Multimodal Imaging of A Pigmented Vitreous Cyst - Op

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Rein et al 

Vision-Related Survey Question Variability

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Pictures & Perspectives

Multimodal Imaging of a Pigmented Vitreous Cyst

A 32-year-old man presented with a floater in his right eye of 1-day duration. Examination revealed a visual acuity of 20/20 with a 2
disc-diameter, pigmented, translucent, freely floating, oval cystic lesion in the midvitreous of the right eye (Fig A, inset showing magnified
view). Ultrasonography highlighted the cystic nature of the lesion with an anechoic center and hyperechoic borders (Fig B) with OCT
showing a well-defined hyperreflective structure with a hyporeflective lumen (Fig C). Infrared reflectance showed speckled hyper-
reflectivity, highlighting the presence of melanosomes (Fig D), confirming the diagnosis of a ciliary body epithelium derived pigmented
vitreous cyst (Magnified version of Fig A-D is available online at


Advanced Eye Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India


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