-4) and Instituto de
Científico e Tecnolo Rodrigues, L. R. R. (2018). DNA barcoding of fish fauna from low order
Conservação Ambiental The Nature Conservancy do Brasil (Águas streams of Tapajo  s River basin. PLoS One, 13, e0209430.
IUCN. (2022). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2022-1.
s Project, Cooperation BR FY20 104).
Available from:
Jézéquel, C., Tedesco, P. A., Bigorne, R., Maldonado-ocampo, J. A.,
ORCID Ortega, H., Hidalgo, M., et al. (2020). A database of freshwater fish
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