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JEE-Mathematics Ey | EXERCISE - 5 | PREVIOUS YEARS IIT-JEE/JEE (ADVANCED) Essentially To Be Discussodin Cass 1. Consider the two curves C, : y° = 4x; Cy:x” + y*—6x + 1=0. Then, [JEE 2008, 3] (A) C, and C, touch each other only at one point (B) C, and; touch each other exactly at two points (C) C, and C intersect (but do not touch) at exactly two points (D) C, and C, neither intersect nor touch each other 2. Consider, Ly :2x + 3y + p-3 = 0; L,:2x + 3y + p+3 = 0, where pisa real number, and C:x? +y? + 6x—10y +30 =0. Statement-I- If ine L, isa chord of cicle C, then line Lp s not always a diameter of circle C. and Statement-2- If line L, isa diameter of citckeC, then line Ly is notatchord of cicleC. _[JEE 2008, 3] (A) Statement-1is True, Statement2 is True; statement-2 isa comectexplanation for statement-1 (B) Statement-1 is True, Statement.2 is True: statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for statement-1 (C)Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False (D) Statement-1 is Fake, Statement-2is True Paragraph for Question 3 to 5 Acircle C of radius 1 is inscribediin'an equilateral triangle PQR. The points of contact of C with the sides PQ, QR, RP are D, E, F respectively, The line PQ isigiven by the equation) V3 x + y- 6 = 0 and the point D is 3y3 3) 3. The equation of circle Cis 1 (A) (x28 P Sly = 1 (B) (e-2V3)? + y+ 5 =1 (e-VBR eye ie1 (D) V3) + y-2t=1 4. Points Eand Faregiven by (SEE 2008, 44-444) az Eagan) ‘le 6. Tangents drawn from the point P(1, 8) to the circle x” + y* - 6x ~ 4y - 11 touch the circle at the points A and B. The equation of the circumcircle of the triangle PAB is [JEE 2009, 3) (A}xe + oP + 4x ~6y + 19=0 (B) x2 + y?—4x-10y + 19 = 0 (Cx? + y?-2x + 6y-29=0 (D) x + -6x-4y +19 =0 7. Thecentres of two citeles C, and C, each of unit radius are ata distance of 6 units from each other. Let Phe the mid point ofthe line segment joining the centres of C, and C, and C bea circle touching circles C, and Cy extemally. Ifa common tangent to C, and C passing through P is also a common tangent to C, and, then the radius of the circle Cis : [JEE 2009, 4] 8. Two parallel chords of a cicle of radius 2 are at a distance V3-+1 apart. If the chords subtend atthe center, angles of and 2, whore k > 0, then the vale of IK i (JE 10, 3} [Note ~ [k] denotes the largest integer less than or equal t6 kk] 9. The circle passing through the point (-1, 0) and touching the y-axis at (0)2) also passes through the point. (SEE 2011, 3] w(-3 ww (-3 2) (c) ( ) (D)-4, 0) (2 (2 % J 10. The straight line 2x ~3y = 1 divides the circular region” + y?< 6 into two parts. If 3) ( Ay 8-123} G aa 7. then the number of point(s) in S lying inside the smaller part (JEE 2011, 4] 11. The locus of the inid-point of the chiprd of contact of tangents drawn from points lying on the straight line 4x - Sy = 20 to the circle x+y? = 9 is. (JE 2012, 3, -1] (A) 202+ y*) - 36x + 45y = 0 (B) 20(x2 + y%) + 36x - 45y = 0 (C) 36(x2 41y%p— 20x + 45y = 0 {D) 36(x? + y*) + 20x - 45y = 0 Paragraph for Question 12 and 13, A tangent PT is drawn to the cirlex” + y* = 4at the point P( V3, 1). Astraightline L, perpendicular to PT is a tangent to the circle (x =3)° + y= 1 12. Acommon tangent ofthe two circles is [JEE 2012, 3, -1) (A)x=4 {B)y=2 (C) x+v8y =4 (D) x+2v2y=6 13. A possible equation of L is (JEE 2012, 3, -1] (a) x—8y =1 (B) x+v3y (C) x-V8y=-1 (0) x + v8y = Cirele(s) touching x-axis at a distance 3 from the origin and having an intercept of length 2V7 ot y-axis is are) [SEE(Adv) 2013, 3,] (a) x! + ye - 6x + By + 9-=0 (Bx + Fe - 6x + Wy + 9=0 (C)x2 + ¥-6x- 8) +9=0 (D) 2 + -6x- Ty +9 0 circle $ passes through the point (0, 1) and is orthogonal tothe circles (x—1)? + y= 16 and? + y= 1. Then [JEE(Advanced) 2014] (A) radius of Sis 8 (B) radius of Sis 7 (C) centre of S is (-7, 1) (D) centre of S is (-8, 1) 143}— JEE-Mathematics Ey 16. Let RS be the diameter of the circle x? + y2 = 1, where S is the point (1, 0). Let P be a vatiable point (other than Rand §) on the circle and tangents to the circle at S and P meet at the point Q. The normal to the circle at P intersects line drawn through Q parallel to RS at point E. Then the locus of E passes through the point(s) [JEE(Advanced) 2016] (1a 11) (11) (1 _1) laa) ely ge) Mlg-2) 17. Forhow many values of p, the circle x” + y+ 2x + 4y~p = Oand the coordinate axes have exactly three common points? [JEE(Advanced) 2017] Paragraph for Question 18 to 19 Let S be the circle in the xy-plane defined by the equation x” + yé (There are two questions based on PARAGRAPH “X", the question given below is one of them) [JEE(Advanced) 2018} 18. Let E,E, and FF, be the chords of S passing through of point Pp(, 1) and parallel to the x ais and the y-axis, respectively. Let G,G, be the chord of S passing through Py and having slope =I, Let the tngentstoS at E, and E, meetat E,, the tangents to Sat F, and F, meet atF, and the tangents to S at G, and G, meet at G. Then, the points E,, F,, and G, lie on the curve ixty=4 (B) ix 4 + (y- 4)? = 16, (Ch x= 4}iy-4) = 4 (D)xy = 4 19. Let Pbe a point on the citcle Swith both coordinates being positive’ Let the tangent to § at P intersect the coordinate axes at the points Mand N. Then, the mid-point of thelline'seqment MN must lie on the curve (A) (+ yl? = Sxy (BP EPR DEC) x" Jey” xy (D)x? +P =x? 20. Lot Tbe the line passing through the points P(-2, 7} afid\Qi2; -5) Let F; be the set of all pairs of circles (S,,S,) such that Tis tangenttoS, at and tangent toS, atQ, and also such that, and S, touch each other ata point, say, M. Let E; be the'set representing the locus of Masthe pair (S,,$,} varies in F, . Let the set of allstraight fine segments joinig a pai of cistinet point of E, and passing through the point RII, 1) be F>. Let E> be the set of the mid-point ofthe seaments in the et F,. Then, which ofthe following statements) i (are) TRUE? [JEE(Advanced) 2018] A thepan lata, to iain (8.2) saesor in (C) The point & 1) liesin By (D) The point (0 3) does NOT lie in E, 21. Aline y = mx intersects the circle (x -3)° + (y + 2)° = 25at the points P and Q. If the midpoint of the line segment PQ has x-coordinate — 3. then which one of the following options is correct? [JEE-Advanced 2019} (Al6sm<8 (B)2sm<4 (C\4sm<6 () 3sm<-1 22. Answer the following by appropriately matching the lists based on the information given in the paragraph Let the citcles C, :x" + y= 9andC,: (y-3)* + (y-4)° = 16, intersect at the points X and ¥. Suppose that another circle C: (x—h)* + (y—k)° = 1 satisfies the following conditions : centre of Cis collinear with the centres of C, and (i) Cand C, both lie inside C,, and. (ii) C, touches C, at Mand C, at N. Let the line through Xand Y intersect C, at and W, and leta common tangent of C, and C3 bea tangentto 4 the parabola x" = Say. a Eagan) ‘le ‘There are some expression given in the List| whose values are given in List-II below [JEE-Advanced 2019] List Listll ) ah+k ”) 6 Lengthof 2w ()“TLengthofXY QW Atea of triangle MZN 5 (I) rea of triangle ZMW aaa) a ™ a © = ™ Qe 10 Ui Which of the following is the only INCORRECT combination? Options (AD (VD (8) (By AVI.) (cy(am,¢R) (D) (0, () 23. Answer the following by appropriately matching the lists based on the information given in the paragraph Let the circles C, :x° + y° = 9and G, : fx=3)° + {y-4)? = 167 interSect at the points X and Y. Suppose that another circle C, : (xh)? + (y- k)” = satisfies the following conditions (i) centre of C, is collinear with the centres of C, and Cy (ii) C, and C, both lie inside C,, and (iti) C, touches C, at Mand C, at N. Let the line: through Xand ¥ intersect the parabolax = Bay. There are some expression given in thie List-I whose values are given in List-II below Zand W, and leta common tangent of C and C, be a tangent to [JEE-Advanced 2019} Ute tet ) 2h+k Pm 6 Lengthof 2w (Length of XY Q Aref thle MZN 5 (I) Area of xfangle ZMW ® Ff a (vy) @ 5 2 7) 26 10 o 3 Which ofthe following isthe only CORRECT combination ? Options (ab a, (7) (8) (0, (8) (CV, (W) (D) (),(Q) 145}— JEE-Mathematics Ey F 5 24. Let Obe the centre of the circle x + y* = 1°, where r > S - Suppose PQ is a chord of this circle and the ‘equation of the line passing through P and Qis 2x + 4y = 5. Ifthe centre of the circumcirele of the triangle OPQ lies on the line x-+2y=4, then the value of ris [JEE-Advanced 2020} Paragraph For Q.No. 25-26 1 Let M={[(xy)eRxR:x?+y?<1?}, where r > 0. Consider the geometric progression , = $ N= 1,2,3, nee - LetSy = Oand forn® 1, let, denote the sum of the first n terms of this progression. for n21, tC, denote the citcle with centre (S,), 0) and radius a, and D, denote the ciele with center (S,1.S,a) and radius a, [JEE-Advanced 2021] 25, Consider Mwith r= 722°. Letkkbe the number ofall those cies, that are inside M. Let be the maximum “513 possible numberof circles among these kcirles such that ho two circles intesect. Then (A) + 2¢ = 22 (B)2k + 6= 26 (C)2k+3e=34 (D)3K42/ = 40 (2 -1)2 26. Consider Muth + = 55. The number ofelthoséerclesD, that a@tnside Mis (al198 (8)199 (c)200 (D)201 ANSWER KEY EXERCISE-5 que [a [2 [3 [4 [os [oe [7 [os | 9 | wo ans. [| Bei oc | op [| a joo | e [ s | 3 | > | 2 que | aa | a | os [oe [as | ae [a7 | as | a9 | 20 ans. [| a [po | a [ac | ec | ac | 2 | a | pd | eo Que | 2 | 22 | 23 | 2 | 2s | 26 ans. [ eB | a | po [| 2 | o | 8 ae

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