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CULTIVATE your Faith Your Catholic Voice Foundation

One Holy Catholic

and Apostolic Church
by Michael Galloway

s I sit here on this beautiful
Sunday afternoon, having
just returned from Mass and
receiving Holy Communion,
I think back to my early childhood. I
remember so many of the different hom-
ilies I heard as a child. I remember the
prayers I was taught to know by heart. I
remember the lines of one prayer we still
say every week at Mass: “We believe in
one Holy Catholic and Apostolic
Church.” Whenever I profess the Creed,
I begin to feel an inner strength that can
only be given by the Holy Spirit. The
strength of understanding. The strength
of forgiveness. The strength to, in the

words of the Holy Father, “Be not
afraid.” The strength of truth.
There are so many issues we need to
face today as Catholic Christians. It is
overwhelming. Let me now focus on just
one issue, the single-most important
human rights issue of our day, abortion.
Without the right to life there are no
other rights.
In the 30 years since Roe vs. Wade,
there have been many wonderful organ-
izations that have brought much aware-
ness and education concerning what we
are truly doing as a nation through legal-
ized abortion. We now have 30 years of
history from which, I pray, we can and
have learned. Most of us now have a
position—or at least a thought on where

CULTIVATE your Faith Your Catholic Voice Foundation

we stand on this most important issue. in the womb is a person and our neigh- ly informed by Christian faith. The
But as Catholic Christians we must bor. We need to examine and learn from teachings and values that many of our
also now face the truth…and the truth is the “other” side, from their “winning” founding fathers gave to this mighty
very simple—Abortion is still legal in strategy. We need to speak about this nation flowed from the Christian her-
ALL 50 US states. Moreover, there is an vital issue with a new language. We need itage of Western civilization, the teach-
abortive procedure every few seconds in to propose a new culture of life and not ings that our Savior, Jesus Christ, gave
a nation that was once rooted in Judeo-
Christian principles. PERIOD. End of
story. Why have we lost this monumen-
“In the Catholic tradition, responsible
tal battle, the battle to uphold the right citizenship is a virtue; participation in
to life for all men and women at every
age and stage? In our own founding doc-
the political process is a moral obligation.”
uments as Americans we proclaim that
life is an inalienable right and an endow- simply oppose abortion. We need to talk his life for. Their influence has waned.
ment from our Creator! about the fact that some choices are Let’s be honest. Here are a few sober-
With this all in mind we need to ask always wrong, like killing children in the ing points!
what have we really learned and what have womb. We must offer another way and First…the institution of marriage
many of these efforts actually accom- develop the language of life. teeters at over a 50% divorce rate.
plished? We also must face the truth. Let’s Unfortunately, at least on this issue, Abortion on demand is called “a
be really honest—with ourselves and with evil has temporarily triumphed! That is right.”
God. The truth is the proponents of the truly what lies at the heart of the abor- Partial-birth abortion (infanticide) is
so-called “right to choose” have won the tion issue, evil. Jesus said it, “The thief still legal.
most important of contemporary battles. (the devil) comes to kill and destroy but The routine selling of baby parts after
They have won the battle to legalize the I have came to give life.” an abortion.
culture of death. One must really pause at Does anyone really remember the Stem cell research.
the devastation legalized abortion brings Devil? I for one have not heard him Euthanasia.
to women, men, and their families. The mentioned in my parish for many years. No more Pledge of Allegiance….
horror it has unleashed upon our nation is Believe me—no believe God—the Devil And now the Supreme Court’s deci-
unspeakable! is real and he has become so successfully sion that sodomy is a constitutional right?
However, truth always prevails and entrenched within our families. This What’s wrong with this picture?
the Lord of life hears the cry of the poor. complete destruction of the primacy of We need to again confront the truth
Mother Teresa reminded us that chil- the family is one of the prime goals of —are we really a God-fearing nation?
dren in the womb are the poorest of the the Devil. The family is the first cell of We go to worship on Sunday. We say
poor. They have no one to speak for society, the first church, first school, first our prayers. Some of us receive the
them and they cannot be heard—except, hospital, first economy, and the first body and blood of Christ. Can we peek
that is, through our voice! We need to mediating institution. into our hearts and ask in prayer to
“build” a new culture of life, not simply receive the blessing of and understand-
oppose abortion.
T hen there is our national claim to
be a free people. Do we go on pre-
ing of the truth?

P lease understand what I am trying to

say. I am convinced that “anti” cam-
paigning does NOT work. We need to
tending to be a nation “under God”?
The truth again, we are not a Christian
nation, if we ever truly were. We have
N ow with all this in mind, let us look
for solutions. I for one do not want
anyone to bring me problems without
both become and act more positively. become a secularized nation. We have solutions. We need solutions. We need
Medical science now confirms what our been beaten down so much that we have the TRUTH….The truth is that we
conscience has known all along, the child forgotten our own values, once so clear- need both prayer and action—Catholic

CULTIVATE your Faith Your Catholic Voice Foundation

Action. As the leaders and shepherd’s of participation as a response to their bap- Catholic faith.
our Church have taught us: “In the tismal vocation and the call of our Mother Teresa, another great gift to
Catholic tradition, responsible citizen- Church to be faithful citizens. The our Church and the world, once told us
ship is a virtue; participation in the polit- motto of the “Your Catholic Voice” all—“It has never been between you and
ical process is a moral obligation. Every movement is “Cultivate your Faith— me, it has always been between me and
believer is called to faithful citizenship, Activate your Voice.” Him.” We must pray and live by example
to become an informed, active and “Cultivate Your Faith.” the simple and wonderful truths that our
responsible participant in the political “Your Catholic Voice Foundation” Father in heaven and His Son have given
process.” (The Catholic Bishops of the is dedicated to informing, educating, us…compassion, understanding, faith,
United States “On Faithful supporting and serving a new Catholic hope and charity (love).
Citizenship”) In our political process we Action. It has always been between me and
have many organizational structures “Activate Your Voice.” God. I am tired of seeing efforts to end
seeking to influence and effect change. “Your Catholic Voice” is dedicated to abortion fail. I am tired of seeing the
We have candidate campaigns. We have activating faithful Catholic citizens for family devastated. I have decided it is
PAC’s—political action committees. We the vital work of political participation. time to put legs on my faith and walk
have 501(c)(3) educational non-profits It is time for solutions and not just into the world in order to build a truly
and we have 501(c)(4) political non-prof- more talk. The only real solution is the just society. Let us go forward and build
its. What have they accomplished? implementation of the social teachings upon the foundation Christ has given us.
Where is the voice of the Catholic lay of the Catholic Church. Movements Come, join us in “Your Catholic Voice.”
faithful who share the concerns that I such as “Your Catholic Voice” are a vital As we pray every Sunday…
have mentioned in this article, and so part of making that teaching known and “We believe in one Holy Catholic and
many more? offering them as a path to cultural, polit- Apostolic Church.”
Many single-issue political organiza- ical and social recovery. We know that Let’s NOW act that way! ✝
tions have come and gone. There is a rea- the principles found in Catholic social
son for this. They have not built their teaching promote the common good.
house upon a sound foundation. Jesus We have tried all others—now it is MICHAEL GALLOWAY is the Publisher/President
of Catholic Online, a Catholic media company
Christ is the foundation of our one, holy time for all Catholics Christians to stand
that he and his wife built. He, his wife Sandy, and
Catholic Church and of all Christendom. as One Body in Christ. Let your Deacon Keith Fournier are the founders of the
He has built a true foundation upon which Catholic voice be heard. We need to Your Catholic Voice movement. He also serves
is built our Catholic Christian faith. That build upon the sure and firm foundation as the Chairman of the Board of Your Catholic
Voice, Inc., the 501(c)(4) activist arm of the
faith must now proceed to action. of Catholic faith. We have professed
I believe we many of our activist non- that we believe…now it is time to act Your Catholic Voice is a movement to promote
profit organizations have not been built and to build! faithful citizenship based on the fundamental truths
on a sound foundation. What happens to Believing that our Catholic faith is of the Catholic Church relating to Life, Family,
Freedom and Solidarity.
an organization that builds upon a poor- neither liberal nor conservative,
ly constructed foundation? It crumbles Democrat nor Republican, but true, we
and fails to accomplish its mission. will involve ourselves only in those issues
that flow from our “FOUR PILLARS Your Catholic Voice Foundation

W ith this understanding of the

need for a true foundation and a
new Catholic action, the “Your Catholic
Four Pillars—Life, Family, Freedom and
Solidarity—we are proposing solutions
Visit us at

Your Catholic Voice Foundation

Voice” movement was born. The mis- and seeking to build a culture of life and P.O. Box 11236
Bakersfield, CA 93389
sion of the “Your Catholic Voice” move- civilization of love. The four pillars of the 661-869-1000
ment is to motivate, educate and activate “Your Catholic Voice” movement
Catholic citizens for political and social encompass the social teachings of our

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