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| EXERCISE - 4(A) | PREVIOUS YEARS AIEEE/JEE (MAIN)-FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL SECTION - 1 : SINGLE CHOICE CORRECT QUESTIONS 1. The point diametrically opposite to the point (1, 0) on the circle x” + y° + 2x + 4y-3 = Ois- [AIEEE-2008] (6.4) (2)(-3,4) (3) (-3,-4) (4) (3,4) 2. Thecirclex® + y* = 4x + 8y + 5 intersects the line 3x - 4y = m at two distinct points if: [AIEEE-2010] (I)-850) touch each other if = [AIEEE-2011] (I)a= 2c (2) lal = 2c (3) 2lal=e @) lal =c 4, The equation of the cirele passing through the points (1, 0) and (Q, 1) and having the smallest radius is: IAIEEE-2011] (etext y-2=0 (2)x2 + yP -2x-2y 1 = 0 Q)x + y’-x-y=0 (4) x24 FP + 2x + 2y- 7-0 5. The length of the diameter of the circle Which touches the axis at the poifi(2, 0) and passes through the point (2, 3) is (AIEEE-2012 5 1220 p eI we Oe Os we 6. The number of comm#fioh tangents of the circles given by x” +.y® ~ 8x ~ 2y + 1 = Oand x) +o + 6x + 8) =0i8 [AIEEE ONLINE-2012} (1) four (2) wo (3) three (4) one 7. The equationlot the circle passing through the point (1, 2) and through the points of intersection of x° + y 4x — Gy —21)=0 and 3x hy + 5 = Ois given by [AIEEE ONLINE-2012] (1) x? + y? + 2x +2y 411-0 (Q)x0 + 2 42x + 2y-11=0 (3)x° + 2x + 2y-7 = 0 (a)x? +? + 2x-2y-3 = 0 8 the ney = mx + 1 meetsthe ciféle x” + y? + 3x = On hwo points equidistant from and on opposite sides of x-axis, then [AIEEE ONLINE-2012] (1) 2m=3 =0 (2)2m +3=0 (3)8m+2=0 (4)3m-2=0 9. Ifastraightline yx = 2 divides the region x” + y? <4 into two parts, then the ratio of the area of the smaller part to the area of the greater partis [AIEEE ONLINE-2012] (1) e-2:3n +2 (2)n-3:3n+3 (3)3n-8in+8 (4) 3x-4in +4 10. The circle passing through (1, ~ 2) and touching the axis of x at (3, 0) also passes through the point : [JEE(Main)-2013] (H)(-5,2) (2) (2, -5) (3) (5, -2) If two vertices of an equilateral triangle are A(-a, 0) and Bla, 0}, a > 0, and the third vertex C lies above x-axis then the equation of the circumecitcle of ABC is [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2013] (x? + Say =a? (2) 3x? + 39? - ay = 3a? (4) x? + yP -2ay = 734}— JEE-Mathematics Ey 12. Ifa circle C passing through (4, 0) touches the circle x* + y* + dx - 6y - 12 = 0 externally at a point (1, -1), then the radius of the circle C is : [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2013] ()) 57 (2) 25 (3)4 (4)5 13. If the circle x° + y* — 6x — By + (25 0 touches the axis of x, then a equals (JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2013] ()s4 (2) #3 (3)0 (4) #2 14, Ifthe point (1, 4) lies inside the citele x” + y* — 6x — 10y + p = O and the circle does not touch or intersect the coordinate axes, then the set of all possible values of p is the interval: [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2014] (1) 25, 29) (2) (25 , 39) (3) (9, 25) (4) (0, 25) 15. The set of all real values of 3, for which exactly two common tangents can be drawn to the circles. x + y¥—4x—dy + 6 =O and x" + y?— 10x - 10y + 24 Ois the interval [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2014] (1) (18, 48) (2) (12, 24) (3) (18, 42) (4) (12, 32) 16. For the two circles x° + y° = 16 and x” + y>—2y'= 0, there is/are: (JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2014] (1) no common tangent (2) two pairs of Common tangents (3) one pair of common tangents (A) thiee common tangents 17. The equation of the circle described on the chord 3x + y +5 = Oofithe citele x” + y? = 16 as diameter is ae Z (JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2014] (x+y + det y-2=0 (2)x2 + PH 3 + y-22=0 Bry +3x+y+1=0 (4) CG YAS 3x +y-11=0 18. The number of common tangents totthe circles x" + y"— 4x Gy - 12 = Oand x’ + y’ + Gx + 18 + 26 =0, is (JEE(Main)-2015] ay (22 (3 4 19. Let the tangents drawnitoithe circle, x°+ y” = 16 from the point P(0, h) meet the x-axis at points A and B. Ifthe area of AAPB is minimum, then his equal to (JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2015] (Y) 3y2 (2) 348 (3) 43 (4) 42 20. fy + 3x = Ois the equation a chord of the circle, 30x = 0, then the equation of the circle with this chord as diametenis: [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2015] (Hx? +P + hI (2)x? + > -3x-9y = 0 (3) x" + yF BR IY =O (a) x7 + F + 3x-9y = 0 21. a circle passing through the point (-1,0) touches y-axis at (0,2), then the length of the chord of the circle along the x-axis is + (JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2015] 3 5 (3 25 8) 5 (4)5 2 2 22. If the incentre of an equilateral triangle is (1, 1) and the equation of its one side is 3x + dy +3 = 0, then the equation of the circumcircle of this triangle is: [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2015)} () xX + -2x-2y-14 = 0 (2)x2 + -2x-2y + 2 =0 Q) x? +? -2x-29-2=0 (a) x2 +? -2x-29-7=0 iz 24, 25. 26. 27. 28, 29, 30. 31. If one ofthe diametars ofthe circle, given by the equation, x° + y= 4x + 6y ~12 = 0, isa chord ofa citcleS, whose centre is at (-3, 2), then the radius of Sis, (JEE(Main)-2016] (1) 5y2 (2) 548 5 4)10 A circle passes through (-2, 4) and touches the y-axis at (0, 2). Which one of the following equations can represent a diameter of this citcle ? [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2016] (3x4 4y-3=0 (2) 5x+2y+4=0 (3) 2x-3y +10 (a) 4x + 5y-6=0 Equation of the tangent to the circle, at the point (1, ~1), whose centre is the point of intersection of the straight lines x-y = Land 2x + y = 3is [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2016] ()x-3y-4=0 (2) x + ay + (3) 4x +y-3=0 (4) 3x-y-4=0 Ifa point P bas co-ordinates (0, -2) and Qs any point on the circleyx” + y?—5x—y + 5 = 0, then the maximum value of (PQ! is [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2017] (1) 8+5V3, (3) 14+5v3 (4) ae Ifo parallel chords of a circle, having diamélard unl, lie on the opposite sidegGfiheentre and subtend angles cos" (3) and sec""(7) at the coittre respectively, then the distancerBiveeh these chords, is [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2017] 16 7 w (2) 3 A\line drawn though the point P(4, 7) cuts the circle x® -\y® = 9 at the points A and B. Then PA’PB is equal to: [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2017] (1)53 (2) 65 (3) 74 (4) 56 the circlasx” + y*—16%=20y + 164s? and (x-4) + (y- 7} 36 intersect at two distinct points, then: [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2019] (y011 @)r=1 Hacircle C passing throughithe point (4,0) touches the circle x” + y* + 4x - 6y = 12 externally atthe point (1, -2), then the radius of Cis: [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2019] w (2)4 (3) 205 (45 If the area of ain equilateral triangle inscribed in the circle, x” + y* + 10x + 12y + ¢ = Ois 27,3 sq. units then ¢ is equal to [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2019] (1)20 (2)25 (3)13 (4) 25 A circle cuts a chord of length 4a on the x-axis and passes through a point on the y-axis, distant 2b from the origin. Then the locus of the centre of this circle, is [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2019] (1) Abyperbola (2) A parabola (3) Astraight line (4) An ellipse If,a variable line, 3x+4y-1=0 is such that the two circles x* + y* - 2x - 2y + 1 = 0 and x? +y"-18x-2y+78 = O are on its opposite sides, then the set ofall values of 7. isthe interval [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2019] (02, 21) (2) (2,17) (3) (23, 31) (4) (13, 23] 4133}— JEE-Mathematics Ey 34. Ifa circle of radius R passes through the origin O and intersects the coordinate axes at A and B, then the locus ofthe foot of perpendicular from O on AB is (JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2019} (1) 62 + FP = aR? (2) 62 + ¥Vtx + y) = Rixy (3) G2 + 7 = aR? (4) 02 + 9? = aR? 35. Ifa tangent to the circle x” + y* = 1 intersects the coordinate axes at distinct points P and Q, then the locus of the mid-point of PQ is, [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2019} (1) x + ¥-2xy = 0 (2) x2 + y?— 16x°y? = 0 B)xe + ye ax'y? = 0 (a)? + yP- 2x8 = 0 36. The common tangent to the circles x” + y° = 4and x” + y* + 6x + 8y~24 = O also passes through the point [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2019] (14,6) (2) (6, -2) (3) 6, 4) (4) 14, -2) 37. Arectangle is inscribed ina cick with a diameter lying along the line 3y = x + 7 If the two adjacent vertices of the rectangle are (-8, 5) and (6, 5), then the area-ofithe'tectangle (in)sq. units) is [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2019] (1) 72 (2) 84 (3) 98 (4) 56 38, ithe circles? + y? + Sx + 2y + K = O&nd2(x? 448) + 2Kx + 3y-1 = 0, (KER) intersect atthe points Pand Q, then the line 4x + 5y ~K = 0 passes through Pand Q for : (JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2019) (1) exactly two values of K (2) exactly one value of K (8) no value of K. (4) infinitely many values of K 39. If the angle of intersection at a point where the two circles with radii'5 cm and 12 cm intersect is 90°, then the lenath (in em) of their common chord i [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2019} 60 120 13 13 Wy 2 a> (4) 40. A circle touching the x-axis at (8, 0) and making an intercept of length 8 on the y-axis passes through the point (JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2019] (1) @, 10) (2) (2, 3) (3) 4,5) 4) (3.5) 41. Let the tangents dawn fromthe ofigin to the circle, x° + y°— 8x - 4y + 16 = 0 touch it at the points A and B. Then (AB) is equal to = [JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2020] 52 32 56 64 aS as B= (4) = 42. Acircle touches theyy-axis atthe point (0,4) and passes through the point (2, 0). Which of the following lines is not a tangent to this circle? (JEE-MAIN ONLINE-2020] (1)3x-4y-24=0 2)3x+4y-6=0 (3) 4x + 3y-8=0 (4) &x-3y +17 =0 43, The circk passing through the intersection of the cicls, x2 +y?—6x = Oandx? + y?-y = 0, having its contre on the line, 2x- 3y + 12 = 0, also passes through the point (JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2020} (1) (1, -3) (2) (1, 3) (3) (3, 1) (4) (-3, 6) 44. If the length of the chord of the citcle, x + y* = # (x > 0) along the line, y - 2x = 3 is , then ¥” is equal to: [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2020] 9 12 24 (Ms a= (3)12 aS isa 45. 46. 47. 48, 49. 50. ‘le In the circle given below, let OA = 1 unit, OB = 13 unit and PQ L OB. Then, the area of the triangle PQB (in square units) is, [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] (1) 24/2 (2) 243 (3) 263 (4) 262 If the locus of the mid-point of the line segment from the point\(3, 2) to a point on the circle, x + y* = 1 is a circle of radius, then r is equal to: [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] 1 L 1 (ya 5 83 3 The line 2x—y + 1 = Oisa tangent to the circle at the point (2, 5) and the centre of the cirale lies on x -2y = 4. Then, the radius of the circle is: [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] (1) a5 (2) 53 (8) ova (4) ays Choose the incorrect statement abdut the two cireles whose equatiois are given below x? + y— 10x ~10y + 41 = Oandx*+ y* ~16x = 10y + 80 = 0) [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] (1) Distance between two centres isthe aetage of radii of bath the'circles. (2) Both circles’ centres lie inside region of one another. (3) Both circles pass through the centre of each other (4) Circles have two intersection points. Let the taRgent to the circle x + y” = 25 at the point R(3, 4) meet x-axis and y-axis at point P and Q, respectively. Irs the radius of the circle passing through the origin O and having centre atthe incentxe of the triangle OPQ, then 1 is equal to [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] 1) 2 128 a) % a) 85 O & (hm 8) () % 1cose the correct stateffient about two circles whose equations are given below : x+y? — 10x ~10y #41 = 0 x? + yP2x D10y 137 = 0 (JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021) (1) citeles have same centre (2) circles have no meeting point (3) circles have only one meeting point (4) circles have two meeting points For the four circles M, N, O and P following four equations are given Circle Mix? + y?=1 Circle Nx? + y*-2x = 0 Circle O:x? + y= 2x-2y +1=0 Circle Pix? + y?=2y =0 Ifthe centre of circle M is joined with centre of the circle N, further centre of circle N is joined with centre of the circle O, centre of circle O is joined with the centre of circle P and lastly, centre of circle P’is joined with centre of circle M, then these lines form the sides of a (JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] (1) Rhombus (2) Square (3) Rectangle (4) Parallelogram 7135}— JEE-Mathematics Ey 52. Let, andr, be the radii of the largest and smallest circles, respectively, which pass through the point (~4, 1) and having their centres on the circumference of the circle x” + y* + 2x + 4y-4= 0. If 4 = a4 by2, then a+ bisequalto (JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] 3 en a5 7 53. Let Pand Q be two distinct points on a circle which has center at C(2, 3) and which passes through origin O. If OC is perpendicular to both the line segments CP and CQ, then the set (PQ) is equal to [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] (2) £14,01,(0,6)) (2) {(2+2V2, 3 - V5),(2-2V2, 3+ V5)} (3) {(2+ 2v2, 3 + v5), (2-22, 3 v5)} (4) (1,5), (5.1) 54, Consider a circle C which touches the y-axis at (0, 6) and cuts off an intercept 6 YS on the x-axis. Then the radius ofthe circle C is equal to: [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021 (1) 8 (29 3)8 (4) 8 55. Acircle C touches the line x = 2y at the pofht (2,1) afd intersects the circle C, x” + y* + 2y-5 = Oat two points Pand Q such that PQ isa diameter of C,, Then the diameter of C is:|JEE MAINS - ONLINE- 2021] (75 (2)15 (3) 285 (4) aVi5, SECTION -2: NUMERICAL ANSWER BASED QUESTIONS 1, Tithe curves, x?- 6x +9? + 8 = Oandx?=8y + 7 + 16-k=0){K > 0) touch each otherat a point, then the largest value of kis [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2020] 2. The number of integral values of k for which the line, 3x + 4y = k intersects the circle, x? + y*2x — 4y + 4 = Oat Woidistinct points is . [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2020] 3. The diameter ofthe eitele, whose eéhitre lids on the fine x + y = 2 in the first quadrant and which touches and y 22, : [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2020] both the lines x 4. — Ifoneof the diameters of the circle x” + y - 2x - 6y + 6 = O's achord of another circle 'C’, whose center Js at (2, 1), thensits radius [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] 5. Leta point P be such that its distance from the point (5, 0) is,thrice the distance of P from the point (5, 0). If the locus of the point P is a circle of radius r, then 41” is equal to [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] 6. Ifthe grea of the triangle formed by the positive x-axis, the normal and the tangent to the circle («- 2)" + (y 3)" = 25 at the point (5, 7) is A, then 24A is equal to, [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] 7. The minimum distance between any two points P, and P, while considering point P, on one cirele and point Pp on the other circle for the given circles’ equations x. + y -10x ~ 10y + 41 x? + yP 24x ~10y + 160 = 0 is [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021) ? ie The locus of a point, which moves such that the sum of squares of its distances from the points (0, 0), (1; 0), (0, 1) (1, 1) is 18 units, isa circe of diameterd. Then d’ is equalto__. [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] 9. Lethe equations? + 9? + px + (1 ply + 5 = Orepresent circles of varying radius € (0, 5). Then the number ‘of elements in the setS = {q:q = p and qisan integer} is . [SEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021) 10. Twocircles each of radius 5 units touch each other at the point (1, 2). If the equation of their common tangent is4x + 3y = 10, and C,(a, i) and Cy (y, 8), Cy #C; ave their centres, then |(a + fi) (y + 8)| is equal to . [JEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] 11. LetBbethecenteof thecitcle x’ + y*-2x + 4y + 1 =0. Let the tangents at two points P and Q on the citcle area AAPQ intersect at the point A(3, 1). Then 8] Appg| #8 equal to . [SEE MAINS - ONLINE - 2021] ANSWER KEY EXERCISE-4A SECTION - 14: SINGLE CHOICE CORRECT QUESTIONS Que. [2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 [10 ‘Ans. 3 2 4 3 2 2 2 4 1 3 qe [ua | 2 | [ow | os | | a | as | a9 [20 ‘Ans. 3 4 1 1 3 1 4 3 4 3 ‘Que. zl 2 [mw | | 2 | a7 | 2 | 2 | 30 ‘Ans. 1 1 2 3 2 3 4 4 2 4 que. | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 ‘Ans. 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 2 1 que. | ai | az | 43 | aa | as | a6 | a7 | as | 49 | 50 ‘Ans. | 4 3 4 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 que. | si | sz | 53 | sa | 55 ‘Ans. 2 3 4 2 1 SECTION -2: NUMERICAL ANSWER BASED QUESTIONS Que. [2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 10 ans. | 36 | 99 3 3 | 56 [sonus{ 2 | 16 | 61 | 40 Que. ety ‘Ans. | 18 137}—

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