Method Statement For Construction Block Paving

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Method Statement for Construction Block Paving
Department: Date: Document Ref.: Revision:
Civil 7/08/2023 9 02

Principal Contractor: Hydrojet Facilities and management
Site Address:
Project Start Date:
Expected Duration:
Completion Date:

Name Job Title Date

Prepared by: Saim Ali HSE officer
Authorised by Nazim uddin Site Manager
Client Approval:

Emergency Contact Details

Person Name:
Contact No:
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Method Statement for Construction Block Paving
Department: Date: Document Ref.: Revision:
Civil 7/08/2023 9 02

Table of Contents
Scope:............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Objectives ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Personal, Tools, Plants and Equipment......................................................................................................... 4
References Tools, Plants, Equipment and Machinery .............................................................................. 4
References/Supporting Documents.............................................................................................................. 5
Details of Health & Safety Arrangements Include: ....................................................................................... 5
Scope and Procedures................................................................................................................................... 5
Scope of Works and Pre-Activities ............................................................................................................ 5
Methodology/Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 6
Laying of Kerbs ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Placing of Fill/Sub-Base Material .......................................................................................................... 6
Laying of Interlock Paviors/Stones (60 mm & 80 mm Thick) ................................................................ 6
Key Materials Required ................................................................................................................................. 7
List of Key Materials Required .................................................................................................................. 7
Residual Hazards and Safety Requirement ................................................................................................... 7
Specific Identified Residual Hazards ..................................................................................................... 7
List of Safety Requirements .................................................................................................................. 7
Risk Management for Work: ......................................................................................................................... 7
Summary of Activities with Potential Hazards and Risks: ............................................................................. 7
Controls Initiatives: ................................................................................................................................... 8
Communication and Training of Health and Safety: ................................................................................. 8
Checks and Inspections: ............................................................................................................................ 8
Induction and Permits to Work:............................................................................................................ 8
Method Statement details .................................................................................................................... 8
Security: ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Rules: ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Smoking:................................................................................................................................................ 9
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Method Statement for Construction Block Paving
Department: Date: Document Ref.: Revision:
Civil 7/08/2023 9 02

Services: ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Unloading Details: ................................................................................................................................. 9
Access:................................................................................................................................................... 9
Tools: ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Welfare facilities: .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Emergency Arrangements: ........................................................................................................................... 9
Housekeeping: ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Job Safety Analysis (JSA): ............................................................................................................................ 10
The Sequence of Work: ............................................................................................................................... 10
Dependent on the Work: ............................................................................................................................ 10
On Completion of Work: ......................................................................................................................... 10
Use of Equipment: .................................................................................................................................. 10
When working at Height (General): ........................................................................................................ 11
When Working Alone: ................................................................................................................................. 11
Accidents, Incidents and Near Misses: ....................................................................................................... 11
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Method Statement for Construction Block Paving
Department: Date: Document Ref.: Revision:
Civil 7/08/2023 9 02

Block Paving Method Statement Objectives

Per Block Paving Method Statement Objectives
This Method Statement describes the Methodology and procedures for Block Paving Works.
This Method Statement (MS) is however to be read, apply and compliance in association with
the attached
 Job Safety Analysis.
 The Project Health and Safety Plan (Approved HSE Plan).

Personal, Tools, Plants and Equipment

 The Project Manager would be responsible for Co-ordinating between the client and the
Engineering Consultant for the design and execution of the project.
 The site Engineer and Supervisor would be accountable for the implementation of this
Method Statement under the professional and technical guidance of the Project
/Technical Manager and Quality Assurance/Quality Control Manager.
 The Site/Project Safety in charge would be accountable for advising, monitoring and
ensuring that work execution complies with approved safety procedures & regulations.

References Tools, Plants, Equipment and Machinery

The major items of tools, plants equipment, machinery anticipated for the project are described
below detailed:
 Roller
 Plate Compactor
 Wheel Loader
 Survey Equipment
 Masonry and Carpentry Tools
All Plant, Machinery, Tools, Equipment and Machinery would be inspected/observed on each
before and after used and as per manufacturers and statutory requirements. If any fault is
rectified, the equipment/ shall be taken out of use and replaced.
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Method Statement for Construction Block Paving
Department: Date: Document Ref.: Revision:
Civil 7/08/2023 9 02

[Organization/Company] is also aware of the possible/potential occupational health hazards

posed by hand-arm vibration and whole-body vibration and would ensure that relevant safety and
preventive measures are taken as at when due.

References/Supporting Documents
List of References/Supporting Documents:
 Project Approved for Construction Drawing
 Approved Site Survey Plan & Survey Report
 Approved Project HSE Plan
 Attached Job Safety Analysis
 [State/Country] Construction Standard

Details of Health & Safety Arrangements Include:

• Policy
• Arrangements
• Risk Assessments
• Information, Instruction and Training
• Emergency Arrangements
• Safety Standards and Rules

Scope and Procedures

Scope of Works and Pre-Activities

Activities and Tasks Described in this Method Statement Include the Following:
 Laying of Kerbs.
 Placing of Fill/Sub-base Material.
 Laying of Interlock Paviors/Stones.
 Ensure approval and release of Work Area and Temporary Land Lease Area by [Client/Facility]
and or other relevant departments before the commencement of work on-site as required.
 Before the commencement of work contained herein, [ Organization/ Company] shall obtain
the relevant work permits from [Client/Main Contractor].
 Toolbox shall be conducted by the Supervisor.
 The use of mandatory PPE (Safety Glass, Safety Shoe, Helmet, Coverall, etc.). Shall be inspected
and implemented by the safety engineer.
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Method Statement for Construction Block Paving
Department: Date: Document Ref.: Revision:
Civil 7/08/2023 9 02

Laying of Kerbs
 Upon reaching the Site Sub-grade formation level, the Surveyor shall set out the proposed
Kerbs Line according to the approved drawings.
 Wooden/metal forms for the Kerbs concrete base construction shall be installed and securely
and tightly braced to limit any deflection during the concrete placement.
 Concrete of specified grade and the mix would be placed in erected formwork after wetting to
aid bonding.
 Steel Dowel Bars (SBD) shall be installed in the concrete base slab if needed as per approved
 Kerbs shall be placed on Cement Mortar (1:4) bedding, not more than 25 millimetres thickness
on the concrete base to adjust the levels of the Kerbs with a maximum tolerance of 3
 In arching/curving locations and corners, Kerbs shall be tailor cut as per the shape and
 As soon as Kerbs have been laid, bordering Concrete backing of pre-determined and specified
grade shall be poured behind laid Kerbs for hardness.
 Joints between the Kerbs (Not more than 4 millimetres) shall be filled with fluid cement mortar
at the ratio of (1:4).
 At every 10 to 20 meters intervals, a moment joint of 20 millimetres thick shall be formed
through the concrete bed and backing as well as the Kerbs. Impregnated fiberboard shall be
used to fill the movement joints.
 Curing shall be done for the entirely Kerbs, base and backing for seven days.
Placing of Fill/Sub-Base Material
 The area is to be levelled, watered and compacted by the means of a roller or plate compactor
in small areas where a big roller cannot reach.
 The level of the formation is to be closely observed, verified, inspected and approved properly.
 Approved Sub-base material shall be collected from the stockpile and placed in a maximum of
200 mm compacted layers as applicable.
 The material is to be properly mixed and oversize or lump materials shall be removed by
Laying of Interlock Paviors/Stones (60 mm & 80 mm Thick)
 Sand material bedding of approved quality shall be placed in a 50 millimetres layer, levelled
and watered.
 Interlock paviors (100 x 200 x 60 millimetres or 100 x 200 x 80 millimetres) shall be collected
from an approved source and laid in an approved pattern as per approved construction
 Interlock paviors shall be neatly trimmed/cut to fit perfectly into Kerb's edges as applicable.
 Fine/dune sand material shall be placed on top of laid Interlock paviors to fill in the joints.
 The laid Interlock pavior is then compacted utilizing a Plate compactor.
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Method Statement for Construction Block Paving
Department: Date: Document Ref.: Revision:
Civil 7/08/2023 9 02

 The dune sand shall be hand brushed and removed after the compaction works are completed
to the satisfaction of the Site engineer.

Key Materials Required

List of Key Materials Required
 Earth Filling Material
 Interlock Paviors
 Dune/Fine Sand

Residual Hazards and Safety Requirement

Specific Identified Residual Hazards
 Slips, trips and falls
 Use of mechanized equipment
 Manual handling
List of Safety Requirements
 All activities would be undertaken following the [Organization/Company] HSE plan and QP
Safety procedures. [Organization/Company] would make sure that all necessary PPE is
provided and used accordingly at all times.
 Work permits would be obtained (when required) before the commencement of work on-site.
 Relevant safety data sheet (SDS) shall be retained on Site in Custody of the HSE Department.

Risk Management for Work:

Risk Assessments have conducted on the following activities:
• Onsite activities
• Working in public places
• Use of tools and equipment
• Manual handling
• Work at Height
• Lifting activities as defined under Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations LOLER

Summary of Activities with Potential Hazards and Risks:

• Use of work equipment
• Slips trips and falls
• Working with electrical equipment
• Working with generators
• Working on a client/contractor and or customer’s site or in public places
• Manual Handling of materials and equipment
• Possible working from steps/ work at height
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Method Statement for Construction Block Paving
Department: Date: Document Ref.: Revision:
Civil 7/08/2023 9 02

Controls Initiatives:
Appropriate Controls measures have been identified from the risk assessments and are highlighted in
Method Statement and Risk Assessment MSRA include the following key points:
• Proper Health and Safety Communication and Training
• HSE Inspections
• HSE Observations
• Method of working
Communication and Training of Health and Safety:
• All risk assessments, method statement and Safe Systems of Work (SSOW) will be communicated
to the [Organization/Company] team/ operative before work initiate.
• A copy of this documented procedure and other recommended and suggested and applicable
safety arrangements will be communicated and passed onto the client/ sub-contractors or other
stakeholders before work started.
• All relevant toolbox talks will be communicated to the team/ operative before work commencing
ensuring that the team/ operative have had instruction and awareness information provided.
• Further information on the communication and training of Health and Safety can be found in the
Health and Safety Arrangements.
Checks and Inspections:
• All work equipment, devices or machinery will be checked before use for safe operation and to
ensure that it is “fit for purpose” and proper required third-party certification has been done.
• Risk Assessments (RA) and Safe Systems of Work (SSOW) will be checked before work started.
Induction and Permits to Work:
Method Statement details
• Contact with the Client’s site project manager/engineer for any worksite induction or Permits to
Work (PTW) requirements before proceeding with any work on site.
• Contact with the site project manager/engineer that asbestos is not present at the work area.
Asbestos-containing materials (ACM’s) are not to be disturbed by [Organization/Company] This
work required to be conducted by a specialist contractor or Government entities.
• Before commencing to the site, make sure that the Client’s site project manager/engineer has
authorised access to the workplace and the work area.
• The organization’s Contractor, team or operative will carry out their work within the Client’s
Health and Safety rules and arrangements.
• Before commencing work these Health and Safety rules will be communicated to the team/
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Method Statement for Construction Block Paving
Department: Date: Document Ref.: Revision:
Civil 7/08/2023 9 02

• [Organization/Company] will strictly comply with a no smoking policy on any Client’s
• All Gutter cleaning Services will not be interrupted due to work conducted by
Unloading Details:
• Delivery to the site to be arranged with Client’s to ensure minimal disruption.
• Ensure adequate access and the best route to the workplace.
• Unload the vehicle of equipment by hand if no mechanical aids are available.
• Manual handling could be done by teamwork.
• Avoid a route that may bring you into contact with the Client’s staff or customers if possible,
ensure that gangways are clear, before bringing materials through, to the work area.
• All designated gangways and passageways should be free from obstructions.
• Ensure all waste from gutters is collected and disposed of from the work area.
• Ensure all fire exits and firefighting equipment clear of any obstructions.
• All sort of Ladders to be used will be inspected before going to the workplace/site.
• All tools and equipment are to be inspected before use.
• All other tools and equipment will be hired by our preferred hire company.
• All tools and equipment hired from the “outsource suppliers” will be inspected properly on
delivery to make sure they are fit for purpose and have had the essential safety inspections/

Welfare facilities:
• Before work commencing [Organization/Company] will liaise with Client’s local management for
use of toilets and wash facilities.
• Eatables/meals will be provided by the team/ operatives themselves.

Emergency Arrangements:
• The exact location of First Aid (FA) arrangements will be required to be provided by the Client
before work started.
• Fire arrangements will need to be provided by Clients before work commencing including the
location of assembly points, location of fire exits and fire equipment; procedures to follow.
• More details on [Organization/Company] Emergency Arrangements can be provided in the
attached risk assessments and safety arrangements.
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Method Statement for Construction Block Paving
Department: Date: Document Ref.: Revision:
Civil 7/08/2023 9 02

• All work areas will be kept clean and tidy where possible; [Organization/Company] operate a
“clean as you go policy”.
• All tools, equipment and waste will be removed from the site after the job has been completed.
• Any (non-hazardous) waste will be disposed of using the Client’s facilities or where necessary by
the team/operative.

Job Safety Analysis (JSA):

• A Job Safety Analysis will be required to be carried out.
• The following sequence of work has been established as guidance from Organization/Company’s
safety arrangements, Risk Assessments and Job Safety Analysis (JSA).

The Sequence of Work:

• Before work commencing all Personal Protective Equipment will be put on.
• Location of work/activities/tasks to be planned well and cleared of obstructions appropriately.
Check for any asbestos.
• A safe working area will be created.
• Our van/ vehicle is to be directed to the point of unloading ensuring minimal disruption and to
minimize lifting/ handling activities.
• Organization/company’s team and or operative will unload materials if essential, getting help
(teamwork strategy) to reduce handling hazards.
• All equipment, devices and materials to be kept where they are to be used.
• Local floor obstructions to be removed.

Dependent on the Work:

• Review each risk assessment for the control measures.
On Completion of Work:
• All equipment and waste to be removed from the work area.
• Work area to be handed over to the Client’s site management (Project manager/engineer) after
work is accomplished.
Use of Equipment:
• More essential care and safety measures to be adopted when using tools and equipment.
• Safety glasses to be worn to protect eyes from any flying objects or ultraviolet rays.
• If working personal (HE/SHE) have Long hair, then it is recommended to be tied back/loose
clothing not to be worn, necklaces and other jewellery to be removed.
• Skilled, experienced and Competent users only allowed to use tools and equipment.
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Method Statement for Construction Block Paving
Department: Date: Document Ref.: Revision:
Civil 7/08/2023 9 02

• While handling tools to and from the vehicle use correct lifting techniques to avoid ergonomically
health risks.
• Make sure to keep fingers and or hands away from mechanical hazards and fatal physical injuries.
• To minimize the exposure to vibration, take frequent breaks, use gloves (HAVS).
• Use of hearing protection to minimize noise exposure.
• The use of ladders/ step will be done following the work at height risk assessment; ladders
located/ positioned correctly; individuals working from them for short periods.
When working at Height (General):
• Onsite risk assessment to be conducted appropriately.
• Construct a safe working area.
• Check steps/ ladders before use.
• Use equipment correctly, no overreaching, no standing on the top rung, no sideways force.
• Use of crawling boards on the facility’s building roof to get access to the higher-level guttering on
the main buildings.

When Working Alone:

• Communicate intentions with others within the organization/institutions.
• Mobile phones to be used to keep in contact (remember to keep the battery charged).
• Confirm safety arrangements with the client before visiting the client's site.
• Inform co-workers & colleagues of any ill-health or illness that may affect work (eg., COVID-19).
• Wear PPE were required (as per instructions)
• When manual handling
• Where practicable use mechanical aids such as a sack barrow, pump truck etc.
• Use good handling techniques.
• If in doubt get help.

Accidents, Incidents and Near Misses:

• In case of an accident/incident get help and contact a Client’s First Aider personal.
• All accidents need to be reported to Clients and [Organization/Company].
• All property damage needs to be reported to Clients and [Organization/Company].
• All near misses and hazards (i.e., potential accidents) need to be reported .

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