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To apply: put oneself forward formally as a candidate for a

Example: She had to apply for a number of positions.

To be employed: to have a job.

Example: He was employed by a multinational company.

To be fired: to be dismissed from a job.

Example: She was fired because of her constant delays.

To be hired: to be given a job by someone.

Example: He was hired by Shell and he starts on Monday.

To be responsible for: to have an obligation to do

Example: I’m responsible for calling our suppliers and writing

To be in charge: another way of saying ‘to be responsible

Example: I’m in charge of calling our suppliers and writing

To be snowed under: having too much work to do.

Example: I'm simply snowed under with work so I can't meet
you this weekend.


To employ: give work to (someone) and pay them for it.

Example: This company employs over 150 people.

To fire: to dismiss (an employee) from a job.

Example: The car factory fired 300 employees last month.

To get along/on well with one's coworkers: More than job

Example: I get along really well with my coworkers and this
contributes to my motivation at work.

To have expertise: to have a high level of knowledge or skill.

Example: She has considerable expertise in Asian history.

To have work-life balance: the amount of time you spend

doing your job compared with the amount of time you spend
with your family and doing things you enjoy.
Example: Men over 40 have low expectations of securing a
better work-life balance.

To make a career move: a change that you make in order to

get a better job or to have career success.
Example: Working at a multinational company turned out to be
the best career move he made.


To network: to meet people who might be useful to know,

especially in your job.
Example: I don't really enjoy going to conferences, but
they're a great opportunity to network.

To perform efficiently: to work in a productive way.

Example: He was promoted because he's always able to perform
efficiently, even under pressure.

To set up a business:
To resign: voluntarily leave a job or other position.
Example: They resigned from the government in protest at the

To resign: to voluntarily leave a job.

Example: He resigned from the company he'd been working for
10 years in order to take a more challenging job.

To retire: to stop working because you reached the normal

age for leaving employment.
Example: My grandparents retired at 60 years old.

To value: to consider important.

Example: Do you think teachers are valued in your country?


Career: an occupation undertaken for a significant period of

a person's life.
Example: She wants to follow a career in business.

Employee: a person employed for wages or salary.

Example: This company has more than 1500 employees.

Employer: a person or company that employs people.

Example: To hire you, we need a reference letter from your
former employer.

Fringe benefits: an extra benefit supplementing an

employee's salary.
Example: My pay isn’t good, but I have a lot of fringe benefits.

Job security: level of confidence about the future of your

Example: These short-term contracts offer workers little or no
job security.

Maternity leave: a period of absence from work granted to a

mother before and after the birth of her child.
Example: Marion is now on maternity leave, she had a baby last


Qualifications: a quality or accomplishment that makes

someone suitable for a particular job.
Example: He didn’t get the job because he didn’t have the
necessary qualifications.

Salary: a fixed regular payment, expressed as an annual sum.

Example: The company offered him a salary of $90,000 a year,
but he refused it!

Sick leave: leave of absence granted because of illness.

Example: My husband has a tumor so he was able to get a sick

Vacancy: an unoccupied position or job.

Example: There are vacancies for computer technicians at IBM.

Wages: a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or

weekly basis.
Example: Waiters don’t usually have good wages, but they
get generous tips.

Working conditions: the place where you work, the hours

and resources.
Example: He quit his job because of the grueling working


Challenging: difficult in an interesting or enjoyable way.

Example: Teaching young children is incredibly challenging.

Competitive: a person who wants very much to win or be

more successful than other people.
Example: You're very competitive - it's meant to be a friendly

Demanding: needing a lot of time, attention, or energy.

Example: She's always stressed because she has a demanding

Demotivated: feeling less interested in and enthusiastic

about your work.
Example: When important changes occur at work it can be easy
to feel demotivated.

Flexible: able to change easily according to the situation.

Example: My schedule is flexible - I could arrange to meet with
you any day next week.

Knowledgeable: a person who knows a lot about something.

Example: Graham’s very knowledgeable about software


Monotonous:boring because of always being the same.

Example: My job is monotonous and I want to quit soon.

Repetitive: done many times in the same way, and boring.

Example: Computers are now being brought into this profession
to perform repetitive tasks.

Resourceful: good at finding ways of dealing with practical

Example: As a manager, she's extremely resourceful and able to
solve every problem in her field.

Rewarding: making you feel happy and satisfied because you

feel you are doing something useful or important.
Example: Being a teacher is very rewarding and I can't picture
myself doing anything else.

Skillful: an ability to do an activity or job well, especially

because you have done it a lot.
Example: We were only able to finish the project on time
because they were highly professional and very skillful

Team-player: someone who is good at working closely with

other people.
Example: Our company is hiring a team player who is
committed to quality management.

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