Danger Danger Map 2023-11-02 13 - 39 - 52

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MAP Rules:
❖ Discord is going to be an essential in terms of communication
between participant and host! We will not be allowing spectators at
this time, however the server itself will be public – once I distribute
parts – which will happen in Discord DM’s, you will need to state
yourself as a participant/backup in our introductions channel in
order to receive a role that will allow you access to our private
channels for the MAP! Here is the link to the server!
❖ This MAP is going to rely primarily on animation, but some parts
may call for a PMV style. Look for labels on the script that indicate
which is asked of each part! I would like to see some advanced
tweening for these parts – it does not need to be overly intricate
but having several different pieces moving is ideal! This and this are
great examples of what I would ideally love to see! If the part is
applicable for both AMV and PMV, I have ordered which I would
prefer to see more for that part but it is optional to follow! Puppet
animation like this is also welcome for PMV!
❖ Similarly, parts will have different dimensions based on sections
and will also be labeled. It is very important to make sure that you
have the correct dimensions for your part!!
❖ Because this MAP is already storyboarded, I would like for parts to
follow the original concept as closely as possible. I would also like
for my storyboard sketches to provide a visual example of what is
wanted, but not to be used for the final product! I would much
rather love to see everyone’s own art styles. :-)
❖ As a word of advice, you will have a much better chance of getting
a part by listing several that you are interested in as opposed to just
one! If you have an order of preference, specify in the form what
order of preference you list your parts in.
❖ Please do not add any lyrics or watermarks to your part! In the
final composition, I will be adding all animator credits and text for
the necessary parts. When we begin nearing the end of the MAP
production, I will reach out to all participants and confirm what
they would like their credit name to be listed as.
❖ Please make sure that your part isn’t cut too short – I would
recommend adding a few extra frames before and after your part
just to be sure this problem is avoided.
❖ Collabs are allowed! If you are initially applying for a part with
another person, please fill out one form for both of you and specify
who will be working with you! If you find that you are in need of
additional help as production of the MAP continues, you are also
welcome to ask for help then!
❖ Please do not add any decorative visual effects to your part! In the
final composition, I will be adding some effects myself, so aside
from blurs, please don’t include any in your submission! (Particles
are also fine to include!)
❖ While I will be a little firm on what is expected, I would still very
much like to stress this as a fun project! This will be my very first
time hosting a MAP, so if there are any rising concerns or anything
that I can do to improve your experience or workload, don’t be
afraid to approach! My current deadline will be December 20th,
but I fully expect for production to take longer than this, especially
due to the holidays. However, I will be asking for a few verbal or
WIP updates between now and then, but dates have not been set
on those yet!
❖In the script, you may see something in parentheses stated as
“DN.” This stands for Director’s Note and it’s essentially extra
information that I haven’t made explicit in the storyboard, or small
tweaks that deviate away from the storyboard!
❖ I would lastly just like to say thank you for even just looking into
this project of mine! I really appreciate it. :-)

MAP Script:
**Begin 1920 x 980

Intro [PMV]: The visual begins on a pink-orange sky where the sun is in
the midst of setting, before the camera pans down through the forest.
From a distance, we can see a clan meeting being held in ThunderClan.
Long shadows begin to form as the sun illuminates the foliage in a deep
orange glow. (DN: Cats that do not have designated designs can be drawn
as OCs with natural colored pelts, or if you would like to use a canon
character design, let me know who the artist is so I can be sure to include
them in the credits.)

Part 1 [PMV]: At the foot of the highrock, Cinderpelt is speaking out

anxiously, looking upward toward Bluestar.

Part 2 [PMV]: Fireheart is listening keenly to what Cinderpelt is saying,

concern flooding his stare. He is also standing at the base of the highrock
across from her.

Part 3 [PMV]: Bluestar is listening from the highrock with an unsettled

but thoughtful appearance. With her declining mental state considered,
her fur bristles, face grimacing at Cinderpelt’s words.

Part 4 [AMV/PMV]: The camera slowly zooms in on a figure standing

in the shade of a distant tree, watching the gathering unfold from the
back of the clearing. In a closer shot, Swiftpaw’s appearance is made
clear before he snarls. (DN: This snarl should happen mere moments
before the shot transitions into the next. Make it a surprise!)

Part 5 [AMV/PMV]: The sunset has progressed in this shot as nighttime

is beginning to fall. Swiftpaw is striding forward with a confident but
frustrated expression. The camera pans out to reveal that Brightpaw is
catching up alongside him with a more anxious expression. (DN: I do
not have an official background guide for this shot, but because it is one of a
kind, you are allowed some artistic freedom in the background colors,
making them a little more deeper/darker due to the advance in time.)

Part 6 [PMV]: Now dusk, Swiftpaw and Brightpaw quietly make their
way through dense brush, with Swiftpaw approaching a moonlit
opening in the foliage.

Part 7 [PMV/AMV]: Brightpaw stands back with some unease, takes a

deep breath, then forces a brave smile as she approaches.

Part 8 [PMV]: Through the foliage, two dogs can be seen with the
nearest looking around and the furthest sniffing the earth.

Part 9 [AMV + AMV/PMV]: In a fast sequence, there is a shot of

Swiftpaw’s claws unsheathing, his eye(s) narrowing, before both jump
out of the bush toward the nearest dog. (DN: For this part, AMV is
required of the first two shots, while you will have the option of either AMV
or PMV for the last shot!)

*Begin 1920 x 1080

Part 10 [PMV]: In stark contrast, the scene shifts into the following
morning/afternoon. From an overhead view, Brightpaw is seen stretched
across the ground with fresh wounds and pooled blood. Shadows of
what can be assumed as turkey vultures fly overhead, which is made clear
in the following shot. (DN: Without making it unbearable to look at,
don’t be afraid to go slightly on the heavier side in terms of gore! I also
realize that Brightpaw’s design wasn’t finalized at the time so her face
wound should actually be from the middle to the lower half of her face, not
the upper to middle half!)

Part 11 [PMV]: A slow pan from Brightpaw’s body reveals Swiftpaw –

also injured – looking back guiltily, horrified by the sight.

Part 12 [AMV]: Looking back, Swiftpaw is ready to flee from the scene
out of his guilt before Whitestorm reveals himself from the bushes. His
first reaction is a similar horror before realizing what Swiftpaw was
doing, which then his expression intensifies in anger.

**Begin 1920 x 980

Part 13 [PMV]: Bluestar is exiling Swiftpaw from the clan for nearly
being responsible for Brightpaw’s death. Swiftpaw is angry but in tears,
and among the crowd, Whitestorm is in a similar state. (DN: Again, cats
that do not have designated designs can be drawn as OCs with natural
colored pelts, or if you would like to use a canon character design, let me
know who the artist is so I can be sure to include them in the credits.)

Part 14 [PMV/AMV]: Swiftpaw is angrily storming through

ThunderClan’s territory following his exile. (DN: His wounds are still
bleeding at this point!)

Part 15 [AMV/PMV]: The camera is close to Brightpaw’s face as she’s in

the medicine cat den, recovering. Cinderpelt is tending to her wounds
before looking toward the medicine cat den entrance, where Whitestorm
is approaching nervously. (DN: Two things! You’ll need to work with the
part before you to make sure the faces of the characters are relatively
matched up so we can have a neat transition. Also, because this scene is so
small, I don’t have a background reference for the inside of the den. I grant
you artistic freedom with this background and shading guide – be sure to
work with part 17 on this!)

Part 16 [PMV]: Whitestorm anxiously walks outside of the medicine cat

den, looking inside. (DN: Similar to part 15, you have some artistic
freedom with the shading guide on Whitestorm, but please refer to the
daytime forest guide for some rim lighting behind him! Shading in the
center will be up to you.)

Part 17 [PMV]: The camera slowly pans in on Brightpaw. (DN: Refer to

the note on part 15 for more information on this scene!)

Part 18 [AMV]: Swiftpaw is leaving the forest and entering the city. The
forest should still be seen behind him. The camera starts closer to his face
with his eyes closed and quickly pans out while he strides forward. (DN:
I know I didn’t do awesome with this in the storyboard so please make sure
his strides match up with the beat of the song!) Following this shot, he
approaches the city before taking off towards it.

Part 19 [AMV + PMV/AMV]: The first shot of Swiftpaw running

down the sidewalk should be in AMV. He has a sad and troubled
expression but he’s too blinded by his fury to see very far in front of
himself. Quickly, he has to stop when he realizes a smaller kitten is
standing, frozen in fear, before him. This second shot can be done in
either PMV or AMV. (DN: I think it would be really neat to add some
suspension by making Tiny’s white paw - which is the further forepaw -

Part 20 [AMV]: Tiny says, “Are you lost?” as the camera slowly pans
inward before switching to a shot of Swiftpaw looking troubled toward
the kitten, then looking away, and then his expression softening a little.
(DN: Tiny doesn’t need to be finished saying this sentence before the shot
switches! He can be in the middle of saying it when it moves to Swiftpaw.)

**Begin 1920 x 1080

Part 21 [AMV]: In a switch of scenes, BloodClan has now been formed

and the cats are sparring. While he can’t be seen yet, Swiftpaw is
charging towards Brick, another BloodClan cat, and while the camera
closes in on this opponent, he begins to look a little nervous before being
rammed into. (DN: Make sure that Swiftpaw’s forepaws can still be seen
even if the rest of him isn’t! As a warning from while storyboarding this,
it’s a slightly tricky shot to execute with this angle and dynamic, so a more
experienced animator may be more suited for this part!)

Part 22 [AMV]: Brick is knocked down onto the ground before opening
an eye to look up.

Part 23 [AMV]: No longer assuming the name Swiftpaw, Bone flicks his
tail, looking down at the cat he had just tackled. His face is not visible
until the shot changes and he pulls his neck back. Scourge is sitting on
the dumpster bin in the distance, and Bone looks in his direction.
Part 24 [AMV]: With a pleased expression, Scourge nods to the spot
beside him, inviting Bone to join him.

Part 25 [AMV]: Bone jumps up on the cardboard box to the right side
of the dumpster before jumping up into his spot beside Scourge and
flicking his tail. (DN: Here is a great reference for this dynamic jump!) A
closer shot shows a better view of Bone’s cold and dominant expression.

**Begin 1920 x 980

Part 26 [PMV]: Tigerstar and Boulder enter the BloodClan alleyway

before speaking with Scourge and Bone about his intentions in battle.
(DN: Because this is the only time we see Boulder, the person who has this
part will have freedom determining his design. I will need to know who
made the design so I can include them in the credits.)

Part 27 [AMV/PMV]: Tigerstar is staring at Bone before squinting his

eyes, as if recognizing him. Bone is uncomfortable by this but remains
silent. Scourge is speaking while this happens.

Part 28 [AMV/PMV]: Tigerstar continues to watch Bone for a few

seconds longer before looking away toward Scourge and responding.

Part 29 [PMV/AMV]: Bone and Scourge look at each other with

scheming smiles. In the next shot, Scourge is pointing towards claw
marks in either the pavement or a scrap of cardboard while some of
BloodClan stands around them, watching him describe how they will
position themselves for battle. Bone is standing on his right side. (DN:
As with any of the other parts with large groups, cats that do not have
designated designs can be drawn as OCs with natural colored pelts, or if
you would like to use a canon character design, let me know who the artist
is so I can be sure to include them in the credits.)

Part 30 [PMV]: Bone is smiling with determination as Scourge is rallying

the group standing around them. The scene suddenly transitions to the
standoff, where the atmosphere is much more red and in a forest
clearing. Scourge now hosts an unimpressed expression with Bone is just
stern and ready for battle.

Part 31 [PMV]: Tigerstar is saying something to Scourge from over his

shoulder. Bone is glancing toward Scourge, and Scourge is watching
Tigerstar with a dull expression. Some BloodClan cats can be seen
behind them but not very well. In another shot, Scourge is entering the
center of the clearing towards Tigerstar, who is walking in a slow circle.
BloodClan is on the right side while LionClan is on the left side. Scourge
is now seen in his iconic killing of Tigerstar from below, while Tigerstar
has a horrified expression.

**Begin 1920 x 1080

Part 32 [AMV/PMV]: In a sort of ‘slow motion’ manner, Bone is

lunging toward the camera with claws outstretched. (DN: In this shot,
the cinematic bars will actually visibly pan out of the screen to intensify
Bone’s lunge forward. Your canvas will need to use the wider dimensions
and I will edit the bars in the first half during final composition.)
Part 33 [AMV]: Cats are lunging into each other at the frontlines of the
battle. First, Bone and Whitestorm can be seen slamming into each other
with Bone overpowering, before another couple knock into one another
into the other direction. (DN: Depending on how bold you feel with this
scene, you are welcome to make it more busy with more cats running into
each other in battle!)

Part 34 [AMV + PMV]: Whitestorm is slammed into the ground and

after a moment, he begins to say “Swiftpaw?” at the same time as Bone
twists his paws inward. This first shot should be in AMV. In another
shot now in PMV, he’s quickly pulling his arms out, essentially tearing
Whitestorm’s neck open. (DN: It would also be very cinematically cool if
there was a soft rotation toward the right side on the already slanted second
shot! If you need more guidance with my vision, let me know and I can try
to demonstrate what I mean! This is also a great inspiration for what I’m
looking for on the second shot action-wise, except flipped positions.)

Part 35 [AMV]: Brightheart, now healed, is in combat with another cat.

The camera is rotating in a circle around her. The cat first swipes a paw
at her but she backs away from it before bringing her own paw down on
them. The camera continues to orbit as she looks toward her right,
realizing who she sees with dread and disbelief in her eyes.

Part 36 [PMV]: The camera pans out to reveal a very cinematic shot of
Bone and Brightheart standing across from each other, making a
horrified eye contact while in the midst of the battle. Whitestorm’s body
can be seen from off to the side of Bone. (DN: Please make the scene look
busy with other cats fighting around them – tween it so it looks like
everything is in slow motion! Also, something I wish I had done with this
scene is made Bone and Brightheart standing further apart, so if you can
make the scene bigger, that would be great!)

Part 37 [AMV/PMV]: First, a shot of Brightheart appearing petrified by

the sight of her old friend as a BloodClan cat. In the next shot, Bone
crushed by the sight of Brightheart. Towards the very end of the shot,
somebody slams into Bone – it can be assumed that this cat kills him by
the abrupt cutoff of the scene. (DN: When you’re drawing Bone’s
expression, think of how he must feel being seen by the cat he almost killed
– a lot of shame, guilt, and turbulent mixed emotions.)

And that’s it until I roll out with my credits plan! Thank you so much if you’ve
gotten to this point! I am very hopeful this project will do well, so I appreciate
even just every read of this script!! :-)

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