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Write a menu driven program to

a. Create and insert records in to the binary file “Player.dat” with following
details as a List object player code, player name, score, rank.
([pcode,pname,score, rank])
b. Open the file in read mode to read and display all the records.
c. Open the file in read mode to search for the player code and display all the
details of the player.
2. Write a program find the maximum and minimum value for a given set of integers.
To create a text file and count the number of vowels, uppercase, lowercase, digits and
special characters.
3. Write a menu driven program to
a. To create a CSVfile “games.csv” and insert the following details to the file
Game ID, Game Name and Points ([gid,gname,points]). Enter 3 records.
b. Open the file in read mode and display all records
c. Open the file in read mode to search and display the details of a particular
game with gameid as input.
4. Write a menu driven program to create a table, insert the records in to the table and
to display them.
Database Employee, User root, password devi Table Empl,(Eno,Ename,Esal)
5. i. Write a program using function AMCount() which creates a text file “poem.txt” ,
count and display the number of occurrences of alphabets A and M both uppercase
and lowercase individually.
ii. Write a program user defined function to perform linear search operation in the
given list of integers.
6. i. Write a user defined function Count_Words() which creates a text file “sample.txt”
, count and display the number of 4 letter words from the text file.
ii.Write a function to perform linear search operation in the given list of integers.
7. i. Write a program using function Count_Char() which creates a text file “myfile.txt”
and count and display the number of digits, uppercase, lowercase alphabets and
vowels from the text file.
ii.Write a program to perform the search operation in a list of integers
8. i. Write a program using function ICount() which creates a text file “notes.txt”, count
and display the number of lines that starts with the letter “I”.
ii. Write a program using function Display() to create a text file “Myfile.txt” , count
and display the number of “me” and “my” in the text file.
9. Write a menu driven program to
a. To create a CSVfile “games.csv” and insert the following details to the
file Game ID, Game name and points ([gid,gname,points]). Enter 3 records.
b. Open the file in read mode and display all records
c. Perform the update operation in the csv file.
10. Write a menu driven program to update employee name using empno and display the
updated records
Database Employee, User root, password devi Table Empl,(Eno,Ename,Esal)
11. Read MySQL queries given in the record program PDF

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