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PII: S1350-9462(99)00003-8

Free Radical Mediated Photoreceptor Damage in Uveitis

Narsing A. Rao* and Guey-Shuang Wu
Doheny Eye Institute and Department of Ophthalmology and Pathology, University of Southern
California, 1450 San Pablo Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033-1088, USA


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2. Uveitis and tissue injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.1. Generation of free radicals in uveitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.2. Peroxynitrite and uveitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.3. Photoreceptor lipid peroxidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.4. Ampli®cation of uveitis by lipid peroxidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.5. Ampli®cation of uveitis by oxidants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.6. Antioxidants and their ocular distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.7. Local factors in modulation of uveitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3. Modulation of uveitis by RPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.1. Retinal pigment epithelial protective protein (RPP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.2. Function of RPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4. Prevention of retinal lipid peroxidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5. Future directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
6. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

1. INTRODUCTION that participate in chronic uveitis include lympho-

cytes, both T and B cells of various subtypes, and
Uveitis and other intraocular in¯ammations are phagocytic cells, such as macrophages which de-
complex, acute or chronic in¯ammatory processes rive from circulating monocytes. In addition,
that primarily involve the uvea. The process can local tissue cellular components also participate,
extend, however, to involve the retina, intraocular either by enhancing the in¯ammation or by
cavities, optic nerve and other ocular structures. down-regulating the process. In the uvea, these
Chronic intraocular in¯ammation is a major cellular components are vascular endothelia and
cause of blindness. This loss of vision is the result melanocytes. In the retina, the cellular com-
of damage in¯icted by the in¯ammatory cell in®l- ponents that participate in the process include
tration, particularly the release of various cyto- microglia, astrocytes, MuÈller cells, photo-
kines or other mediators, including oxygen receptors, and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE).
metabolites (Rao, 1990). The in¯ammatory cells The latter appears to play an active role in the
modulation of uveitis and other intraocular in-
*Corresponding author. Fax: +1-323-442-6688; E-mail: ¯ammations including intraocular infections caused by various microbial agents, not only

Progress in Retinal and Eye Research Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 41 to 68, 2000
# 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
1350-9462/00/$ - see front matter
42 N. A. Rao and G.-S. Wu
because of its anatomic location but because of gen peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl radicals ( OH)
its ability to generate either pro- or anti-in¯am- (Rao, 1990). Arachidonic acid metabolites are
matory agents (Elner et al., 1990; Elner et al., involved primarily in vascular permeability, che-
1992; Planck et al., 1992; Percopo et al., 1990; motaxis and the ampli®cation of uveitis (Rao et
Dorey et al., 1989; Forrester et al., 1990; al., 1987a). Proteolytic enzymes, however, appear
Campochiaro et al., 1989; Planck et al., 1991). to be only a minor contributing factor in initiat-
In recent years, the role of oxygen metabolites ing retinal degeneration (Marak et al., 1985; Rao
(also known as oxygen free radicals or reactive et al., 1987b).
oxygen species) in initiating retinal damage in In the last few years, attention has been di-
uveitis has been investigated. Current experimen- rected to oxygen metabolites, such as Oÿ 2 , H2O2,
tal studies indicate that phagocyte-generated oxi- hypochlorous acid, OH and peroxynitrite
dants and nitric oxide ( NO) related species play (ONOOÿ), in the initiation of photoreceptor cell
an important role in the initiation of peroxidation disintegration and the ampli®cation of the in¯am-
of cellular lipid components. These products of matory process in uveitis (Rao et al., 1987b; Rao,
lipid peroxidation also amplify in¯ammatory pro- 1990; Wu et al., 1992; Wu et al., 1997; Goto et
cesses locally by various proin¯ammatory mech- al., 1991). Two of these oxidants, Oÿ 2 and OH,
anisms (Rao, 1990; Wu et al., 1997). In this represent oxygen free radicals. Among these oxi-
article, the role of various oxidants in initiation dants, Oÿ 2 is known to react with NO to form. the
of retinal damage, their mechanisms in ampli®ca- potent oxidant ONOOÿ. The presence of NO
tion of in¯ammatory processes in the retina/chor- and its product ONOOÿ has been noted in var-
oid, the role of RPE in the modulation of ious forms of experimental uveitis, in particular
ampli®cation processes, and the approaches taken those induced by endotoxin and retinal S-antigen
to reduce such retina damage will be discussed. (Zhang et al., 1993; Jacquemin et al., 1996; Hoey
et al., 1997). The latter, a soluble protein also
known as arrestin, is a potent uveitogenic mol-
2. UVEITIS AND TISSUE INJURY ecule that readily induces uveitis in various lab-
oratory animals when mixed with Freund's
In chronic uveitis, tissue injury occurs in the adjuvant and injected into the animals' footpads
uveal tract, trabecular meshwork, lens, retina, (Rao et al., 1979). Animals, such as Lewis rats,
optic nerve and other ocular structures (Howes that are treated in this manner develop uveitis
and Rao, 1996). Retinal damage in the form of characterized by the in®ltration of lymphocytes
chronic cystoid macular edema and photoreceptor and phagocytic cells in the uvea and retina
cell degeneration are the major causes of blind- (Marak and Rao, 1982; Nussenblatt, 1991)
ness. Various cytokines, the in¯ammatory me- (Fig. 1).
diators derived from either plasma proteins or
in¯ammatory phagocytic cells such as polymor-
phonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), macrophages and 2.1. Generation of Free Radicals in Uveitis
possibly microglial cells, can cause this retinal
damage (Okada et al., 1998; Yokoi et al., 1997; In uveitis, the primary in¯ammatory cellular
Xu et al., 1997; Ramanathan et al., 1996; Dick et in®ltration consists of an admixture of phagocytes
al., 1996; Dick et al., 1998). Cytokines such as and various subtypes of lymphocytes. The former
tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a), interleukin-1 includes PMNs and macrophages, which on acti-
(lL-1), interleukin-6 (lL-6), interleukin-12 (1L-12) vation are known to generate superoxide anion
and others play a role in the ampli®cation of the radical and NO. A free radical is any molecule,
in¯ammatory process, primarily by activating and either organic or inorganic, that carries an
recruiting various in¯ammatory cells. The in¯am- unpaired electron. Superoxide is an example of an
matory mediators include arachidonic acid inorganic free radical. It has been documented
metabolites, proteolytic enzymes, NO, and oxy- that upon phagocytosis or exposure to certain
gen metabolites, such as superoxide (Oÿ 2 ), hydro- membrane-active agents, the phagocytes undergo
Free radical mediated photoreceptor damage in uveitis 43

Fig. 1. Experimental autoimmune uveitis in Lewis rat. Note the in®ltration of phagocytic cells and destruction of photo-
receptor cells at the site of in®ltration (H & E, 200)

a respiratory burst characterized by increased damaging e€ects are believed to be mediated by

consumption of oxygen, increased utilization of secondary products derived from Oÿ , which
glucose via the hexose monophosphate shunt and include H2O2, hypochlorous acid and OH (Rao,
release of Oÿ2 (Weiss and LoBuglio, 1982). The 1990; Weiss and LoBuglio, 1982) (Fig. 3).
increase in oxygen consumption may be related to Although human PMNs on activation generate
activation of a membrane-bound nicotinamide H2O2, about 80% of this metabolite is derived
adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) depen- from dismutation of Oÿ 2.
dent oxidoreductase enzyme complex, converting Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidant, but its
NADH to NADPH, thus shuttling electrons from reactions with organic substances are generally
the appropriate electron donor to oxygen. The slow (Valentine et al., 1984). The activated phago-
reduced pyridine nucleotides donate two electrons cytes discharge myeloperoxidase along with H2O2
via the oxidase to two molecules of oxygen, redu- into extracellular milieu. In the presence of H2O2,
cing oxygen molecule to Oÿ2. myeloperoxidase catalyzes the oxidation of the
NAD P†H ÿ: halides, including chloride, resulting in generation
2O2 ‡ NAD P †H ÿ4 2O2 ‡ NADP ‡ ‡ H ‡ of hypochlorous acid. This acid can react with
other oxygen metabolites derived from Oÿ 2 to
The activation of NADPH oxidase requires form OH (Valentine et al., 1984). In addition to
phosphorylation and migration of proteins, such this source, OH can form primarily from inter-
as p47-phox, p67-phox and Rac1 and 2 to the action of O2 and H2O2 in the presence of iron
plasma membranes (Fig. 2). The membrane active salts and their complexes (iron-catalyzed Haber±
agents which lead to phosphorylation of p47- Weiss reaction) (Halliwell, 1981). The OH and
phox and other related proteins including other oxidants can exert direct cytotoxic e€ects
immune complexes, various peptides and cyto- including peroxidation of cell membrane lipids. In
kines. It is known that the Oÿ 2 radical itself is experimental uveitis, Rao et al. demonstrated
poorly reactive in aqueous solution, and the tissue generation of oxygen metabolites by the luminol
44 N. A. Rao and G.-S. Wu

Fig. 3. On stimulation, leukocytes release Oÿ2 and H2O2,

which give rise to OH in the presence of trace metal. The
generation of NO in the presence of Oÿ 2 produces
ONOOÿ. Both OH and ONOOÿ can cause peroxidation
of photoreceptor membrane lipid (22:6), resulting in disor-
Fig. 2. The signal transduction pathway of respiratory ganization of photoreceptors and generation of 22:6HP.
burst in neutrophils on stimulation by fMLP and 22:6HP. These hydroperoxides can function as chemotactic agents
The diagram depicts a well-documented NADPH-oxidase and stimulators of neutrophils and macrophages, leading
to ampli®cation of uveitis
activation process induced by fMLP, through phospho-
lipase C ± inositol triphosphate and diacylglycerol ± cal-
cium mobilization ± protein kinase C pathways. An
additional pathway through phospholipase D (phosphati-
dic acid ± protein kinase C is also likely to play a role in
the 22:6HP activation
process by H2O2, various cytokines, lipopolysac-
charides and extracellular ground substances.
Cytokines such as interleukin b (IL-1b) are found
to activate transcription factors such as nuclear
ampli®ed chemiluminescence assay (Rao, 1990; transcription factor kappa B (NFkB), which is
Wu et al., 1992). A 20-fold increase in the gener- activated via selective phosphorylation and degra-
ation of oxygen metabolites was demonstrated at dation of its inhibitor protein I-kB. This process
the peak severity of the uveitis. The metabolites allows translocation of NFkB into the nucleus
detected were Oÿ 2 , H2O2 and OH. The source of where it up-regulates the transcription of iNOS
O2 and H2O2 was the activated phagocytes in®l- (McKee et al., 1997; Jeon et al., 1996; Durante et
trating the uvea and retina (Rao, 1990; Wu et al., al., 1996; Forstermann and Kleinert, 1995; Spink
1997). et al., 1995; Kwon et al., 1995; Griscavage et al.,
In recent years several investigators have 1995). Similar mechanisms have been proposed
shown the generation of NO at the site of in¯am- for in the induction of iNOS by the oxidant
mation in various experimental models of uveitis H2O2, as well as by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). All
(Zhang et al., 1993; Hoey et al., 1997; Jacquemin of these studies, however, have been conducted in
et al., 1996; Wu et al., 1997). Activated phago- tissue culture systems in vitro. In vivo expression
cytes generate NO, which is dependent on the ex- of iNOS seems to be modulated by local tissue
pression of the inducible nitric oxide synthase factors as well as by various cytokines, including
(iNOS) gene. Inducible nitric oxide synthase is a transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b). The lat-
transcriptionally regulated enzyme that catalyzes ter, which is produced by RPE and other resident
. .
synthesis of NO from L-arginine. Nitric oxide retinal cells, is known to down-regulate NO pro-
synthesis is up-regulated during the in¯ammatory duction (Jun et al., 1995).
Free radical mediated photoreceptor damage in uveitis 45

In uveitis induced by retinal S-antigen, we

noted the selective expression of iNOS in the acti-
vated phagocytes localized to the outer retina
(Fig. 4A,B). This iNOS expression was minimal
or absent in activated phagocytes in®ltrating the
iris, ciliary body, choroid and limbal tissue. Such
observations have led to the discovery that retinal
soluble proteins such as S-antigen and interpho-
toreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) can
induce the expression of iNOS in activated
macrophages and possibly in activated retinal
microglia. S-antigen especially was found to be a
potent inducer of iNOS. It has been proposed
that the abundant distribution of these soluble
proteins in the outer retina might contribute to
the generation of NO mainly at the site of outer
retinal in¯ammation (Shimizu et al., 1998). In
contrast to these soluble proteins, recoverin phos-
ducin, rhodopsin and myelin basic protein could
not induce expression of iNOS in phagocytes. In
this regard, the stimulation capability of S-anti-
gen peptide(s) also need to be evaluated.
Recently, we noted that activated macrophages
generate Oÿ 2 (Fig. 5) on exposure to retinal sol-
uble proteins such as arrestin (Shimizu et al.,
1998). In the outer retina, Oÿ 2 derived products
such as OH can cause peroxidation of photo-
receptor cell membranes, resulting in the for-
mation of hydroperoxides of docosahexaenoic
acid (22:6 HP) (Fig. 6) (Rao, 1990; Wu et al.,
1992). These hydroperoxides can also stimulate
in®ltrating phagocytes, resulting in the pro-
duction of additional Oÿ 2 (Wu and Rao, 1999).
Thus, it is intriguing to note that retinal proteins
and the oxidized lipid products of the outer retina
may enhance the generation of oxidants, superox-
ide and NO, primarily at the site of outer retinal
in¯ammation (Fig. 3).

positive stainings are mostly seen in the disrupted areas

of retina. B) Co-localization of ED1 and iNOS cells in
the retina on day 12 after S-antigen injection. The
Fig. 4. Expression of iNOS in the retina of animals with ED1 + /iNOS+ cells (yellow) appeared mostly in the
S-antigen induced uveo-retinitis. A) Immunohistochemical outer nuclear layer (ONL) and the inner nuclear layer
localization of iNOS was performed using rabbit anti- (INL). The ED1 + /iNOSÿ cells (green) were noted in
mouse iNOS as the primary antibody and biotinylated inner limiting membrane (ILM) and nerve ®ber layer
goat anti-rabbit IgG as the secondary antibody. The (NFL), 720
46 N. A. Rao and G.-S. Wu

which are present at even higher concentrations

in tissues (Babbs and Grin, 1989; Rodenas et
al., 1995; Rubbo and Freeman, 1996; Beckman et
al., 1994).
Although the chemical reactivity of NO itself
is low, it has been demonstrated that a bimolecu-
lar combination of NO with Oÿ 2 generates
ONOOÿ (Fig. 3), a potent oxidant, capable of
oxidizing and nitrating a variety of cellular
macromolecules. The combination reaction of
NO and Oÿ 2 is facilitated by the fact that 1)
under in¯ammatory conditions, phagocytes gener-
ate NO and Oÿ 2 simultaneously at a similar rate
(Rodenas et al., 1995); and 2) the reaction pro-
ceeds at a near di€usion-limited rate and is more
than 3 times faster than the enzymatic dismuta-
tion of Oÿ 2 catalyzed by SOD (Rubbo and
Freeman, 1996). Peroxynitrite has a pKa of 6.8
and a half-life of 1 s under physiologic conditions.
When protonated, the resulting peroxynitrous
acid decomposes to form potent and toxic oxi-
dants with the reactivity of OH and nitrogen
dioxide. Although the half-life of ONOOÿ is only
1 s, it is known to di€use some distance on a cel-
Fig. 5. Superoxide production stimulated by various lular scale (100 mm) and possibly to cross cell
agents. Rabbit peritoneal macrophages (1  106 cells) were membranes (Beckman et al., 1994). There is evi-
incubated with either S-antigen (50 mg/ml), IRBP (50 mg/
ml), or fMLP (5 mM) for 30 min. Superoxide production dence that ONOOÿ represents a major pathway
was measured by the SOD-inhibitable reduction of cyto- for NO cytotoxicity but not other species such as
chrome C. The results are mean 2SD for three determi- NO2, N2O3, N2O4 or nitronium cation (NO‡
nations . 2)
that are formed by the reaction of NO with mol-
ecular oxygen (Rodenas et al., 1995; Rubbo and
2.2. Peroxynitrite and Uveitis Freeman, 1996; Beckman et al., 1994).
The generation of ONOOÿ in tissue depends on
In in¯ammatory processes such as uveitis, Oÿ 2- the rate of Oÿ 2 production and the steady state
mediated in vivo toxicity was thought to be the concentration of Oÿ 2 , which has been shown to
result of an interaction with H2O2 to form OH in range from 10 pM under basal conditions to
2+ .
the presence of tissue Fe . These OH have been 0.01±0.1 mM under pathologic conditions (Zweier
implicated as the ultimate cytotoxic agent because et al., 1989). Therefore, the concentration of
of their high chemical reactivity. However, cur- ONOOÿ in tissues may be signi®cant, especially
rent understanding of this OH theory does not in in¯ammation.
consistently explain the experimental results gen- Moreover, in persistent in¯ammations such as
erated. For example, superoxide dismutase (SOD) chronic uveitis, ONOOÿ may remain elevated for
was thought to exert its protective e€ect by pre- a prolonged period due to a positive feedback
venting the reduction of Fe+3 to Fe+2 by Oÿ 2, mechanism mediated by cytokines, such as IL-1,
thus intercepting the Haber±Weiss reaction IL-6, TNF-a and interferon-g (IFN-g) and release
(Weiss and LoBuglio, 1982). However, it has been of arrestin. These cytokines and the retinal pro-
shown that this type of reduction can be carried tein are known to induce iNOS, thus generating
out equally e€ectively by other biological reduc- NO (Shimizu et al., 1998). Furthermore, ONOOÿ
tants, such as cellular ascorbate or glutathione, can inactivate SOD, and such inactivation may
Free radical mediated photoreceptor damage in uveitis 47

Fig. 6. Selected ion chromatographs from gas chromatography/mass spectometry of derivatized 10±, 11±, 13±, 14±, and
17±22:6HP (m/z 263, 281, 223, 321 and 361, respectively). Hydroperoxides were isolated from retinas of EAU animals.
Ion pro®les of 22:6HP are presented as relative peak areas

result in an increased concentration of Oÿ

2 . In vivo nolic hydroxyl group at C4. This reaction has
detection of ONOOÿ in recent years has centered been found to be speci®c for ONOOÿ, and no
on the localization of the nitrated tyrosine (Tyr) other in¯ammatory mediator is known to display
product in cellular proteins. Peroxynitrite can this capability.
react with Tyr residues at pH 7 to generate In experimental uveitis eyes, immunohisto-
nitroTyr, with the nitration taking place at C3, a chemical studies revealed the presence of nitroTyr
position highly activated by the presence of a phe- in in¯amed retinas (Wu et al., 1997). The
48 N. A. Rao and G.-S. Wu

lar macromolecules, including lipids, proteins and

DNA. The initial step in OH-mediated lipid per-
oxidation is the removal of a hydrogen atom
from one of the methylene groups of the carbon
chain, a process that leaves behind an unpaired
electron on this carbon atom resulting in a lipid
carbon radical. These lipid radicals can rapidly
undergo molecular rearrangement to produce
conjugated dienes. The lipid radicals with diene
conjugation can react rapidly with molecular oxy-
gen, yielding hydroperoxy radicals, which in turn
abstract hydrogen atoms from the neighboring
polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) to form fatty
acid hyroperoxide and another lipid radical. This
newly formed lipid radical then reacts with mol-
ecular oxygen to continue the chain reaction.
Hydroperoxy radical also gives rise to malondial-
Fig. 7. Immunohistochemical localization of peroxynitrite
in EAU retinas. The peroxynitrite in the retinas was dehyde, which reacts with amino groups of pro-
detected as nitrotyrosine by probing with polyclonal rab- teins, yielding conjugated Schi€ base with
bit antinitrotyrosine antibody as the primary antibody characteristic ¯uorochromes. In experimental
and goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to rhodamine as the
secondary antibody. The peroxynitrite plaques were con- uveitis, analysis of the retina revealed the pre-
centrated in the photoreceptors, but they were also visible sence of all of these lipid peroxidation products,
in some areas of the inner retina. POS: photoreceptor including conjugated dienes, malondialdehyde,
outer segments; ONL: outer nuclear layer; INL: inner
nuclear layer; NFL: nerve ®ber layer. Magni®cation, 460 hydroperoxides of docosahexaenoic acid (22:6)
and ¯uorochrome products (Rao, 1990).
nitroTyr positive staining was localized primarily The cellular target of ONOOÿ and OH can be
in the photoreceptors and, to a lesser extent, in the cellular membrane, the cytoplasm, or the
the inner retina (Fig. 7). Therefore, it appears nucleus. The photoreceptors contain a unique
that the production of ONOOÿ as well as the con- structural feature: the outer segments have a
sequential Tyr nitration of cellular proteins is stack of membrane discs arranged in an orderly
substantial in experimental autoimmune uveitis manner. For example, the rat rod outer segment,
(EAU). In other in¯ammatory systems, ONOOÿ which is approximately 1.5 to 2.0 mm in diameter
has also been detected in the lungs of patients and 20 to 40 mm in length, contains approxi-
with adult respiratory distress syndrome and in mately 600 to 1000 bilayer discs (Wiegand et al.,
lungs of rats exposed to endotoxin (Haddad et 1984). More than 80% of the membrane protein
al., 1994). In addition, ONOOÿ has been found in is the integral protein rhodopsin and 20% is
pathologic conditions such as acute lung disease, made up of peripheral proteins, comprising
atherosclerosis, hepatic ischemia reperfusion, mainly enzymes that support the biochemical ma-
alcoholic liver disease and renal allografts chinery of the outer segment. Fifty percent of the
(Haddad et al., 1994; Skinner et al., 1997; rhodopsin is located at membrane-spanning
MacMillan-Crow et al., 1996). helices, and the other 50% is distributed between
the cytoplasmic and intradiscal domains
(Khorana, 1992). Unlike those in any other
organ, the membrane phospholipids of the photo-
2.3. Photoreceptor Lipid Peroxidation receptors contain primarily 22:6, resulting in the
especially ¯uid nature of these membranes. As a
Hydroxyl radicals derived from Oÿ2 and H2O2, result of these unique features, photoreceptors are
or from hypochlorous acid generated by myelo- highly susceptible to oxidative damage (Wu et al.,
peroxidase are known to react with various cellu- 1992).
Free radical mediated photoreceptor damage in uveitis 49

Peroxynitrite-induced membrane lipid peroxi- structural integrity and could be the initial event
dation has been demonstrated in phosphatidyl- leading to photoreceptor cell loss in uveitis.
choline liposomes and in linolenic acid emulsions Peroxynitrite-induced lipid peroxidation has
(Rubbo et al., 1994). The inducing species include been well documented in vitro (Radi et al., 1991).
decomposition products from ONOOÿ and perox- Its decomposition products form OH-like species
ynitrous acid, such as, OH-like species, NO2, and in the absence of iron. These products are capable
NO2. These species are capable of initiating lipid of initiating lipid peroxidation by hydrogen
peroxidation in the absence of iron and, there- abstraction in a manner similar to the reaction
fore, could constitute readily accessible and more that occurs with true OH. Since formation of
powerful inducing agents than the agents pro- ONOO as well as OH from the Oÿ
2 /H2O2 sys-
duced by Haber±Weiss reaction, the most potent tem catalyzed by Fe2+ takes place in uveitis, the
species of these products being OH. The nitro- oxidized lipid end products of both mechanisms
gen-containing derivatives of oxidized lipids, may occur in uveitis (Wu et al., 1997).
including mostly the adducts of NO fragments of Considerable peroxidative damage occurs in
hydroperoxy or alkoxy radicals, have been the retina in the course of uveitis induced by reti-
detected (Rubbo and Freeman, 1996; Rubbo et nal S-antigen (Rao, 1990; Wu et al., 1992; Wu et
al., 1994). These novel lipid oxidation adducts are al., 1997). The damaged retina reveals elevated
indeed organic ONOOÿ and are expected to levels of all of the common lipid peroxidation
further initiate and propagate oxidative nitration parameters, including thiobarbituric acid-reactive
reactions. substances, conjugated dienes, ketodienes and ¯u-
When in¯ammatory processes produce orescent Schi€-base compounds (Wu et al., 1991;
ONOOÿ around photoreceptors, the easily acces- Goto et al., 1992). Moreover, the formation of
sible targets are presumed to be the plasma mem- large amounts of these products correlates with
branes and disk bilayers. Subsequently, the the severity of uveitis (Rao, 1990; Goto et al.,
oxidatively nitrated 22:6 in a chain reaction pro- 1992). However, the major peroxidation product
pagates the damage, not only to the neighboring in severe uveitis was found to be 22:6HP (Rao,
PUFA molecule, but also to the nearby integral 1990; Wu et al., 1992).
protein, rhodopsin. It appears that such proteins In the absence of antioxidant enzymes or other
located in the cytosol or the cell membranes may antioxidants, 22:6, the major PUFA of the photo-
be protected to certain extent by the antioxidant receptors, is especially susceptible to peroxidation
enzymes present in the cytosol of the photo- by virtue of its structure and its distribution in
receptors. However, depletion of such enzymes the membrane discs of the outer segments. The
may lead to mitochondrial oxidation resulting in arrangement of these discs favors ready accessibil-
ONOOÿ-mediated damage to the stress proteins. ity of neighboring PUFA molecules in the radical
Peroxynitrite has been shown to mediate DNA chain propagation step, where a hydroperoxy rad-
strand breaks through the N-nitrosylation of ical abstracts an allylic hydrogen atom from a
deoxynucleotides (KroÈncke et al., 1997), and to neighboring PUFA molecule. Moreover, a large
cause base modi®cation (Yermilov et al., 1995a). population of mitochondria in the photoreceptor
The DNA strand breaks also lead to the acti- inner segment requires a large supply of oxygen,
vation of nuclear enzyme poly (ADP-ribose) resulting in a constant ¯ux of oxygen from the
synthetase with concurrent depletion of the cellu- choriocapillaris across the photoreceptor mem-
lar ATP level (Yermilov et al., 1995b; Zhang et branes; therefore, once the process is initiated,
al., 1994; Zingarelli et al., 1996; Szabo et al., these conditions favor lipid peroxidation. In ex-
1996). It appears that such DNA damage could perimental uveitis studies, several hydroperoxide
lead directly to eventual photoreceptor cell death. isomers from 22:6 were identi®ed (Wu et al.,
However, the oxidative nitration of membrane 1992). These isomers were predominantly those
lipids and proteins and damage to mitochondria with the hydroperoxyl group situated at the
by ONOOÿ may be equally damaging to cellular middle of the fatty acyl chain, namely 10-, 11-,
50 N. A. Rao and G.-S. Wu

13-, 14- and 17 hydroperoxydocosahexaenoic acid mediated by recruitment of circulating leukocytes

(Fig. 6). to the uvea and surrounding tissues. This recruit-
In uveitis, the fatty acid hydroperoxides formed ment process has been amply studied in the S-
at the photoreceptors can be degraded to form antigen-induced model of uveitis (Nussenblatt,
carbonyl fragments. These reactive carbonyl com- 1991). These animal studies have also revealed the
pounds bind to protein thiols and amino acids importance of chemotactic factors, lipid me-
and do not participate in further reactions (Wu et diators and cytokines in the ampli®cation of uvei-
al., 1997). The peroxidation products can be loca- tis (Okada et al., 1998; Yokoi et al., 1997; Xu et
lized with a ¯uorescent derivatization using 3- al., 1997; Ramanathan et al., 1996; Dick et al.,
hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid hydrazine and Fast 1996; Dick et al., 1998; Rao et al., 1987b;
Blue B. In¯amed eyes treated in this manner Nussenblatt, 1991). In addition to these me-
revealed localization of carbonyl compounds diators, hydroperoxides formed at the site of the
exclusively in the photoreceptors (Fig. 8) (Wu et initial phase of in¯ammation in the uvea and ret-
al., 1997). Such histochemical studies suggest the ina may contribute to the recruitment of other
high susceptibility of photoreceptors to oxidant- phagocytes leading to ampli®cation (Goto et al.,
induced damage. 1991). The hydroperoxides can be detoxi®ed by
tissue glutathione, which converts hydroperoxides
to the corresponding hydroxy fatty acids.
2.4. Ampli®cation of Uveitis by Lipid Peroxidation However, this protective mechanism at the site of
in¯ammation may be destroyed by the initial
As with any other in¯ammatory diseases, ex- in¯ux of reactive oxygen metabolites. The hydro-
perimental uveitis characteristically shows three peroxides thus formed in the retina are found to
phases: initiation of the in¯ammatory process, be potent chemotactic agents, attracting phago-
perpetuation or ampli®cation of the in¯am- cytes, in particular PMNs. The recruitment of
mation, and ®nally chronic phase (Nussenblatt phagocytes and the subsequent activation of these
and Palestine, 1989). Although the initiation pro- cells at the initiation site could lead to further
cess remains an enigma for the majority of release of oxygen metabolites such as Oÿ 2 , and
patients with uveitis, the ampli®cation process is eventually to further recruitment of phagocytes

Fig. 8. Confocal imaging of lipid peroxidation products in in¯amed retina. The cryostat sections of posterior segments
from EAU animals were reacted with a ¯uorescent reagent, 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid hydrazide. A false-color scheme
of blue-green-yellow-red-pale pink was used to represent the increasing ¯uorescence intensity of the positive plaques; blue
being the lowest, pale pink the highest in ¯uorescent intensity. The lipid peroxidation products were localized exclusively
in the photoreceptors. POS: photoreceptor outer segment; ONL: outer nuclear layer; INL:inner nuclear layer.
Magni®cation, 460
Free radical mediated photoreceptor damage in uveitis 51

with the resultant ampli®cation of the uveitis capable of stimulating resting PMNs to release
(Fig. 3). Oÿ2 . The amount released is less than that pro-
In vivo studies of experimental uveitis models duced by the most potent stimulus, fMLP (0.5
have shown the generation of hydroperoxides mM), but is several-fold higher than that pro-
from 22:6; in vitro, however, these hydroperoxides duced by the reported fatty acid stimulus, arachi-
are found to be potent chemotactic agents for donic acid (82 mM) (Fig. 9). The stimulation
acute in¯ammatory cells (Goto et al., 1991). In induced by 22:6HP was totally inhibited by the
addition to classic lipid mediators of in¯am- calmodulin antagonist, chlorpromazine (20 mM),
mation, such as arachidonic acid metabolites, as the inhibition seen in fMLP (Wu and Rao,
both cyclo-oxygenase (prostaglandins) and lipox- 1999).
ygenase (leukotrienes) products are known to be It is generally agreed that in receptor-mediated
generated at the site of uveitis; these metabolites activation, the important signal transduction
are also potent chemotactic agents that may play events for Oÿ 2 generation in PMNs include the
a role in the ampli®cation of uveitis in concert following: After receptor occupancy, phospho-
with the hydroperoxides of 22:6 (Rao et al., lipase C (PLC) is activated to release diacylgly-
1987a). cerol (DAG) and inositol 1,4,5-tris-
Of the in¯ammatory mediators stated above, phosphate(IP3). The IP3 then moves into the cyto-
the in vitro stimulation characteristics of 22:6HP sol to release the calcium ion. The increased level
have recently been evaluated in detail (Wu and of calcium, in turn, activates calmodulin and
Rao, 1999). Docosahexaenoic acid hydroperox- other calcium-dependent processes, including the
ides at a concentration as low as 1.3 mM is activation of protein kinase C (PKC). The PKC

Fig. 9. Activation of intact rabbit peritoneal PMNs by 22:6HP and its inhibition by retinal pigment epithelial protein
(RPP). PMNs (7.0  105 cells) were activated for 30 min with either fMLP (0.5 mM), 22:6HP (1.3 mM) or 22:6 (5.0 mM),
and the fMLP- and 22:6HP-induced activations were inhibited by 0.25 mg each of RPP The superoxide generation was
measured by SOD-inhibitable reduction of cytochrome C. The data are expressed as mean 2SD of three determinations
52 N. A. Rao and G.-S. Wu

acts to phosphorylate the cytosolic factors recently in this system, phosphotidic acid was
(including p47-phox, p67-phox, Rac1 p21 and found to activate protein kinases and induce
Rac2 p21), and these factors then translocate to phosphorylation of p47-phox (McPhail et al.,
the plasma membrane to integrate with NADPH 1995). The hydroperoxide-initiated PLD pathway
oxidase components to form an active Oÿ 2 -gener- could also play a role in cell-free activation.
ating complex (Edwards, 1991). Although it has These in vitro studies in both PMN-intact and
been known for some time that unoxidized cis- cell-free systems therefore, demonstrated that the
PUFA can induce respiratory burst in PMNs, the 226:6HP produced by the reactive oxygen and
fatty acid-dependent mechanism of activation has nitrogen metabolites on in¯ammatory cells, feeds
not been fully elucidated. It was thought that the back to the in¯ammatory sites to further elicit
structural asymmetry of cis-PUFA was able to PMNs to produce more Oÿ 2 . Therefore, the
perturb the bilayer order, thus causing activation 22:6HP-derived pathways constitutes the poten-
of components necessary for the respiratory tial routes leading to the ampli®cation of patholo-
burst. Taking into account several new ®ndings in gic retinal degeneration in uveitis.
recent years, it appears that activation of 22:6HP
can best be rationalized by the co-activation of
phospholipase (PLD) and the signal transduction 2.5. Ampli®cation of Uveitis by Oxidants
events that follow (Nakamura and Nishizuka,
1994). The well-documented PLC-pathway alone Recent studies on Oÿ 2 and other oxygen metab-
is invariably transient and temporary because of olites have revealed the importance of H2O2 as an
the rapid metabolism of both IP3 and DAG from inducing agent of various cytokines through the
the signal transduction cascade. Since the acti- activation of NF-kB (Milligan et al., 1998;
vation of 22:6HP was sustained for a relatively Schmidt et al., 1995; Legrand-Poels et al., 1997;
long period, the involvement of PLD could sup- Bowie and O'Neill, 1997; Schmidt et al., 1996;
port this notion. The primary product from PLD Sappey et al., 1995). The cytokines, such as IL-l,
activation, phosphatidic acid, has been shown to IFN-g, TNF-a and others thus generated, can
activate several protein kinases, thus triggering amplify the in¯ammatory process. Moreover,
the respiratory burst (Limatola et al., 1994) H2O2 has been noted to augment the production
(Fig. 2). of cytokine-induced NO (Milligan et al., 1996).
Docosahexaenoic acid hydroperoxides were These in vitro studies indicate the important role
also found to activate PMN cell-free systems. In played by oxidants in the initiation, perpetuation
the past, arachidonic acid alone was known to and ampli®cation of uveitis by multiple mechan-
activate the reconstitutes of plasma membrane isms, including the induction of pro-in¯ammatory
and cytosolic factors, both derived from PMN cytokines and the generation of lipid mediators of
cell-free preparations (Curnutte, 1985). arachidonic acid and hydroperoxides of 22:6.
Docosahexaenoic acid hydroperoxide (100 mM)
was found to generate an amount of Oÿ 2 /mg
membrane proteins comparable to those gener- 2.6. Antioxidants and their Ocular Distribution
ated by 100 mM arachidonic acid in a 10-min
period. The Oÿ 2 released was much smaller with The eye is endowed with several antioxidants,
100 mM 22:6 at 10 min. In the cell-free system, both water-soluble and lipid-soluble, as well as
the mechanistic pathways for the activation are enzymes that scavenge various oxidants (Rose et
not the same as those of intact cells. In this sys- al., 1998). In addition, the eye contains metal-
tem, the phosphorylation of cytosolic factors in binding proteins with free radicals-scavenging
the activation sequence was originally discounted, properties such as transferrin, ceruloplasmin and
and the neutralization of these factors by the albumin. The water-soluble antioxidants include
anionic amphiphiles was thought to be enough to vitamin C, glutathione, uric acid, cysteine, pyru-
prepare these factors for assembly with cyto- vate and tyrosine (Rose et al., 1998). The lipid
chrome b558 (Gabig et al., 1987) . However, more soluble antioxidants consist of tocopherol and
Free radical mediated photoreceptor damage in uveitis 53

retinols. The antioxidant/free radical scavenging Moreover, the intracellular distribution of var-
enzymes include SOD, catalase, glutathione per- ious antioxidant enzymes may not protect the
oxidase, glutathione transferase and others. These extracellular structures of the eye from free rad-
enzymes which are abundantly distributed in var- icals liberated at extracellular sites by in¯amma-
ious intraocular structures; as well as other anti- tory cells. At these extracellular sites, water-
oxidants are presumed to prevent the damaging soluble and lipid soluble antioxidants may play a
e€ects of oxygen and its metabolites. role in suppressing the damaging e€ects of the
Immunohistochemical localization of the anti- oxidants. However, the experimental studies on
oxidant enzymes, SOD, catalase and glutathione uveitis disclose that these antioxidants are also no
peroxidase has revealed their presence mainly in match for the oxidants/free radicals that are
those tissues that are predisposed to oxygen rad- released at these sites by the in¯ammatory phago-
ical-mediated damage, both in a physiologic state cytes (Atalla et al., 1988b; Wu et al., 1991; Gritz
and in pathologic conditions such as uveitis. For et al., 1991).
instance, immunolocalization of these three
enzymes was similar. These enzymes were noted
in corneal epithelium, endothelium, the apical 2.7. Local Factors in Modulation of Uveitis
region of the posterior epithelium of the iris, non-
pigmented inner ciliary epithelium, lens epi- In in¯ammatory conditions, such as uveitis,
thelium, the inner segments of photoreceptor cell activated phagocytes, particularly macrophages,
layer of the retina and RPE (Rao et al., 1985; generate various cytokines that play a role in the
Atalla et al., 1988a; Newsome et al., 1994). presentation of antigens, activation of lympho-
Catalase and glutathine peroxidase were also cytes and recruitment of other in¯ammatory cells.
found in the choroid (Rao et al., 1985; Atalla et The activated lymphocytes also generate various
al., 1988a; Newsome et al., 1994). cytokines and chemokines, which play a role in
The balance between the production and cata- the recruitment of other in¯ammatory cells,
bolism of oxidants by cells and tissue is critical including macrophages (Okada et al., 1998,
for maintaining the biological and structural Yokoi et al., 1997; Xu et al., 1997; Ramanathan
integrity of the retina and other intraocular et al., 1996; Dick et al., 1996; Dick et al., 1998).
structures. In the physiologic state, antioxidants All these events lead to an up-regulation of the
and free radical scavengers may protect the eye in¯ammatory process and, if unchecked, can lead
by trapping radicals or by interfering with oxi- to tissue damage (Rao et al., 1994). Furthermore,
dative chain reactions. However, it is possible the local environment contributes to either up-
that these protective agents may be overwhelmed regulation or down-regulation of in¯ammation.
when abundant oxygen metabolites are generated As noted above, the former mechanism is
during uveitis. The overwhelming presence of the mediated by soluble retinal proteins in the induc-
oxidants may lead to structural damage in the tion of iNOS and the generation of Oÿ 2 by the
retina, optic nerve, lens and anterior segment phagocytes. Moreover, it is possible that resident
(Guy et al., 1993; Ishimoto et al., 1996). Several retinal cells can participate in the in¯ammation
experimental studies have revealed that adminis- by producing such speci®c chemokines as
tration of antioxidant enzymes, lipid soluble anti- RANTES, lP-10, MIP-1a and MCP-1, resulting
oxidants or OH scavengers results in the in the recruitment of circulating monocytes and
preservation of ocular structures in uveitis other in¯ammatory cells.
(Fig. 10) (Rao et al., 1994; de Kozak et al., Various retinal proteins have been found to be
1989; Pararajasegaram et al., 1991; Cid et al., antigenic in experimental studies. These proteins
1992; Marak et al., 1987; Rao et al., 1988a). include arrestin, IRBP, rhodopsin, transducin and
These intervention studies suggest that in patho- recoverin (Gery et al., 1986). Release of these pro-
logic conditions like uveitis, native antioxidant teins and exposure to antigen-presenting cells
and enzyme levels o€er sub-optimal protection such as macrophages or retinal microglia could
against free radicals. induce a secondary immune-based intraocular in-
54 N. A. Rao and G.-S. Wu

Fig. 10. Histology of retinas with experimental uveitis. A) Animal with EAU without treatment shows marked in¯amma-
tory cell in®ltration and destruction of photoreceptors. B) Deferoxamine-treated EAU animal shows preservation of retina
and photoreceptors. (H & E, 400)

¯ammation, as noted in humans with toxoplasmic supports such an immune-based perpetuation of

retinochoroiditis. The ®nding of detectable in in¯ammation. Such autoimmune reactions in vivo,
vitro B- and T-cell responses to retinal proteins are believed to perpetuate intraocular in¯am-
Free radical mediated photoreceptor damage in uveitis 55

mation/uveitis following a non-relevant triggering macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM±

of the initial in¯ammation by various infectious CSF) and the expression of adhesion molecules
agents (Rao et al., 1994; Gery et al., 1986; indicate pro-in¯ammatory functions attributable
Nussenblatt et al., 1989). to these cells (Elner et al., 1990; Elner et al., 1992;
The RPE is endowed with various uveitogenic Planck et al., 1992; Percopo et al., 1990; Dorey et
polypeptides that can readily induce intraocular al., 1989; Forrester et al., 1990; Campochiaro et
in¯ammation in sensitized animals similar to that al., 1989; Planck et al., 1991; Ja€e et al., 1995).
induced by retinal proteins. These molecules In addition to generating various pro-in¯am-
include RPE-speci®c membrane polypeptide matory cytokines, RPE cells can release Oÿ 2
RPE-65, intrinsic membrane doublet polypeptides during phagocytosis. This oxidant may be gener-
RPE-28/30, and a 43kD peptide (Broekhuyse and ated during the phagocytosis of photoreceptor
Kuhlmann, 1997; Broekhuyse et al., 1996). All outer segments, which are a rich source of S-anti-
these polypeptides are able to induce autoimmune gen. Moreover, on exposure to a mixture of cyto-
in¯ammation in the uvea primarily directed at kines like TNF-a, IL-1b and IFN-g, RPE cultures
RPE. Animals with such polypeptide-induced in- produce a signi®cant amount of NO (Goureau et
¯ammation show an accumulation of macro- al., 1997; Behar-Cohen et al., 1996; Kutty et al.,
phages along the RPE-Bruch's membrane layer. 1995). These observations support the general
According to Broekhuyse and his colleagues, this belief that the RPE contributes to the pathogen-
in®ltrate is similar to Dalen±Fuchs' nodules, esis of immune-mediated uveitis and to the per-
which are typically seen in severe intraocular in- petuation of intraocular in¯ammation.
¯ammations such as Vogt±Koyanagi±Harada Paradoxically, enucleated eyes of patients with
syndrome, sympathetic ophthalmia and other severe uveitis, including sympathetic ophthalmia
granulomatous in¯ammations (Broekhuyse and and Vogt±Koyanagi±Harada syndrome, show
Kuhlmann, 1997; Broekhuyse et al., 1996). These preservation of the retina and choriocapillaris at
experimental studies suggest that RPE proteins, the site of intact RPE, although the choroid is
like retinal proteins, may also contribute to the heavily in®ltrated by macrophages, lymphocytes
initiation and/or perpetuation of uveitis. and other in¯ammatory cells (Green, 1985).
These morphologic observations do not support
the in vitro ®ndings suggesting the a proin¯amma-
3. MODULATION OF UVEITIS BY RPE tory role for RPE mentioned above. It appears
that similar to macrophages, RPE cells can
In addition to expressing uveitogenic polypep- modulate uveal in¯ammation, either enhancing it
tides (Broekhuyse and Kuhlmann, 1997; by releasing various cytokines or suppressing the
Broekhuyse et al., 1996). RPE cells are believed process by releasing TGF-b and other soluble fac-
to play a pivotal role in the induction and per- tors (Elner et al., 1990; Elner et al., 1990; Planck
petuation of uveitis. This belief is based on sev- et al., 1992; Percopo et al., 1990; Dorey et al.,
eral in vitro studies. In the presence of IFN-g and 1989; Forrester et al., 1990; Campochiaro et al.,
TNFa, cultured RPE cells express MHC class II 1989; Planck et al., 1991; Kutty et al., 1995).
molecules and present antigen to sensitized T-cells Although sympathetic ophthalmia and Vogt±
(Percopo et al., 1990). RPE cells produce a potent Koyanagi±Harada syndrome are relatively rare
leukocyte chemotactic factor, interleukin-8 (IL-8), conditions, they o€er well-de®ned clinical and
and in response to IL-1, they secrete IL-6. The pathologic entities with an underlying auto-
latter cytokine is a potent mediator of in¯am- immune mechanism (Rao and Wong, 1981; Rao
mation. Cultured RPE cells also express adhesion et al., 1983; Moorthy et al., 1995). The antigen
molecules such as CD54 and intercellular ad- that drives the in¯ammation appears to be a reti-
hesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), which play a role in nal peptide, such as S-antigen, IRBP or other
leukocyte tracking. RPE-generated cytokines RPE- or uveal pigment-associated proteins.
such as IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, platelet-derived growth Constant features of sympathetic ophthalmia and
factor (PDGF-)-like protein, and granulocyte related entities include preservation of the chorio-
56 N. A. Rao and G.-S. Wu

capillaris and retina in spite of extensive uveal and antioxidants, such as SOD, under various
in®ltration by mononuclear cells and other pha- conditions. Therefore, it is possible that the RPP
gocytes (Fig. 11). The presence of such features may be one of these already known antioxidant
can be explained by one or more of the following agents. However, based on studies by other inves-
mechanisms: 1) RPE cells release a factor(s) that
tigators as well as our own, the only known pro-
down-regulates the in¯ammation; 2) endothelial
cells of the choriocapillaris produce cytokines ducts of RPE cells that may have the same
that down-regulate the in¯ammation; 3) endo- function as RPP, and hence, may be the putative
thelial cells do not express adhesion molecules RPP, are SOD and TGF-b. We conducted exper-
required for attachment and migration of leuko- iments to exclude this possibility, by comparing
cytes; and 4) immune complex deposits may not the e€ects of TGF-b and SOD with that of RPP
take place in the choriocapillaris. in our system, we found that RPP is neither SOD
A recent study reveals that the RPE releases a nor TGF-b (Wu and Rao, 1996; Wu et al., 1996).
novel soluble protein, which is called ``Retinal
In addition, the molecular weight of RPP and its
Pigment Epithelial Protective Protein (RPP)'',
that suppresses PMN and macrophage generation originally identi®ed function, i.e, suppression of
of Oÿ PMN and macrophage Oÿ 2 production, preclude
2 (Wu and Rao, 1996; Wu et al., 1996) As
stated, RPE cells have been demonstrated to pro- it from being a currently known antioxidant or
duce a large number of cytokines/growth factors cytokine/growth factor produced by RPE.

Fig. 11. Sympathetic Ophthlmia. Note preservation of chorio-capillaris despite the heavy in®ltration of in¯ammatory cells
in the choroid (H & E, 250)
Free radical mediated photoreceptor damage in uveitis 57

protein (RPP) is not cytotoxic to the in¯amma-

tory phagocytes, and the in vitro inhibitory e€ect
occurs in a dose-dependent manner (Wu and
Rao, 1996). Unlike SOD, there is no evidence of
RPP scavenging SOD that is generated enzymati-
cally by the hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase sys-
tem, indicating that RPP does not have SOD
activity; rather the protein intervenes in the acti-
vation sequence of neutrophils, particularly in
phosphorylation of neutrophil cytosolic protein,
p47-phox (Rao et al., 1997). It is well recognized
that phosphorylation of p47-phox is a prerequi-
site for assembly of NADPH oxidase and the sub-
sequent generation of Oÿ 2 (Curnutte et al., 1994;
Fig. 12. Suppression of PMN superoxide generation by el Benna et al., 1994; Volpp et al., 1989; Ding and
RPE cells, skin ®broblasts and corneal epithelial cells. Badwey, 1993; Robinson and Badwey, 1995). Our
PMNs were incubated with A) no other cells; B) RPE
cells (cells) or supernatants (sup); C) skin ®broblasts preliminary results on the mechanism by which
(cells) or culture supernatants (sup); D) corneal epithelial RPP inhibits Oÿ 2 generation indicates that this
cells (cells) or supernatants (sup). PMNs used were
9.0  106 cells and all other cells were 1.45  106 cells.
protein is e€ective in blocking p47-phox phos-
Culture supernatants were obtained by incubating equal phorylation with an eciency comparable to that
number of these cells in HBSS for 30 min. The respiratory of well-documented PKC inhibitor. Such result
burst was stimulated by 0.5 mM fMLP and superoxide
production was assayed by the SOD-inhibitable cyto-
suggests that RPP suppresses PMN Oÿ 2 gener-
chrome C reduction ation by preventing assembly of NADPH oxidase
(Fig. 2).
3.1. Retinal Pigment Epithelial Protective Protein Puri®cation studies of the novel RPP have
(RPP) revealed that it is a doublet with molecular mass
of 69/75 kDa (Wu and Rao, 1996; Wu et al.,
As stated above, RPE secrets a novel protein 1996). The microsequencing analysis by Edman
(Wu and Rao, 1996; Wu et al., 1996) that acts degradation revealed that both N-termini were
directly on neutrophils and macrophages, redu- blocked. Subsequent trypsin digestion followed
cing the release of oxygen metabolites, Oÿ2 during by secondary ion mass spectrometry was used to
activation of the phagocytes (Fig. 12), thus limit- assess the purity of the tryptic fragments prior to
ing the retinal damage in uveitis. This protective sequencing analysis. A total of eight polypeptide

Fig. 13. Partial amino acid sequences of trypsin-generated peptides from puri®ed RPP. Residues within parentheses indi-
cate the most prominent identi®ed amino acid in positions where more than one amino acid was identi®ed. X denotes the
cycle where no amino acid was identi®ed
58 N. A. Rao and G.-S. Wu

sequences were obtained from the two bands (69 including ciliary or iris epithelia, retina, cornea,
and 75 kDa) (Wu et al., 1996). In three of these conjunctiva or other tissues, express immunohis-
sequences, there was some degree of homology tochemically detectable RPP. It is interesting that
with the transferrin and transferrin precursor RPP expression abruptly stops anteriorly at the
family of proteins. The remaining ®ve sequences ora serrata and that neither non-pigmented nor
did not match any sequence in the database. pigmented epithelia of the pars plana ciliaris
These chemical and functional studies indicate show positive staining (Fig. 15B).
that RPP could be a novel protein both in its pri- RPP is not restricted to one species since
mary amino acid sequence (Fig. 13) and in its immune reactive RPP is visualized in the RPE of
function and may belong to the transferrin super- rabbits, cattle (Fig. 16), and non-human primates,
family. as well as that of humans. In all these epithelia
Retinal pigment protective protein is immuno- there is constitutive expression of this protein.
genic and monoclonal antibodies have been gen- However, immunohistochemically the expression
erated against this protein. These antibodies react of RPP can be up-regulated by pro-in¯ammatory
speci®cally with the protein, reversing the inhibi- agents, including various cytokines. The former
tory e€ects of RPP on activated phagocytes includes LPS and the latter includes IL-1, TNF-a
(Fig. 14). Immunohistochemical localization stu- and IFN-g. These observations in culture systems
dies on both pigmented and albino rabbits reveal were con®rmed by ELISA; RPE exposure to
the restricted distribution of RPP within the cyto- these cytokines resulted in increased production
sol of RPE (Fig. 15A). None of the ocular cells, of RPP (Matsubara et al., 1997).

Fig. 14. Reversal of RPP activity by antibodies. RPP (0.3 mg) in RPE culture supernatant was co-incubated with either 60
ml of monoclonal antibody, or 2 ml of polyclonal antibody for 45 min. Rabbit peritoneal PMNs, 9.8  105 were used for
the assay. For the controls without antibody, 60 ml of culture medium containing 1% serum and 1 mg of irrelevant mouse
Ig were added to RPP in place of antibody (see PMN + RPP + medium). The respiratory burst was stimulated by 0.5
mM fMLP and the superoxide production was assayed by the SOD-inhibitable cytochrome C reduction
Free radical mediated photoreceptor damage in uveitis 59

Fig. 15. Immunohistochemical localization of RPP in rabbit eye. A) Section of ciliary body and peripheral retina. Note
positive staining restricted to RPE. B) The ciliary epithelium reveals negative staining (Immunoperoxidase)
60 N. A. Rao and G.-S. Wu

Fig. 16. Immunohistochemical localization of RPP reveals presence of this protein in bovine RPE (Immunoperoxidase)

3.2. Function of RPP as fungal endogenous endophthalmitis. It is well

recognized that fungi or other infectious agents
RPP is found to exert its inhibitory functions in are eliminated from the tissue by phagocytic cells,
vivo, thus preventing free radical-mediated where the release of oxidants by the phagocytes
damage. Intravitreal administration of this pro- leads to destruction of the pathogens. The infec-
tein in animals with endotoxin-induced uveitis tious organisms that localize in the RPE or the
results in a suppression of retinal lipid peroxi- subretinal or sub-RPE space may survive better
dation, leakage of protein and generation of due to the release of RPP at these sites. It is inter-
superoxide (Numaga et al., 1997). These in vivo esting that, in the past, Dr. Zimmerman from the
and in vitro studies suggest that RPP could play a Armed Forces Institute of Pathology pointed out
role in protecting the retina in pathologic con- selective survival of fungal elements in the sub-
ditions characterized by in®ltration of macro- retinal and sub-RPE regions in cases with en-
phage or other cellular in®ltrate in the choroid, dogenous mycotic endophthalmitis (Fig. 17).
sub-RPE region or outer retina. These conditions Ocular pathologists are well aware of such obser-
include uveitis and various retinal and macular vations which are not limited to fungi, but also
degenerations. include other infectious agents such as bacteria.
Although the above observations suggest a pro- Based on a histologic study of eyes with uveitis or
tective role for RPP in intraocular in¯ammations infectious endogenous endophthalmitis, it is
such as uveitis, this function on phagocytes may apparent that the RPE modulates the in¯amma-
lead to the survival and spread of various infec- tory process around the outer retina and choroid
tious agents in the outer retina, RPE-Bruchs' by releasing anti-in¯ammatory factors such as
membrane region in pathologic conditions such RPP and TGF-b and the pro-in¯ammatory cyto-
Free radical mediated photoreceptor damage in uveitis 61

Fig. 17. Human eye section depicting fungal infection. Note presence of aspergillus hyphae in the sub-RPE along Bruch's
membrane. A) Gomeri methenamine silver staining showing RPE (arrow) and fungi (arrowhead). R: retina and C: chor-
oid. B) Periodic acid-Schi€ stain reveals in¯ammatory in®ltrate in the subretinal space and choroid (C). Note fungi along
Bruch's membrane and preservation of choriocapillaris (arrow). The insert shows higher magni®cation of fungi
62 N. A. Rao and G.-S. Wu

kines mentioned above. A balance between the the protection of the optic nerve from demyelina-
generation of these anti-in¯ammatory and pro-in- tion (Guy et al., 1986; Guy et al., 1989a; Guy et
¯ammatory factors by local tissue and in®ltrating al., 1989b; Guy et al., 1994a). Such antioxidants
in¯ammatory cells, uveitis caused by microbial and OH radical scavengers have been shown not
infections may result in either a bene®cial or a only to reduce the severity of optic neuritis and
damaging e€ect on the neurosensory retina and in encephalomyelitis, but to slow the demyelinating
intraocular spread of the infectious agent(s). process in animals with myelin basic protein
(MBP)-induced demyelinating encephalomyelitis
(Guy et al., 1994b).
In experimental uveitis, administration of hy-
droxyl radical scavengers or various antioxidants In experimental uveitis induced by retinal sol-
can signi®cantly reduce such retinal lipid peroxi- uble proteins or other retinal proteins, in¯amma-
dation and the severity of intraocular in¯am- tory phagocytes in®ltrate the outer retina,
mation (Marak et al., 1985; Rao et al., 1986a; including the photoreceptors. At these sites, the
Rao et al., 1986b; Rao et al., 1986c; Rao et al., phagocytes generate and release oxygen metab-
1986d; Rao et al., 1987b; Rao, 1990). In animals olites, including ONOOÿ. The photoreceptors are
with uveitis, treatment with deferoxamine, an known to be surrounded by uveitogenic extra-
iron chelator known to interfere with the gener- cellular molecules such as IRBP. Hence, the ni-
ation of OH by Oÿ 2 and H2O2, has been shown tration of Tyr residues in IRBP may be the initial
to cause a signi®cant reduction in the formation biochemical event in the outer retinal damage in
of lipid peroxidation products and in the severity uveitis. Subsequently, the lipid cell membranes, as
of the ocular in¯ammation (Fig. 10A and well as cytosolic proteins of the photoreceptors,
Fig. 10B) (Rao et al., 1986c). These protective may become targets for the oxidants. Since the
e€ects of deferoxamine are not unique to this radical-mediated damage takes place via a chain
agent; other OH hydroxyl radical scavengers, reaction spreading from one molecule to another,
such as sodium benzoate, 2-3-dihydroxybenzoic it is conceivable that lipid peroxidation can lead
acid and dimethyl thiourea, o€ered similar pro- to the nitration of rhodopsin tyrosine residues,
tective e€ects. Similarly, animals treated with which in part are located in the photoreceptor
SOD, catalase and glutathione peroxidase show a disc membranes. Since rhodopsin is a major com-
signi®cant reduction in the severity of uveitis as ponent of photoreceptors and since it contains 18
well as in the formation of lipid peroxidation pro- Tyr residues, it is apparent that nitration of rho-
ducts (Rao et al., 1985; Rao et al., 1986a; Rao et dopsin could lead to disrupted retinal functions.
al., 1986b; Rao et al., 1986c; Rao et al., 1986d; However, further studies are required to docu-
Rao et al., 1987b). Thus these treatment exper- ment the nitration of rhodopsin and IRBP Tyr (s)
iments not only substantiate the generation of and the functional changes that ensue.
OH in uveitis; they also provide evidence that Peroxynitrite generation may also mediate modi®-
therapeutic agents with free radical scavenging cation of the bases in the nucleic acid of photo-
properties may be bene®cial in the treatment of receptors, in particular mitochondrial DNA. Such
uveitis. Such treatment could prevent retinal modi®ed bases can lead to apoptosis or necrosis
damage associated with severe uveitis (Rao et al., of the retinal cells. All these e€ects, including
1990). lipid peroxidation may lead to photoreceptor cell
The protective e€ect of OH scavengers and loss and retinal degeneration in uveitis (Fig. 18).
antioxidant enzymes was also seen in diverse ocu- In contrast to the above photoreceptor cell
lar and systemic in¯ammatory conditions. In ani- damage from peroxidation of cell membrane
mals with demyelinating optic neuritis, treatment lipids that occurs in acute and severe uveitis, in
with antioxidant enzymes like catalase resulted in chronic uveitis the photoreceptors may undergo
Free radical mediated photoreceptor damage in uveitis 63

adequate generation of RPP may lead to retinal

degeneration. In uveitis, one can suggest that if
RPP generation is enhanced, high levels of RPP
may prevent retinal degeneration even in the pre-
sence of severe uveitis. Either a pharmacologic or
a molecular approach that can lead to upregula-
tion of RPP may be useful, not only in the selec-
tive treatment of uveitis, but also in preventing
any photoreceptor degeneration in¯icted by free
radicals which are known to be generated in var-
ious pathologic conditions a€ecting macula and
other parts of the retina.


Uveitis is a major cause of blindness, with the

Fig. 18. Macrophages release superoxide and nitric oxide visual loss that occurs being due primarily to reti-
on activation by S-antigen. Nitric oxide and superoxide
combine to form peroxynitrite, which may cause lipid per- nal tissue damage. The tissue damage is mediated
oxidation of photoreceptor membranes and nitration of mainly by phagocytic in¯ammatory cells, such as
rhodopsin and DNA base modi®cation in photoreceptors. macrophages, by the release of various proteolytic
These insults could lead to photoreceptor necrosis/de-
generation enzymes, arachidonic acid metabolites, cytokines
and free radicals. The latter are found to be
potent cytotoxic agents that readily cause tissue
degenerative changes from mitochondrial damage damage by peroxidation of lipid cell membranes.
caused by the chronic oxidative stress. Such stress Recent studies of experimental uveitis indicate
is induced by the depletion of mitochondrial anti- that other potent oxidants are generated in uveitis
oxidants such Mn SOD. Unchecked generation of by macrophages. One of these is ONOOÿ, which
oxidants in the mitochondria can lead to lipid is formed from NO and Oÿ 2 . The macrophages
peroxidation, protein oxidation and mitochon- generate NO preferentially in the outer retina fol-
drial DNA mutations. Such damage to lipid cell lowing iNOS expression. In these phagocytes,
membranes of mitochondria can lead to cyto- outer retinal proteins, especially arrestin, are
chome C release into the cytoplasm and other found to be potent iNOS inducers.
alterations that cause apoptotic cascade in the Current studies of RPE show that these cells
photoreceptors. protect the retina from ONOOÿ mediated damage
Retinal photoreceptors are well situated to in uveitis by releasing a novel protein called reti-
avoid degeneration from ONOOÿ and this, in nal pigment epithelial protective protein. This
part, is due to RPE generation of antioxidants, protein is found to suppress Oÿ 2 and NO gener-
including RPP. Unlike various antioxidant ation by the phagocytes, in both in vitro and in
enzymes, RPP functions as an extracellular pro- vivo uveitis models. The protective protein ex-
tective protein in and around the RPE sites pression is restricted to RPE, its suppressive e€ect
including around the photoreceptors. By inhibit- is a result of the inhibition of the phosphorylation
ing the phosphorylation of phagocyte proteins, of cytosolic proteins, p47-phox, required for the
RPP interferes with the generation of both NO assembly of NADPH and activation of NFkB,
and O2 by the in®ltrating and activated phago- which are required for generation of Oÿ 2 and ex-
cytes around the photoreceptors. It appears that pression of iNOS respectively. Either pharmaco-
the balance between generation and catabolism of logically or chemically, up-regulation of RPP
NO and Oÿ 2 around the photoreceptor is crucial. generation could help in preventing retinal de-
Excessive production of these oxidants or lack of generation in uveitis or other degenerative dis-
64 N. A. Rao and G.-S. Wu

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