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Student Number:

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Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

MAM2046 2ND Test 1
September 2022
Time :1.5 hours Full marks: 30

• This question paper consists of 3 pages (including this one).

• Please write everything in the UCT Examination Answer Book.

• You are being marked more on working than on the final answer, so be very clear with all your
calculations. Explain what you are doing whenever possible.

• Be careful to provide answers that we can read and make sense of at all times. We will pay
attention to your presentation as well as the content. Work that is poorly presented will be


Student Number:

Write the answers to the questions in the spaces provided.

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Question A1. [18 points] Given the vector field:

z̈ + k((z + 1)2 − 4)ż = −z

You are going to find the period of this system in the limit k → ∞.
a. Write the left hand side as a total derivative (ie. dt
(something) = −z). (2)

b. Write the left hand side in the form:

ż + kF (z)
for some function F and let w = ż + kF (z). (2)

c. Write the system as a pair of first order equations in z and w. (2)

d. Define y = k
and rewrite it in terms of z and y. Explain why this is useful. (2)

e. Explain how you can approximate

ẏ ≈ F (z))

f. Show that in this limit:

ż =
kF 0 (z)

g. Given the following diagram: Calculate the period of the system. (4)

Student Number:

Question A2. [8 points] Given the system:

θ̇ = ω
ṙ = sin(r) + µ

for ω, µ ∈ R, θ ∼ θ + 2π, describe the stability of any fixed points and any bifurcations that occur
as you change µ. Use diagrams of the phase plane where necessary to illustrate.
Question A3. [4 points] Given the system:

θ˙1 = 2
θ˙2 = 5

Plot the trajectory starting at the point (0, 0) in the phase plane for θi ∈ [0, 2π), where θi ∼ θi + 2π.

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