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ICT - 2021

Computer Fundamental

What is Computer?

Computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user and processes
these data under the control of set of instructions (called program) and gives the result (output) and
saves output for the future use. It can process both numerical and non-numerical (arithmetic and
logical) calculations.

A computer has four functions:

a) accepts data Input
b) processes data Processing
c) produces output Output
d) stores results Storage

Input (Data):

Input is the raw information entered into a computer from the input devices. It is the collection
of letters, numbers, images etc.

Process is the operation of data as per given instruction. It is totally internal process of the
computer system.

Output is the processed data given by computer after data processing. Output is also called as
Result. We can save these results in the storage devices for the future use.
The Storage System
The hard disk drive and floppy diskette drive are also mounted in the system unit.

Computer System

All of the components of a computer system can be summarized with the simple equations.
• Hardware - means all physical parts of the computer (or everything that we can touch) are
known as Hardware.
• Software - means Programs that are found in the computer help the computer to function.
Software gives "intelligence" to the computer.
• USER - means a Person, who operates computer.

Major parts of the Computer

Input Devices 2. Keyboard

1. Mouse

3. Scanner 4. Digital Camera

6. Joysticks

5. Web Camera

7. Track Ball Touch Pad/ Screen

9. Light Pen

10. Bar Code Reader

12. Graphics Tablets
11. Microphone

Magnetic Ink Character Reader (Used in Bank) 14. Optical Mark Reader (Used for Answer-
Sheet Marking Purpose)

15. Magnetic Card Reader (Used in Shops,

Colleges, Stations etc)


Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The main unit inside the computer is the CPU. This unit is responsible for all events inside
the computer. It controls all internal and external devices, performs arithmetic and logic
operations. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the device that interprets and executes

Output Devices

2. Printer (Dot Matrix)

1. Monitor

3. Projector Inkjet


4. Plotter

5. Speaker


Software, simply are the computer programs. The instructions given to the computer
in the form of a program is called Software. Software is the set of programs, which
are used for different purposes. All the programs used in computer to perform specific
task is called Software.


Computers are assembled from several key components that make the computer functional.
While most computer users are primarily familiar with the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and
other accessories, these components are not critical to computer functionality. The most
important parts of a computer exist inside the case.
The central processing unit processes all of the data that is accessed by the machine. It
is a small internal piece that is located below the fan. Essentially, the purpose of a
CPU is to process instructions through a four-part sequence of fetching, decoding,
execution and write-back.
Most new computers are sold with dual-core CPUs, which integrate two processors
into one unit. However, CPUs can have many cores. Intel has built an 80-core
processor that can handle a trillion operations per second.
Random access memory provides a buffer between the hard drive and central
processing unit. When files are requested for processing, they transfer from the hard
drive to the memory. The CPU then processes the file and replaces it in the memory.
The memory provides a temporary storage that will be eliminated if power is removed
from the machine. It is important to save modified files to the hard drive so that they
will be retained if the power turns off.

C. Hard Drive: A hard drive provides permanent storage for the operating system,
programs and files on a machine. When files are saved to the hard drive, they are
retained through power outages.

An optical drive is any drive that reads the data through optic technology, such as a laser.
These drives can read data from discs. Common types of optical drives include CD-ROMs,
DVD-ROMs and Blur-ray drives. Some of these drives can read and write data using lasers.
Optical media are cheap, making CDs the most economical method for computer software
distribution. While a computer can function without a CD drive, it will be extremely difficult
to use a computer without it.

• Motherboard The motherboard is an underlying circuit board that holds all the
computer components together. Computer components, including the CPU, RAM,
hard drive and optical drives, plug into the motherboard. This allows the separate
components to interact with each other to create a fully functional machine. While
each computer part has a unique function, they would be utterly useless without the
unifying motherboard.


The word data is plural datum, which means fact or raw information. Information is
organized or processed data. For example, 88, 99, 34 are numbers i.e., data. But they alone do
not give any information as to what they are. However, if they are written as
Subject Marks
English 88
Mathematics 99
History 34
Then they become meaningful and are referred to as information.
• The Bus: Communication between the microprocessor, the memory chips, and
another chips found on the motherboard is accomplished a set of wires running
between them. This set of wires is called the bus.
• The Ports: As in human terminology, ports are used to receive and send goods.
Similarly, the I/O devices like the keyboard, the printer etc. are connected to the
system unit through ports. These ports could be serial or parallel. a serial port, is one
where eight bits queued up and sent bit. In the parallel port all the eight bits are
transferred simultaneously.


The Start-up Process
Every time a computer is switched on, it goes through a series before the user is permitted to
interact with it.
Stored in the ROM is a set of instructions that check each functional areas of the computer.
These instructions are called the power on self test (POST) program. Forms a part of the
ROM-BIOS. The POST checks the entire RAM area and tests the connections to the various
hardware devices attached, like the keyboard, the disk drive, etc. If problem occurs with any

of the connections to the hardware devices or with the RAM, POST program reports this on
the screen.
The bootstrap process once the POST is over the next stage is called the ‘bootstrap’ process.
Now the computer waits for the operating system to take over. In the BIOS itself, there is
small program called the boot step loader, which copies the Operating System from the
floppy or hard disk to the RAM. The bootstrap loader first


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