Professional Growth Plan

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Cid Padron

Professional Growth Plan

EDUC 4572

Sandy Mann

Goal Related TQS Strategies Resources/Support Required Evidence of Tim

Successes eline

To apply A teacher -By doing a -When students 13

foundational develops and Land uploads/sites/2/2019/12/ressources/ know what Week
knowledge about applies Acknowledgem EA_indigenous-games-for-children- traditional s
First Nations, foundational ent every first en.pdf territories, we
Métis, and Inuit knowledge about day of the week are under and
related to Physical First Nations, -By planning who’s home we
Education Métis, and Inuit FNMI related indigenous-games are under
for the benefit of activities/games -When students
all students /warm up know what
-By explaining Treaty and
the reasons why, Alberta Region,
the First we are in
Nations, Métis, -When students
and Inuit play know the
the reasons why the
activities/games First Nations,
/warm up Métis, and Inuit
play their games

During my PS3, I was abele to implement majority of my plans to reach the of applying foundational knowledge about First
Nations, Métis, and Inuit related to physical activity within my Physical Education 20 class. One of my strategies was doing a Land
Acknowledgement every first day of the week, however, I couldn’t implement this strategy, because the school already does a Land
Acknowledgement every first day of the week as well in the intercom to let the whole school hear, which I thought was great that
the school does it. My other strategy was planning FNMI related activities within my lessons, which turned out great! I was able to
implement games such as Tatanka Tatanka and the Run and Scream game. I was able to explain to my students the importance of
each game and why the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit played these games. For instance, with Tatanka Tatanka, they got to learn
that the reason why they played this game was to work on being able to herd the Buffalos properly and to work together to make
them go to a certain direction, such as their hunting grounds. They also got to learn the importance of the Run and Scream, which
was to work on their endurance. I was also able to partake in the Terry Fox Run and was able to write down “Dear Terry, I am
running for the children that never made it back home” on my sticker that I put on my shirt. I wanted to let all my students that
know that I am running for the children that never made it back home from Residential Schools. I believe that I could do a much
better job of implementing FNMI activities within my physical education class, such as making a full unit about it, however I didn’t
have much time or have the right equipment to fully do a full unit. In the future, I will contact the people that I have worked with
that have all the equipment and resources that will allow me to fully implement foundational knowledge about the First Nations,
Métis, and Inuit related to Physical Activity
Cid Padron

Professional Growth Plan

EDUC 4572

Sandy Mann

Goal Related TQS Strategies Resources/Support Required Evidence of Tim

Successes eline

To what extent A teacher builds -By getting to -Students listen 13

can I improve my positive and know student by a_curr/columnists/mcdonald/ and follow my Week
classroom productive asking about mcdonald013.shtml#:~:text=You instructions s
management by relationships with their life outside %20will%20find%20so -Students are
creating students, of school %20many,coping%20with%20problems acting
meaningful parents/guardians, -Asking what %20that%20arise. respectfully
relationships with peers, and other in their interests towards me and
my students. the school, and are and others
local community checking up articles/why-its-important-to- -Students do
to support student with them or understand-student-needs-and-interests their tasks to the
learning have best of their
conversations abilities
about their 2018/09/02/the-importance-of-knowing- -Students are not
interests your-students/ afraid to go up
-Reinforcing to me
-Having clear
and concise
-Engaging in
-Saying hi
during their

Throughout my practicum, I was able to engage in a lot of extra curricular activities within the school, such as coaching with the
Junior Football team, helping with Intramurals Basketball, and helping with running Intramurals Dodgeball. This enabled me to
create meaningful relationships with not just only my students that I teach, but also other students that I don’t teach. This helped me
a lot with classroom management, because I have gained a certain respect with the students and when those students are acting in a
way that is distracting everyone in the classroom, I can easily just manage them just by simply giving them a look or calling their
names. Extra curricular has helped create meaningful relationships, but there are also other factors that helped me. For instance, I
always say hi and talk to my students, while genuinely getting to know them. I also make time to watch their games when I can
such as Volleyball to support my students and this has helped me improve my relationships with my students. Overall, I believe that
I was successful with creating meaningful relationships with students to an extent where it has helped me with my classroom
Cid Padron

Professional Growth Plan

EDUC 4572

Sandy Mann

management and I will continue on focusing on this goal for the rest of my career.

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